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  1. #41

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm always amazed when I think about the person who wrote the tests. They must have had not only a great theoretical understanding of Socionics, but a practical one, too.
    I don't understand. Are you being sarcastic or something?

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    I don't understand. Are you being sarcastic or something?

    No, I'm truly impressed by a test which seems to type people much better than I do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    No, I'm truly impressed by a test which seems to type people much better than I do.
    I see.
    You know, it's been a few times I didn't understand the meaning of your post and each times so far, you didn't seem to feel that great in your work life. Almost as if you feel beside yourself so deeply, your meaning gets hazy.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    I see.
    You know, it's been a few times I didn't understand the meaning of your post and each times so far, you didn't seem to feel that great in your work life. Almost as if you feel beside yourself so deeply, your meaning gets hazy.
    I try to write clearly and unambiguously, unless I’m purposely presenting my reader with something that they should decide for themselves.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-12-2022 at 02:37 AM.

  5. #45
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    Yeah, the worse about such questions is that it can change because life too.

    There's one that goes "I consider the impact of a decision on other's wellbeing" vs "I consider the logical correctness or efficiency of a decision" and I find it logical to care about the wellbeing of others because grumpy, hurt people aren't efficient. You can note my inclination here, but there's a reflexion that needs to be had to give the answer that will lead to the result that reflect the base line of why.
    Feels like lying in a way, because no answer is enough to encompass the complexity.

    Yeah, I agree. That's one of the other questions I have a problem with.

    A few people have questioned my type and they're welcome to jump in and discuss it. But being relatively sure myself in my type I would say I certainly try to consider the impact of decisions on others. It's probably the only thing I consider outside of how decisions affect myself, I'd say. Logic is only a tool; a means to an end. One of my most important goals is to be remembered well and to do what I can to leave a better world behind me when I die, and this has shaped some of the most important decisions of my life so far. The "correctness" or "efficiency" of a decision doesn't exist in a vacuum abstracted from the goal of that decision. The question reads to me something like: "as a teacher, do you care more about your students' success or do you care about grading fairly?" The point of grading should be to help improve your students' abilities.

  6. #46
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Are you "N"?

    I'm N or closest to N. Somebody suggested H, but I know obvious H-SEIs irl and they have a different mental orientation than I. I'm fairly "ignoring" whereas they have the dynamic "connectivity". I also used to have the best connection to D subtypes, but this might have changed over the years, or something have happened. My group of friends are all N subtypes, although I in some sense feel like an outsider among them. I am not entirely sure why, but they might be more pronounced N subs than I.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  7. #47
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    The accentuation of subtypes, or how strong or weak the preference of your subtype akin to another.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I try to write clearly and unambiguously, unless I’m purposely presenting my reader with something that they should decide for themselves.
    Words only have the value one gives them, it's this value behind that gets all weird sometimes. idk

  9. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Yeah, I agree. That's one of the other questions I have a problem with.

    A few people have questioned my type and they're welcome to jump in and discuss it. But being relatively sure myself in my type I would say I certainly try to consider the impact of decisions on others. It's probably the only thing I consider outside of how decisions affect myself, I'd say. Logic is only a tool; a means to an end. One of my most important goals is to be remembered well and to do what I can to leave a better world behind me when I die, and this has shaped some of the most important decisions of my life so far. The "correctness" or "efficiency" of a decision doesn't exist in a vacuum abstracted from the goal of that decision. The question reads to me something like: "as a teacher, do you care more about your students' success or do you care about grading fairly?" The point of grading should be to help improve your students' abilities.
    Haha, in a way I have the impression you think from the opposite of what I do, it's interesting to see.
    To me, things in a vacuum are great and all but they fail to understand the current reality, and when I think outside of current reality, it's more that if it won't matter in a 100 years, whatever option is fine.
    Reality gets heavy sometimes for everyone.
    I think LII fits you so far, beside sometimes ILE seems more like it depending on circumstances, and this uncertainty is a weak point of reality since it's ever changing and we can't see all underlying mechanism, percieved reality now vs taking away external factors. It's here vacuum gets interesting, it allows some more certainty.
    Guess I'll consider things in a vacuum more often, it can be usefull.

  10. #50
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    One of the best test out there on my opinion. Has easily given out proper sociotypes in the most cases I have handed them to others, with the rare cases having their proper type in the three other suggestions.

    It's very complicated to make me stray from either ENTj-2Ni or INTp-2Ni in these tests.

