Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
As an active member of ANTIFA for 4 years of my life, I can personally assure you that I directed any and all sadistic impulses towards those first directing their sadism at me and mine (and most usually based on nothing more than superficial differences like race/ethnicity/nationality/religion/etc...). Personally, I'd have been much more content to focus that intensity on my studies as opposed to kicking in skulls but I wasn't the one going around spray painting swastikas on dorm room doors, hanging nooses from trees, or jumping brown students with weird accents, thereby creating a mentally/spiritually/emotionally/physically untenable atmosphere for the most vulnerable--acts like that go beyond cutesy theoretical arguments concerning the "freedom of speech." I'm not saying that those things happened to me personally, but because I'm not a bitch ass, completely empathy impaired piece of shit skating through life on his own unearned privilege, I decided to be proactive (with my fists) against those trying to make life harder and more uncomfortable for others who only want to exist and live unimpeded. I regret nothing.
Holy shit you sound like a delusional freak