Courage - fearlessness, bravery

It's about being ready to follow your heart and acting according to your values. Courageous people are seldom satisfied with compromises. They take what they want from life or are determined to find a way to achieve it. The courageous have a chance to achieve what some are even afraid to dream about. In their struggle, they are accompanied by self-confidence and their abilities. Be careful not to confuse courage with bravado. Courage comes from wisdom, and bravado comes from imprudence.

Control - control of the situation or environment

People who value control, like to be masters of the situation. No matter what happens, they are ready to make decisions. They are also ready to take responsibility for their actions. Interest in control can arise from a person's need for security or ambition. The ability to wisely control important matters makes people with such a disposition consciously lead their lives. Remember that we can't control everything. Trying to influence people in our environment can have a negative impact on relationships.

Authority - the right to lead and control

Power gives great opportunities, but also requires great responsibility. It gives privileges not available to other people. When used wisely, it allows you to achieve ambitious goals. In bad hands, it can turn out to be destructive.People who value power are good at making decisions and giving orders. They work well as a group leader. People will obey either out of respect or out of fear. It depends on how you use your power.

Determination - persistence, perserverance

It is a constant effort despite numerous difficulties and adversities. Thanks to determination people fulfill their ambitions. It allows them to survive difficult moments and move on in the direction they want to go. Persistent people have a good chance of achieving what for others is only a fantasy. They are characterized by steadfastness and fortitude. Usually they are driven by strong motivation. From time to time, it is worthwhile to consider whether the goal you are currently aiming at is exactly what you want to achieve.

Health - well-being, fitness, not being sick

Those who value health take conscious actions to maintain physical and mental fitness. They do not shy away from practicing sports and are happy to follow a healthy diet. They are aware of the consequences of insufficient health care. People who care about health are often disciplined and systematic. Caring for health manifests itself in many elements of their everyday life. In extreme cases, excessive interest in your health can cause harmful fears and concerns.