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Thread: 2020 Disunited States of America Election

  1. #81
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Maybe we could have a sweepstake on who will outlive the other between Trump and Biden?

    Although some may say there are moral implications - but my understanding is that it wouldn't breach American laws restricting gambling on politics so it should be fine.

  2. #82
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    You sent them off to cities afar
    To bleed out in the sand
    That blind wave will break in fire
    Right where the outpost would stand
    You sent forth the best you had
    To serve your new guests' needs
    But West is West and East is East
    Never the twain shall meet, no

    Not in my name, oh, no, not in my name
    Don't take me for a fool
    Not in my name, oh, no, not in my name
    For I am on to you

    And with your virtues so out of touch, boy
    There's not much left to hold
    Any second thoughts now, hungry much?
    They starved you out of a home
    With what is left of what is right
    And long lean thorns between
    We'll unleash a war so utterly vain
    No man has ever seen yet

    Not in my name, oh, no, not in my name

    Don't take me for a fool

    Not in my name, oh, no, not in my name

    For I am on to you

    You claim all blades are sheathed now
    But you put half a world to flight
    For what you want this nation to be
    We deem the price too high
    And these paths you dare not tread -
    and this you don't want to know -
    But we marked them with our dead
    So many years ago (and who)

    Who fought and died and who
    Never needed you
    They never needed you
    They never needed you

    (All we say is break these chains)

  3. #83
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    George Carlin wasn't wrong @shotgunfingers, though I'd bet he'd call out the obvious voter fraud happening right now. Liberal though he was, he was no rabid SJW. He even warned about them shortly before his death. "Political Correctness: Fascism Disguised as Good Manners" is a piece well ahead of its time. Too bad he died before Trump happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Maybe we could have a sweepstake on who will outlive the other between Trump and Biden?

    Although some may say there are moral implications - but my understanding is that it wouldn't breach American laws restricting gambling on politics so it should be fine.
    I'd say it depends on how the coming investigations are going. If it looks like Trump/I am right then the smart money's on Biden. The PTB would be desperate enough at that point to try to JFK Trump. If not, Biden, because the corruption was great enough for the Supreme Court (which is now 5-4 conservative thanks to ACB being confirmed), to side with the opposing worldview.

    Either way, Trump ultimately wins. He either gets his second term, or he, either by his death or by his loss in court despite overwhelming evidence, proves that American "Democracy" is an absolute farce to over 50 percent of the people. The fifty percent that actually matter BTW. Ever watch "Fight Club" by any chance? Here's the scene: .

    It's in reverse this time but the final point remains. WE are the people who do the shit required to keep you living in the historically unprescedented splendor you enjoy in your urban/gated community paradise. You are fucking with us. Should you succeed, well, I mean, I heard a BLM mob got a wee bit violent towards a mob that supported Biden somewhere recently. Mayhap those "allies" aren't exactly your "friends" I'd wager...

    This is, by the way, a common and compelling criticism of the left by the right. We say "The Left doesn't have friends, they have allies". A friend may dislike you on some level, but they'd also hold their nose and side with you where it counts because they expect you to do the same were the situation reversed. Friends don't betray friends for filthy coin or convenience.

    Allies though? Oh, you best believe today's ally is tomorrow's enemy. The USSR was our bestest buddy right up until funny mustache man offed himself. Right after that? Worse than him! Better dead than red! Or, from the other end, Fight Capitalist Pig Dogs thought they could rope us in eh? We sure showed them by demonstrating the superior might and ultimate inevitability of real and true socialism comrades!

    I could go on but I think you get my point.
    Last edited by End; 11-09-2020 at 03:53 AM.

