Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
I don't know what person doesn't do this. It's arguably that everyone has a certain feeling first, then makes a decision based on that feeling, no matter how he thinks he has rationally arrived at a decision.

It's not possible to make any decisions without a feeling. It's likely that a feeling is a condensation or a summarization of data. Since the information available in the world is infinite, you'd have to condense at some point if you ever want to decide and take an action.
I agree that decision is come from a kind of subjectivity, but not everyone 'has a certain feeling first then making a decision based on that feeling'. Some of people look on things not always on their labels but also on their qualities or quantities. Not everyone has a strong impression of thing at the first sight and immediately making decision out of it. Even though our perceptions are made based on something we have sense before, doesn't mean it's always about the 'feeling' but also about some objective qualities. That's why there's always a guy who decide things faster while the other guy probably consume more time for considering his choices.

There's always emotions in our decision, but not always the first.