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Thread: Stackemup Enneagram Descriptions

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    Default Stackemup Enneagram Descriptions

    I came across these on another forum. Anyways, these descriptions are short and dry, but imo do an eerily good job at breaking down and dissecting the chief feature for each enneagram type (i.e. the dominant characteristic). I recommend using these if you are having any difficulty distinguishing between the enneagram types or are confused as to which drives go with which type. I will post each description on this thread. Note, I did not find the description for type four, but the blog spot is here:

    Type 2

    Twos are sociable, energetic and friendly people who strive to be loved and approved of. They want to be needed and seen as indispensable in the lives of others. They have given up on their desire for mirroring because it wasn't given to them in childhood. So they seek love by giving others the mirroring that they were deprived of. Twos aren't wired to compromise/negotiate/bargain with the world in order to do so, though, but attempt to seductively maneuver others into a spot of dependence, maintaining themselves in the willful position.

    Twos are other-directed. They are unable to approve of themselves internally therefore approval and validation has to be bestowed upon them by others. As a result, Twos turn their attention outwards and have difficulty forming an identity that is separate from other people. This “other-directed tendency” makes Twos vulnerable to the dispositions of other people but also gives them sensitivity for the thoughts and feelings of those they seek the approval of. It also gives them a vigilance for possible rejection. Ultimately, they want to win people over and are on the look-out for signs of indifference. Indifference is something that Twos hate as they interpret emotional neutrality as rejection.

    Twos often have a religious orientation. Religion stimulates the Twos idealized self-image of somebody saint-like, loved and adored by the world for their deeds. Religion also offers an avenue by which Twos can be more helpful in the lives of others. It gives Twos a way to convey that they are good intentioned people as well as encourages others to support the view that Twos are indeed self-sacrificing. Twos repress their own needs in order to maintain a positive image of themselves as unselfish, helpful, nurturing, and good. Twos often like to talk about their good intentions in conversation. Other people are needy and dependent in the Two’s view, not them.

    Twos are people-pleasers. They adapt themselves to others in the anticipation that they will be rejected if they do not and approach interpersonal relations through “maneuvers.” They become artful in the “seductive ploy.” Such ploys are designed to elicit love, attention and approval. Twos also engage in an unconscious form of competition with individuals of the same sex.

    Twos are assertive. They are not meek and don’t sit around passively waiting for people to show up with approval in hand. In fact, they have a strong will when it comes to getting what they want. Often, they look for situations and people they can cheer on. They sometimes display a great deal of brashness in the service of courting approval. They are action-oriented, while still primarily emotional, and take the initiative to fill voids where they can be indispensable. Twos are often brash in conversation as well with love running through their thoughts as a constant theme. They tend to pry for secrets and look for opportunities where they can give advice to others, even where the Two has no more than general advice to give. All that really matters is that the Two be appreciated for giving the advice.

    Twos will often “relationship-hop”. The Two may successfully win somebody over only to reveal a lack of internal prompting about what to do once the relationship moves into a more serious phase. Because they are so outer-directed, their inner world tends to lack substance and complexity, often rendering them uncertain or confused when things get serious. This can often cause them to connect with others in only a facile and fickle way. Like all image types, there is a disparity between their inner world and the outer impression they give. And Twos express this disparity more than the other image types. In the inner world, they remain naïve and immature. But their external presentation has a pretense of being deeper and complex. Twos deal with this disparity through repression. They don't let their own emptiness enter their mind. And once the person they are in a relationship with starts to catch onto their lack of depth, Twos look for new relationships to hop into in order to keep the truth about their emptiness hidden from others and, more importantly, from themselves.

    Twos are superficial. They overdo their affect to an extent that their displays of affection can come across as smooth and glib. They start to snowball people about their feelings and use expression to amplify their connections to people. The positive is a feeling they exaggerate and the negative is a feeling they underplay. Twos may also utilize words and phrases that happen to be in fashion or to convey an impression of substance. Their orientation towards sensory detail and knowledge tends to be impressionistic and highly subjective. Very often these impressions are infused with the Two’s own repressed hostility and neediness, often disguising a lack of any real thought or curiosity.

