Quote Originally Posted by Eli View Post
IEIs are creators of narratives. This means they are natural actors (generally more Fe) and artists (generally more Ni subtypey). Diplomacy and tact are tools (Fi) used for end's means (Se Ti). All good at drawing you in for a cause, if they wish to do so. The cause could be for the good of humanity or it could be a purely selfish one. Good at garnering sympathy. Realizing individual potential and being fanatically altruistic is generally more of a Delta NF thing, I feel. Both EIEs and IEIs are good at creating images to support their narratives. EIEs profess more the "mover and shaker" aspect and IEIs a more passive existence, carving out and refining their narrative over time. More intellectual IEIs resemble ILIs in the seer/oracle/predictors of da Way faucet. It's kind of sad because most IEIs IRL I've met are kind of shallow/unstable (Fe) or too inert to realize their full potential (Ni), I suppose their duals help in this aspect.

edit: realizing the "beauty of existence" and "inspirer" is a role that can be applied to all 4 NFs, all in a slightly different way. Likewise STs are in theory the most adept executioners of visions.

Vitality- EIE
Muse- IEI
Idealism- EII
Potential- IEE
I've changed my typing from INFp to ENFp now, and looking back all those questions make a lot of sense to me. I'm all about altruistic idealism and potential for self-fulfillment.