Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
Quote Originally Posted by Mea
Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
Quote Originally Posted by Mea
Nathan Petrelli: ISTj
Peter Petrelli: INFp
Activation? That doesn't seem right...
I was kinda thinking ENTj or ESTj for Nathan.
But I dunno. ENTj makes more sense to me though.
Nathan Petrelli is definitely some Se type. His main concern is to advance himself politically, no matter the cost. Extremely careful about his image. ISTj seems more likely (compared to ESFp) now that I think about it. (Though I haven't been watching the show for a while now.)

As for Peter, their conflict seems to be on an Se/Ne level, though I agree Peter seems on the surface like an Ni type. The actor seems INj > INp IRL too.
Well, watching Heroes till episode 18, I think he MIGHT not be an Se ego type. He seems to want to be able to use Se, but isn't that good.
Hmm. That's from what I see when Nicole was telling him to knock her out, and him not pulling the trigger at that lindenburg guy. Can't remember his name.
And Supervisor seems to fit. Yea, and I agree, Peter does seems like an Ni type. And Ip temperament seems right. Doesn't seems like a rational from his actions thus far.