    The passion of type Two is pride. Twos use pride to cover the hole in their self-worth. The pride is essentially an over-exaggerated sense of self-worth based on what the Two provides to others. Perhaps we can turn to a post from a real life type Two to illuminate the inner experience of pride:

    The verbal representation of the feeling goes like this: "I'm so great, they couldn't manage without me." There's a bloated/inflated feeling to it... imagine a water balloon and you're on the right track. You can see why it's so important not to recognize the meaning of the feeling. The inner illusion of humility is the crucial "ticket" that gives the 2 permission to keep feeling prideful.

    Twos are manipulative. One way that Twos try to bloat up their sense of worth is by “collecting” needy people that they can rescue. In some cases the Two may try to manipulate adults who aren’t needy into occupying the role of children who are. It’s not uncommon for Twos to pick up hitchhikers or build relationships with the homeless. It’s not that other types never do such things, but with prideful Twos, their entire sense of worth and importance depends on doing it. Twos often seek to mold a network around them. The Two will positions themselves at the center of the network, serving all the needs of others in return for an endless stream of adulation and love. Twos may be quite skilled at eliciting the admiration of others while not giving much of their own in return. Twos begin to think of themselves as the most important thing in the lives of the people they have “sacrificed” so much of themselves for and they feel threatened by signs of independence or ego from others. When Twos sense that people are making shows of independence, they will call attention to it.

    Twos are enabling. They develop an “enabling tendency” and expect others to reciprocate by doing what the Two wants. The main thing is that Twos are out to enable others if it will strengthen that person’s dependency on the Two. This only prompts further rejection and leads Twos into openly demanding that people love them back. They start to encroach on people’s boundaries and try to coerce them into doing things that will reflect back the Two’s own sense of importance. Twos get bossy. However, when the Two does receive love and approval, they tend to get little satisfaction out of it since they wonder whether people would have done the same without the Twos’ prompting. Twos still believe that their intentions are good. If Twos were to view their intentions as bad, then they would not feel their actions are justifiable.

    Unhealthy Twos are masochistic. They manipulate people into keeping all their attention on them, even if the Two brings harm upon themselves in exchange for the attention. Twos grow more co-dependent and increasingly possessive of intimates. They condition themselves to withstand as much abuse as others can throw at them. By withstanding abuse they see themselves as doing others a "noblesse oblige" service, on a deeper level assuming that abuse indicates how important they are to their abusers, which becomes another source of pride. To the extent that a two takes pride in their ability to let others abuse them, the two will go out of their way to court such abuse.

    Healthy Twos are emotionally honest. They let go of their positive self-image and realize that their own actions have been selfish. This leads Twos into a more genuine ability to help people unconditionally. They come to view that they aren’t going to just ride in and save the day. They also recognize that not everybody needs their help and that people are not as needy as the Two assumes. They gain a sense of boundaries. Healthiness for Twos also gives them an ability to appraise themselves independently and to recognize their own worth. Approval is not something that has to be gained but exists naturally and independently of outer approval is what Twos realize.

    2w1s are altruistic. They strongly embody the servant aspect of type Two and feel a strong sense to volunteer themselves for the welfare of others. They often disdain ‘ownership’ and ‘greed’ and are drawn to work in the healing, helping, or sometimes legal professions.

    2w1s are serious. They are more restrained in their emotional expression, sometimes spock-like, but not as a rule, and tend to get things done. They have more common sense and practical survival skills than 2w3s. They are also driven by more guilt and self-criticism than 2w3s and don’t go after what they want as manipulatively, or connect with people as easily, often preferring to work behind the scenes or in an independent capacity. They don’t get distracted by frivolous pursuits.

    2w1s can often get argumentative and be outspoken. They are rigid in their views and more critical of other peoples’ actions. They can overreact when rules are unfair, take their marbles and go home. They give moral credence to their feelings, “it’s the right thing to do”, and will start to talk at people rather than to them. They can be punitive and are quicker to reject people for calling their good intentions into question. However, such separations are often just temporary.

    3w2s are charming. They exude feel-good vibes, are hyperactive, and can seem nervous around issues that pertain to validation. They are more prone to temper tantrums.They know how to sell people on their desirability. They can turn moods and feelings on like a light switch, knowing what will garner them attention. A master at reading others' needs, they can project feeling-states on cue.

