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Thread: From a cognitive perspective, how have you always perceived yourself and the world?

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    Jo Lande's Avatar
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    Default From a cognitive perspective, how have you always perceived yourself and the world?

    Okay, so I've been thinking about how cognition works, and how our brains prioritize certain functions, but how does that relate to how we see the world? Do certain types "see" differently? Are some more detached while others are more connected to reality? Or do some see something in others that other types cannot? Of course, this is not counting factors that affect perception like depression or anxiety, but how you have perceived the world for all your life.

    So, here's my experience.

    For as long as I can remember, I've always felt detached from the world. Like I'm viewing my life from afar. My feelings and emotions are distant, as if someone else's. When I react emotionally to something, I'm fully aware of it. I don't drown in my emotions. Even when angry, I don't seem to lose control. My mind and body are just numb to most things. I don't feel anything when looking at others or myself. I don't get the sense of pride or disgust others have for their appearance. I take care of myself, but it's more to ensure this meat sack I call a body doesn't fall ill or expire. People seem like moving figures in the background to me, and when they call out, it takes a moment for me to recognize them. It's not on purpose. More like it takes time for me to connect to reality. I sort of feel like a wandering spirit, observing the world, at times. I do have moments of clarity, like when I analyze something exciting or speak with an enthusiastic person. However, my default state of perception is emptiness and disinterest.

    Now, I don't have a problematic history. No abuse or mental illness. No drinking or smoking. Even my life has been average. Nothing traumatic or anything. However, when I spoke to a friend recently, I've started to wonder about the perception of others. The friend in question is a SEI, and she remarks of how vibrant the world is and how connected she feels to others. She "sees" people and seems to experience everything with extreme clarity, like she is a part of this world, for lack of a better phrase.

    I know being a LII means being detached and in my head all the time, which is why I want to know how other types experience things.
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    You describe exactly how I am as far as being detached and distant with respect to myself, people and emotions although I don't wander as much and analyse too much so clarity is ever present - likely because I'm a Ti-subtype.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jo Lande View Post
    Okay, so I've been thinking about how cognition works, and how our brains prioritize certain functions, but how does that relate to how we see the world? Do certain types "see" differently? Are some more detached while others are more connected to reality? Or do some see something in others that other types cannot? Of course, this is not counting factors that affect perception like depression or anxiety, but how you have perceived the world for all your life.

    So, here's my experience.

    For as long as I can remember, I've always felt detached from the world. Like I'm viewing my life from afar. My feelings and emotions are distant, as if someone else's. When I react emotionally to something, I'm fully aware of it. I don't drown in my emotions. Even when angry, I don't seem to lose control. My mind and body are just numb to most things. I don't feel anything when looking at others or myself. I don't get the sense of pride or disgust others have for their appearance. I take care of myself, but it's more to ensure this meat sack I call a body doesn't fall ill or expire. People seem like moving figures in the background to me, and when they call out, it takes a moment for me to recognize them. It's not on purpose. More like it takes time for me to connect to reality. I sort of feel like a wandering spirit, observing the world, at times. I do have moments of clarity, like when I analyze something exciting or speak with an enthusiastic person. However, my default state of perception is emptiness and disinterest.

    Now, I don't have a problematic history. No abuse or mental illness. No drinking or smoking. Even my life has been average. Nothing traumatic or anything. However, when I spoke to a friend recently, I've started to wonder about the perception of others. The friend in question is a SEI, and she remarks of how vibrant the world is and how connected she feels to others. She "sees" people and seems to experience everything with extreme clarity, like she is a part of this world, for lack of a better phrase.

    I know being a LII means being detached and in my head all the time, which is why I want to know how other types experience things.
    lol yeah that's interesting because psychologists would scream at you "you've been traumatised", "you're depressed", "you gotta treat this numbness"....

    Reading this description actually kinda made me feel uncomfortable trying to consider that level of detachment from the world.

    But I can believe you if you say that a lot of this feels natural to you. You know best what feels natural to you.