    The original test got me;

    Your Sociotype: ILI-2Ni NiTe (INTp)
    Intuitive Logical Introvert - The Critic
    Other Possible Types
    LIE (ENTj): 96% as likely as ILI. Compare the ILI (INTp) and LIE (ENTj) types here!
    EIE (ENFj): 87% as likely as ILI. Compare the ILI (INTp) and EIE (ENFj) types here!
    LII (INTj): 80% as likely as ILI. Compare the ILI (INTp) and LII (INTj) types here!

    While the extended test got me;

    Test Result
    Your Sociotype: LIE-1Ni TeNi (ENTj)
    Logical Intuitive Extrovert - The Entrepreneur
    Other Possible Types
    ILI (INTp): 84% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and ILI (INTp) types here!
    EIE (ENFj): 63% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and EIE (ENFj) types here!
    LSE (ESTj): 47% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and LSE (ESTj) types here!

  11. #51
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    The extended one doesn't work for me. Took it long ago and it didn't work either. Look what it gave me:

    Test Result

    Your Sociotype: EII-2Ne (INFj)
    Ethical Intuitive Introvert - The Empath

    Brief Description of the EII

    Using introverted feeling as her base function and extroverted intuition as her creative, the EII is adept at understanding people's internal drive and motivation. She often acts reserved, respectful, and polite around others she does not know well but will eventually open up more. She implicitly trusts her intuition when judging someone, and this intuition serves her well at grasping more abstract concepts. EIIs need to constantly set new goals for themselves and they care deeply about meeting these goals. However it should be noted that these goals are very personal, and she places less weight on the conventional achievements that society values, so often any correlation is largely coincidental. At her best, the EII is known for respecting other people's beliefs and values while also being an overachiever at school and work; at her worst, the EII's compassion and empathy can cause her undue harm when the people she cares about are suffering. Overall, the EII cares about diligence, meeting one's individuals goals, and respecting others; she distates behavior that is overtly loud, abrasive, or aggressive.Learn more about the EII:

    Other Possible Types

    1. IEI (INFp): 94% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and IEI (INFp) types here!
    2. IEE (ENFp): 94% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and IEE (ENFp) types here!
    3. EIE (ENFj): 79% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and EIE (ENFj) types here

    IMO, the ending experimental part with the photos (only thing it adds over the short one I believe) has several problems:
    1. There is no proof the people in the photos are typed correctly.
    2 One does not neccesarily like people with whom you have a positive intertype and viceversa.
    3. The assumption that you are going to be more drawn to photos of people from your quadra (or w/e it's checking), and using this result as weighty test input, is IMO too experimental. Also, there are too many factors that determine whether you like or not someone in a photo.

    Hence I recommend the short test over this one.

    EDIT: Take note that when I was s beginner in socionics, it also ocurred to me like it did the author of this test, to craft a test with a visual component using the intertypes. Shortly after I realized it's a mistake, since like/dislike doesn't work that way, and proof is the number of people that marry conflictor or kindred or business, etc. Take also note that this might also be a peculiarity of mine, so I welcome any feedback on this post.
    Last edited by roger557; 01-13-2022 at 12:04 AM.

  12. #52
    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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  13. #53
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    Do you know your DCNH?

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Do you know your DCNH?
    Creative is most likely for me….I went back and forth with a lot but sei-Fe-C fits me the most I think.

  15. #55
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    LIE (ENTj): 98% as likely as ILE ILI (INTp): 95% as likely as ILE LII (INTj): 81% as likely as ILE
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  16. #56
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    Got a IEI. Just when I went back to being a SEI. I don't understand myself.
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

  17. #57
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    Your Sociotype: SLE-0 (ESTp)

    1. SLI (ISTp): 91% as likely as SLE. Compare the SLE (ESTp) and SLI (ISTp) types here!
    2. LSE (ESTj): 81% as likely as SLE. Compare the SLE (ESTp) and LSE (ESTj) types here!
    3. LSI (ISTj): 60% as likely as SLE. Compare the SLE (ESTp) and LSI (ISTj) types here!

    I agree that this test is maybe the best I've seen. Though I have a hard time choosing between the ones that likely would more clearly differentiate between SLE and SLI. When I did this test a few years ago several times I mostly got SLE but sometimes SLI. I've never gotten a rational type in this test and I don't think it would be right either.
    I don't relate a lot to the 'boisterous beta quadra collective Fe' type of thing and feel Te is pretty important to me.
    However, if I look at the comparison link here between SLE and SLI, I agree more with SLE. LSE and LSI don't work at all.

