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Thread: IEE or EII?

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    Default IEE or EII?

    I'm fairly sure I'm a Delta; either IEE or EII (perhaps a small chance of being SLI if I'm really mistaken). Essentially, it's difficult to assess whether Ne or Fi leads, and just as difficult, subjectively, to determine whether I'm introverted and extraverted.

    I think the most 'obvious' typing would be EII on the basis of introversion -- I'm in my head most of the time, I'm not particularly talkative, I don't think I've ever had more than two friends at any point in my life, including childhood, and in my free time my hobbies are fairly asocial. I also don't really have much interest in small talk/socialization for its own sake; I'm generally interested in other things during social circumstances; I have something on my mind or I need to do something, etc.

    On the other hand -- and I'll only list so much here because I think it supports a less apparent answer -- I genuinely do enjoy being around people, particularly when walking around town, university campus, or parks. Much of why I don't often talk to people is circumstantial; at work, I dislike most of my coworkers; they're either unpleasant or too stupid to relate to. At university, it's more that I'm often unsure how to naturally start conversations with people I like. I visit the office hours of professors I like, for instance, mostly as an excuse to find out more about them. And I really enjoy interesting conversations. I think I'd spend more time around people if I had the opportunity and didn't feel as awkward as I tend to; often, I'll cut conversations short because I feel like I'm unpleasant to be with and my correspondent is only talking to me out of politeness.

    How should I distinguish extraversion and introversion?

    If it helps, I've answered a questionaire someone else posted. Incidentally, I'm open to being another type entirely.



    1. When you are reading for information or studying for an exam what do you tend to pay attention naturally to most and why? How about when researching what is your methods and what types of information do you naturally gravitate towards?

    In the case of studying for an exam, I'll generally think about what might be on the test; what's important that I remember. Then I'll review my notes/book, searching specifically for anything related, but also fitting the rest in my head. I like to comprehensively get an idea of the subject, and then review my mental conceptions for any holes; anything that's shaky.

    When researching, once I know what I need to read, I'll generally pay attention for trends and generalities, and I suppose trying to understand the basic point of the article/book, fitting it into a mental 'context', which is more important than the precise data/statistics the book includes. What's important is to understand the subject of the book; then I know where to check for further related information, even just to check back in the same book. That's basic advice for researching though, actually. I'm not sure that I do anything unique to myself, rather than not take notes as often as I should.

    2. Do you enjoy taking charge of the situation? If you are called upon in terms of leadership do you feel like you can carry this out? How and why? What qualities sets you apart as a leader? What is your leadership style? Are you a good leader?

    Sure, I guess. Having a position that commands respect goes to one's head! But I'm pretty decent at organization/moving things along. In projects that are more conversational in essence, though, I'm not the best at making people necessarily agree about topics, I think because I tend to not be very concise or to-the-point verbally. When I talk (about anything in general, not only in this type of situation) I like to get people understand an entire viewpoint that leads to a conclusion rather than explain the conclusion itself -- they're difficult to separate.

    3. Would you call yourself mechanically gifted or like to work with your hands? Do you find that you tend to be a kenesthetic type of learner and/or person in general? Can you describe what kinesthetic activities you enjoy?

    Not particularly. I suppose it's human nature to like making things, but I'm not more talented or prone to it than anyone else, I think. Though I've sometimes thought I'd enjoy being a blacksmith were it still a realistic as a profession. Same for being a kinesthetic type of learner. I enjoy moderate exercise though; walking, mainly. When I was younger I was on a swim team and I liked that. Exercise doesn't really clear my mind as much as it refreshes it; it puts me into a different mental state and it's refreshing, mentally speaking.

    4. Do you consider that you are a logistical type of person? Do you find that you tend to read in to the finer details of a situation, text, problem, etc... Explain what you mean by this?

    Yes. I catch on quickly to trains of thought, and I believe myself pretty good at spotting holes/weak spots in people's arguments. I love to argue, in fact, in a friendly or joking way -- I don't pick fights, that is; I just take great pleasure in arguing and mental challenges, as long as it's about inconsequential topics. I wish I had more opportunities to -- my girlfriend hates this sort of thing, so I have to check myself often when I talk with her. I should make an ENTp friend.

