Expat— I think you are right in saying this:

The way she described herself, or how others see her, points rather to EP with Alpha NT values.
That's mostly the impression I make to people especially at first meetings.

Ms. Kensington—You are right in saying that. Many Filipinos are outgoing. I don’t know whether I should be included in that statistic, though.

Diana—May I know what your type is? I was also very perfectionist before, but I mellowed down. I think it went too well, though. There are moments I just don’t care what the outcome is.

FDG—What did you mean by this? Care to explain?

Ah, she's a girl? Then it's all standard, she could very well be INTj if we restrict the domain of the people complimenting her to the male population
Joy—I’m trying the INFp and the descriptions fit me quite well.

If you are going to type yourself, do you usually look at how you were while you were young or your present disposition? I think I was an introvert because my surroundings supported that. Would it be safe to say I’m actually an Extrovert but failed to develop it because of how I was brought up?

Thank you for all your responses. They’re truly helpful…