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    Default Member Questionnaire (TPeng)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (TPeng)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Hmmmmhhh... Beauty is something what is pleasant to see or hear. Mostly to see.
    Love... I think it is a feeling of connection with somebody or something... Really, I don't know exactly. Never had such experience.
    What are your most important values?
    Intellect, smartness and knowledge. I like to learn something new, to train my brains and so on. It's hard for me to deal with stupidity, especially if the person is proud of it. I can understand the lack of education some people have, and also that some people were born with low level of intellect. I can accept this. But I don't understand when some people think that because of their stupidity they are better than people who is much cleverer.
    Justice and equality of rights. Doesn't matter, if you have black or white skin, if you're a woman or a man, if you are straight or homosexual. We are all humans! We are equal, and in the same time we are different, because we are individuals. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.
    Discovery and research. You may know everything that have already been discovered, but it is almoust unimpotant while the world still hides lots of other secrets.
    Nature. We are part of this world, and it is stupid to ruin the walls of our home, because the falling roof can kill us. And it is just beautiful.
    Happiness, positive emotions. It is hard to live among people who are always serious and who doesn't like too much laughing even on holidays, and especially at work.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I am not religious, but not an atheist. I think that it is impossible to prove now, does magic, gods and spirits exist or not, we don't have enough data, right methods and, the most important, we don't understand what we are searching for. I think that everything can be explained from the scientific point of view, but I am not sure that science is high-leveled enough to give the direct answer. Any myth has a seed of truth, but what part of it is really the truth?
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    No wars, please. This world have seen too much blood and villaince. We are sentient beings, and we are able to use diplomacy, not weapon. But military is still necessary, because we need to protect ourselfs from those who don't understand this. It's like in a Buddhist tale. It is a taboo to kill a tiger, but you have a right to kill a tiger if that animal may kill a child right now.
    For me, power is something very far from me but potentially dangerous. I don't want any power for myself.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Actually everything connected with science, books, movies and animals. That is my sphere of interests, and I can spend ours speaking about it. Most of all I like to speak about astronomy, quantum physics, biology and sci-fi. Sci-fi and fantasy are my most favorite genres of literature and movies, also I am a big nature-lover, especially animal-lover, they are really cute. And the cosmos hides so many mysteries to discover and discuss, as well as the world of electrons and energy.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Okay, I will work in this sphere some years later))) But still I try to care about others health, and I really want to be able to save lives, I often forget about my own body. Sometimes I miss or don't understand signals my body tries to send me.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Oh shit help me someone... what is it... ha... okay... I'll try... <...> Okay... I've made this. I've really made this. Yeah... Or not? Shit, there is a tiny dirty point in the corner... mum don't kill me...