    On other levels, I feel like I'm more quickly able to solve problems than most, just because I'm better at seeing the core of issues than the unrelated cruft around it. I'm pretty good at on-the-spot thinking and synthesizing information, so if I'm asked a question, I can generally respond well, or bullshit my way around enough until I do think of something.

    Oh, I'm also pretty good at spewing bullshit. I once convinced my girlfriend jackalopes were real, for instance -- she still hasn't forgiven me for that. She doesn't like most of my jokes, come to think of it.

    On the other hand though, there are certain things which go on over my head, generally social cues and tensions between people. If I'm particularly looking for those sorts of things, I can find them, but it just feels like I'm not attuned that way at all.

    5. What are your hobbies? Why do you enjoy these?

    Reading, strategy games, Minecraft with my girlfriend, and I guess walking or sitting outside where it's pleasant. I read quite a bit, about all sorts of subjects. As for strategy games I've mostly played Victoria II lately, and I like chess, though I've no one to play it with (my girlfriend is a beginner, and doesn't like games she loses every round, for some reason), and Civ 5, though it's been a while since I've played that.

    I like to read because it stimulates my mind -- and, more when I realize I don't know as much as I'd like about a subject I'm interested in, I feel uncomfortable, almost vulnerable, and push myself to read about it. Strategy games pass the time; also stimulate me. I feel really anxious if my mind isn't busy -- it doesn't have to be doing something 'intellectual' or anything like that, but boredom, or when my mind shuts down when I'm incredibly tired, provokes an overwhelming feeling of despair and helplessness; also stupidity. If I'm so tired I can't think, it's actually much, much more difficult to get to sleep because of this feeling. Typology also keeps myself stimulated, I suppose.

    I like to play modded Minecraft with my girlfriend mostly because it makes her happy. And the sense of making something together feels nice -- it's a bonding activity and that.

    As I've said before, I like to walk around or sit in areas around people. I like people in general, and they're interesting to watch. Though once I get to know them, I tend to dislike most people.

    6. How important is efficiency to you? Why? Is it most important to achieve or accomplish? Is it a nice feeling to cross off tasks from a checklist? Why is this? Do you procrastinate and what are your thoughts on procrastination? What is your thoughts about being organized?

    I don't pursue it for its own sake. And I don't think I've once in my life made a checklist. I just maintain an idea of what I need to do and do them when I have the time/am feeling good about it. The latter condition meaning I do procrastinate often. My thoughts on procrastination? It's obviously not great, and I shouldn't do it so much -- not a novel concept. But it's important emotionally sometimes. I often emotionally/mentally can't handle working on stuff sometimes. Re organization, depends on the person. I'm not at all organized, and it works for me. Can't keep to a system, don't want to, don't need to. It's exhausting. Why subject yourself to the petty demands of your own scribbles. Take control of your own destiny and all that.

    7. Do you set goals? How do you go about this? If you set goals do you accomplish them? How much of these goals get accomplished? Is it something you wish you can do more of?

    Long-term ones, sure. I just keep something in the back of my head, and try to steer events toward that course when I can. Like "meet with some person in the next two months". Short term ones, deadlines, stress me out, and I try to not make them. I guess I tend to accomplish goals I'm actually serious about. But often I have vague ideas of stuff I'd like to do; rarely do any of it because I don't have the time nor energy.

    8. What is your relation with movement and your surroundings? For instance do you prefer a sport or outdoors event? If an outdoors event what is it? And why? If not what type of activities do you tend to engage in?

    I don't think about movement, often. Generally I guess I'm always moving -- I'll unconsciously shake my leg often when sitting, for instance, or I'll compulsively run my hand through my hair, etc. Again, I like sport/exercise, because it physically and mentally feels good. Watching sports doesn't interest me. I suppose I enjoy camping, though I don't get the chance to do it much. It's a break from the monotony of every day life, most importantly, but I really do enjoy hiking and the feel of the breeze and being able to just watch trees sway or find frogs or crush twigs and flowers and make fires and cook on them.

    9. Are you always curious? Have more ideas then you can execute. What is your curiosities about? What are your ideas about is it environmental or conceptual and can you please elaborate?

    Yes, yes, and generally society/people; I'm interested in Jung, classical language/history, history in general, anthropology, literature, leftist political thought. Off the top of my head. I'm also vaguely interested in computer science because it forces me to think differently and it's good for me.