    I'm weird too in a different way lol. The default way I am is, I have high readiness to respond to things coming up, but at the same time I also have a high stimulation threshold like I need strong shit to really be satisfied, and I'm never overloaded by sensory stuff due to that. Instead I go to excesses really easily and not feel like it's too much, when it's passed the threshold of others too much already lol.

    So I'm like I'm half connected to the world like that and I'm half detached and aloof. The aloofness I mean socially, I'm either very engaged or I'm just distant stepping aside and observing like that.

    I live my life directly but my emotions are often distant like you described yours. But not totally. I half live them too. I half control them too (in a physical way too, hard to explain). And there is detachment too to them, except when I'm directly acting on the emotions and I basically pour my emotions into the action. Then I live them more than being detached.

    Wandering spirit tho I liked that phrasing lol. I relate to that, but for me it's a sense of actual adventure, not a sense of just an observing spirit.

    The other thing I related to is that I feel in control when angry, too. I'm not numb when angry, no way, but I just feel I have full capacity to hold the anger (again that physical control) and use it to get/achieve what I want.

    I perceive myself as an active being in the world, I just can't take the world out of my perception of myself. I live in that interaction/taking action/being in the world. You would say I feel one with it/my surroundings, I think. I focus on that and not on myself as some separate being or my insides in a disconnected way or whatever.

    More on my emotions, I once realised I experience them most clearly as holistic body stuff, integrated with movement. All that being in one sensory perception. And with that physical control.

    My thoughts I don't really experience at all, other than there being some clouds on the clear sky. And I think other than that it's all integrated with spatial logic for me so it does not really feel like actual thoughts. I navigate and interact with the world more than I think thoughts consciously. Thoughts inside my mind without me doing anything usually drain me fast. If I can add drama to the internal reflections then it doesn't drain me so fast though, for some reason, lol, then I can keep going for a decent while actually.

    Also, I remember things best if they are connected to action/what moves I do. Snapshots linked to the actions and moves. And the more detail I can experience the faster I can process things and probably the better I remember them too

    Can't think of anything else right now, and sorry all this is kinda all over the place stream of consciousness, lol, sorry for not organising it at all.


    Anyway sure I don't think you were traumatised or anything but that you are like...undualised? It would help you I'm sure if you explored those undualised parts of yourself lol

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    Don't worry, your post is actually very informative. It's good to see I'm not alone in feeling detached, even if I might be more so than some. I don't know, I've never considered my view of the world as unordinary. It's only recently I discovered how skewed my perception is compared to others. Don't know if it has to do with Socionics or some other issue, but it does make me want to explore why I am this way. Just, maybe not with a psychologist.

    As for your post, these parts:

    I perceive myself as an active being in the world, I just can't take the world out of my perception of myself. I live in that interaction/taking action/being in the world. You would say I feel one with it/my surroundings, I think.

    I focus on that and not on myself as some separate being or my insides in a disconnected way or whatever.
    More on my emotions, I once realised I experience them most clearly as holistic body stuff, integrated with movement. All that being in one sensory perception. And with that physical control.

    My thoughts I don't really experience at all, other than there being some clouds on the clear sky. I navigate and interact with the world more than I think thoughts consciously.

    Relate to the impressions I received from my interactions with other sensors. Considering your half-half experiences, I guess you could attribute that to T/N elements being the cause for disconnect vs F/S elements.

    Either way, thank you for sharing.
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    How you see the world is a huge topic. I think it's obvious that people see the world in different ways. In myself, I've noticed that whether I am generally feeling good completely changes whether I see things as a big deal or not. In addition, what you notice is in large part conditioned by your experiences and the frameworks that you "wear" as you walk around the world (whether you are religious or not, for example, but also your experiential maxims like "rich people are all selfish"). These influences all get wrapped up into some incredible contraption that looks like an abstract version of your thought process. Then you also have genetic influences, which are this but on a smaller scale.

