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Thread: How do you Use Business Logic?

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    Default How do you Use Business Logic?

    I'll explain my use of it:

    I can do really high-level stuff. I am good at economics - even graduate level economics. I have a brilliant million-dollar investment idea. Fields like data science and finance interest me. However, in basic everyday stuff, it's almost as if I have no access to the function at all. For instance, running a business is of no interest to me - it would only be an option if I had no other way to survive, and I don't get all the paperwork/legal stuff that is part of it. Also, people start getting into business jargon or business talk and I have no idea what they are talking about. My father runs his own business and this happens all the time: he'll start talking about what happened during his day, and, if it gets into business terms at all, I simply cannot grasp the technical side of what he said. For me, it is a function that that simply doesn't accept any input our output.

    Some things I do really well: I can balance my bank account, but I just intuitively 'know' when to speed up spending or to slow down - which is something strange to the people in my family who all value business logic. Even in going to the grocery store: I don't keep a list or calculate how much I spend, I just 'know' what to buy and roughly how much I've spent; I'll have a basket full of groceries with nearly everything I want in it, and I'll estimate: "It'll come to $70" - no calculations done whatsoever. It'll come out to about $66, and I have nearly everything I want, so there is no need to bring a list or a calculator to the store next time.

    Everyone around me values it: everyone in my family; they start getting into their work or the economy/politics, and my eyes just glaze over because I don't really grasp the technical details of what they are talking about, but then I open up an intermediate microeconomics textbook and I'll grasp the ideas perfectly. However, I try to listen to what some of these economists have to say in non-mathematical terms, and I don't grasp the details at all..

    Does anyone else relate?
    Last edited by jason_m; 05-26-2021 at 05:00 PM.

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