  4. #84
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    Lol I'm done. Reap what you sow I guess.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    George Carlin wasn't wrong
    actually, he was on his POV that "the owners of this country don't want that...". The thing is, obviously the owners of any country don't want the people to be smart, but they don't have to do anything to keep them from becoming smart. They only have to feed the people's inclination towards short-term gratification. Even if they were to do the right thing, and try to raise the cultural level of the people, they would fail. As marketing guru Philip Kottler one said: "Don't give people what they need, give them what they want!" And what do they want? Panem et Circenses.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    actually, he was on his POV that "the owners of this country don't want that...". The thing is, obviously the owners of any country don't want the people to be smart, but they don't have to do anything to keep them from becoming smart. They only have to feed the people's inclination towards short-term gratification. Even if they were to do the right thing, and try to raise the cultural level of the people, they would fail. As marketing guru Philip Kottler one said: "Don't give people what they need, give them what they want!" And what do they want? Panem et Circenses.
    You illustrate the contrary nature of their desires perfectly. See, the "owners" want to have their cake and eat it too. They want slaves, but they also want those slaves to have IQ's that are 130+. That would mean that the slaves would have to willfully accept their enslavement despite the fact their mental faculties far outclass their supposed masters.

    Sin dims the intellect. The fact that Lucifer is the lord of this world matters but that can only carry our current rulers so far. There is no John D. Rockefeller or Nathan Rothschild amongst them now. Their sins have had time to compound and thus their progeny coast upon their ancestor's successes whilst failing to understand how and why they even succeeded in the first place.

    Carlin, being an atheist, failed to grasp the full truth of his convictions. But he managed to grasp just enough to become downright prescient. Political Correctness is indeed fascism disguised as good manners. The "Conspiracy Buffs" are indeed more likely to have struck at a truth than a falsehood. Public Education is meant not to teach your children the truth, but to indoctrinate them into being "obedient workers" just smart enough to fill out the paperwork yet just dumb enough to not notice the big red, white and blue dildo being shoved up their ass every gosh darn day.

    I'll ask a final question. See, for me, this whole debacle has two very positive endings. See, either Trump wins in the courts/wins a contingent election 26-24 or he loses and Biden is rigged in, but that just proves to the over 50 percent of the population that actually matters that our "democracy" is, was, and will always be going forward a farce and sham of unimaginable proportions.

    Mises wasn't a Political Science or History major in the modern sense, but he got the point. See, governments ultimately rule by consent. It can be active, or it can be passive or even unwilling (e.g. after you show some primitive tribe what a friggin' nuke can do, yeah, they'll hail their new Ceasar). Either way, they consent. To rule over a people who doesn't consent? Yeah, not exactly a thing you can pull off long term.

  7. #87
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    VOTERS FRAUD is what gave Biden the WIN! FAKE and SILENT media has a big influence. I DEMAND a recount of the votes! It would only be fair to the people of the United States of America.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donald Trump View Post
    VOTERS FRAUD is what gave Biden the WIN! FAKE and SILENT media has a big influence. I DEMAND a recount of the votes! It would only be fair to the people of the United States of America.
    Are you going to pay for the recount? I guess not, you won't even pay yourself for the law suits filed on your behalf, and instead ask your fans to fund those. Everyone can see it's a scheme to reroute some money of the public to expensive lawyers. Everyone, except those Trump adepts who see conspiracies everywhere, except those conspiracies by the Trump clan that takes the money out of their wallets right in front of their faces. Hillary was right when she called these people Deplorables. Suckers...
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Are you going to pay for the recount? I guess not, you won't even pay yourself for the law suits filed on your behalf, and instead ask your fans to fund those. Everyone can see it's a scheme to reroute some money of the public to expensive lawyers. Everyone, except those Trump adepts who see conspiracies everywhere, except those conspiracies by the Trump clan that takes the money out of their wallets right in front of their faces. Hillary was right when she called these people Deplorables. Suckers...
    Err, the World Economic Forum has literally created a website that categorically proves the likes of David Fucking Icke as officially not being crazy. Literally "You will eat the bugs, Live in the pod, own nothing, and like it you worthless plebs!"

    Here's the link:

    Yeah, several of you called me crazy when I stated our literal Satan Worshiping overlords had this shit in mind as their end goal. How crazy am I now?

    Also, if you're unironically behind that BS, than you're demonically obsessed at best and possessed by thine own will at worst. If you're among the latter than I literally can't save you. You have chosen Satan over Salvation....

  10. #90
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    Seems like someone forgot to change their account before changing into their troll suit.