    These inevitably result in and from perceptual skills. But I forgot the rest of what I was going to say and I'm hungry so nvm

    Edit: probably what you're talking about is something similar to this: I have a strong tendency to listen to my thoughts over the outside world and they are constantly intruding and making it difficult to pay attention to what's around me, which makes things like my reaction time, keeping up in a group conversation, having quick comebacks, etc. difficult. However, I see myself as a sort of middle ground between outside and inside where I have the option to pay attention to either at any time , and I just like paying attention to the inside more. Usually this creates a situation where everything is infused with a billion different colorations of tone, perception, mood, etc. and to focus myself, I have to reach out and pick the one that fits the situation and my desires at the time the most. In reality, I don't feel forced to pick between them internally, so in situations where I'm just walking around without any demands to meet, all colorations flurry around in equal standing and I have no need to define myself by one or the other thought or reaction.
    Last edited by ouronis; 10-22-2020 at 04:52 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    How you see the world is a huge topic. I think it's obvious that people see the world in different ways. In myself, I've noticed that whether I am generally feeling good completely changes whether I see things as a big deal or not. In addition, what you notice is in large part conditioned by your experiences and the frameworks that you "wear" as you walk around the world (whether you are religious or not, for example, but also your experiential maxims like "rich people are all selfish"). These influences all get wrapped up into some incredible contraption that looks like an abstract version of your thought process. Then you also have genetic influences, which are this but on a smaller scale.

    These inevitably result in and from perceptual skills. But I forgot the rest of what I was going to say and I'm hungry so nvm
    Another nascent Marx distracted, and then subverted, by cookies. And just like that, the threat to the status quo is gone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jo Lande View Post
    For as long as I can remember, I've always felt detached from the world. Like I'm viewing my life from afar. My feelings and emotions are distant, as if someone else's. When I react emotionally to something, I'm fully aware of it. I don't drown in my emotions. Even when angry, I don't seem to lose control. My mind and body are just numb to most things. I don't feel anything when looking at others or myself. I don't get the sense of pride or disgust others have for their appearance. I take care of myself, but it's more to ensure this meat sack I call a body doesn't fall ill or expire. People seem like moving figures in the background to me, and when they call out, it takes a moment for me to recognize them. It's not on purpose. More like it takes time for me to connect to reality. I sort of feel like a wandering spirit, observing the world, at times. I do have moments of clarity, like when I analyze something exciting or speak with an enthusiastic person. However, my default state of perception is emptiness and disinterest.
    Yes. Although the quoted I figure this is more specific to LIIs. In the threads I’ve made on SEIs I think I hinted at something alike and I have recently wrote the emotional part of what you describe I perceive as a ‘minor maladjustment’. I think it’s probably an quadra thing, at least with the introverts. It’s like a degree of separation between the subject and reality, even if the person is involved in everyday affairs normally. An observant position.

    In the Alpha examples thread I posted Olivia Cooke as being SEI in my opinion. After that, Youtube's algorithms threw this scene of one of her films in my direction. I haven’t seen it fully, but they appear to be going with the full sociopath approach. What we are discussing is nothing on that scale. Where I’m going with this is that Cooke felt attracted to the role and could slip into it because she considered that the premise, at least, was not that removed from some aspect of her personality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jo Lande View Post
    I've started to wonder about the perception of others. The friend in question is a SEI, and she remarks of how vibrant the world is and how connected she feels to others. She "sees" people and seems to experience everything with extreme clarity, like she is a part of this world, for lack of a better phrase.
    SEIs are probably more inconsistent than LIIs in that regard. 'Vibrancy' episodes are more related to specific streaks and alternate with the written above.
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    I always felt like I’m an outsider who lives side by side with others but not with others. I observe the way things are and know how I can effect it, but most of the time I let things be and don’t interfere where it doesn’t concern me.

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    I find it incredibly easy to slip into a state of meditative "blankness." Not thinking. Not feeling. Detaching the ego and whatnot, the sense of self isn't really there most of the time. Like a fish swimming in an ocean. Or like the moments just before you fall asleep. When I am around most other people in real life it kind of disturbs this process... feel more antsy and I can get extremely uncomfortable and tense. That's probably mental illness though (should probably get if fixed one day). Interestingly enough there are some people I "hit it off with", my personal definition being less hit-ty and more like speaking around them doesn't break the tranquility whatsoever, like calmly pulling them in for an easygoing tango. I love Deltas lol. On the downside I have to use written medias like this in order to organize slightly complex thoughts... my brain is a poor recorder for pure rational thinking (could just be plain retardation though I doubt my IQ is on the higher side)

