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Thread: Hi :3 ENTJ here !!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    I didn't say that you were angry or triggered. But the emotional vibe is there with all these nonsensical posts. You did say you were being facetious, if I remember correctly. For what it's worth, some of what you say does make me laugh. Is it humor that you always intended? Maybe not.

    ^This up there is what I was referring to, not you knowing who you are.
    You actually did say triggered.

  2. #42
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    Well, I wasn't sure that @NightHawk was LIE when I read her first posts (I thought SEE was possible), but the fact that she's a female makes things clearer. I know at least 22 LIE's IRL, two of whom are female, and the female LIE's can come off as being incredible hard-asses while still having a human in there somewhere. It isn't easy being a female with a very male personality.

    For what it's worth, when I initially started posting on this forum, I was being very circumspect and still managed to permanently irritate every Dual on here. Also some Semi-Duals. In real life, I have been told that I'm "unignorable" and have been compared to a "loose cannon" and to the "82nd Airborne". You know, you just try to do your job and a few things break and then everyone jumps on you.
    @NightHawk, you seem like you are in your early 20's. I didn't really start being LIE until I was 30. But before then, I lived in a bubble and didn't have any external references, so I was slow to understand myself.

    What are your experiences with being a female LIE? How do you think you compare to other females, and to other LIE's? Any thoughts?

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    You actually did say triggered.

    ^this thread
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    Mental illness jab wasn't random. It was pretty obvious what i was trying to say, and yes, i was using armchair psychology, but so is everyone here. do you understand the word facetious?

    Not to mention you weren't there. I really wasn't THAT jovial. My point was greenfaerie is so miserable anything would be jovial compared to her demeanor. She says she was sick, sort of an excuse. I know people with chronic illnesses who still muster up more personality than she did. I find people like that tend to come down harshly on anyone who is happy
    I didn’t say anything about you being jovial lol. I saw Se and Fe, but I never indicated anything regarding being jovial. That was my initial impression which you seem quite butthurt about for some bizarre reason.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, I wasn't sure that @NightHawk was LIE when I read her first posts, but the fact that she's a female counts for a lot. Also, I know at least 22 LIE's IRL, two of whom are female, and the female LIE's can come off as being incredible hard-asses. It isn't easy being a female with a very male personality.

    For what it's worth, when I initially started posting on this forum, I was being very circumspect and still managed to permanently irritate every Dual on here. Also some Semi-Duals. In real life, I have been told that I'm "unignorable" and have been compared to a "loose cannon" and to the "82nd Airborne". You know, you just try to do your job and a few things break and then everyone jumps on you.
    @NightHawk, you seem like you are in your early 20's. I didn't really start being LIE until I was 30.

    What are your experiences with being a female LIE? How do you think you compare to other females, and to other LIE's? Any thoughts?
    People have tended to think I'm a lesbian because I was always a bit of a tomboy. Which who cares right? Well, when you constantly hear stupidity, it wears you down. It made me keenly aware at a very early age that I was different from other girls, and that how I behaved wasn't acceptable, feminine, soft, submissive, etc. I have definitely had to deal with sort of not fitting in because of that, and I've developed the "funny guy" personality mostly as a coping mechanism to deal with what I thought was hypocrisy in society. I initially pointed things out with intensity, but realized quickly that people don't respond well to that and may perceive me as argumentative when really I just wanted to see better in the world. So using humor to point out logical inconsistencies was more effective. As much as I try to deny the effects of gender, because I always realized it was socialized, I do now know it plays a role in personality development. Yes, I am in my 20s. I think as a kid, being an LIE was difficult because I genuinely wanted to see things improve, but being surrounded by so many SFs, who don't care to understand why things are the way they are, was pretty isolating. It was also very depressing. The world seemed hopeless. I remember I was already an atheist by age 12 because I realized religion also was perpetuating what I consider unhealthy expectations on people, the LGBtq+ community, etc, and especially women and their "role" or "place" in the world. Anyway, I'm in my late 20s. I went through the bush era, homophobia, and definitely grew up as the conservative agenda changed to a more liberal one. So I do like the way society is progressing but growing up was not fun. I mean it's already hard to be a kid. I never liked being a kid either. I felt like i had a voice that wasn't heard and realized when I grew up and became an adult I would hopefully be heard. Which being gamma =adults. Didn't check for typos. Posting now. Lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by dedxx View Post
    Lmao it's a dumpster fire. * Tips hat *

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    @NightHawk, you sound like you are walking the same path I did. Except I wasn't called a lesbian. Lol.

