Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
If you think ethics of relations is not important in a relationship and you look for someone to make you feel emotions (as you said before) then mb you are not even IEE.

Also there's no logical relation between ethics of relations (Fi) being important in a relationship and being sx last, lol.
I think you should stop being triggered by everything people say on this forum. I was just sharing my interpretation and my opinion that you're sx-last, no need to flood me with your Ti/Te accusations.

I'm IEE-Ne & value Si/Ne way more than Fi, you're SLI-Te so probably you value Fi and Ne equally. You say I think ethics of relations is not important, yet you're the one who keeps making ennemies by being argumentative and bigoted. You don't seem to be able to cultivate warm relationships unless people agree with you yet you're the one giving lessons. I think you should learn to be more tolerant to people being different, to listen actively to other people instead of reacting, to empathize with people even if you don't agree with them and learn to focus on the issues discussed instead of taking things personnally. Your relationships will improve greatly. I'm just geared towards an SLI who would have figured this out already. I think we're duals, just incompatible ones.

Have a good day and please leave me in peace (aka alone). I will do the same.