    10. Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some forum? Describe your activity?

    Not really. I'm not very...spatially aware, for lack of a better term. If I aim for a doorway, I'll sometimes hit my shoulder against the wall, only walking three-quarters of my body into the frame, for instance. I've cut myself on a cheese grater pretty often too. Things like that. I think I've already described my thoughts on working with my hands -- I don't think I'm particularly inclined toward it.

    11. Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.

    I think sometimes I'd like to be. But I'm not. I think I'm somewhat of a philistine. I don't much appreciate painting or music beyond thinking they're pleasant, and don't entirely understand what people do appreciate about them on a deeper level.

    12. How do you tend to make decisions by thinking about them or consulting your feelings or moral compass?Are you going to base those decisions on others? something else? What is this and why? Do you tend to weigh your prose and cons?likewise explain? Can you describe this process for us? Do you feel like you rationalize your feelings or that you tend to act on your moral convictions? Why is this?

    I have a fairly strong ethical sense, that I'd like to say is fairly individual -- saying it isn't based on others is a philosophic statement I'm not prepared to make, haha. Nature, I suppose. I think everyone weighs pros and cons when making ethical decisions. I just gauge what's most important to me -- Describing this is like describing the process of moving an arm. It's too unconscious and immediate to explain. I do both. If my feelings can't be rationalized I'd like to think I change my feelings. People without moral convictions powerful enough to act on are reprehensible -- they have no mind of their own.

    13. Do you enjoy thrilling or adventurous activities? Can you describe the nature of these said activities and what they are. Do you consider yourself a thrill seeker, and why? Have you been called brave? Do you rather be comfortable then brave and see yourself as not liking risks and live a fairly non-risky life? Please explain either way?

    Depends. I like adrenaline rushes, but everything in moderation, I guess. I'll take roller coasters or watch horror movies, but I wouldn't do much that seemed genuinely life-threatening. I'm not sure I've ever been called brave, but I don't consider myself cowardly. I wouldn't say I take too many risks.

    14. How much weight does past experience play in your life? Why does it matter so much to you? Do you tend to use these experiences some how to make decisions or somehow impact your current actions? Can you describe how this works?

    This is hard to respond to, partly because the question is fairly broad. I wouldn't say the past affects me more than anyone else: I don't tend to reminisce on much over, say, a year ago, partly because I had an unpleasant childhood and partly because I tend to rethink experiences I've had to the point where they lose any emotional power attached to them and I can file them away. That is, I think of my mind as fairly 'clean'; if I have strong emotional experiences I tend to re-think them until I know how to 'handle' them, in a sense, and then it's as if they lose any psychic power over me. I used to have much stronger emotions when I was a child; I think this kind of process has weakened most of them.

    Actually, sometimes I think I don't have much of a personality. It's difficult often to think of any base or foundation to my personality -- I hated what I was like as a child, and destroyed most of the foundations I'd established in terms of experiences, feelings, etc. So often it's difficult to respond to deeply personal questions, at least on-the-spot. I was once asked some question along the lines of what I defined my identity to be, and I completely blanked and couldn't think of a single answer. Often, especially in social situations, I feel like I don't respond to anything as much as I should, and furthermore that I'm unhealthily emotionally disattached from reality. I think, to an extent, this is also a cause of my difficulty relating to people.

    On the other hand, just as anyone, my experiences do shape a role in how I see the world and such.

    15. In general do you prefer a more deductive type of logic or an inductive type of logical framework? Can you explain why and how it works?

    Inductive. I don't think so, unless it's asking to explain my thought process. I see data, get a feeling of it, try to get a holistic understanding of it I guess.

    16. Can you often predict outcomes of what may end up happening? Is it a natural reaction to act upon these conclusions somehow by how you foresee how events may or may not unfold?

    Hmm. Kind of. I've nothing approaching a psychic power though; I suppose my ability to predict the future is pretty average. If I see events ending badly for me
    I'll obviously try to avoid them. Otherwise I'm generally content to just experience things, and, besides, unexpected events pop up sometimes.

    17. Do you often trust what comes out of brainstorm? And why? Are all the possibilities equal in weight. Are some more important than others. If there are different possibilities are you as excited to try out at least a few of them or is more or less the correct answer obvious?