    So your experience with SF's wasn't that good? I was surrounded by thinkers and was told that Feelers were stupid. So much crap to overcome.

    How is your relationship with your father? Close? Distant? What about with your mother? I'm testing a theory here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @NightHawk, you sound like you are walking the same path I did. Except I wasn't called a lesbian. Lol.

    So your experience with SF's wasn't that good? I was surrounded by thinkers and was told that Feelers were stupid. So much crap to overcome.

    How is your relationship with your father? Close? Distant? What about with your mother? I'm testing a theory here.
    I have a great relationship with my dad. It has improved w my mom. I think my mom was typed as ISFJ which is interesting because when we were younger I felt like we didn't get along. Now that I'm older I can talk to my mom more deeply and I feel understood.

    I felt like SFs cared so much about image and aesthetic, and doing what everyone else is doing, and I cared mostly about politics, philosophy and science. No one seemed to really want to think about why things are the way they are. No one seemed to want to question the status quo and say how can we make the world better?

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    Quote Originally Posted by JustWandering View Post
    I chatted with Night Hawk and Cactagon for probably like 30-40 minutes and I really didn't see anything that would go against LIE to be honest. It was really cool to see her energy play off her best friend. Fun, forceful, firecracker type that seems to align with 8w7 LIE.
    Lol yeah well he's INTJ so it's interesting because we can definitely butt heads. Keep in mind our mutual friend was INFP in high school. So it was a group of us INFP INTJ and ENTJ. I Think having the NF influence helped us become close when maybe without her we would have never talked. Hey, 12+ years later we are all still best friends.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JustWandering View Post
    I chatted with Night Hawk and Cactagon for probably like 30-40 minutes and I really didn't see anything that would go against LIE to be honest. It was really cool to see her energy play off her best friend. Fun, forceful, firecracker type that seems to align with 8w7 LIE.
    That’s fine Wandering, and I never doubted that I could be wrong. I stated my impression and was told I was mentally ill, among other things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    Lol yeah well he's INTJ so it's interesting because we can definitely butt heads. Keep in mind our mutual friend was INFP in high school. So it was a group of us INFP INTJ and ENTJ. I Think having the NF influence helped us become close when maybe without her we would have never talked. Hey, 12+ years later we are all still best friends.
    Are you using MBTI notation? Where ILI = INTJ = INTp?

    In HS, my best friends were ESI (MBTI ISFP = Socionics ISFj) and IEI (MBTI INFJ = Socionics INFp) and ILI (MBTI INTJ = Socionics INTp), and that hasn't changed in the years since then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    That’s fine Wandering, and I never doubted that I could be wrong. I stated my impression and was told I was mentally ill, among other things.
    I thought you were Rynn and I acknowledged my screw up. Rynn seemed miserable af. Maybe they are awesome idk. Again these are just first impressions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Are you using MBTI notation? Where ILI = INTJ = INTp?

    In HS, my best friends were ESI and IEI and ILI, and that hasn't changed.
    I'm using socionics. It's just easier for me to refer to the types as the four letters because that's how I was initially introduced to this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JustWandering View Post
    Ahhh that's so sweet! I can tell that it never gets boring with you two in the building.

