Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
You should consider Delta/Gamma types but just to be sure you should check for Ti too. Why do you think you could be Ti ego?
Yeah, if I am a Delta type, it's going to be an ST type because I do not think that I am intuitive, feeling type (NF) because I don't use Ne as a dominant function, and I don't have PoLR/Role Se. I definitely am not an idealist, nor am I much of a Humanitarian at all. I've been called pragmatic more times than I have a humanist. I do think that if Quadras have any value to them (which they might, but to me they come across as pretty "clique-ish", which may also be a product of the translations from Russian as well). I guess I have to do more research into the Quadras and see if they're as valid as I think they are:

I think maybe I have Ti because:

  • I want things to make sense for me, no matter what the case may be.
  • I like to organise things based on an order that I think works best based on size (probably not Ti, but anyway).
  • I like to learn things, and for them to be effective.
  • I like to store up facts, and I like to accumulate knowledge about topics.
  • I admit that I like to debate things for fun, but it's not a priority of mine.
  • I try to be conistent and calm when I can (it's mostly my default mode).
  • I also admit that I'm not the best arguer in terms of 'logic', unless I have my facts straight and my arguments ready (again, probably just common debate practice), but I can convince people nonetheless.

That's what I think. A lot of people think I am either SLE or SEE. It's mostly the SLE that think I am SEE, and the SEE that think I am SLE, weirdly enough. I also get the odd SLI/SLE suggestion, and have gotten LSI before. It's weird.