    Something like this
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I like fantasy and science fiction mostly, also detective stories and novels about animals. Also I admire humor. My favorite books are Harry Potter, the Chronicles of Narnya, Lord of the Rings, My Wife is a Witch, Noon: 22nd Century, Monday Begins on Saturday, books by Jules Verne and Gerald Durrell. Favorite films and TV shows: Star Gate, Star Trek, Star Wars, Merlin, Hetalia Axis Powers, Disney cartoons.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    If you see me crying, that means I am really sad or very tired to fight against someone's authority. Usually I don't show tears. But it is rather easy to make me smile, it is enough just to laugh somewhere nearby.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    At night somewhere in a wild place, where I can see the stars. It is hard for me to feel full connection with the environment, if I can't see the Universe - the highest level of it.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Lack of social adaptation and laziness. Especially the first one. It is really hard for me to understand the people's reactions sometimes, and how to behave among them. But I don't worry about it so much. I don't like to work hard just for working hard, as most of people I know. Also they don't like that I can be stubborn and often show my disagreement with authorities.
    As for me, I don't like about myself that sometimes I am not tolerant enough, and also that I depend on other people around me. Also I have such bad point, which I call "a Vulcan syndrome" (by the name of race of Vulcans from Star Trek). It means that I feel that in some cases my level of intellect is higher than average, and sometimes I judge other people without paying attention that it is not bad not to have the same level of intellect with me.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Intelligence and intellect, ability to understand rather difficult conceptions and to explain it in a more easy way, and also ability to solve rather difficult tasks which require logic and ability to put several facts in a linked structure. Also I have rather good imagination.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Housekeeping and communication with people, I think. I'm a bit sociophobic and have problems with understanding others, and also I have almost zero housekeeping skills. And I even not sure that I want do this myself, but I like comfort. May be, someone would like to do it together? It is much easier for me to take care of somebody else than of myself.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    If the rut is connected somehow with things I like, I don't feel stuck. It is rather normal and comfortable way of living for me, I don't like when my life changes too fast.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Hmmm... It is difficult to analyze humanity in general, I prefer to speak about qualities of an individual.
    But what I lIke most of all is the human's ability to think, research and discover. Our intellect became more than just a way to survive among more strong animals with better adaptation. We can use it to ask questions and to find answers. What is it? Why it exist? What laws of nature influence it? What is beyond that horizon? And we understood how to use answers on this questions not only for our own benefits, but also how to help others.
    But at the same time most of the humans looks like stupid, unjust, aggressive and distructive animals who think only about themselves and how to get as much power and resources as that can, and they don't think that they destroy the world around them.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Have never had any experience, but I think that I may be demisexual (someone who needs strong emotional connection to fall in love) or even asexual. I don't think sex is something necessary between people who love each other. Just some warm hugs would be enough.
    What is about partner... I think that my ideal partner must be my best friend. So he must have a lot in common with me, someone smart, logical and science-oriented. Nerds marry nerds, do you know that?))) But I also want him to be just, kind and caring. I need someone who would share my point of view about equality and who would be ready for "care exchange".
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I will try explain him that he is an independent individual, that it is not necessary to follow someone or to be like someone else to succeed in life. But on the other hand I would explain the importance of intellect, education and logic. My child must understand that it is better to use brains then muscles. I will try to raise my child according to how I understand life, but if he would choose another way, the only reason not to promise it is a potential danger for his life, health and life quality.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I would be surprised, and I would want to know why my friend has such opinion. I will ask him/her to explain his point of view and to show me some arguments to prove it. After it I would explain why I have another opinion and why I think that my friend is wrong, so I prefer to solve the problem of misunderstanding through dispute.
    My reaction usually depends on the quality of the opponent's arguments. If I see that my friend's argumentation is logical and based on actual facts, I will accept that he has a right to think this way, but it doesn't mean I will change my own. Usually I try to explain my opinion, and if it wasn't accepted, I just stay with my point of view. I need really strong argument to change my way of thinking.
    Another situation is when person acts really in a stupid way, his opinion is based on unproven dogmas and non-sciencific raving and he is unable to prove it in a logial way. Such person can make me angry, but I usually don't feel much agression. I can become more strict and to speak a bit louder, but I still try to explain a person why he is wrong. If I failed, I would just stop dispute.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    What is society? Ah... This people around me... Okay, there are nice people, but in general I don't accept their rules. I am a lonely wolf. I don't understand the principle of "collective responsibility", for example. Or why people usually follow authorities without asking, even if they don't agree, and why they are so aggressive to people who are different from them. I don't understand why it is better to lie and don't make somebody sad than to say the truth. I don't understand corruption, injustice and intolerance.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't make friends "on the moment", it can take weeks and even more while I would be ready to say "You're my friend". So I stay with people who I feel comfortable with, who share my interests and able to discuss it and have a dispute.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    Usually I just don't pay attention that there are people around, while they don't try to communicate with me. If it happens, I try to avoid it as fast as I can, I'm really afraid of communication with unknown people, especially with pressmen, homeless and drunk people. I have a mild form of sociophobia.
    But it is when I walk outside. If I meet new people during some activities, for example some intellectual games or extra English classes, I stay silent and analyze people around me, but when I feel more comfortable with new people, I become more active.

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    Sorry, no videos. There are some people who may know me on this forum, I prefer to stay incognito.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Sorry, no videos. There are some people who may know me on this forum, I prefer to stay incognito.
    Are you in the news? A public figure in the Trump administration? Have you recently been indicted by the US attorney general?

