Some of you may know this situation from reading other posts. Basically ive decided to make a thread about the progression of a daul relationship, conveniently own.
So the story goes...
-him: INFp me:ESTp
-We work together
-he's 18 yrs older
-infp 3x divorced, currently going through one

We worked in the same office for a while, constantly bickering/flerting...over a couple months time I guess you can say we developed an admiration for each other...very obvious. After those couple months at a work function (alcohol involved) we ended up hooking up...big time. The best, i thought of it as completey casual and fun. I was absent from work for two weeks, i had a task elsewhere, so i didn't see him at all. After I returned to work, I saw him briefly in a hall and we talked and you could feel the tension/attraction (both very positive) and we have a small conversation, I found out he recieved a tasking that's a month long. I have seen him twice since the firest time in the hall. Again about a week later, I saw him in passing and there was a very werid atmosphere talking to him and walking. We hardly looked at each other and the conversation seemed bleh. Then I saw him again in the little canteen we have at work, and he I asked for something from the girl who works behind the counter, and he handed me what I needed, but I didnt take it from him I just said thats not what I had particularly wanted. He was not a part of this conversation but involved himself in it briefly anyway. After he got what he needed he proceeded to hastly exit from the canteen.

Up to now, that's all that's occured. Like I stated, I thought of it as just a casual and fun thing, but I realized after not seeing him for so long that I actually missed him, and when I saw him for the first time after those two weeks, I knew I had some sort of feeling for him. The situation is complicated by the fact he's going through a divorce and I was probably just a young play thing for him for that night...which of course I didnt mind...AT ALL! AHA, best repeated sex repeated I mean all night, all morning and afternoon long...completely mind blowing.

What Im wondering about is this last two times Ive seen him, both were very breif...what's going on? Is he just disinterested or is this how INFp behaves? And why do they behave like so and for what reasons. Im still very fresh about learning about INFps...

I forgot to add the fact that I emailed him my number, he read it about a week after I sent it to him he read the email and nothing...I get read-reciepts when someone opens my emails.

................This blows.