Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
In principle I agree with you on this. Though what I understand from @Lady Lunacik is that this was a very special situation. Lady Lunacik was friends with the ILI, who then started dating a SEE. This SEE harboured a dislike, possibly even jealousy, against Lady Lunacik. Out of this animosity the SEE turned her boyfriend away from Lady Lunacik. This would mean that the SEE initiated the manipulation.
Lady Lunacik then reacted to this by explaining to her ILI friend how the the SEE he was dating was manipulating him. To me this doesn't sound like Lady Lunacik was manipulating her ILI friend, instead she was exposing the SEE's envy and intrigue to the ILI. If someone was intentionally slandering my good name and setting up my friends against me, then I would deem exposing their ploy to be justified self-defence from my end.
Oh I have nothing against self-defense.

But in this case, trying to "inform" the ILI that the SEE he is dating is manipulative isn't any less manipulative, especially if 1) it implies that the ILI will have to ultimately "choose" between Lady Lunacik and the SEE, which, when you think about it, he will have to do at some point. 2) It is using the ILI as a way to enact revenge/self-defense against the SEE.

So the term "inform" isn't right to use here, it's an opinion, not information, and thus it's hardly something that helps the ILI see the full picture, it could just as easily twist the picture he has of the situation for the reasons I mentioned.

If you want to get someone back for something they did to you, you egg their car or something. That said, I don't think the ILI is any less guilty. It would be ridiculous to think otherwise.

I've been in many such situations and it's quiet a horrible spot to be in, to be honest I would feel more sympathy for Lady Lunacik if she wasn't calling me names like idiot and becoming aggressive.