    I love long-term friendships like that. My longest friendship is with a ISFj. We definitely butted heads too but also balanced each other out.
    Haha aww thank you!
    @Adam Strange, what theory are you testing ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    Haha aww thank you!
    @Adam Strange, what theory are you testing ?
    Almost all the LIE's that I know have absent, ineffective fathers and insanely intrusive mothers. But that could be a coincidence. It might not be type-related. It might not be how LIE's are formed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Almost all the LIE's that I know have absent, ineffective fathers and insanely intrusive mothers. But that could be a coincidence. It might not be type-related. It might not be how LIE's are formed.
    I feel like my relationship with my dad was so good because I didn't really want to hang with the girls anyway. It was always me, my dad, and my brother. My mom wasn't intrusive but she was hard on me. Tough love. My dad was the nice one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JustWandering View Post
    It's okay to have a difference in opinions. It's the varying perceptions that make the world go round.

    That is really mean to be called "mentally ill" for a small disagreement over typing. To me, that lack of social nuance points against Fe-favoring.
    Yeah I know it was bitchy. I'm human :/

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    Quote Originally Posted by JustWandering View Post
    It's okay to have a difference in opinions. It's the varying perceptions that make the world go round.

    That is really mean to be called "mentally ill" for a small disagreement over typing. To me, that lack of social nuance points against Fe-favoring.
    @JustWandering, you are correct. I find that the majority of the LIE's that I know have trouble with being diplomatic and with appearing to be nice. Some of them have lots of trouble with it. I have struggled with this, myself.

    Fortunately, it is a learned skill.
    Unfortunately, LIE's are starting from a low level.

    The LIE's who do learn empathy and how to protect other people's feelings, though, are pretty successful. The LIE that I admire most never comments negatively on other people. I don't think it's because he's lit, I just think he's circumspect. He is unhappily married to an LII, so he can't be that aware of his own or of other people's feelings. I think he just has a rule to not comment.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    I thought you were Rynn and I acknowledged my screw up. Rynn seemed miserable af. Maybe they are awesome idk. Again these are just first impressions.
    You said I had a flat affect which implied I’m mentally ill (you may want to judge someone’s affect more when they are actually speaking by the way). You said you made a screw up on thinking I made a remark toward you when it was actually Rynn, but that I still had a flat affect, so I’m not sure what you are talking about. There is a lack of consistency in what you are saying.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    You said I had a flat affect which implied I’m mentally ill (you may want to judge someone’s affect more when they are actually speaking by the way). You said you made a screw up on thinking I made a remark toward you when it was actually Rynn, but that I still had a flat affect, so I’m not sure what you are talking about. There is a lack of consistency in what you are saying.
    Did you not read this entire comment? Where I nicely and neatly simplified my corrections and included I still stand by the flat affect comment because I thought it was funny.
    Copy and pasted from page one:

    I think in general because I was confusing you with someone else, that it's going to be difficult to sift through and find the general points I was making. So because a lot of the things I was saying were in reference to someone else, I will list the general points I still stand by:

    1. The flat affect was a snarky joke. As of your most recent post, you have now typed me as EIE or ENFJ. What's interesting is you still are holding onto the Feeling function. ENFJ is at least a rational type and intuitive. ESFP was just completely missing the mark. I know many ENFJs, and I find they have a warmth that I simply lack.

    2. I do not have a psychiatrist, and I don't aspire to be the guy from American psycho. I was merely "playing off of" justwanderings comment. I was also trying to use an extreme example to contrast the assumptions people were making.

    3. I still stand by the jokes I made about who I now know as Rynn from the zoom chat. Faerie, obviously everything I said doesn't apply to you, except the flat affect comment. Your reply about preferring to have a flat affect over my alleged fakeness was funny. Kudos. Im glad you would rather be you, than me. Funny enough, I'd rather be me, than you. At least we can both agree on that

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    Quote Originally Posted by JustWandering View Post
    @Adam Strange: I have known a few female LIEs: all very lively and sociable but who had a penchant for unintentionally offending others because of gruffness and regular social gaffes due to the double-edged sword of extreme bluntness.
    I'm a white male and e8 and I do this and I often get a pass, but females just don't get the same breaks.

    I like to think that I've mitigated the worst parts of me, but I still manage to offend Alphas regularly without trying. I'll say three words and they get very dismayed. I'm still working on this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    Yeah I know it was bitchy. I'm human :/
    Let me say, Yep, definitely.