  18. #58
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    First time I took the test (when I knew the bare minimum of socionics) I scored as EII. I think the reason is more because I thought I valued or 'understood' Fi-related things more than I actually did. My experience with MBTI might have had something to do with that.

    It's really good, I think, that it works on a scale instead of discrete responses, because you are then able to give as much weight to each question equal to how 'strong' you think you are with it.

    I think it likely works best for people who have virtually no prior experience with typology, because then they have no baggage or associations to make with it (eg. the unfortunately ubiquitous "feelers can't be thinkers" mentality, and its reverse, are obviously likely to interfere with someone's results if it was never drilled into them before).

    Some questions I’m not a huge fan of, like the “glass half full, glass half empty” one. I assume this has to be related to Positivist/Negativist, but that dichotomy is not based on ‘optimism/pessimism’ like the question seems to imply. I also don’t know how accurate the introversion/extroversion questions actually are in relation to socionics, because they also seem to refer to the more colloquial meanings of them, instead of how socionics defines them.

    I think a DCNH-variant of the test would be very interesting to see, too, if it’s feasible at this point in time, though it shouldn’t replace the two that are already on the website.

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    Test Result

    Your Sociotype: IEI-0 (INFp)
    Intuitive Ethical Introvert - The Romantic

    Brief Description of the IEI

    Using introverted intuition as her base function and extroverted feeling as his creative, the IEI lives in a world of vivid imagery and imagination. Like the SEI, the IEI is a very creative type and is often seen channelling this creativity towards artistic pursuits such as music. However the two types' creativities diverge with the SEI's creativities channeled towards more tangible creations and the IEI's channeled towards more intangible creations--e.g., the creation of imaginary worlds or stories. The IEI is acutely attuned to the effect these creations can have on people's emotional state, and it is not uncommon for these creations to have a strong emotional impact on people. At her best, the IEI provides deep and meaningful insight into events and trends--particularly those involving human interaction. At her worst, the IEI can become lost in her imagination and lackadaisical. Overall, the IEI's depth of imagination and emotion often goes unidentified by those around her, and this is perpetuated by the IEI's disinterest in broadcasting these traits.Learn more about the IEI:

    Other Possible Types

    1. ILI (INTp): 61% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and ILI (INTp) types here!
    2. EIE (ENFj): 58% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and EIE (ENFj) types here!
    3. SEI (ISFp): 53% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and SEI (ISFp) types here!

    Your Model A Dual's Model A
    Function Information Element Relative Strength Relative Value Information Element Relative Strength Relative Value
    1. Leading








  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    The extended one doesn't work for me. Took it long ago and it didn't work either. Look what it gave me:

    Test Result

    Your Sociotype: EII-2Ne (INFj)
    Ethical Intuitive Introvert - The Empath

    Brief Description of the EII

    Using introverted feeling as her base function and extroverted intuition as her creative, the EII is adept at understanding people's internal drive and motivation. She often acts reserved, respectful, and polite around others she does not know well but will eventually open up more. She implicitly trusts her intuition when judging someone, and this intuition serves her well at grasping more abstract concepts. EIIs need to constantly set new goals for themselves and they care deeply about meeting these goals. However it should be noted that these goals are very personal, and she places less weight on the conventional achievements that society values, so often any correlation is largely coincidental. At her best, the EII is known for respecting other people's beliefs and values while also being an overachiever at school and work; at her worst, the EII's compassion and empathy can cause her undue harm when the people she cares about are suffering. Overall, the EII cares about diligence, meeting one's individuals goals, and respecting others; she distates behavior that is overtly loud, abrasive, or aggressive.Learn more about the EII:

    Other Possible Types

    1. IEI (INFp): 94% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and IEI (INFp) types here!
    2. IEE (ENFp): 94% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and IEE (ENFp) types here!
    3. EIE (ENFj): 79% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and EIE (ENFj) types here

    IMO, the ending experimental part with the photos (only thing it adds over the short one I believe) has several problems:
    1. There is no proof the people in the photos are typed correctly.
    2 One does not neccesarily like people with whom you have a positive intertype and viceversa.
    3. The assumption that you are going to be more drawn to photos of people from your quadra (or w/e it's checking), and using this result as weighty test input, is IMO too experimental. Also, there are too many factors that determine whether you like or not someone in a photo.

    Hence I recommend the short test over this one.