    Sure. It helps direct energy into my life that I'm not often motivated to give. And I'll come up with important insights often from the process. I guess I give more weight to possibilities that seem likely? I'm not sure what's being asked. And, I'd say the 'correct' answer is pretty obvious.

    18. How about positive emotions? Are you aware that you are happy, silly, something like that? Are you always aware of your emotions. Or only when you are upset or have negative emotions? Do you care about your emotions when you are not in a negative mood? Or neither of these? Can you explain this? How do you experience negative emotions or possitive ones?

    I'm generally content, or worried about the future, or stressed about schoolwork/work. I suppose I'm aware; they don't exist on another level for me or anything like that -- I'm never 'surprised' by my own emotions as I've seen people describe theirs; they're always 'there'; a part of my ego. I'm pretty rarely happy or 'silly' of my own -- When I act 'fun' it's an act to lighten the mood, mostly to make my girlfriend feel better.

    Again, my emotions are pretty dry. I rarely experience very strong emotions. I prefer to be content than 'happy' because the latter is just draining after a while, if that makes sense.

    19. If Mary is sad are you also sad or do you just know, but can’t feel? How important to you if someone is maybe a bit emotional at the moment? Is it important to feel out the mood of the room and are you able to embody this feeling? Does it matter? Is it just more important to be rational or efficient? Can you please explain thoroughly your answer as to how you think you know or feel and how you have to duplicate those feelings or if you just do? If not can you explain why a more rational approach is more appropriate? At work or at school? How about in a friendship? What type of emotional support or otherwise such as proposing solutions or otherwise do you tend to do? Can you explain why you feel this is appropriate or the best course?

    If Mary's sad, I like to think I'm aware of it. If I don't know Mary well, I'm apprehensive about approaching her because I don't want her to think I'm being presumptuous. If I do know her, I'll try to talk gently with her and listen; maybe offer to buy her food or a drink while she talks. Of course approaching an emotional problem requires a sympathetic response; what does 'efficiency' in the context of comforting a distraught person mean? That's the same for any sort of interpersonal interaction. 'Efficiency' and such is useful for the real world; it can't be used as a basis for friendship or offering sympathy.

    I don't typically 'feel' the emotions of others, though if Mary's suffered something really horrible I would obviously feel pretty terrible out of sympathy for her.

    20. If you ended up at a social event, don’t ask how or right now ponder the likely or unlikely chance you would actually do this, just answer the question, play along. What happens? What do you do after you get some tasty icecream or some wonderful barbeque. we know you eat it at some point. But besides this? For example, are you the first to approach random people to chat with the or the person who just prefers to be by themselves? Why is this? I usually use the venue of an icecream social or some type of church or community picnic where there are people serving food to you. Do you chat with them? Why or why not? Do you feel you are mentally exhausted burnt out from a social event and have to leave early if it’s a somewhat lengthy event? When you leave, How mentally burnt out of energy are you? Can you describe this feeling explain why?

    Sometimes I will. I once asked a stranger to dance with me at a square dance because I thought she was attractive, for instance. And sometimes if I'm bored or I see someone who seems unhappy to be alone I'll approach them. But typically, I feel that it's presumptuous to approach others and begin talking -- and another reason why I don't is that I don't enjoy 'small talk'. I'd rather have a more 1-to-1 conversation.

    I think the exception is when I'm bored and doing something else -- I'll sometimes use the chatbox here, for instance, talking about nothing specific.

    I actually think talking with others is pretty energizing; it feels good.

    21. How about spending a long four day holiday weekend at home, with not one person around. No, you won’t be inviting any friends over. Do you enjoy it, may be refreshed, or at the least be fine with it?Or, do you tend to feel either mentally burnt out about it or feeling like that you need to get out of the house, socialize and interact with people? Explain why and what you’re going through or thinking.

    I do that pretty often. I'm OK with it, but I suppose I'd miss my fiance. I'd use it to catch up on schoolwork; probably also read.

    27. What’s your relationship with precision? At what cost are you willing to be precise? Why? What are you precise about? Is it stuff you say or communicate in some form, details of information, or what? How good are you with facts, dates, figures, or little details of a project?

    As much as necessary. I try to be precise in my thought and in essay-writing. Again, when I speak, I have a lot of trouble getting to the point; to explain the simplest thing I give paragraphs of words.