    As for me, I go by the adagio of Jose Ortega y Gassett: "left and right are just two of the many ways available to a person to be imbecile."
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Err, the World Economic Forum has literally created a website that categorically proves the likes of David Fucking Icke as officially not being crazy. Literally "You will eat the bugs, Live in the pod, own nothing, and like it you worthless plebs!"

    Here's the link:

    Yeah, several of you called me crazy when I stated our literal Satan Worshiping overlords had this shit in mind as their end goal. How crazy am I now?

    Also, if you're unironically behind that BS, than you're demonically obsessed at best and possessed by thine own will at worst. If you're among the latter than I literally can't save you. You have chosen Satan over Salvation....

    weird suit.. is he some kind of space communist?

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    All politics is fake and every politician no matter who is a deepfake pedophile anyways

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrInternet42069 View Post
    All politics is fake and every politician no matter who is a deepfake pedophile anyways
    Politics, in the sociological sense, is just another word for 'power', thus, not fake at all. At the risk of being called a Beta: Power a.k.a. Politics is what makes the world go round. Everything else is idealistic illusions and a negation of how reality really works.

    Justice, and worse, Social Justice, are simply human constructs. Only Power is real. Even better: Social Justice is just another rationalization in the quest for Power; a quest for Power disguised as something that claims to oppose Power. The sooner you get to terms with that fact, the greater the chances that you can create a pleasurable life for yourself and your loved ones. Even if you are EII and make yourself believe I'm talking sheer nonsense.

    All's fair in love and war...
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post

    weird suit.. is he some kind of space communist?
    Yes. The head of the world economic forum, a group dedicated to the advancement of neo liberal global capitalism, is a secret space communist.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Yes. The head of the world economic forum, a group dedicated to the advancement of neo liberal global capitalism, is a secret space communist.
    Good good, the plebs do not need to own private property. Only the elite of the elite have the privilege (this word is ruined btw.. yuk) to own everything. Most of the plebeans can die, the rest of you can eat bugs and be wageslaves in our global workforce. Be careful about your performance ..cog.. or you will be replaced by someone more capable from the Congo.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Yes. The head of the world economic forum, a group dedicated to the advancement of neo liberal global capitalism, is a secret space communist.
    You really don't get it do you? I can try to explain it to you, but as I've said countless times, that will only work once you've reached a kind of emotional nadir. You must become receptive to a conversion before it can happen. If I try to force it now you'll only double down on your own hopelessly indoctrinated worldview. I must be patient. One day I am sure you'll see that you're quite mistaken about a great many things. Today, I'd sadly wager, is not that day. I will give you one seed though, what does the "capitalist" and "communist" system have in common? Hint: they exalt "experts" in such a way that any mundane observer would call them "Priests" in a religious sense. Let that one sprout a bit...

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Good good, the plebs do not need to own private property. Only the elite of the elite have the privilege (this word is ruined btw.. yuk) to own everything. Most of the plebeans can die, the rest of you can eat bugs and be wageslaves in our global workforce. Be careful about your performance ..cog.. or you will be replaced by someone more capable from the Congo.
    Pretty much. Only the "wage slavery" in this instance is more absolute. See, if you "own" a thing, you can convert it into immediate capital because, as its owner, you have the right to sell it.

    Can you sell a thing you "rent" instead of own? No, you can't. For if you rent a thing, the real "owner" is the one to whom you're paying the rent to. Your landlord owns your apartment. They can sell it to another landlord on the fly if they need a sudden injection of capital to balance out their checkbook. You get no say in the matter.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You really don't get it do you? I can try to explain it to you, but as I've said countless times, that will only work once you've reached a kind of emotional nadir. You must become receptive to a conversion before it can happen. If I try to force it now you'll only double down on your own hopelessly indoctrinated worldview. I must be patient. One day I am sure you'll see that you're quite mistaken about a great many things. Today, I'd sadly wager, is not that day. I will give you one seed though, what does the "capitalist" and "communist" system have in common? Hint: they exalt "experts" in such a way that any mundane observer would call them "Priests" in a religious sense. Let that one sprout a bit...

    Pretty much. Only the "wage slavery" in this instance is more absolute. See, if you "own" a thing, you can convert it into immediate capital because, as its owner, you have the right to sell it.

