Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
Yeah. That's rather the stereotype of IEE : the manic pixie dream girl. This girl "exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures."

I'm not sure that to illustrate a type, referring to a meticulously prepared performance is the best approach. What exactly are you basing your typing on when watching that video? I too think those two could be IEE-Fi, but right now, by posting such surface level stuff you're actually reducing our understanding of what IEEs are/could be. It's along the lines of "examples of LII" = posts a picture of a nerd.
There are interviews of both. Look for them on yt. I'm not basing my typing in something superficial as look but in what they say, how they act and the IEEs I know irl. Plus my whole typing list is in my blog. Maybe you are the one who's looking superficially for understanding and therefore your wrong judgement.