    2w3s are fickle. They can be histrionic attention-seekers. They seek out stimulation on a constant basis and they try to impress and amuse people, seeking to sell and market themselves, and they engage people as if they were trying to fill a bottomless pit within themselves. They seem caring, have a softer touch and look for ways to please others as a way to court admiration. They constantly perform and enjoy the spotlight. They can be prone to exaggerated overconfidence and extreme forms of workaholism

    2w3s are coquettes. Giving others gifts or simply their attention is their main form of generosity. They have more awareness for image and tend to strongly embody the seductive aspect of type Two. They like to flatter and stroke people’s egos more than the other wing does and 2w3s often do it indiscriminately and on occasions not suited for it, but can go hot and cold, very often compartmentalizing their connections.

    2w3s are clingy. When less healthy, they don’t just let go of relationships or take rejection easily. If rejected, their focus can escalate to the point of stalking and harassing. They may spy on people or show up in unexpected places. They can become obsessed with individuals, sometimes consumed by a destructive jealousy.


    Threes are self-validating. Twos seek external validation from others.

    Fours dwell in their inner worlds. Twos usually avoid it.

    Fives are detached. Twos are emotionally expressive.

    Six vigilance scans for danger. Two vigilance scans for rejection.

    Seven hedonism is unrestrained. Two hedonism is well-mannered.

    Both eights and twos are energetic and assertive. However, the assertiveness of type two does not run on an aggressive mind. Eights are aggressive-minded. The two energy and assertiveness works more in the service of volunteering and sacrificing themselves to others.

    Twos are assertive in their other-seeking. Nines are fatalistic in their other-seeking.

    Ones are more focused on principle. Twos focus more on people.

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    Type Three

    Threes are independent. They have a goal-oriented nature and a drive towards self-determination. They are tough, resilient competitors who rely mainly on themselves to bounce back from set backs. The core distortion of the three is that they are superior beings for whom admiration is their due. Thus, their naturally high self-esteem is based on an unrealistic assumption about their worth.

    Threes are self-confident. They have a self-assured quality. As a result of their confidence, they trust others and take a positive view towards the future. They cultivate a can-do attitude and channel their confidence into action and accomplishment.

    Threes are competitive. They are hungry to seek out the admiration that they believe others owe them. They have the "eye of the tiger." They rely on their natural confidence to bounce back from any setback.

    Threes are exhibitionist. With successes under their belt, they turn away from their focus on accomplishment and resort to self-promotion and showing off. They look to have their qualities admired. They want to be in the spotlight as much as possible. They find subtle and not so subtle ways to represent themselves as winners. They use their accomplishments to court attention, admirers, and "VIP" benefits.

    Three are cocky. The admiration they receive through success cements their own cocksure belief of their superiority. They start to give others the impression that it's a pleasure to do business with the three as if others ought to be willing to take less just to have that luxury. Their former self-confidence is replaced by arrogance. They have begun to rationalize their failures. They spend a lot of time making their failures seem like successes.

    Threes are egotistical. They start to view their non-admirers with contempt and don’t feel they should have to win people over or impress them. They begin to live more in fantasy to get away from all the non-admirers they have in reality. They give themselves rights off limits to other mortals. They exercise whatever power they might have in outrageous ways, one-upping others with their special privileges.

    Threes are expansive. As they sink more into their fantasy world, their goals and self-image become more expansive. They weave together new fantastic rationales for their circumstances in order to recast themselves as the star. They exaggerate their own powers and come up with intricate rationalizations to feed their self-worth. They put others on notice that they are a superior being and that admiration is their due, that others need to be rolling out the red carpet for them.

    Threes are self-aggrandizing. At bottom, their positive outlook is a thin veneer for a despairing life. Threes have no true relation to others and their overconfidence is pierced by reminders of their failings and falseness at every turn. Now having suffered persecution from non-admirers, threes believe they have confirmation of their importance, of their greatness. They put themselves on the pedestal of a messianic figure. They have a sense that history begins and ends with them, as if the transition from b.c. to a.d. occurred at some benchmark in the three's life such as raking in the first million dollars.