    On the other hand, while being LIE means that you pretty much are swimming upstream all the time and your biggest problem will be figuring out how to get help, being a female LIE also means that you have a very, very large pool of potential male ESI mates.

    I have never met a male ESI who married a female LIE, and I have never met a male ESI who didn't like me immediately.

    I once had my car towed by this ESI guy, about 30, and I asked him if he was married and he said No, he couldn't find the kind of woman that he liked.

    I asked him if he liked women who were (I described an LIE here) and he said "Hell yes. Where can I find a woman like that?"

    I didn't have any good news for him on that subject.

    Male ESI, female LIE:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    You sound like someone bitching to a manager. Or an angry little kid, I can't tell since they're essentially the same thing.
    Wrong read of the tone there. That tone was not angry, it was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and explain her pov. It's not nice that you are trying to be personal in return. That just escalates bad drama further. OP may have royally fucked up originally - that is what it seems like to me yeah, the mental illness comment wasn't cool - but what's the point in escalating it further when it is not even your business in the first place? Who asked you to join in?

    If your tolerance for the bull excrement is low enough to get triggered by this small, casual, low energy type of talk, where someone says "wow, kinda weird you would compare yourself to a fictional serial killer" and leads to people analyzing it... and that makes you shit your diaper and start smearing the walls with it. Maybe grow thicker skin or get a bigger diaper.
    Seems like projection from yourself.

    How can you know that she's trying to challenge you for sure? You just met her. This is an internet forum that focuses on a weird psychological theory, she is not attacking your honor or challenging you to a fight to the death. This isn't that serious.
    This is again hardly your business, as you were an outsider to the original issue, she is not required to explain herself to you yet she tried to do it and then you try to escalate the drama in turn. Nice (not).

    Anyhow if you get into it while not your business, don't be surprised if others will also get at you in turn.

    I'm not trying to get in between anything that might have happened between you and Faerie on whatever platform. I don't know anything about that in the first place. I only spoke on the obvious differences of behavior in this thread. Plus, you do seem to be jumping to unfair conclusions on people's character everywhere.
    No anymore unfair jumps to conclusions than in your own post here.

    I didn't say that you were angry or triggered. But the emotional vibe is there with all these nonsensical posts.
    Sorry but that's just complete bullshitting there. If you say there is this emotional vibe that is the same as saying that. Or otherwise the statement would be nonsensical, would have no point whatsoever.

    All in all. I strongly dislike it when everyone just goes and jumps at one person and it's just to keep fanning the negative atmosphere even if the person maybe did fuck up somewhere originally. And especially when the additional outsiders jumping in are being deaf to constructive attempts to resolve the issue arising between the joining outsiders and the original person (who either fucked up or didn't even do that, in some cases). So that is why I wrote this post. Even tho' I don't even know you otherwise. ....

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    As for OP I'm not sure if OP is LIE>EIE but I think it makes sense for LIE (rather than EIE) that she turned away from the jokey stuff to try and explain rationally.


    Quote Originally Posted by JustWandering View Post
    @Adam Strange: I have known a few female LIEs: all very lively and sociable but who had a penchant for unintentionally offending others because of gruffness and regular social gaffes due to the double-edged sword of extreme bluntness.
    That's exactly my experience with female LIEs. Lol I don't mind the gaffes usually. I had an issue with a couple of them sometimes if they got weirdly paranoid out of the blue randomly but I somehow never really took that personally either bc they made up for those bad moments with the liveliness and the energy thingy I mentioned above lol

    (To be totally factual, there was one exception from this rule but that had reasons outside typology and I still think of that person as likeable overall, weirdly enough)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Let me say, Yep, definitely.

    On the other hand, while being LIE means that you pretty much are swimming upstream all the time and your biggest problem will be figuring out how to get help, being a female LIE also means that you have a very, very large pool of potential male ESI mates.

    I have never met a male ESI who married a female LIE, and I have never met a male ESI who didn't like me immediately.

    I once had my car towed by this ESI guy, about 30, and I asked him if he was married and he said No, he couldn't find the kind of woman that he liked.