    Can you sell a thing you "rent" instead of own? No, you can't. For if you rent a thing, the real "owner" is the one to whom you're paying the rent to. Your landlord owns your apartment. They can sell it to another landlord on the fly if they need a sudden injection of capital to balance out their checkbook. You get no say in the matter.
    Did some religtard trump supprter just tell me my thinking is the indoctrinated 1 here?? Lmfao

    *Cognitive dissonance intensifies*

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Did some religtard trump supprter just tell me my thinking is the indoctrinated 1 here?? Lmfao

    *Cognitive dissonance intensifies*
    Ever hear of projection? You're giving us all a classic example .

    This is exactly why I said what I said. No matter what I try to tell you, no matter how I try to reason with you. Hell, even if I could construct a fully fucking deductive argument for you (which is the ultimate "I Win so suck it" argument in philosophy and is commensurately the most difficult of all arguments to successfully construct because of all you have to do to truly say you made one). You'd just plug your ears and scream "Na Na Na I can't hear you Fascist/Christian Scum!" while doing all ya could to dox me and ruin any hope I may have at living a normal life.

    You first need to have your current beliefs shaken, to see something that literally "does not compute" in your mind. Only once you're confronted with evidence that your own perception cannot deny that you may well be the baddies/wrong will you actually be open to actual reason. I hate this truth of human nature, I hate to admit that Machiavelli was absolutely correct when he asserted that Perception "trumps" Reality, but that is the truth. I cannot hope to have a rational conversation with you until that happens.

    Maybe, maybe when this whole election mess is resolved one way or the other you'll get it. Either when Trump wins the election he actually did, or he loses (in no small part) because people like you threatened the families and children of those who trusted their own lying eyes over your propaganda to "do the right thing" and not take the risk of standing on principle if it meant people like you assaulting and possibly killing their literal children and family members. Hell, it's already happening. I have an example of it, but (surprise surprise) I can't seem to find a link to a relevant clip that captures the exact moment. Search "Abraham Ayash" for a hint. Yeah, small wonder a woman backs down once you threaten harm to the children they deductively and categorically know are theirs.

    Hell, here's a good test sans that little incident. I wonder how fast you'll start crying about "voter suppression" if and when a great many of the Biden votes get tossed out because of the incoming audits. You're already the type that says this is the fairest and most awesomely enfranchising of any election in American history ever after all!

    I'd issue a witch test to you, but I already know you'd fail so why bother? Relish this seeming peak of your power foot soldier of the ruling class/death cult. Christ is king and has ultimate dominion over your kind. Hate it all you will, you still cannot deny that ultimate truth. I only wish you'd see that as an ultimately good thing...
    Last edited by End; 11-19-2020 at 05:32 AM.

  19. #99

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post

    weird suit.. is he some kind of space communist?
    LSE can get weird, especially as they age and start loosing it.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    LSE can get weird, especially as they age and start loosing it.
    I'll be honest, I'm not big on conspiracies... but even to me all this shit about covid, the economy and a lot of related things.. at this point seem as if they were planned for by these rich cocksuckers who aren't dumb enough to actually think that endless growth is possible on finite resources... e_e so they plan for us plebs to "drown in shit" while they maintain their lifestyles.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I'll be honest, I'm not big on conspiracies... but even to me all this shit about covid, the economy and a lot of related things.. at this point seem as if they were planned for by these rich cocksuckers who aren't dumb enough to actually think that endless growth is possible on finite resources... e_e so they plan for us plebs to "drown in shit" while they maintain their lifestyles.
    Who knows?

    I don't have enough good information to run off with this speculation. I wouldn't put it past people in these circles though.

    There are a large subset of people and even some Governments who are already gearing up and procuring for a reset die to climate, which is changing fast. These old farts know its coming and are trying to carve out these little brain stormed new world Utopias.

    The "Health Passport" the website proposes is something that people have been speculating about. No travel between countries and airplanes without a digital proof on your phone of covid tests and vaccinations. This is most defiantly going to become a thing for most government and industry jobs and travel. You want to keep your job? Show your health passport. This isnt a conspiracy, its the actual direction governments such as mine want to take as they have already started discussing it. I mean if you wanted to give the religious crazies any fuel, telling them that in order to continue in "the system" you will need a "mark".

