Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Personally, I'd vote for a box of rocks before I'd vote for Trump. I'd vote for a broken toilet before I'd vote for Trump. And something is happening on Match.com, where about 30% of the women are putting in their profiles "I value my family and I'm looking for a guy who is honest and intelligent and interested in sports, but IF YOU SUPPORT TRUMP, I DON'T THINK WE WILL GET ALONG." Which I find to be remarkable. The hate is palpable.

Regarding the candidates, it's true that Biden's brain is melting, although he's a decent enough guy, and decency is the last thing to go, from what I've seen. He's not as decent as Buttigieg, but Buttigieg is gay and 80% of America is secretly or openly homophobic. It's true that Bloomberg is a casual racist and was a Republican last week and is only in it for the money. (And if you think that a guy with $80B ever stopped caring about money, you are sadly mistaken. The last thing we need is an actually smart billionaire in the White House.) It's true that Warren comes off as strident. And it's true that Bernie has the Youth vote. Hell, every time I walk around town, some guy in his twenties with a voter registration clipboard is asking me to vote for Bernie. I don't really think Bernie's economic ideas are up to the level of Warren's, not even close. But as I said, I'll vote for anyone but Trump. But here's Bernie's particular problem:


The truth of the matter is that old farts vote. Almost all of them vote. Who do you think they are going to vote for?

As I said, I'm voting for anyone but Trump. But I'm voting.
Yeah, ultimately, I'm going to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is, period--though I'd probably have to sufficiently drug myself if it were Bloomberg (which, at this point, it's fairly safe to say it won't be). He proves his garbage-hood by his narcissistic lack of priority. Imagine if he had devoted the hundreds of millions WASTED on his campaign to shoring up down ballot senate races or pushing back on the very real voter suppression? Or if he cares about the black vote and making amends, pouring money into Flint, Michigan and their ongoing water crisis or something along those lines? Anyway, I first chose Warren over Sanders because I believe her policy ideas are more practical, effective and fleshed out, but I think a mix of sexism and the understandably petrified corporate media took her down by way of propping up MFers like Buttigieg, who was descent in as much as he was ripe with flowery platitudes, though lacking in convincing and substantive arguments. But he dropped out today so he's no longer a factor.

At this point, the only viable candidates are Biden and Sanders, neither of whom are perfect nor ideal--one's brain is made of swiss cheese and the other had a heart attack not too long ago. But overall Sanders is sharper, more coherent and competent, and better appeals to things I care about, like making America look more like Canada and Western Europe. lol It's true that he's yet to significantly mobilize the youth vote but it's also true that up until the SC primary, he was winning the popular vote, and still has the most delegates--my point is that he's the front runner, and evidently procuring the votes he needs to be that. The SC primary hit 2008 numbers of voter turnout, which I pray is a harbinger. If the polls are to be believed, the California primary will most likely deal a deathblow to most of the other candidates and effectively anoint Sanders as the presumptive nominee. We will see.