So, I've been putting off this post for a while and I also wasn't sure where to put it here...

But I wanted to more formally address why I decided to stick with my EIE typing over any other typing (specifically Te-valuing types.) You may or may not agree with this typing or these points, but regardless, I hope it maybe clarifies my thinking. If you have input, feel free to say so... even if you don't agree.

So the easiest way I think to do this and break it down would be maybe to go through each of the IMs and my take on them.

Fe: My friends do consider me "extroverted" and animated, unafraid to share my thoughts and if I feel passionate about something. Likewise, I am likely to use humor in most situations and I've always been "funny", if in an off-beat way. I love to express myself, be that through fashion or some other form of art, and that is a large part of my identity. I tend to have an aura of welcoming, as I've been told, and I've sort of been the "glue" that holds groups together. With that comes a diplomatic sort of nature to myself as well. On a slightly lesser note, but still I think significant, is my way of playful banter in conversation. (May add more to this is comments later)

Ni: Symbolism is my bread and butter and I've always been majorly attracted to the mystic, abstract, "unknown" aspects of life. Likewise a lot of realism tends to bore me. I study paganism and do identify as a witch. I don't want to go too much into that as a whole for the sake of derailment, but it has a heavy weight on symbolism, energy, etc. Aside from that, I've always had a plan for my life. Ever since I was a kid I knew what I wanted and I stuck to it. I'm uncomfortable with not "having a plan" and a vision.

Se: I'm a "tough and willful" person. I've always been described as a bit aggressive, competitive, intense, goal-oriented and if I want it, I'm going to get it. I've had a lot of crap happen in my life and how I cope with it is pushing back even harder. It's hard to knock me down and I always step up to the plate. Likewise, I'm the first person to administer "tough love." To the point, unfortunately, that some people honestly dislike this habit of mine. I feel this is one of the more obvious aspects of my personality.

Ti: Point blank, despite what was mentioned above, I can be a bit of an air head. Therefore I like when things are broken down for me. I'm always asking for explanations and want things to "fit together." Another point is that I'm pretty strict about my own principles. These principles tend to lack deeper nuance but I still cling to them. I need rules and clear boundaries in my work environments and know exactly what's expected of me.

Ne: I've always had quite a few ideas in my head. Granted I tend to use them for more artistic pursuits, such as writing. Creativity isn't really something I lack. However, this doesn't mean I have love for shallow, spur-of-the-moment pursuits. I tend to feel as if I have a lot of in my mind, but no way of "reeling" it all in.

Fi: Yes, it is no problem for me to easily assess the character of others and determine good and bad or their intentions. However I think a lot of this may largely come from principles. "I don't want to be friends with this person because of X and that makes them bad" whether then simply "this person is bad" based on a gut reaction. I do greatly value loyalty and responsibility in others but once again, this could be more so based off principle.

Te: I will eye-roll at anyone who wants to shove "empirical evidence" at me. It's irrelevant to me if the fact is not consistent with the subject and at the end of the day I value what is true. I often see Te valuers try to throw some sort of article or other source to validate their claims. I've never done this partly because outside evidence means nothing to me without accuracy. I am a hard worker and do like when things are efficient but that's about the extent of it.
P.S. @#$* capitalism

Si: I do enjoy aesthetics, good food, some cooking, and my own peace and quiet. I try to take care of my body as well as I know to. Too much of this, however, gets on my nerves. I'm a "messy" person and despise cleaning with an ever burning passion. I find it to get in the way of what needs to be done and those that fuss and piddle over the little things will not get along with me too long. I take nothing "slow and steady" but rather dive in to everything I do. Everything tends to be more of a competition to me than just simple enjoyment. Go hard or go home