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    No I'm even have never been in America. But I find your suggestion really funny.
    I just think that if I see Sol there, I can meet other people who knows me on Russian forums, and it can make my typing a bit preconceived. And I don't want that, because I really doubt their knowledge of socionics.
    But may be Sol is the only one, and he seems normal man. If so, I'll post a video and some photos.

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    Your avatar picture looks (VI's) ILI to me, but I suppose it could also be LSI.

    I'll read your questionnaire later for another shot in the dark.

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    Really close to my own version, but only close. And in fact it is just a random art of a Vulcan girl found in Google, so I don't think that VI would be absolutely correct there.

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    OK, I just read it. You seem ILI to me, and young, because you are relying entirely on yourself and haven't yet seen the advantages of having a dual around to help you. So, you are "seeking" an Identical. That will probably change in your mid-twenties, early thirties.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Really close to my own version, but only close. And in fact it is just a random art of a Vulcan girl found in Google, so I don't think that VI would be absolutely correct there.
    Our lives are the sum of microscopic, continuous choices. That includes the pictures we like.

    Incidentally, I like astronomy and sci-fi too. Who are your favorite authors?

    I'm guessing Asimov.

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    Actually I only started to read sci-fi, because it is really hard to find something good in a Belarussian bookstore, and my family prefers classics of a historical novel, like Dumas for example, so I wasn't able to read a lot of sci-fi. Reading books online was a very difficult variant for me, because I'm nearsighted, and in a childhood it was a taboo for me to spend a lot of time infront of a computer.
    I like Strugatsky brothers, also Julen Verne and Belyaev. Also I want to read something by Asimov, may be I'll start with "I, Robot".

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    Okay, I've counted my points in the forum's test.

    Ne - 19
    Ni - 18
    Se - 6
    Si - 8
    Te - 17
    Ti - 25
    Fe - 12
    Fi - 16.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Okay, I've counted my points in the forum's test.

    Ne - 19
    Ni - 18
    Se - 6
    Si - 8
    Te - 17
    Ti - 25
    Fe - 12
    Fi - 16.
    Suggests LII. I haven't read your questionnaire or anything, just commenting on these scores.

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    Those scores do suggest LII, but ILI isn't ruled out. I just think your avatar pic is too ILI to be an accident.

    These questions might not differentiate between the two types, but they might help:

    1. Would you rather study Chemistry or Physics?

    2. For a boyfriend, would you rather have a guy who takes care of you and brings you a blanket and a cup of tea, or would you rather have a hot, friendly guy who focuses his attention on you, you, you (to get you into bed).

    3. When you are thinking, do you prefer to fit your ideas into categories (categorical thinking), or do you think about what you need to do something (thinking as a process)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    I just think that if I see Sol there, I can meet other people who knows me on Russian forums
    I may say my opinion after a week from the moment the links to your video will appear.

    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Actually I only started to read sci-fi, because it is really hard to find something good in a Belarussian bookstore
    Internet libraries have a lot of sci-fi. librusec, flibusta, ...

    > Reading books online was a very difficult variant for me, because I'm nearsighted, and in a childhood it was a taboo for me to spend a lot of time infront of a computer.

    You may use bigger fonts. I'm using Ice Book Reader 8.9.2, with grey background and light symbols in "DOS Navigator" style.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Those scores do suggest LII, but ILI isn't ruled out. I just think your avatar pic is too ILI to be an accident.

    These questions might not differentiate between the two types, but they might help:

    1. Would you rather study Chemistry or Physics?

    2. For a boyfriend, would you rather have a guy who takes care of you and brings you a blanket and a cup of tea, or would you rather have a hot, friendly guy who focuses his attention on you, you, you (to get you into bed).

    3. When you are thinking, do you prefer to fit your ideas into categories (categorical thinking), or do you think about what you need to do something (thinking as a process)?
    1. I think Physics, because it is not so based on just knowning the formulas. My future job is connected with chemistry, and it is rather difficult for me, as we must learn a lot of information just by heart, all this molecules and reactions. I prefer something were I can use analogues and general laws, and also I like physics more, because it is much more undiscovered.

