Can't count how many Fi leads (and those who value it or are strong at it, overall) I know that are veterinarians, pet groomers/sitters/walkers and/or somehow have a (sometimes) odd affinity for animals and even deeper than that, feel connected to them on a spiritual plane. Just wondering if there's something about Fi (e.g., revulsion/attraction, closing psychological distances, "theory of mind") that predisposes it towards "relating" to animals in a certain way.

I've always had a fascination with cats, big and small--I feel like I get them somehow. As a group, they are very Fi/Se to me. lol > Not very outwardly emotive and expressive like a dog can be, solitary by nature, agile, lithe, moody, sometimesy, do their own thing, give few fucks, get affectionate when they feel like it/want something from you, they only want to do shit on their own terms, etc....

Anyway, I've always been one to get into random staring matches with cats, especially strays on the street. Then there will be this weird zone out and I may start attempting to read their minds where they say shit like "damn, it's tough out here for a thug, barely getting by on scraps, all alone, but Imma keep hustling tho." And cats can be cautious and weary as fuck around strangers, but I'll stare them down and attempt to "close the psychological distance," and I swear, occasionally one will wander over or start to follow me around. lol If only it were that easy for humans. I wonder if there is some primitive thing about animals (some more than others) that ignites something equally primitive in us thereby making them seemingly easier to "get" on a base level.

My Fi is about 7 years old and basic as hell, maturation wise, but I wonder if stronger, more experienced Fi valuers have a more nuanced grasp or understanding of animals that can make it easier to "see them" and relate to them and manifest great empathy for them, which is valuable seeing as how there is a great intellectual and communicative divide between us.