About the cold/warm topic - the fervor of SO/SP and SP/SO just comes out differently in other areas yes. SX practices are eschewed in an unconscious or insecure way. For instance, when you're out there talking for/to the people and sparking a movement like MLK (SO/SP), you have no time, capacity, and nerve for dim light chamber passions with a spouse. You'd rather rest and recharge to regain strength when you come home (SP). So it's the neglect and absolutely essential use of secondary SP or SO (for SP/SO) that can drive SX stackings nuts when involved with sexual lasts.

What I would mention is that SP isn't entirely unimportant in intimacy. While SX generates the chemistry, charisma, and all the mating efforts or skills, self-preservation is still reproduction and making sure one's body feels attended to. No doubt SP/SO can accommodate in many erotic ways, especially as a sensing type. There's quite an earthy appeal in that for romance and lust, while in friendships they can show the utmost care that SX could never demonstrate as the latter will look to get under another person's skin instead. SX can backfire very quickly while SP may really make it work. Combined with the social instinct that looks for the intent in another, it blends quite nicely. That is to say, SO/SP and SP/SO don't really play games which can be very enjoyable.