    2. The first one, without any doubt. I hate machos, and I am a kind of "anti-sexual". But a cup of tea, fireplace and a blanket, especially when it is snowy winter evening...It is heaven.

    3. Actually both, but if I don't have anything I need to do now, I prefer to put ideas into a categories. Or may be just think about some new ideas.

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    I read your questionnaire now, and you sound excessively LII lol, like a textbook description to me. Nothing is out of place, it all fits.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    1. I think Physics, because it is not so based on just knowning the formulas. My future job is connected with chemistry, and it is rather difficult for me, as we must learn a lot of information just by heart, all this molecules and reactions. I prefer something were I can use analogues and general laws, and also I like physics more, because it is much more undiscovered.

    2. The first one, without any doubt. I hate machos, and I am a kind of "anti-sexual". But a cup of tea, fireplace and a blanket, especially when it is snowy winter evening...It is heaven.

    3. Actually both, but if I don't have anything I need to do now, I prefer to put ideas into a categories. Or may be just think about some new ideas.
    1. Chemistry is Ti (LII), Physics is more Te (ILI).
    2. Being a Care-receiver is LII.
    3. Categories are Ti (LII), process is Te (ILI)

    The case for LII seems pretty strong. I'd say you are most likely LII.

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    May I ask why do you think that chemistry is Ti and physics is Te? Actually, I want to add, that I am not so interested in classical Newton's mechanics or physics of electromagnetic waves, but I am a kind of fan of quantum mechanics and astrophysics. I like such things, like black holes, multiverse or wave-particle duality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    May I ask why do you think that chemistry is Ti and physics is Te? Actually, I want to add, that I am not so interested in classical Newton's mechanics or physics of electromagnetic waves, but I am a kind of fan of quantum mechanics and astrophysics. I like such things, like black holes, multiverse or wave-particle duality.
    I think Chemistry is LII, actually. My LII sister has a degree in Chem, and a lot of the LII's that I know love Chemistry. It has something to do with the categories, I think.

    I like those things you mentioned, too. The wave-particle duality is kind of deceptive. The particles are always the same, but appear to be either a wave or a particle depending on how you measure them. Like a can of beans can look like a circle or a rectangle depending on the view, but it's always a can of beans.

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    T type, at least

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    I understand this things a bit another way. Particles don't just act like a particle or like a wave. They are both in the same time.
    May be I could also like chemistry, but not the way we study it at university. We almost don't deal with categories, teachers make us just to learn everything by heart. And if you have found this categories yourself while studying, it doesn't matter, because you don't know the structure of progesterone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Member Questionnaire 1 (TPeng)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Hmmmmhhh... Beauty is something what is pleasant to see or hear. Mostly to see. Si
    Love... I think it is a feeling of connection with somebody or something... Really, I don't know exactly. Never had such experience. Fi
    What are your most important values?
    Intellect, smartness and knowledge. Te
    I like to learn something new, to train my brains and so on. It's hard for me to deal with stupidity, especially if the person is proud of it. I can understand the lack of education some people have, and also that some people were born with low level of intellect. I can accept this. But I don't understand when some people think that because of their stupidity they are better than people who is much cleverer. Ti
    Justice and equality of rights. Doesn't matter, if you have black or white skin, if you're a woman or a man, if you are straight or homosexual. We are all humans! We are equal, and in the same time we are different, because we are individuals. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.
    Discovery and research. You may know everything that have already been discovered, but it is almoust unimpotant while the world still hides lots of other secrets. Fi + Te
    Nature. We are part of this world, and it is stupid to ruin the walls of our home, because the falling roof can kill us. And it is just beautiful.
    Happiness, positive emotions. It is hard to live among people who are always serious and who doesn't like too much laughing even on holidays, and especially at work. Fe
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I am not religious, but not an atheist. I think that it is impossible to prove now, does magic, gods and spirits exist or not, we don't have enough data, right methods and, the most important, we don't understand what we are searching for. I think that everything can be explained from the scientific point of view, but I am not sure that science is high-leveled enough to give the direct answer. Any myth has a seed of truth, but what part of it is really the truth?
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    No wars, please. This world have seen too much blood and villaince. We are sentient beings, and we are able to use diplomacy, not weapon. But military is still necessary, because we need to protect ourselfs from those who don't understand this. It's like in a Buddhist tale. It is a taboo to kill a tiger, but you have a right to kill a tiger if that animal may kill a child right now.
    For me, power is something very far from me but potentially dangerous. I don't want any power for myself. Fe valuing
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Actually everything connected with science, books, movies and animals. That is my sphere of interests, and I can spend ours speaking about it. Most of all I like to speak about astronomy, quantum physics, biology and sci-fi. Sci-fi and fantasy are my most favorite genres of literature and movies, also I am a big nature-lover, especially animal-lover, they are really cute. And the cosmos hides so many mysteries to discover and discuss, as well as the world of electrons and energy. Ne
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Okay, I will work in this sphere some years later))) But still I try to care about others health, and I really want to be able to save lives, I often forget about my own body. Sometimes I miss or don't understand signals my body tries to send me. weak si
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Oh shit help me someone... what is it... ha... okay... I'll try... <...> Okay... I've made this. I've really made this. Yeah... Or not? Shit, there is a tiny dirty point in the corner... mum don't kill me...