    However, every month or so I get visions/dreams or think about simple ideas with an interesting twist... then I get so excited my body gets tingly I just stand there and go "this idea is SO RADILICIOUS" and if my brain could make a sound it would be BUZZZZZZZZZZZ. Very much the opposite of the usual state. Sadly I forget them most of the time, lol, or they're incredibly stupid later thinking about it. Like a huge bottle costume made of an apple drink I am fond of. Or like an RPG with talking plant people living in a patch of grass and cigarettes/pesticide/asexual reproductive clones as weapons.

    edit: ngl this made me realize I don't get much benefit from the standard meditation techniques because there's pretty much no difference between that and the normal me... my next mission should be trying to get high from just sitting and thinking that should be interesting.
    Last edited by Tzuyu; 10-22-2020 at 09:28 AM.

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    Meditative states are separate and distinct from the processing detachments of Eps and Ijs - and is one truly cognitive when in a meditative state. Because their input and output processes operate independent of one another, this processing detachment permeates their personalities. Note that this doesn't have anything to do with sociopathic tendencies, which a small segment of all types can have. Ejs and Ips have interdependent input and output processes, so detached operation isn't in the design. I wrote the following about the differences in thinking patterns:

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Truth to be told, I guess I feel like what people see of me isn't actually me. What feels real is what goes on in my head with myself alone. I'm the alien in my head that's pressing all the controls for my body and that little guy likes to just sit and observe and analyze and critique most of the time. He's always trying to make sense of everything, even though the world probably doesn't make sense most of the time. Poor guy probably needs a vacation for the rest of his life.

    There's also a very real instinctive side that is almost opposite. But I don't know if it is my superego or an id response. I think it is superego though. For reasons I won't get into, I think if my ego breaks down, I have this insanity inside me that is like Se+Fi/Te on a plate of cold rage. Like if I had the power to completely destroy humanity, there's a strong chance I would do it, just because deep down I don't think I feel very positive about the human race. I could replace them with something else that is less selfish perhaps. Maybe I'm really ILI though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been completely attached to the world. Completely unable to meta-analyze. It takes all of my braincells and mental focus to do things like read or follow any train of thought. I’m just an oversized goldfish that’s navigating human society wreaking havoc on all that operate above the brainstem.

    This is what people imagine being a sensor is like, right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been completely attached to the world. Completely unable to meta-analyze. It takes all of my braincells and mental focus to do things like read or follow any train of thought. I’m just an oversized goldfish that’s navigating human society wreaking havoc on all that operate above the brainstem.

    This is what people imagine being a sensor is like, right?
    That's what I imagine Se-leads to be like.

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    I've always felt both connected to the world and also pretty detached to it. I'm not a sensor. I mean some really basic bitch 'Karens' or whatever (don't know how else to explain it?) have gotten really angry at me before for daydreaming or not being as "realistic" enough as they wanted me to be- but the thing of it is I'm actually very realistic. I'm so realistic & connected to the pain of the world that I sometimes need to detach to deal with it.

    Besides being connected to the world is overrated. CEOs/multi-millionaires/highly successful people that many people are jealous of aren't "connected to the world" in that sense. They are much more connected to the faith in their own dreams. They just use the world as a tool to fuel their own narcissism. I'm not even saying everybody should be this way or anything but obviously there is a point where being connected to "reality" too much isn't all it's cracked up to be. After all like me and Zap say, shit is real- but it doesn't mean I smear feces on my face every night because of it. Just because "it's technically more real than thinking you have shamanic magical powers."

    I don't think you should avoid reality too much or be too flighty. But I think when you are really happy, & get in that good frame of mindset - those obstacles that held you back before begin to kind of begin to morph to your own advantage anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cybel View Post
    edit: ngl this made me realize I don't get much benefit from the standard meditation techniques because there's pretty much no difference between that and the normal ..a
    The benefit of meditation done right, in your case, should be to amp up the enjoyability of those BUZZ moments you mention.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    This is what people imagine being a sensor is like, right?
    Since I can't help but feel this might have spawned off my destructive description for sensing, I'll answer.