    EDIT: Take note that when I was s beginner in socionics, it also ocurred to me like it did the author of this test, to craft a test with a visual component using the intertypes. Shortly after I realized it's a mistake, since like/dislike doesn't work that way, and proof is the number of people that marry conflictor or kindred or business, etc. Take also note that this might also be a peculiarity of mine, so I welcome any feedback on this post.
    Although what you say is true and I agree 100%, you should also take into account that the photos will affect the results to a limited extent, and there's a few new questions (also, some questions are worded differently). All these factors together could be the main influences towards your EII results. In fact, I have re-done the test in the same way I took it yesterday and tried to choose the opposite photos of what gives me better first impressions, and the result has been;

    Test Result
    Your Sociotype: LIE-0 TeNi (ENTj)
    Logical Intuitive Extrovert - The Entrepreneur
    Other Possible Types
    ILI (INTp): 85% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and ILI (INTp) types here!
    LSE (ESTj): 55% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and LSE (ESTj) types here!
    EIE (ENFj): 51% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and EIE (ENFj) types here!

    So, it has just altered the Ni inclination (or what the test takes for Ni inclinations, I imagine it is because I have best impressions of photos the page assumes to be of Se-types) which has altered the previous order of alternative types, making LSE and EIE equally plausible this time. If the answers are the same as yesterday but the photos are chosen as opposite and the result only differentiates in a small subtype deviation then the photos are probably not that important for the typing, they might use it to help determine subtype.

    Perhaps the extended test would usually result for you in INTx but photos took it towards more F or something like that, resulting in the EII typing.
    Last edited by RBRS; 01-13-2022 at 01:55 PM.

  21. #61
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    On the original test I got LII-Ne the one time I took it. I personally feel the extended one is better, I almost always get LIE-Ni or ILI-Ni, the latter being the right type I think.

    I suspect (but don't know if) the pictures are there to differentiate between people of your opposite club. The first part measures the four Jungian dichotomies, in order to determine club and temperament, and the second set of questions test quadra values. The second set of questions change depending on how you answer the first set, for example an NF has a different set of questions than an SF, etc. And the pictures - each choice is a photo of two different people of the same club but opposite quadras, for example an alpha SF vs a gamma SF. This is also contingent on the first set of questions and is there to give more weight to the second set.

    To sum up.

    First set: Dichotomies
    Second set: Quadra; you are given one of four sets of questions based on your club (determined by first set)
    Third set: Quadra, like the second set but with one of four set of photos (determined by first set)

    That's how I understand it to work, at least.
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    IMO, the ending experimental part with the photos (only thing it adds over the short one I believe) has several problems:
    1. There is no proof the people in the photos are typed correctly.
    2 One does not neccesarily like people with whom you have a positive intertype and viceversa.
    3. The assumption that you are going to be more drawn to photos of people from your quadra (or w/e it's checking), and using this result as weighty test input, is IMO too experimental. Also, there are too many factors that determine whether you like or not someone in a photo.

    Hence I recommend the short test over this one.

    EDIT: Take note that when I was s beginner in socionics, it also ocurred to me like it did the author of this test, to craft a test with a visual component using the intertypes. Shortly after I realized it's a mistake, since like/dislike doesn't work that way, and proof is the number of people that marry conflictor or kindred or business, etc. Take also note that this might also be a peculiarity of mine, so I welcome any feedback on this post.
    I dunno man, when I take the extended test (and over the 8 years I have been taking it) I ALWAYS score Alpha first in the VI part with a huge margin and Gamma last. Even though my age and physical preferences for people have changed drastically in that time.
    It's not about the types of the people in the photo, it's more about Fe/Fi (friendly smile, reserved smile) and Si/Se (home context, casual dress vs party/formal context, "stylish" dress etc.)

  23. #63
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    Test Result

    Your Sociotype: ILE-1Ne (ENTp)
    Intuitive Logical Extrovert - The Inventor

    Brief Description of the ILE

    Using extroverted intuition as her base function and introverted thinking as her creative, the ILE is adept at generating a thousand solutions for the same problem. Unlike the LII who is bound by the rules he follows, the ILE sees these same rules as flexible and enabling--they can be altered and adjusted to enable every new idea the ILE conceives. In fact, the rules are often completely rewritten for every new idea the ILE has. At her best, the ILE is capable of learning complex and abstract concepts faster than almost any other sociotype and building off this knowledge to create a multitude of theories and ideas. At her worst, the ILE is often so inundated by new thoughts that actualizing one singular idea to fruition can be difficult. And although the ILE is good at understanding more abstract phenomena, the ILE often struggles understanding the more nuanced societal norms of interaction, which can cause her to be unsure of the appropriate action when socializing.
    Other Possible Types

