Ne and Ti for me.

When I am depressed, I procrastinate a lot more then usual. I can be more emotionally reactive and ruminate a lot. The world seems scary and It can be a struggle to leave the house. I feel like grabbing at different options that will make me feel better or possibilities. It's like a double edge sword, I am thinking of negative possibilities that could go wrong or I am grabbing at any possibility that could make me feel better or safe. I just get overly critical of myself and it's hard to leave this space.

I feel better when I am cleaning or going for a walk. It gives my brain something else to focus on and it gives me a routine I need. I feel accomplished, a little bit better, and useful. I also really need to talk to people and have connection in some way, I find that healing. Same thing works when someone shows me the bright side of things and I can get out of my dark hole. I need to see the good possibilities because I already struggle with this a bit when healthy and extremely so when unhealthy. I just need to see some colour and that it is going somewhere positive.