    Sensing egos, no. But it is what I imagine my lower dimension sensing to be like. Maybe intuitives tend to project that on sensors? I guess that's what you mean.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Since I can't help but feel this might have spawned off my destructive description for sensing
    No, lol u snowflake

    As for the rest of your post, not sure, how representative it is of all intuitives’ impressions of it.

    In any case I don’t think the internal discourse or whatever is different between sensors and intuitives, actually. Just the sort of content that’s focused on.

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    It has been constant state of analysis for me. Swimming internally in my thoughts. It is like being totally unable to focus things in front of me. According to many I have huge reserve for it. Even lots of Ne creatives have gotten scared of this capacity for inner immersion not to say it for others. Apparently this sort of focus is very taxing for many individuals, lol. As such due to this capacity glimpses of external reality might submerge into my inner world. This is not psychosis because I'm aware (in fact I think psychosis is opposite but via cursory glance symptom-wise it might come close). Due to this people say that I make weird facial expressions but it is due to seeing world through my own images.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jo Lande View Post

    Don't worry, your post is actually very informative. It's good to see I'm not alone in feeling detached, even if I might be more so than some. I don't know, I've never considered my view of the world as unordinary. It's only recently I discovered how skewed my perception is compared to others. Don't know if it has to do with Socionics or some other issue, but it does make me want to explore why I am this way. Just, maybe not with a psychologist.

    As for your post, these parts:

    Relate to the impressions I received from my interactions with other sensors. Considering your half-half experiences, I guess you could attribute that to T/N elements being the cause for disconnect vs F/S elements.

    Either way, thank you for sharing.
    Glad it was interesting. I only relate to the aloofness emotionally but I don't relate to the other type of detachment yeah. And yeah I don't think any of us realises by default that others may totally perceive it all differently. As for the half/half stuff, yeah, again, I think it makes sense that some of it is "abstract" and some of it is "involved" stuff - socionics had this category for these IE pairs but I'd rather not link it too closely to socionics. It does remind me, socionics also has the IE pairings of internal and external and for that one, you want, read up on the default mode network and the task positive network in the brain, because those would be a pairing for a similar thing. As for abstract vs involved, maybe there is something for that too, would have to check

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jo Lande View Post

    Don't worry, your post is actually very informative. It's good to see I'm not alone in feeling detached, even if I might be more so than some. I don't know, I've never considered my view of the world as unordinary. It's only recently I discovered how skewed my perception is compared to others
    What you wrote about not recognizing people's faces could be a distinctive LII thing. I think @FreelancePoliceman mentioned something similar involving an episode with his ex-GF.
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    I guess I'm detached from the world, but to me it feels normal. I only notice it when I'm with people who aren't that way. Often when time "stops" for me, internally, i feel like it stops in the outside world too. like because time is paused inside of me, it's paused on the outside as well. then i re-emerge back into the world. this keeps happening.

    I've never been detached from.. myself. i know an EII 9 who describes experiencing disassociation-- for me it's "derealization". i often feel like i just slipped into a separate universe where everything's slightly off, like how is this little thing something that just happened.. how weird and random..

    I can't disassociate from myself even when i try. a lot of people i know describe dreaming in 3rd person. i'm always in 1st person even for the times i'm not myself but that's rare

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    What you wrote about not recognizing people's faces could be a distinctive LII thing. I think @FreelancePoliceman mentioned something similar involving an episode with his ex-GF.
    That's interesting to know, since I haven't talked to any other LIIs about this, though I can imagine it being the case.

    As for your earlier post about SEIs, I do notice the one I know had a moment where she shut off when her kids are driving her up the wall. She became almost robotic in nature, going about her work while ignoring the chaos around her. Thinking about it, I suppose that is a form of disassociation. I've only seen her like that once, though. Thanks for offering a perspective on SEIs.

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    It does remind me, socionics also has the IE pairings of internal and external and for that one, you want, read up on the default mode network and the task positive network in the brain, because those would be a pairing for a similar thing. As for abstract vs involved, maybe there is something for that too, would have to check
    Will definitely check those up.