    Something like this weak si
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I like fantasy and science fiction mostly, also detective stories and novels about animals. Ne Also I admire humor. My favorite books are Harry Potter, the Chronicles of Narnya, Lord of the Rings, My Wife is a Witch, Noon: 22nd Century, Monday Begins on Saturday, books by Jules Verne and Gerald Durrell. Favorite films and TV shows: Star Gate, Star Trek, Star Wars, Merlin, Hetalia Axis Powers, Disney cartoons.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    If you see me crying, that means I am really sad or very tired to fight against someone's authority. Usually I don't show tears. But it is rather easy to make me smile, it is enough just to laugh somewhere nearby. Se polr? Fe valuing
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    At night somewhere in a wild place, where I can see the stars. It is hard for me to feel full connection with the environment, if I can't see the Universe - the highest level of it Ne polr? Te valuing?
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Lack of social adaptation and laziness. Especially the first one. It is really hard for me to understand the people's reactions sometimes, and how to behave among them., Weak fi, superego fi But I don't worry about it so much. I don't like to work hard just for working hard, as most of people I know. Also they don't like that I can be stubborn and often show my disagreement with authorities.
    As for me, I don't like about myself that sometimes I am not tolerant enough, and also that I depend on other people around me. Also I have such bad point, which I call "a Vulcan syndrome" ne (by the name of race of Vulcans from Star Trek). It means that I feel that in some cases my level of intellect is higher than average, and sometimes I judge other people without paying attention that it is not bad not to have the same level of intellect with me. ti
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Intelligence and intellect, ability to understand rather difficult conceptions and to explain it in a more easy way, and also ability to solve rather difficult tasks which require logic and ability to put several facts in a linked structure. Also I have rather good imagination. ti+ne
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Housekeeping and communication with people, I think. I'm a bit sociophobic and have problems with understanding others, and also I have almost zero housekeeping skills. And I even not sure that I want do this myself, but I like comfort. May be, someone would like to do it together? It is much easier for me to take care of somebody else than of myself. Si valuing but sucking at it, possibly fe valuing
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    If the rut is connected somehow with things I like, I don't feel stuck. It is rather normal and comfortable way of living for me, I don't like when my life changes too fast. IJ
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Hmmm... It is difficult to analyze humanity in general, I prefer to speak about qualities of an individual.
    But what I lIke most of all is the human's ability to think, research and discover. ne Our intellect became more than just a way to survive among more strong animals with better adaptation. We can use it to ask questions and to find answers. What is it? Why it exist? What laws of nature influence it? What is beyond that horizon? And we understood how to use answers on this questions not only for our own benefits, but also how to help others. seems like alpha
    But at the same time most of the humans looks like stupid, unjust, aggressive and distructive animals who think only about themselves and how to get as much power and resources as that can, and they don't think that they destroy the world around them lack of te and se valuing
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Have never had any experience, but I think that I may be demisexual (someone who needs strong emotional connection to fall in love) or even asexual. I don't think sex is something necessary between people who love each other. Just some warm hugs would be enough.
    What is about partner... I think that my ideal partner must be my best friend. So he must have a lot in common with me, someone smart, logical and science-oriented. Nerds marry nerds, do you know that?))) But I also want him to be just, kind and caring. I need someone who would share my point of view about equality and who would be ready for "care exchange". pretty much alpha
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I will try explain him that he is an independent individual, that it is not necessary to follow someone or to be like someone else to succeed in life. But on the other hand I would explain the importance of intellect, education and logic. My child must understand that it is better to use brains then muscles. <se I will try to raise my child according to how I understand life, but if he would choose another way, the only reason not to promise it is a potential danger for his life, health and life quality.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I would be surprised, and I would want to know why my friend has such opinion. I will ask him/her to explain his point of view and to show me some arguments to prove it. After it I would explain why I have another opinion and why I think that my friend is wrong, so I prefer to solve the problem of misunderstanding through dispute.
    My reaction usually depends on the quality of the opponent's arguments. If I see that my friend's argumentation is logical and based on actual facts, ti+te I will accept that he has a right to think this way, but it doesn't mean I will change my own. ti>fi Usually I try to explain my opinion, and if it wasn't accepted, I just stay with my point of view. I need really strong argument to change my way of thinking. prolly ti dom
    Another situation is when person acts really in a stupid way, his opinion is based on unproven dogmas and non-sciencific raving and he is unable to prove it in a logial way. Such person can make me angry, but I usually don't feel much agression. I can become more strict and to speak a bit louder, but I still try to explain a person why he is wrong. If I failed, I would just stop dispute. ne >se
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    What is society? Ah... This people around me... Okay, there are nice people, but in general I don't accept their rules. I am a lonely wolf. I don't understand the principle of "collective responsibility", for example. downplays fi Or why people usually follow authorities without asking, even if they don't agree, and why they are so aggressive to people who are different from them. I don't understand why it is better to lie and don't make somebody sad than to say the truth. I don't understand corruption, injustice and intolerance ti + fe valuing
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't make friends "on the moment", it can take weeks and even more while I would be ready to say "You're my friend". So I stay with people who I feel comfortable with, who share my interests and able to discuss it and have a dispute.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    Usually I just don't pay attention that there are people around, while they don't try to communicate with me. If it happens, I try to avoid it as fast as I can, I'm really afraid of communication with unknown people, especially with pressmen, homeless and drunk people. I have a mild form of sociophobia.
    But it is when I walk outside. If I meet new people during some activities, for example some intellectual games or extra English classes, I stay silent and analyze people around me, but when I feel more comfortable with new people, I become more active. seems introvert