    1. LII (INTj): 84% as likely as ILE.
    2. ILI (INTp): 62% as likely as ILE.
    3. IEE (ENFp): 58% as likely as ILE.

    Test Result

    Your Sociotype: ILE-1Ne (ENTp)
    Intuitive Logical Extrovert - The Inventor

    Brief Description of the ILE

    Using extroverted intuition as her base function and introverted thinking as her creative, the ILE is adept at generating a thousand solutions for the same problem. Unlike the LII who is bound by the rules he follows, the ILE sees these same rules as flexible and enabling--they can be altered and adjusted to enable every new idea the ILE conceives. In fact, the rules are often completely rewritten for every new idea the ILE has. At her best, the ILE is capable of learning complex and abstract concepts faster than almost any other sociotype and building off this knowledge to create a multitude of theories and ideas. At her worst, the ILE is often so inundated by new thoughts that actualizing one singular idea to fruition can be difficult. And although the ILE is good at understanding more abstract phenomena, the ILE often struggles understanding the more nuanced societal norms of interaction, which can cause her to be unsure of the appropriate action when socializing.
    Other Possible Types

    1. LII (INTj): 86% as likely as ILE.
    2. IEE (ENFp): 72% as likely as ILE.
    3. ILI (INTp): 64% as likely as ILE.

    'Inventing', 'creating', 'building', have all been my favorite words since I was about 8 years old, and it's always been my dream to do one of those, so i'd say it fits about right I am a very fast learner and people are often shocked at the stuff i learn (such as socionics) and are surprised at how I came up with all the stuff I learned and how fast I learned it. As for the social interaction, that happens sometimes. I'm generally pretty sociable and charismatic, knowing how to talk to people pretty well, but when it comes to really knowing people, people say that I have problems with boundaries and not knowing when to shut up about something when it's time to shut up about it haha, so i think that's what they mean by it

  24. #64
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    Test Result

    Your Sociotype: IEI-1Fe (INFp)
    Intuitive Ethical Introvert - The Romantic

    Brief Description of the IEI

    Using introverted intuition as her base function and extroverted feeling as his creative, the IEI lives in a world of vivid imagery and imagination. Like the SEI, the IEI is a very creative type and is often seen channelling this creativity towards artistic pursuits such as music. However the two types' creativities diverge with the SEI's creativities channeled towards more tangible creations and the IEI's channeled towards more intangible creations--e.g., the creation of imaginary worlds or stories. The IEI is acutely attuned to the effect these creations can have on people's emotional state, and it is not uncommon for these creations to have a strong emotional impact on people. At her best, the IEI provides deep and meaningful insight into events and trends--particularly those involving human interaction. At her worst, the IEI can become lost in her imagination and lackadaisical. Overall, the IEI's depth of imagination and emotion often goes unidentified by those around her, and this is perpetuated by the IEI's disinterest in broadcasting these traits.
    Learn more about the IEI:

    Other Possible Types

    1. EIE (ENFj): 75% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and EIE (ENFj) types here!
    2. EII (INFj): 68% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and EII (INFj) types here!
    3. SEI (ISFp): 67% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and SEI (ISFp) types here!
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

  25. #65
    Like think it twice but never, never learn. Vex's Avatar
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    Test Result

    Your Sociotype: EII-0 (INFj)
    Ethical Intuitive Introvert - The Empath

    Brief Description of the EII

    Using introverted feeling as her base function and extroverted intuition as her creative, the EII is adept at understanding people's internal drive and motivation. She often acts reserved, respectful, and polite around others she does not know well but will eventually open up more. She implicitly trusts her intuition when judging someone, and this intuition serves her well at grasping more abstract concepts. EIIs need to constantly set new goals for themselves and they care deeply about meeting these goals. However it should be noted that these goals are very personal, and she places less weight on the conventional achievements that society values, so often any correlation is largely coincidental. At her best, the EII is known for respecting other people's beliefs and values while also being an overachiever at school and work; at her worst, the EII's compassion and empathy can cause her undue harm when the people she cares about are suffering. Overall, the EII cares about diligence, meeting one's individuals goals, and respecting others; she distates behavior that is overtly loud, abrasive, or aggressive.Learn more about the EII:

    Other Possible Types

    1. IEE (ENFp): 87% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and IEE (ENFp) types here!
    2. IEI (INFp): 86% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and IEI (INFp) types here!
    3. EIE (ENFj): 69% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and EIE (ENFj) types here!
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
    Enneagram: 9w8 5w6 2w1
    AP: VELF 4231
    PY: FEVL

  26. #66
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    It gave me SLI 1 Si. Honestly on the fence about subtype as it is.