    In any case, I will try to keep type-based assumptions to a minimum. Been tackling this too much from a socionics perspective. Interesting discussion, nonetheless, and a lot of reading up for me to do. I'm just glad to be learning more from others' views and opinions.
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    I also see myself as distant from myself. As a rationalist myself, I submit much of my feelings to reason. But even though I understand how all parts of the whole fit together and form an image, I am not invulnerable to irrational perspectives, which are characterized by fantasy, or partial or impartial disconnection from the external world. In fact, I believe that all rational types should have an irrational balance in the same proportion, which can get out of control if something unbalances the psyche's balance (ex: Trauma, Abandonment, Insociability). But socionics is about that, how each individual metabolizes the information around him, in a subjective or objective way, thus forming complex differentials between one and the other. But I also believe in the individuality and unpredictability of Human Action, postulated by Ludwig von Mises. About individuality, I mean, although we metabolize information through the same complex, we are individuals with different memories, lives, feelings, and thoughts. Regarding Human Action, it may seem contradictory to typological systems, but well, there is no system that absolutely determines how each human being will act in certain situations, depending only on approximations, such as mathematics.

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    Being among other people still surprise me when some quick realization reminds me that I'm not like them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been completely attached to the world. Completely unable to meta-analyze. It takes all of my braincells and mental focus to do things like read or follow any train of thought. I’m just an oversized goldfish that’s navigating human society wreaking havoc on all that operate above the brainstem.

    This is what people imagine being a sensor is like, right?
    How is it that I know two ESI's and one SLE with PhD's in Physics?

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    Interesting topic. I perceive the world in a very different way than you do OP. I can't barely imagine how it would be to live like that, except for this "I sort of feel like a wandering spirit, observing the world, at times.". This is probably related to being Introverted or sx, or both. I feel like this too at times, not because I'm detached from myself but because I'm detached from the rest of the ppl.

    I've a strong connection with myself (physical and psychological) and I know Who I am and what I like (I don't get when ppl say that they don't know who they are or what they like etc). External things (images, scenarios, animals, objects, people, sounds, words, gestures, colors, textures, temperature etc) evoke in me a reaction that almost often goes without being visibly or externally expressed. Please ( which makes me feel joy, interest, comfort, pleasure) , displease (anger, sadness, fear, nausea) or indifference (no effect at all), certain things also evoke old memories and others remind me of things I need/have to do and haven't yet (I have forgotten about or delayed). Trying always to keep this internal balance (through selective attention), where I can be on a constant and natural state of wellbeing, relaxation and peace in present moment. I must say, this state is not possible without selective attention. That said, I barely feel emotional and I'm aware of the few moments when I am (usually caused by ethical ppl irl or mere violence -verbal, physical or emotional). I think negative emotions try to disrupt selective attention and pass over my will or election. But I also dislike when ppl is trying to make me react with an emotion when I feel like not doing it (usually most of the parties, group meetings etc). I also dislike when I see discomfort or suffering in others so I can be moved to aid or help in a way, or as last resource, remove myself from that person (when they reject my help or constantly fight to remain in a state of anxiety, disgrace, suffering, drama etc), since I can't offer mere emotions to comfort them, just practical aid or advice, aka guidance.

    A parallel processing is through a chain of thoughts, an internal chat. In this way most of the logical or rational thoughts are made as conclusions and resolutions from external information almost completely going in the sense of evaluating what's useful/useless, true/false, convenient/inconvenient, healthy/unhealthy, harmless/dangerous, just/unfair, etc and conclusions to events or information in through inferences which makes me take resolutions and direct action (perform, learn etc).

    For the rest, there's a constant need to get new interesting information, task that's natural for the Reporter (IEE).
    Last edited by Faith; 11-01-2020 at 06:46 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    No, lol u snowflake

    As for the rest of your post, not sure, how representative it is of all intuitives’ impressions of it.

    In any case I don’t think the internal discourse or whatever is different between sensors and intuitives, actually. Just the sort of content that’s focused on.
    This point you bring up probably deals with static vs dynamic types more than intuitive vs sensing. Dynamic types really confuse me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jo Lande View Post
    Okay, so I've been thinking about how cognition works, and how our brains prioritize certain functions, but how does that relate to how we see the world? Do certain types "see" differently? Are some more detached while others are more connected to reality? Or do some see something in others that other types cannot? Of course, this is not counting factors that affect perception like depression or anxiety, but how you have perceived the world for all your life.