    I asked him if he liked women who were (I described an LIE here) and he said "Hell yes. Where can I find a woman like that?"

    I didn't have any good news for him on that subject.

    Male ESI, female LIE:
    Interesting. Too bad I don't know many, except my mom is isfj. Not gonna date her hahaaha

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    As for OP I'm not sure if OP is LIE>EIE but I think it makes sense for LIE (rather than EIE) that she turned away from the jokey stuff to try and explain rationally.


    That's exactly my experience with female LIEs. Lol I don't mind the gaffes usually. I had an issue with a couple of them sometimes if they got weirdly paranoid out of the blue randomly but I somehow never really took that personally either bc they made up for those bad moments with the liveliness and the energy thingy I mentioned above lol
    When I realized it was spiraling downwards quick and there was miscommunication and some confusion, I quickly put together my three final points. I also wanted to take ownership of my screw ups and make sure that was said first.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    Interesting. Too bad I don't know many, except my mom is isfj. Not gonna date her hahaaha
    I know a decent number of ESIs actually pretty closely, lol. Both female and male. I think it isn't a rare type really

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    Interesting. Too bad I don't know many, except my mom is isfj. Not gonna date her hahaaha
    Well, you've got a head start in knowing how not to piss them off. I'm still behind the eight ball in that area.

    I offended the last female ESI on a date so hard that she's done with me. I had no idea what I was doing. I'm an idiot when it comes to interpersonal relationships in general. Plus, I'm divorced from a 20-year marriage and I should know better by now but I don't seem to.

    ESI's and LIE's need to find each other early, preferably before age 30, because the social gulf between them just grows with time and it makes meeting each other nearly impossible. Once you've met, things can go better, if the LIE isn't working on being a thoughtless asshole and the ESI isn't working on being an easily outraged moral crusader, but these roles are easy to fall into.

    I walked into a coffee shop fresh from a business meeting and wearing my business clothes, and the very attractive and Bohemian female ESI behind the counter said in a quiet aside to her co-worker, "That's the enemy." So you have that to contend with, too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, you've got a head start in knowing how not to piss them off. I'm still behind the eight ball in that area.

    I offended the last female ESI on a date so hard that she's done with me. I had no idea what I was doing. I'm an idiot when it comes to interpersonal relationships in general. Plus, I'm divorced from a 20-year marriage and I should know better by now but I don't seem to.

    ESI's and LIE's need to find each other early, preferably before age 30, because the social gulf between them just grows with time and it makes meeting each other nearly impossible. Once you've met, things can go better, if the LIE isn't working on being a thoughtless asshole and the ESI isn't working on being an easily outraged moral crusader, but these roles are easy to fall into.

    I walked into a coffee shop fresh from a business meeting and wearing my business clothes, and the very attractive and Bohemian female ESI behind the counter said in a quiet aside to her co-worker, "That's the enemy." So you have that to contend with, too.
    Omgggggg haha she sounds cute. Bohemian vibes are always nice

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    Well I'll be going to see my friend shortly. Thanks for those who tried to understand me. And don't worry, I'll be keeping six feet * wink *

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    It's probably not worth anything but I'd like to say sorry that I was being bitchy with the mental health comment to you @thegreenfaerie. I didn't need to be immature and resort to an ad hominem argument. It wasn't nice and I was insensitive to those with actual mental health problems. I'm sure from this conversation I left a bad taste in ur mouth. I can't really change that and I don't expect u to feel any different about me. and that's not really the point of saying sorry. An apology is still deserved for that pettiness on my end. I think it's worth acknowledging that I should not make light of mental health issues regardless of the situation.

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    I didn't do much better in retaliating bringing up personality disorders and that went against my own values really. I've worked with people with severe mental illness for a long time and I have an immense amount of of care for them. I guess I don't like people who are very manipulative and only out for themselves though, which can sometimes be in line with personality disorders. It was honestly, defense for the most part and potentially just misjudgment. Thank you for apologizing. I don't have significant mental illness issues, but I am struggling right now with some stuff I think mostly pertaining to place in life, and I do struggle with anxiety issues. I'm in the midst of changing my life. It's good you recognize the insensitivity because what if I did have a significant mental illness, that could have been very painful. Thank you once again.