    All in all i'd say you're textbook LII, probably more LII-Ne than LII-Ti. Makes me wonder if you already had that in mind when you wrote the answers to this questionaire, cuz it's like so stereotypical that you probably already had ''LII'' in the back of your mind when you wrote this. If you didn't, then well congrats

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Those scores do suggest LII, but ILI isn't ruled out. I just think your avatar pic is too ILI to be an accident.

    These questions might not differentiate between the two types, but they might help:

    1. Would you rather study Chemistry or Physics?

    2. For a boyfriend, would you rather have a guy who takes care of you and brings you a blanket and a cup of tea, or would you rather have a hot, friendly guy who focuses his attention on you, you, you (to get you into bed).

    3. When you are thinking, do you prefer to fit your ideas into categories (categorical thinking), or do you think about what you need to do something (thinking as a process)?
    ILI is pretty ruled out tbh, never seen any Ni, very little Te and he doesn't seem Fi valuing, and rather Fe valuing

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    Okay, let's be honest. I knew that I'm an alpha's T type almost from the very beginning, but I was switching between LII and ILE. Also I thought about ILI and some F types, but it looked like too theoretical theory.
    My answers can look stereotypical, but I think that's because of a big amount of self-analysis, and I understand what my traits are real and what are just a mask.

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    I decided to find some pictures which would look like "ideal avatar picture" for me. And that's what I get.
    First two were made by myself.