    So, here's my experience.

    For as long as I can remember, I've always felt detached from the world. Like I'm viewing my life from afar. My feelings and emotions are distant, as if someone else's. When I react emotionally to something, I'm fully aware of it. I don't drown in my emotions. Even when angry, I don't seem to lose control. My mind and body are just numb to most things. I don't feel anything when looking at others or myself. I don't get the sense of pride or disgust others have for their appearance. I take care of myself, but it's more to ensure this meat sack I call a body doesn't fall ill or expire. People seem like moving figures in the background to me, and when they call out, it takes a moment for me to recognize them. It's not on purpose. More like it takes time for me to connect to reality. I sort of feel like a wandering spirit, observing the world, at times. I do have moments of clarity, like when I analyze something exciting or speak with an enthusiastic person. However, my default state of perception is emptiness and disinterest.

    Now, I don't have a problematic history. No abuse or mental illness. No drinking or smoking. Even my life has been average. Nothing traumatic or anything. However, when I spoke to a friend recently, I've started to wonder about the perception of others. The friend in question is a SEI, and she remarks of how vibrant the world is and how connected she feels to others. She "sees" people and seems to experience everything with extreme clarity, like she is a part of this world, for lack of a better phrase.

    I know being a LII means being detached and in my head all the time, which is why I want to know how other types experience things.
    That's true for me also, especially the red. Kind of feel like life is happening in front of me like I'm not an active player in it, but a witness of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    Interesting topic. I perceive the world in a very different way than you do OP. I can't barely imagine how it would be to live like that, except for this "I sort of feel like a wandering spirit, observing the world, at times.". This is probably related to being Introverted or sx, or both. I feel like this too at times, not because I'm detached from myself but because I'm detached from the rest of the ppl.

    I've a strong connection with myself (physical and psychological) and I know Who I am and what I like (I don't get when ppl say that they don't know who they are or what they like etc). External things (images, scenarios, animals, objects, people, sounds, words, gestures, colors, textures, temperature etc) evoke in me a reaction that almost often goes without being visibly or externally expressed. Please ( which makes me feel joy, interest, comfort, pleasure) , displease (anger, sadness, fear, nausea) or indifference (no effect at all), certain things also evoke old memories and others remind me of things I need/have to do and haven't yet (I have forgotten about or delayed). Trying always to keep this internal balance (through selective attention), where I can be on a constant and natural state of wellbeing, relaxation and peace in present moment. I must say, this state is not possible without selective attention. That said, I barely feel emotional and I'm aware of the few moments when I am (usually caused by ethical ppl irl or mere violence -verbal, physical or emotional). I think negative emotions try to disrupt selective attention and pass over my will or election. But I also dislike when ppl is trying to make me react with an emotion when I feel like not doing it (usually most of the parties, group meetings etc). I also dislike when I see discomfort or suffering in others so I can be moved to aid or help in a way, or as last resource, remove myself from that person (when they reject my help or constantly fight to remain in a state of anxiety, disgrace, suffering, drama etc), since I can't offer mere emotions to comfort them, just practical aid or advice, aka guidance.

    A parallel processing is through a chain of thoughts, an internal chat. In this way most of the logical or rational thoughts are made as conclusions and resolutions from external information almost completely going in the sense of evaluating what's useful/useless, true/false, convenient/inconvenient, healthy/unhealthy, harmless/dangerous, just/unfair, etc and conclusions to events or information in through inferences which makes me take resolutions and direct action (perform, learn etc).

    For the rest, there's a constant need to get new interesting information, task that's natural for the Reporter (IEE).
    Yup. This is the same for me also.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    How is it that I know two ESI's and one SLE with PhD's in Physics?
    We are so attached with Se that we need to know how the f everything is happening around us, because we know we can’t escape it.

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    Physics is gay. Real men do math and write 1/0 sequences using magnets by hand.

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