    On a second unrelated note, I an ambivert and an odd person (well, it's probably not that abnormal really) in the sense that I can be very different in different settings and in different company. I'm kind of fluid I suppose. With introverts I can take the lead, with extroverts I can take a back seat. I can be deadpan and like Daria, usually if I am uncomfortable, and I can be expressive as hell and extremely animated. Sometimes a lot of intensity right away can be off-putting to me, but I do have friends who are like this, I sometimes just need to warm up.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    I didn't do much better in retaliating bringing up personality disorders and that went against my own values really. I've worked with people with severe mental illness for a long time and I have an immense amount of of care for them. I guess I don't like people who are very manipulative and only out for themselves though, which can sometimes be in line with personality disorders. It was honestly, defense for the most part and potentially just misjudgment. Thank you for apologizing. I don't have significant mental illness issues, but I am struggling right now with some stuff I think mostly pertaining to place in life, and I do struggle with anxiety issues. I'm in the midst of changing my life. It's good you recognize the insensitivity because what if I did have a significant mental illness, that could have been very painful. Thank you once again.

    On a second unrelated note, I an ambivert and an odd person (well, it's probably not that abnormal really) in the sense that I can be very different in different settings and in different company. I'm kind of fluid I suppose. With introverts I can take the lead, with extroverts I can take a back seat. I can be deadpan and like Daria, usually if I am uncomfortable, and I can be expressive as hell and extremely animated. Sometimes a lot of intensity right away can be off-putting to me, but I do have friends who are like this, I sometimes just need to warm up.
    That makes me super happy that u don't entirely hate me. I've struggled with really bad depression and hopelessness but it's easier to make light of it these days.

    Honestly a lot of LIEs have narcissistic tendencies but I think it's just a front for most of us because we have a lot of pride. Even in the manner we speak it's very like "motivational speaker" esp for certain enneagram types. I feel like I relate a lot to this guy, we have similar demeanor, sense of humor and story telling. Like everything he said, how he said it, is me.

    I think he explains how defensive we can get and how it isn't always arrogant. Granted idk if im a 3w4. But he talks about the superego and how we need to step back sometimes.

    Anyway if you have the time check it out. He's chill. And it's really worth the watch.

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    This is prob one of the most important things I'll ever post here.

    Since you said you are feeling lost with your place and changes in ur life, im gonna link you to a sort of song/speech that at least for me reminds me of what's important. I hope that it will have the same benefits for u as it has for many people

    If you do listen to it, pay attention to the words and try to avoid distractions or chatting with anyone. It's only 5 minutes but totally worth the time. But don't listen to it if ur not going to really hear it. Or if you aren't in the mood to listen to something rn.

    It's like an epiphany in a song

    And if you think you know the song, doesn't matter! Listen to it again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightHawk View Post
    This is prob one of the most important things I'll ever post here.

    Since you said you are feeling lost with your place and changes in ur life, im gonna link you to a sort of song/speech that at least for me reminds me of what's important. I hope that it will have the same benefits for u as it has for many people

    If you do listen to it, pay attention to the words and try to avoid distractions or chatting with anyone. It's only 5 minutes but totally worth the time. But don't listen to it if ur not going to really hear it. Or if you aren't in the mood to listen to something rn.

    It's like an epiphany in a song

    And if you think you know the song, doesn't matter! Listen to it again.
    lol that's so funny, i was going to share this on someone's post recently, but decided not to. i first heard this in astronomy class at university back when and i really loved it. i get it, thank you for sharing : )

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    lol that's so funny, i was going to share this on someone's post recently, but decided not to. i first heard this in astronomy class at university back when and i really loved it. i get it, thank you for sharing : )
    Well listen to it again! You can read the same book twice and notice things you never noticed the first time.

    No prob ! It's an oldie but a goodie

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    I did listen again when I considered sharing it here recently : )

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    Too many cat emojis to be ENTJ. I commend you to the alpha SFs

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