    "you will own nothing and you will be happy about it" reminds me of a poster on the wall of my last job owned and run by a LSE "there are things of value to this world besides money". meanwhile he uses slave labour, sorry, work away travellers from Europe to do free labour for room and board and get that "canada exp". LSE are so full of shit.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Ever hear of projection? You're giving us all a classic example .

    This is exactly why I said what I said. No matter what I try to tell you, no matter how I try to reason with you. Hell, even if I could construct a fully fucking deductive argument for you (which is the ultimate "I Win so suck it" argument in philosophy and is commensurately the most difficult of all arguments to successfully construct because of all you have to do to truly say you made one). You'd just plug your ears and scream "Na Na Na I can't hear you Fascist/Christian Scum!" while doing all ya could to dox me and ruin any hope I may have at living a normal life.

    You first need to have your current beliefs shaken, to see something that literally "does not compute" in your mind. Only once you're confronted with evidence that your own perception cannot deny that you may well be the baddies/wrong will you actually be open to actual reason. I hate this truth of human nature, I hate to admit that Machiavelli was absolutely correct when he asserted that Perception "trumps" Reality, but that is the truth. I cannot hope to have a rational conversation with you until that happens.

    Maybe, maybe when this whole election mess is resolved one way or the other you'll get it. Either when Trump wins the election he actually did, or he loses (in no small part) because people like you threatened the families and children of those who trusted their own lying eyes over your propaganda to "do the right thing" and not take the risk of standing on principle if it meant people like you assaulting and possibly killing their literal children and family members. Hell, it's already happening. I have an example of it, but (surprise surprise) I can't seem to find a link to a relevant clip that captures the exact moment. Search "Abraham Ayash" for a hint. Yeah, small wonder a woman backs down once you threaten harm to the children they deductively and categorically know are theirs.

    Hell, here's a good test sans that little incident. I wonder how fast you'll start crying about "voter suppression" if and when a great many of the Biden votes get tossed out because of the incoming audits. You're already the type that says this is the fairest and most awesomely enfranchising of any election in American history ever after all!

    I'd issue a witch test to you, but I already know you'd fail so why bother? Relish this seeming peak of your power foot soldier of the ruling class/death cult. Christ is king and has ultimate dominion over your kind. Hate it all you will, you still cannot deny that ultimate truth. I only wish you'd see that as an ultimately good thing...
    Rofl. Shut up dumbass
    Last edited by kingslayer; 11-19-2020 at 12:29 PM.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Coming out and telling me my thinking is hopelessly indoctrinated while knowing nothing about me or my thinking is actually projection dipshit... especially when you beleive heavily indoctrinated shit like religion and trumps bullshit ideologies rofl.

    There is 0 indication whatsoever that any of what you write is true. Making it.... Another assumption based on nothing off of 1 sentence which is clearly trolling around... so quick to jump down my throat for it. Hmm will end connect the dots and realize hes projecting?? His brain is screaming the subconscious signals at him.. Either way a whole essay of projection now. I really hit a nerve I see in that denial brain.

    I wonder what its like being so delusional and diluted lmao. Even as I write this! It will not go through your thick skull! Christ will grant the power of new and incoming information to penetrate the cinderblock between your brain and realty and thus teach you your own internal logic stream and why you use it oh Jeremiah and Jesus ohhh ohhhh oh I pray for it 1 day brethren! For God's enlightenment! His rule has granted me with his vast universal knowledge and oh Jesus I pray thee i will use it to enlighten the blind like End! Hallelujah!
    Once more, projection. You're doing it. You are essentially the same as most any commie so that was basically written for everyone like you. I'm not wrong, the same could be said of me from your end. Something terrible would need to happen to me to get me to listen to your, in my mind, BS view that God doesn't exist. Only from my end that won't happen. Despair is a sin after all.

    Also, Trump doesn't really have a concrete ideology or dogma. Which one do you assign to him? I am curious.

