omg i think just thought of a very good way to interpret the whole Erotic Attitude thing...... I want you guys to test it out, it only takes a second and it's fun

a) think about sex
b) now think about people you've had sex with
c) now think about the sexual encounters that you've found comparably dissatisfying

ok it's a simple fact that a person usually blames the other person involved when the sex just isn't that great (maybe we don't do it out loud, but we do it in our heads) so now channel these criticisms into Gulenko's erotic attitudes.

So to address the fact that i've noticed that people whose types are in the "Infantile" category react in the most defensive manner to these attitudes, I find that reaction to be infantile, lol, of course you wouldn't define your own behaviour as infantile! duh, but i bet someone that didn't enjoy having sex with you would (i.e. me)

I find that it's difficult to actually talk about sex in social situations. This because the people that bring the subject up don't actually want to talk about it, they just want attention. Thus the conversation never actually penetrates deeper than the surface because if it did people would get uncomfortable as they'd be forced to accept the reality of their situation (that their sex life is lacking).

Anyways i'm interested to hear if this little method works for others....