    Precise facts and dates I don't care about so much. I prefer to deal with generalities.

    28. Do you feel you need to understand the entire theory before you proceed to use different parts of it, or does the parts matter more than the Whole? Why? Does laying out the entire argument matter more to you rather then the conclusion or to convince others? In this argument does logical consistency and logical conclusions matter? Will a good argument convince people more readily than trying to force these conclusions? Or do you feel like drawing these conclusions for them on the way is more important? Why is this?

    The former. I'd rather not look foolish by using something I don't understand. The entire argument is more important -- the mindset behind a conclusion is important to understand, I think, and it's difficult for conclusions to stand on their own. More importantly, if the mindset behind a conclusion is flawed, it needs to be fixed. Of course consistency and conclusions matter, and arguments are obviously effective. Again, I'm not sure what this is asking.

    29. Do you enjoy philosophy and why? What about philosophy do you like? What type of philosophy do you enjoy?

    To an extent -- I don't mind reading it for my classes, and I enjoy debating philosophy. Sometimes I read philosophy because I think an author has something interesting to say. But I wouldn't say I like 'philosophy' as a general field because so much of it seems pointless. If Nick Bostrom thinks we're in a simulation, for instance, well and good -- but so what? Nothing changes! I genuinely don't care about reading hundreds of pages of philosophy concerned with anything too abstract to be really related to ordinary life and thought.

    30. Do you feel like mood matters to you? Why is this? How often does your mood change?

    Again, this is a question that seems obvious -- obviously someone's mood matters to them. If they didn't care about something they wouldn't have the mood. Generally it changes when I become worried or stressed, or I'm doing something relaxing.

    31. Is making up your mind very important? Do you like to change your mind, change your plans? Why? How do you do this? How happy or unhappy do you feel about doing this?

    It's not -- I prefer to remain fairly open about plans. Stuff can change, and I don't typically have any strong preference for, say, what to eat for dinner. I'm OK with that aspect of myself.

    32. How organized would you say you are? Do you feel as if you enjoy organizing your room or belongings? Why?

    I'm not too organized. My desk is a mess, I routinely lose notebooks, etc. But at the same time, I'm not 'dirty' -- keeping decaying food in one's bedroom, as I've seen people do, is revolting. And my area of the apartment, for instance, never gets *too* messy.

    I don't much like to clean; it's work! I'll sometimes enjoy the results though, particularly of cleaning up my fiance's messes -- she's much messier than I am, and our room looks like a hoarder's den when it isn't cleaned. Her level of disorganization actually does make me nervous, as a disorganized person myself; she'll throw clothes and such absolutely wherever, where I'll at least toss them in a specific area, keep the nightmare of my notebooks and papers confined to a desk, etc. My disorganization doesn't require much upkeep; hers is frightening.

    33. Do you often reflect and introspect? How do you do this and why?

    Fairly often. As I'd said, I often try to reconcile myself with anything that seriously bothers me. Or I'll think about how I act as a person, or what I want to do with my life. As to why -- it's good for me; it helps me better myself and act more thoughtfully.

    34. If people are to describe you what would those descriptions look like? Do you think these are true?

    'Intelligent', 'socially awkward', sometimes a variation of 'nice', I suppose. I'm no genius, but given the sheer amount of morons in the world I'm comparatively golden! I'm certainly awkward, and, again, I'd only consider myself 'nice' in comparison with the swathes of cruel people out there.

    35. If you wish share with us what you do for a career and why? Do you enjoy this line of work? Why or why not? What aspects do you enjoy or not enjoy?

    Retail. I hate it. Mostly due to the monotony and the fact that you can't sit down for eight hours. I can't think of a single thing I, or anyone possessing a soul, likes about retail.

    36. If you were to plan a day for friends what would your day consist of? Why? How about if your friends were from abroad or out of town? Why? Tell us your plans?

    I don't have many friends, but probably hanging around, perhaps playing games, going ice skating or to a park, or depending on the circumstances, drinking and playing more 'fun' games -- strip poker, truth or dare, things like that.

    37. How do you relate to your memories? What do you tend to remember? Why? If you were to recount your memories or past how do you do so or do you not do so at all? Does anything in particular trigger memories for you?