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Once more, projection. You're doing it. You are essentially the same as most any commie so that was basically written for everyone like you. I'm not wrong, the same could be said of me from your end. Something terrible would need to happen to me to get me to listen to your, in my mind, BS view that God doesn't exist. Only from my end that won't happen. Despair is a sin after all.

    Also, Trump doesn't really have a concrete ideology or dogma. Which one do you assign to him? I am curious.
    Great counter "nuh uh you"

    Here's mine

    Nuh uh you

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    Who knows?

    I don't have enough good information to run off with this speculation. I wouldn't put it past people in these circles though.

    There are a large subset of people and even some Governments who are already gearing up and procuring for a reset die to climate, which is changing fast. These old farts know its coming and are trying to carve out these little brain stormed new world Utopias.

    The "Health Passport" the website proposes is something that people have been speculating about. No travel between countries and airplanes without a digital proof on your phone of covid tests and vaccinations. This is most defiantly going to become a thing for most government and industry jobs and travel. You want to keep your job? Show your health passport. This isnt a conspiracy, its the actual direction governments such as mine want to take as they have already started discussing it. I mean if you wanted to give the religious crazies any fuel, telling them that in order to continue in "the system" you will need a "mark".

    "you will own nothing and you will be happy about it" reminds me of a poster on the wall of my last job owned and run by a LSE "there are things of value to this world besides money". meanwhile he uses slave labour, sorry, work away travellers from Europe to do free labour for room and board and get that "canada exp". LSE are so full of shit.
    And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads. And no man might buy or sell save save he that had the mark or name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man. And his number is 666: Revelation 13:16-18

    It ain't giving us fuel, it's proving we were right all along. We told you this would happen. Our holy scripture prophesied it. The only real question is, will you take the mark? Everyone who does is damned by the by so you know what my answer is.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    LSE can get weird, especially as they age and start loosing it.

    Klaus Schwab - ISFP Dumas

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    Tom Hanks - ISFJ Dreiser

    Detective Columbo - ENFP Huxley

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    Laurence Fishburne - INFP Yesenin

    Steve Carell - ESFP Napoleon

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    The name of the "Stop The Steal" symbol is Fraudstika.

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    Looks like we won everything, now we just have to make sure Trump doesn't steal it and replace our voting system with temper tantrums.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Looks like we won everything, now we just have to make sure Trump doesn't steal it and replace our voting system with temper tantrums.
    Never underestimate the capacity of liberals to fight divisively among themselves.

    One of the advantages that conservatives have is that when one of them starts shouting “The sky is green, and Hillary committed the crime of the century by using the wrong email server”, then every conservative falls into line and starts shouting the same thing.
    Unity, even completely stupid unity, can be very powerful.

    Witness the one true platform of the Republican Party for at least the last fifty years. “Reduce taxes on the rich.” Say anything, but at the end of the day, reduce taxes on the rich. It worked, and is the primary source of economic inequality today.

    Meanwhile, the Democrats have no consistent platform, and instead are pulling this way, then that way, and have been consistently out-maneuvered by the conservatives when it comes to attaining goals.

    What we have now is a temporary backlash against the worst president we’ve ever seen. I don’t expect it to last. Unless we kill Fox News.

    Fox News isn’t really a news service so much as it is a propaganda machine which organizes the conservative masses to group-think. And conservatives do group-think. It is one of their defining characteristics, along with being more fearful in general and having a strong tendency towards supporting punitive leaders.

    Anyone who thinks that Fox is a news service needs to explain why knowing less about provable facts is correlated with watching more of Fox.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-06-2021 at 11:55 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Never underestimate the capacity of liberals to fight divisively among themselves.

    One of the advantages that conservatives have is that when one of them starts shouting “The sky is green, and Hillary committed the crime of the century by using the wrong email server”, then every conservative falls into line and starts shouting the same thing.
    Unity, even completely stupid unity, can be very powerful.
    Yeah, any observer of national politics can tell the Republicans are incredibly united right now [/sarcasm].

    Democrats have their own stupid bugbears. For 4 years it's been "Russian interference."

    Witness the one true platform of the Republican Party for at least the last fifty years. “Reduce taxes on the rich.” Say anything, but at the end of the day, reduce taxes on the rich. It worked, and is the primary source of economic inequality today.

