My current type is LII. However, some things doesn't match up, hence I start to have doubts.

The other probable types are: ILE, LSI, SLI, ILI. If you think I am some other type, I am open to hear it.

The general overview of my conclusion is based on this:

All through my life, I conciously and unconciously changed my behaviors drastically. Eventhough I am the same, in the same environment, talking in the same way, I have been called warm and cold, detailed oriented and big picture person, etc, etc. I can see how I can be both. However, there is one thing that remains unchanged and that is my analytical thinking skills. I am always sure on my ability to figure things out. I have been told I am too good at it all my life. Hence I think I have a strong non ignoring Ti. I break things apart and built logical systems based on it.

I don't think I have 4D Te, because I am not a super active person. I can stay in my home for a long time. I don't have to be in motion all the time. I don't have to get things done all the time. However, I thought some ILEs can be like this. This is partially why I thought I have low Se.

About Se-polr, I never had any problems with speaking up, standing up for myself or others. I can push others, I get into conflicts, sometimes I start them. I sometimes make people comply with me.

About Fi-polr, I have relationships I can be polite and distant in the inital stages or in serious environments. I have my moral judgements, I know my attitude over things.

About Fe polr, I like emotionally exchangeable environments where I can be accepted, I prefer things to be inclusive. I like to be provoked and provoke in emotional sense.

About Ne polr, if I haven't done a thing before, I think I can do it and I say it. I am good at changing my perspective when I am evaluating something. I am open minded.

If I get typed, these things have to be cleared for me anyways, so if anyone has an opinion, I would appreciate it.

I will give more examples later.