    I'm not sure. I don't have a strong memory, and they often get compressed weirdly -- I once referred to Simon & Garfunkel as 'The Garfunkel Brothers', for instance. Thoughts tend to pass through my head fairly often; many are memories, and I'll think about them as they come. I can't think of much that triggers memories -- going to my family's home, maybe.

    38. Do you consider yourself a gamer? Do you enjoy strategy games, chess, or even those big jigsaw puzzles? Can you explain why you like these games? If you don’t play games is there a reason for it or do they not interest you? Explain?

    No, though I do play games. As I've said, I enjoy strategy and chess games, also Minecraft.

    Thanks to anyone willing to help.

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    > I'm fairly sure I'm a Delta

    with so avatar it's lesser possible

  3. #3
    IQ over 150 vesstheastralsilky's Avatar
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    Extroverts gets energized being around lots of other people; Introverts get energized by being alone and in their inner world, and tend to prefer one-to-one socialization when they do interact.
    ~* astralsilky

    Each essence is a separate glass,
    Through which Sun of Being’s Light is passed,
    Each tinted fragment sparkles with the Sun,
    A thousand colors, but the Light is One.

    Jami, 15th c. Persian Poet

    Post types & fully individuated before 2012 ...

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    I'd say EII is a good bet

  5. #5
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Looking at extroversion and introversion is a bad way to arrive at your sociotype. This is mainly because in Socionics, E/I is an attitude of an information element, it is not the same as social E/I. An IEE in unfavorable social conditions might be socially introverted to the extend of being somewhat schizoid, whereas an EII in favorable social condiions might be a highly active person.

    From what you are describing, one thing is certain, and that is that you are not in a favorable social environment and as a result, have deminished self-esteem. That is actually something we can work with, because in that case we can look at other functions than the ego functions to see how you deal with these unfavorable conditions. You could, for example, look at your use of your mobilizing function. An IEE overdoing their mobilizing, is usually someone who prepares their projects too much, and focusses on the wrong projects (i.e. engaging in the realization of oppertunities that are of trivial consequence), which results in total neglect of matters related to their suggestive function, which is Si. Unhealthy EIIs, on the other hand, typically focus on attaining a healthy lifestyle, often with the purpose of broadcasting their ideas in this aspect to other people as if they are experts on the matter, when other people can clearly see you are simply unhealthy as fuck and overdoing it. The result is neglect of their suggestive, which is Te, which mean nothing really productive and worthwhile to other people come out of their hands.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Looking at extroversion and introversion is a bad way to arrive at your sociotype. This is mainly because in Socionics, E/I is an attitude of an information element, it is not the same as social E/I. An IEE in unfavorable social conditions might be socially introverted to the extend of being somewhat schizoid, whereas an EII in favorable social condiions might be a highly active person.

    From what you are describing, one thing is certain, and that is that you are not in a favorable social environment and as a result, have deminished self-esteem. That is actually something we can work with, because in that case we can look at other functions than the ego functions to see how you deal with these unfavorable conditions. You could, for example, look at your use of your mobilizing function. An IEE overdoing their mobilizing, is usually someone who prepares their projects too much, and focusses on the wrong projects (i.e. engaging in the realization of oppertunities that are of trivial consequence), which results in total neglect of matters related to their suggestive function, which is Si. Unhealthy EIIs, on the other hand, typically focus on attaining a healthy lifestyle, often with the purpose of broadcasting their ideas in this aspect to other people as if they are experts on the matter, when other people can clearly see you are simply unhealthy as fuck and overdoing it. The result is neglect of their suggestive, which is Te, which mean nothing really productive and worthwhile to other people come out of their hands.
    Thanks; your articles -- the second especially -- were helpful. I'd cautiously say I'm IEE -- I related to the description of IEEs becoming stressed quite a bit. Also, I should have taken into account the hidden agenda; the INxj agenda doesn't resonate at all with me, while I'm fairly insecure about my factual knowledge/intelligence in general.