    Meanwhile, the Democrats have no consistent platform, and instead are pulling this way, then that way, and have been consistently out-maneuvered by the conservatives when it comes to attaining goals.
    Democrats and Republicans often support the same goals. On any substantive issue they differ when the factions of the ruling class they represent differ.

    What we have now is a temporary backlash against the worst president we’ve ever seen. I don’t expect it to last. Unless we kill Fox News.
    Bush II wasn't even 20 years ago.

    Fox News isn’t really a news service so much as it is a propaganda machine which organizes the conservative masses to group-think. And conservatives do group-think. It is one of their defining characteristics, along with being more fearful in general and having a strong tendency towards supporting punitive leaders.
    Christ, you can practically only find any degree of skepticism over masking and lockdown measures in conservative media these days. Liberal media's stance on masking flipped overnight and the same people making fun of others for wearing masks are now just as earnestly shaming people who don't wear masks.

    Anyone who thinks that Fox is a news service needs to explain why knowing less about provable facts is correlated with watching more of Fox.
    Because correlation isn't causation. It seems unlikely to me that watching Fox magically causes you to forget information. More likely it's that more uneducated people watch Fox.

    Most conservatives are like animals. They have a fantastic instinctual sense for discerning when their experience and what they're told don't line up, but they don't have the background or individual ability for making a constructive framework from their observations. Liberals, and the sorts of conservatives and libertarians who fancy themselves intellectuals, don't have this ability and are annoyingly credulous if what they're being told comes from a "reliable source."

    Since you like statistics re. differences between conservatives and liberals, liberals trust the media more. Even more alarming (especially if you consider yourself a liberal), liberals' trust in media has increased in the past few years, even as they've gotten shittier and shittier.

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    Honestly, even if Sanders had managed to eke out a victory, it's not clear that his presidency would have been good for progressives in the long run. I'm sure he would have accomplished some important things, but his presidency, as a whole, would have been a damp squib. His policies would have been blocked by both Republicans and his own party, and these failures probably would have been spun as the failures of Socialism as a whole. The corporate media would have been relentless, and 'Brezhnev Sanders' could be primaried in 2024.

    If he resorts to issuing executive orders in order to bypass the limitations imposed by his own parties, he would be painted as a tyrant along with the entire progressive movement.

    The truth is that the Democratic and Republican parties are how they are because their voters want them to be. It isn't just corporations that have benefited from tax cuts, so have many wealthy suburbanites. Things will only change once the next generation of voters—which has been badly hurt by the current economic policies—dominates the electorate and votes according to its economic interests.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Honestly, even if Sanders had managed to eke out a victory, it's not clear that his presidency would have been good for progressives in the long run. I'm sure he would have accomplished some important things, but his presidency, as a whole, would have been a damp squib. His policies would have been blocked by both Republicans and his own party, and these failures probably would have been spun as the failures of Socialism as a whole. The corporate media would have been relentless, and 'Brezhnev Sanders' could be primaried in 2024.

    If he resorts to issuing executive orders in order to bypass the limitations imposed by his own parties, he would be painted as a tyrant along with the entire progressive movement.

    The truth is that the Democratic and Republican parties are how they are because their voters want them to be. It isn't just corporations that have benefited from tax cuts, so have many wealthy suburbanites. Things will only change once the next generation of voters—which has been badly hurt by the current economic policies—dominates the electorate and votes according to its economic interests.
    I agree with you that Sanders would've had a tough time passing policies in office. However, I don't know if the third paragraph can necessarily be said to be the full story (at least in poor, rural areas). Even in counties where Trump won and other Republicans won, progressive measures (such as marijuana legalization, support for M4A) had clear majority support among the populace. While some might say that this is due to lack of education among the voters about what the parties truly stand for, an equally valid conclusion would be that this was a vote of lack of confidence for Democratic leadership, even when very progressive measures have widespread support. But I guess at the same time, the general populace may not care enough about politics to care to instill new leadership/want "radical policies," so I don't really know Aside from that though, I 100 percent agree that change won't even be possible until younger voters have much more sway in elections.

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