It's a thing I've had in mind lately, do I see myself as I am or not? Is the image people send me back of myself right? Am I interpratating this feedback correctly?
How do I know which rationalization I can make up is the right one? Is there even an answer to this? Which visage should I examinate? I often get worked up because the way I act is very different depending where I am, who I'm talking with, and I wonder which "mask" is real, but is any real in the end or are they all real... Does it matter?
Is it important that I manage to fit myself inside a type or not? Why type people?

I've been described as assertive, shy, empathic, a good listener, artistic, calm, energetic, distant... there are some people who could say I'm the life of a party, others who would describe me as a fly on the wall... I've been called an intellectual, stupid, too sensitive, not sensitive enough, I've looked at diagnostics such as psychopath and more ethereal things like "empaths". It drives me insane that each and every person I have met has seen me differently and in such disproportionate measures. There's very few people in their right mind who would call me extroverted, but what if I was? Not socialy of course.
Is it wrong to lack a clear self-image?
Who am I? Do I have to know? Will I remain the same forever if I manage to pinpoint "the truth" down... probably not, lol.