    Thank you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    > I'm fairly sure I'm a Delta

    with so avatar it's lesser possible

    Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
    I'd say EII is a good bet
    Any particular reason?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    to have delta F type and use weird avatars

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    Ethical types in Socionics shouldn't be confused with people of all types who live by ethical principles. Your answers seem to have a fair amount of LII flavouring.

    a.k.a. I/O

  10. #10
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    As an EII I can naturally feel when someone wants me and is attracted to me and when they are not. I give my IEE friends advice on faith and friendship. I am also a quiet rock who has very few friendships and I don’t do big circles of mutual friends. I have a few who know my soul and that is it. I feel like IEE can be the same as me. They can focus on their few friends and the families of their SO.
    @Eliza Thomason
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  11. #11
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    You put Ne first. You’re IEE
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Looking at extroversion and introversion is a bad way to arrive at your sociotype. This is mainly because in Socionics, E/I is an attitude of an information element, it is not the same as social E/I. An IEE in unfavorable social conditions might be socially introverted to the extend of being somewhat schizoid, whereas an EII in favorable social condiions might be a highly active person.

    From what you are describing, one thing is certain, and that is that you are not in a favorable social environment and as a result, have deminished self-esteem. That is actually something we can work with, because in that case we can look at other functions than the ego functions to see how you deal with these unfavorable conditions. You could, for example, look at your use of your mobilizing function. An IEE overdoing their mobilizing, is usually someone who prepares their projects too much, and focusses on the wrong projects (i.e. engaging in the realization of oppertunities that are of trivial consequence), which results in total neglect of matters related to their suggestive function, which is Si. Unhealthy EIIs, on the other hand, typically focus on attaining a healthy lifestyle, often with the purpose of broadcasting their ideas in this aspect to other people as if they are experts on the matter, when other people can clearly see you are simply unhealthy as fuck and overdoing it. The result is neglect of their suggestive, which is Te, which mean nothing really productive and worthwhile to other people come out of their hands.
    I agree with the Si. I tell my husband all the time that he should be eating healthy and I even keep a heaping journals on matters regarding health like “how to lower your bp using healthy foods.”
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    to have delta F type and use weird avatars
    Respectfully, I don't think that's a real correlation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Ethical types in Socionics shouldn't be confused with people of all types who live by ethical principles. Your answers seem to have a fair amount of LII flavouring.

    a.k.a. I/O
    Hmm. Thanks, but I don't think so. I don't really relate to the article you gave me, and I don't think my Ti is very well-developed. It also doesn't 'click' with me in the way Delta functions seem to, Te included; furthermore, the more I think about it it does seem like my PoLR -- or at least my superego block.

    I'm mostly sure I'm an ethical type, but if I'm not, I'd be a Te user. If you're not picking up strong F vibes from my post, it's probably because I don't like to give long soliloquies about my feelings to the public. Probably Fi, but then again, I dislike some EIIs for the reason that I feel they shove their ethics/talking about their feelings where they don't belong; e.g. when they try to influence someone else.

    Edit: If you have a particular reason for thinking I'm a Ti user/LII I'd be glad to hear it though, of course!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    You put Ne first. You’re IEE
    Maybe I just like IEEs better!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    I agree with the Si. I tell my husband all the time that he should be eating healthy and I even keep a heapiy,ng journals on matters regarding health like “how to lower your bp using healthy foods.”
    Yeah, this isn't something I really relate to -- I have a more relaxed (and unhealthily, lol) attitude toward mine and my girlfriend's health. I don't really relate to the health thing that much at all, actually, except for a vague awareness that I eat pretty unhealthily now.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 03-06-2019 at 03:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    .......... If you're not picking up strong F vibes from my post, it's probably because I don't like to give long soliloquies about my feelings to the public..........
    Yes, people do tend to have a public personas, which makes it difficult for others to type them properly. However, one doesn't need to give long soliloquies to show that s/he tends to use associative rationalization more so than absolute; the vibe that I got from your phrasing was more of an A plus B equals C type of rationalization.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Yes, people do tend to have a public personas, which makes it difficult for others to type them properly. However, one doesn't need to give long soliloquies to show that s/he tends to use associative rationalization more so than absolute; the vibe that I got from your phrasing was more of an A plus B equals C type of rationalization.

    a.k.a. I/O
    Hmm. Anything concrete I can work with? Or any ideas how that might be determined?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Hmm. Anything concrete I can work with? Or any ideas how that might be determined?
    Not really. It requires an accurate description of one's thought processes but first one needs an 'objective' self-assessment, which can be really difficult to obtain. Ego often obscures the view......

    a.k.a. I/O

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