Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
yeah but have u heard of hypergamy
Honestly, I am 17 and therefore I have no clue about finances and don't in general think about hypergamy. Still so innocent and pure as to believe in soulmates and things like true love before I morph into cynical adult, which I will fight against the onset of cynicism with my every breath until I die.

Personally I don't understand yet why someone would want to marry a super wealthy man or someone who is smarter than you so that they think you are stupid and dumb all the time.

All I really need is:

An apartment with heating so I don't die from the cold, a bed, toilet, sink, bathtub, stove, countertop, fridge, wifi, computer, and enough food and water and hygiene products so that I don't smell like death. Desk with a chair is nice, but optional. And obviously I need a plate, but I can just eat the food with my hands if necessary.

If I get bored of this, honestly I will just go to the library and read a new book, go outside, maybe just explore town.

All of this costs money of course, but I will just get a job.

My guess of why hypergamy is a thing, people are hardwired to like the feeling of security and comfort and will obviously forgo moral standards of love just to have these things. To not have to work for hours, to have nice things, to just relax, etc. Women are more likely to be hypergamous as originally men were the ones to go out and provide for most of history. A guy with a good job is a successful one and therefore better for breeding with than one who did nothing. Greed and excess have always been problems, but they present differently in the two sexes.

But, but, I still want to believe in true love and no one will stop me! I will not fall to such cynical thoughts!