  27. #67
    Local Legend Toro's Avatar
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    Your Sociotype: SEE-2Fi (ESFp)
    Sensing Ethical Extrovert - The Diplomat

    Brief Description of the SEE

    Using extroverted sensing as her base function and introverted feeling as her creative, the SEE seeks to have a lasting impact on those around her. The SEE is a distinctly social type and she thrives in environments where social interaction is ubiquitous. She enjoys being the center of attention and is drawn to positions of power and influence. Like the SLE, the SEE is quite successful in attaining her goals; however unlike the SLE, the SEE focuses less on logic and more on an understanding of people and relationships to achieve these goals. The SEE is an energetic individual that is always on the go, and she is drawn to creatively expressing herself through her words, behavior, and fashion sense. At her best, the SEE is a charasmatic individual who is capable of leveraging relationships to her advantage. However, the SEE's self worth is closely tied to achieving a certain status or materialistic position, and thus it can be particularly painful to the SEE when these goals aren't reached. Additionally, the SEE has difficulty comprehending logic and amorphous or abstract concepts.
    Learn more about the SEE:

    Other Possible Types

    1. IEE (ENFp): 97% as likely as SEE. Compare the SEE (ESFp) and IEE (ENFp) types here!
    2. IEI (INFp): 82% as likely as SEE. Compare the SEE (ESFp) and IEI (INFp) types here!
    3. EII (INFj): 78% as likely as SEE. Compare the SEE (ESFp) and EII (INFj) types here!
    This is strange
    Bound upon me, rush upon me, I will overcome you by enduring your onset: whatever strikes against that which is firm and unconquerable merely injures itself by its own violence. Wherefore, seek some soft and yielding object to pierce with your darts.


  28. #68
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    Your Sociotype: EII-2Fi (INFj)
    Ethical Intuitive Introvert - The Empath

    Brief Description of the EII

    Using introverted feeling as her base function and extroverted intuition as her creative, the EII is adept at understanding people's internal drive and motivation. She often acts reserved, respectful, and polite around others she does not know well but will eventually open up more. She implicitly trusts her intuition when judging someone, and this intuition serves her well at grasping more abstract concepts. EIIs need to constantly set new goals for themselves and they care deeply about meeting these goals. However it should be noted that these goals are very personal, and she places less weight on the conventional achievements that society values, so often any correlation is largely coincidental. At her best, the EII is known for respecting other people's beliefs and values while also being an overachiever at school and work; at her worst, the EII's compassion and empathy can cause her undue harm when the people she cares about are suffering. Overall, the EII cares about diligence, meeting one's individuals goals, and respecting others; she distates behavior that is overtly loud, abrasive, or aggressive.Learn more about the EII:

    Other Possible Types

    1. ESI (ISFj): 79% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and ESI (ISFj) types here!
    2. IEE (ENFp): 76% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and IEE (ENFp) types here!
    3. SEI (ISFp): 68% as likely as EII. Compare the EII (INFj) and SEI (ISFp) types here!
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  29. #69

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    I currently self type as ESE, but tend to get SEE on that test! ESE is a close second though.

    Test Result
    Your Sociotype: SEE-1Fi (ESFp)
    Sensing Ethical Extrovert - The Diplomat

    Brief Description of the SEE

    Using extroverted sensing as her base function and introverted feeling as her creative, the SEE seeks to have a lasting impact on those around her. The SEE is a distinctly social type and she thrives in environments where social interaction is ubiquitous. She enjoys being the center of attention and is drawn to positions of power and influence. Like the SLE, the SEE is quite successful in attaining her goals; however unlike the SLE, the SEE focuses less on logic and more on an understanding of people and relationships to achieve these goals. The SEE is an energetic individual that is always on the go, and she is drawn to creatively expressing herself through her words, behavior, and fashion sense. At her best, the SEE is a charasmatic individual who is capable of leveraging relationships to her advantage. However, the SEE's self worth is closely tied to achieving a certain status or materialistic position, and thus it can be particularly painful to the SEE when these goals aren't reached. Additionally, the SEE has difficulty comprehending logic and amorphous or abstract concepts.
    Learn more about the SEE:

    Other Possible Types

    1. ESE (ESFj): 97% as likely as SEE. Compare the SEE (ESFp) and ESE (ESFj) types here!
    2. SEI (ISFp): 95% as likely as SEE. Compare the SEE (ESFp) and SEI (ISFp) types here!
    3. IEE (ENFp): 82% as likely as SEE. Compare the SEE (ESFp) and IEE (ENFp) types here!

