- can drive pretty damned quickly on the freeway to the point that it might horrify some people, if there aren't many people around/traffic is low. gets frustrated with traffic.
- has not once criticized me for smoking cigarettes
- is really interested in starting his own business so he doesn't have to work under a boss and can have control over these things.
- rather hard worker
- good math abilities
- usually can relax quite easily after work watching t.v. or some such thing or going out with friends.
- gets a little irritated with being too "responsible"/"serious" or having to work with very restrictive rules/tons of paperwork
- pretty messy and disorganized at home
- rather openly affectionate person
- likes to read about new happenings in technology
- likes to talk on the phone quite a bit
- very into music
- has expressed interest in getting into sales
- expresses an urge to travel
- has to have some (external?) reason to care about future goals
* one of these little things baby can probably interpret* can have a very non-expressive face when listening to someone else.

i have a sort of EXTx impression, but i could be completely wrong. i'll provide more information as it comes to me.