Here is a list of features. What type do you think it most accurately describes? You can choose more than one type if you see the list describing common features from several types. If you think it doesn't accurately define any type then choose the one (or ones) which are closest. If you want to please explain your choice in "layman" or socionics terms.


- Detached from environment
- Detached from physical body

- Very self-critical and requires competence from self in subjects of interest
- Rarely achieves refined competence because jumps to new subjects after "reasonable" level is achieved
- Not self-critical in subjects of uninterest (i.e. doesn't care about outside pressure in this)

- Automatic resistance if being forced
- I.e. Must be given a chance to reach an independent decision, approving or rejecting an action (or will resist)

- Makes speculative, controversial arguments which seem serious even if they really are not
- In the end is unsure whether he really stands by his argument but even if not there is likely an intuitive sense that the core of truth is there

- In efforts it is all or nothing. There is no half-work. There is full effort or no effort.
- Dislikes restrictions of teamwork and co-operation

- Main source of humor is taking things out of context
- Humor can be zany and warped and hard to understand
- Humor can be black and tactless

- Dislikes having lives planned (here I must say I have all kinds of processes in place which guide my life)
- Feels unease before most fixed appointments and cannot fully relax until event is over or at least in progress
- The even itself is, however, rarely as bad as the imagined picture of it was and actually brings satisfaction
- Never joyfully anticipates a social event

- Skeptical and mistrusting of people
- Dislike making the first move
- Mirror emotional content of other person
- Resembles a chameleon

- Can argue something he doesn't believe himself for intellectual stimulation or challenge or to avoid early conflict
- One to one conversation is preferred over group situation
- In group situation are sensitive to whether they are listened to or not