I identify as IEI and my partner of 5 years is LSE. We've both taken several tests and looked at the functions and we're fairly sure of our types.

We are surprised to learn our relationship is supposed to be one of conflict. Since we've had a relatively conflict-free relationship over the years, could we be wrong about our types? Or can conflict relationships survive if both are more 'evolved' for lack of a better word?

We are opposites in a lot of ways. He's a systematic, routine, "type A" whereas I'm a bit more go-with-the-flow, scatterbrained and disorganized. Overall this hasn't been a huge problem as we have an understanding of our strengths and weaknesses and have learned to work around each other in that respect. He appreciates that I bring more 'whimsy' in to the relationship and I'm grateful for the structure and support he offers.

We do clash on occasion over small things like me leaving my clothes all over the floor and him being slightly insistent on the 'correct way' of doing things. But it never leads to a big drawn out argument and communication has always been very easy. Our values are similar - both politically left (although he is much more interested in politics than me), both animal lovers, community-minded and we share the same friendship circle. I'd also say that we're generally easy-going in our social lives and with each other, but are both very hard on ourselves as individuals and are perfectionist in our own rights.

Does anyone have more information on how conflict relationships can work?