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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Okay, let's be honest. I knew that I'm an alpha's T type almost from the very beginning, but I was switching between LII and ILE. Also I thought about ILI and some F types, but it looked like too theoretical theory.
    My answers can look stereotypical, but I think that's because of a big amount of self-analysis, and I understand what my traits are real and what are just a mask.
    I see no reason to question LII for your type then. You've already done all the work in sorting the types out yourself. Hopefully you'll stick around to help sort the theory out as well, it could use more Ti input. =)

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    Lol))) I really don't understand why some people on Russian forums see me as EIE or SLI at the same time, while all pepole who understand socionics really well think I'm LII. I can understand many types of mistakes, but that was really "WTF?!!" for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    I decided to find some pictures which would look like "ideal avatar picture" for me.
    If on 1st pics is you - then I doubt I typed you previously. Your pics seem closer to Si valued.

    When you'll play with text, I hope to see your video.

    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    I really don't understand why some people on Russian forums see me as EIE or SLI at the same time
    Happens. But the main reason is that most people on forums have low typing skills, as this needs practice. And partly because of the magic of Reinin's traits and other heresy. I'd trust more there to people with real Ne types which type by video and to base T types which type by questionnaires.

    > while all pepole who understand socionics really well think I'm LII. I can understand many types of mistakes, but that was really "WTF?!!" for me.

    There is more fun to see when someone thinks himself as one type and later as very different one. They don't check own types by IR, - that would reduce so rough mistakes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    If on 1st pics is you - then I doubt I typed you previously. Your pics seem closer to Si valued.
    It's not me. It is even not a real person, the original pic looks like very good 3D model. I just added somme effects to get this picture.
    Other two girls are real, but still it is not me, even not close.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    It's not me. <...> Other two girls are real, but still it is not me, even not close.
    But I'll wait for video, as local dudes are not better than at socioforum and there are no supermen to type good without nonverbal data.

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    Okay, I'll try to make it tomorrow.

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    You look there LII mostly, but as the recommendations are not fit, the probability of a mistake is higher.

    I don't remember that typed you previously.

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    Could you explain me, what recommendactions don't fit? I may make another video answering some extra questions, and I would try to make it correctly.
    Also I would be happy to see some arguments. I'm interested in the way how the type influence our behavior and nonverbal reactions.
    By the way. I'm lefty, and I use my left hand to make a Vulcan salute. Just extra info for people, who use directions of movements for typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Could you explain me, what recommendactions don't fit?
    - duration of the video is 10 min or more
    - bottom view line is near a chest, camera is directed horizontaly (not from bellow or other side)

    It's better to use native Russian language if you feel more comfortable talking with it.

    > Also I would be happy to see some arguments.

    My intuitive impressions are direct. Other people may add something from your words there.

    > I'm interested in the way how the type influence our behavior and nonverbal reactions.

    For example, what you read in dichotomies descriptions may be felt in people from their nonverbal. It's just felt intuitively.

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    Stop... It is 11 minutes. Or the hosting has cutted it? Shit...
    The camera was oriented in a right position, but may be it happened because I used my smartphone to record, and in this position the camera is a bit to the right, and also I feel more comfortable when I look at the screen or just any other direction but not camera.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Stop... It is 11 minutes.
    you may use yandex. register e-mail (even without cellphone) and put a video there up to 2 Gb, it has online player

    > The camera was oriented in a right position

    your camera is directed from below, not horizontally on the level of your breast as recommended

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    May be I didn't mentioned something... Actually it is not so easy to put a smartphone ideally horizontally, it always wants to fall down, but I don't has anything else to make a video.
    I'm sure that the problem is the limits of the video's length, but not weight. This site gives 1 Tb for photos and videos, and this video was only 180 Mb

    But if someone would ask me extra questions, I wI'll try to correct this mistakes in another video.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TPeng View Post
    Actually it is not so easy to put a smartphone ideally horizontally, it always wants to fall down
    Ah.. N types. You may fix it by fiber thread to anything.

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    Okay, I'll try to do something with this little piece of [censored] circuit, but I need questions to answer)))

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