  30. #70
    Lesri's Avatar
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    Your Sociotype: IEI-0 (INFp)
    Intuitive Ethical Introvert - The Romantic

    Brief Description of the IEI

    Using introverted intuition as her base function and extroverted feeling as his creative, the IEI lives in a world of vivid imagery and imagination. Like the SEI, the IEI is a very creative type and is often seen channelling this creativity towards artistic pursuits such as music. However the two types' creativities diverge with the SEI's creativities channeled towards more tangible creations and the IEI's channeled towards more intangible creations--e.g., the creation of imaginary worlds or stories. The IEI is acutely attuned to the effect these creations can have on people's emotional state, and it is not uncommon for these creations to have a strong emotional impact on people. At her best, the IEI provides deep and meaningful insight into events and trends--particularly those involving human interaction. At her worst, the IEI can become lost in her imagination and lackadaisical. Overall, the IEI's depth of imagination and emotion often goes unidentified by those around her, and this is perpetuated by the IEI's disinterest in broadcasting these traits.Learn more about the IEI:

    Other Possible Types

    1. EIE (ENFj): 89% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and EIE (ENFj) types here!
    2. IEE (ENFp): 67% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and IEE (ENFp) types here!
    3. ILI (INTp): 62% as likely as IEI. Compare the IEI (INFp) and ILI (INTp) types here!
    My result. I think I was more like this when I was little. I feel a lot of distance between me and my IEIs friends. They happear too much in their mind.
    I feel more constructivist rather than emotivist, but more positivist than negativist.

    I don't like this test too much. Some of the questions made me think "I do both things, can't choose" and so I left some of them blank. I preferred the 160 question test. Questions were more clear.
    This one gave me EIE with a lot of Ni, but less Fe. I think the test adjusted the result in regard to the score of the other functions. So it seems a paradoxical result: EIE with poor Fe. But maybe it suggest a mNi subtype.

    I think my major problems with introverts is the fact I'm too imposing and sometimes extrovert and a little asserting
    Last edited by Lesri; 05-05-2022 at 11:35 AM.

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    That was fun.

    Your Sociotype: LIE-1Te (ENTj)
    Logical Intuitive Extrovert - The Entrepreneur

    Brief Description of the LIE

    Using extroverted thinking as his base function and introverted intuition as his creative, the LIE has an amazing ability at not only predicting future trends, but also understanding what is necessary to make these future trends profitable. The LIE has an innate understanding of the most valuable use of capital and labor, and has the energy and drive to align these tools to achieving his goals. The LIE easily assesses the validity and usefulness of any information he happens to run across. Like the EIE, the LIE has great leadership potential, but unlike the EIE, the LIE is less concerned with the effects of his decisions on people's relationships or emotions, and more concerned with the impersonal results. At his best, the LIE is a visionary leader who understands the the big picture as well as the risks and rewards of every decision. At his worst, the LIE can become so focused on the future and the bottom line that he loses touch with the present and his personal relationships. Additionally, the LIE can be so focused on achieving his external goals that he forgets to take care of his own personal needs.Learn more about the LIE:

    Other Possible Types

    1. ILI (INTp): 76% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and ILI (INTp) types here!
    2. ILE (ENTp): 65% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and ILE (ENTp) types here!
    3. LSE (ESTj): 58% as likely as LIE. Compare the LIE (ENTj) and LSE (ESTj) types here!

    Relative Quadra Values

  32. #72

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xima View Post
    I currently self type as ESE, but tend to get SEE on that test! ESE is a close second though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xima View Post

    Your Sociotype: EIE-2Fe (ENFj)
    Ethical Intuitive Extrovert - The Actor

    Brief Description of the EIE

    Using extroverted feeling as his base function and introverted intuition as his creative, the EIE excels at understanding people's strengths and potential. By intstinctively picking up on people's emotional states, the EIE can often accurately judge the psychological distance between a group of people. When socializing, the EIE uses this ability to determine ways in which he can encourage outsiders to participate in the group. The EIE has a propensity for edgy or direct commentary that is effective at breaking the ice. At his best, the EIE's understanding of people's strengths and interaction makes him a good leader and he can effectively put each person to their highest valued use. At his worst, the EIE's openness can lead him to easily get hurt by others and the EIE is not likely to forget these transgressions quickly or easily. Furthermore, remarks that were neither meant to be personal or insulting are often mistaken by the EIE as such. Overall, the EIE will often be a driving force of change in his world, and the EIE naturally seeks and accepts leadership roles that help him accomplish this.
    Learn more about the EIE:

    Other Possible Types

    1. ESE (ESFj): 95% as likely as EIE. Compare the EIE (ENFj) and ESE (ESFj) types here!
    2. SEI (ISFp): 65% as likely as EIE. Compare the EIE (ENFj) and SEI (ISFp) types here!
    3. IEI (INFp): 60% as likely as EIE. Compare the EIE (ENFj) and IEI (INFp) types here!
    The way my results change everytime I take that test seriously amuses me. The way I perceive myself changes all the time....

    Has anybody asked their close relatives to take that test for you? It would be interesting to see if people perceive you the same way you perceive yourself.
    Last edited by Xima; 05-09-2022 at 01:54 PM.

  33. #73
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    Wow, it was right.

  34. #74
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    Your Sociotype: EIE-2Ni FeNi (ENFj)
    Ethical Intuitive Extrovert - The Actor
    Brief Description of the EIE
    Using extroverted feeling as his base function and introverted intuition as his creative, the EIE excels at understanding people's strengths and potential. By intstinctively picking up on people's emotional states, the EIE can often accurately judge the psychological distance between a group of people. When socializing, the EIE uses this ability to determine ways in which he can encourage outsiders to participate in the group. The EIE has a propensity for edgy or direct commentary that is effective at breaking the ice. At his best, the EIE's understanding of people's strengths and interaction makes him a good leader and he can effectively put each person to their highest valued use. At his worst, the EIE's openness can lead him to easily get hurt by others and the EIE is not likely to forget these transgressions quickly or easily. Furthermore, remarks that were neither meant to be personal or insulting are often mistaken by the EIE as such. Overall, the EIE will often be a driving force of change in his world, and the EIE naturally seeks and accepts leadership roles that help him accomplish this.

    Learn more about the EIE:

    Full Description of the EIE
    EIE Subtype Descriptions
    EIE Societal Role and Careers
    Famous EIE Persons
    Other Possible Types
    LIE (ENTj): 75% as likely as EIE. Compare the EIE (ENFj) and LIE (ENTj) types here!
    IEI (INFp): 74% as likely as EIE. Compare the EIE (ENFj) and IEI (INFp) types here!
    ILI (INTp): 65% as likely as EIE. Compare the EIE (ENFj) and ILI (INTp) types here!
    Souls know their way back home

  35. #75
    The Joker The Fool's Avatar
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    somehow I failed the test and got LII, LSI, and EII.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Joker The Fool View Post
    somehow I failed the test and got LII, LSI, and EII.
    That sounds less like you failed it, and more like you broke it.
    Do you mean that you somehow got all three of those results to be really close in the total score/probability? Not quite sure why that would happen, assuming it did.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    That sounds less like you failed it, and more like you broke it.
    Do you mean that you somehow got all three of those results to be really close in the total score/probability? Not quite sure why that would happen, assuming it did.
    They were within one percentage of each other so yes lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xima View Post
    Has anybody asked their close relatives to take that test for you? It would be interesting to see if people perceive you the same way you perceive yourself.
    Bad idea. I tried today with a close friend of mine and she got me ESTJ!!

  39. #79

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    Test Result

    Your Sociotype: ILI-1Ni (INTp)
    Intuitive Logical Introvert - The Critic

    Brief Description of the ILI

    Using introverted intuition as his base function and extroverted thinking as his creative, the ILI is capable of deep and vivid imagery as well as the ability to analyze the correctness of conclusions. In fact, the ILI is excellent at critiquing everything from someone's statements and conclusions to the food he eats. They have an inherent understanding of the weak points in any argument, and they are particularly adept at identifying both empirical weaknesses and logical inconsistencies. As paradoxical as it might sound, the ILI has both the ability to foresee future trends and events, while at the same time refusing to make any assumptions that lack a thorough empirical backing. At his best, the ILI will act as a very useful advisor, pointing out weaknesses and flaws that he sees, while also making suggestions for improvements. At his worst, the ILI's penchant for deep and secluded thoughts, coupled with his refusal to sacrifice truth and accuracy in favor of diplomacy, can result in leaving him socially isolated.

    Learn more about the ILI:

    Other Possible Types

    1. LIE (ENTj): 80% as likely as ILI. Compare the ILI (INTp) and LIE (ENTj) types here!
    2. IEI (INFp): 66% as likely as ILI. Compare the ILI (INTp) and IEI (INFp) types here!
    3. LII (INTj): 55% as likely as ILI. Compare the ILI (INTp) and LII (INTj) types here!
    Close, I am actually the rational sub of ILI.

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