    Unhealthy Threes are narcissistic. Their grandiosity is flagrant, maintained by disdain for reality, since reality is full of people who don’t share the threes' high sense of worth. Psychopathic revenge equates to a last ditch effort by threes to assert their superiority.

    When healthy, Threes come to the realization that alone they are absent and are not ever going to be somebody unless they reach out to others and make genuine connections. Threes start to respect others, value other people’s opinions, and put a check on their fantasies. Healthy threes are also able to look at and question their own self-belief of being a superior individual.

    3w2s are gamesmen. Gamesmanship is a stable trait of the 3w2's personality that makes them able competitors in pretty much whatever they set their mind on doing. They don't necessarily have to possess any experience in the field they are competing at in order to win. They compensate for their lack of knowledge with gamesmanship, an art that 3w2s have an innate knowledge of.

    3w2s are motivators. They how to get a crowd pumped up. They easily fit the mold of a television personality or super salesperson.

    3w2s are political. They know how to work and charm people. They often do well in politics and are good at marketing a brand or idea to people. No other type can represent a belief in the type of overly confident outrageous fashion that the 3w2 can.

    3w2s are braggarts. They are loud and proud about their accomplishments and positive qualities. They have an itch to brag and impress about all of the seemingly great things they have done. Their hyper-real self-promotion can make them seem unreal.

    3w2s are super-competitive. When their past accomplishments are questioned, they launch into an invective of personal attacks. They are ultra-competitive towards anybody who even remotely expresses a disfavor able opinion towards them. Their modus operandi is to seize upon a small flaw of their opponent and blow it up into a gross mischaracterization of who that person is. They want to outshine everybody.

    3w4s are self-improvers. They like to be seen as desirable and strive to embody the attributes that others admire. They are status-conscious, status-driven, and efficient. They want to be the best in the shortest time possible. To do that, 3w4s must disengage emotionally and invest all their energy into improving themselves in order to fit an image that others will admire.

    3w4s are calculated. They network and play the “game”. They adapt with the circumstances, build coalitions, compete prosocially, trade favors, try to perfect and fill up their resumes, and begin to cut corners in order to advance inside of social hierarchies, always with an eye on their next ‘move.’ 3w4s don’t want to leave anything to chance. They focus on technique, performance, delivery and results.

    3w4s are compensatory. They focus extensively on their awards or trophies, admire themselves in the “mirror” to confirm their own desirability. At this point, they are more aroused by the thought of themselves and their achievements rather than by others and look to exploit sex and other interactions with people entirely as a way to worship and self-aggrandize the mask they are lost in.


    Threes are self-validating. Twos seek external validation from others.

    Threes disengage from their emotions. Fours dwell in their emotions and pain.

    Threes expect admiration from others. Fives are okay with not even being seen.

    Accusation by a Six is driven by the projection of guilt onto another. Accusation by a Three is purely goal-oriented. Furthermore, sixes don't get self-aggrandizing when they believe others are persecuting them. Threes do, seeing their persecution by others as proof of their greatness.

    Sevens subvert the times. Threes present themselves as a paragon for the times.

    Some threes can be dominating and therefore easy to confuse with eights. For threes, dominance is a means of showing off and courting admiration. For 8s, dominance is an end in itself. In conflict, Threes lose ground because they get tied up trying to defend their past accomplishments, before they go back on the attack. An eight will stay more on the offensive without having to step out of the action to self-promote. Eights don't have that super-competitive itch to brag and trash talk that threes do. Contrast Donald Trump and Muhammad Ali who are both 3w2s with Saddam Hussein or Frank Sinatra who were 8s.

    Nines are modest. Threes are egotistical.

    Threes stand by their goals through thick and thin. Ones stand by their convictions through thick and thin.

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    Type Five

    Fives are a shy, introverted, unconventional, and detached type. Their fixation is pitted in the head center where they spend an excessive amount of time in the mental realm out of a fear that they don't have enough inner resources to deal with the world. The five's main passion is avarice. Fives collect and withhold information and withhold themselves outwardly in order to focus their energy on building up and preserving their inner life, conserving their energy in the anticipation they will need it to confidently deal with fluke circumstances.

    Fives are self-sufficient. They don’t like to be a burden on others and have little difficulty solving their own problems. Since fives don’t need to include other people into their problems, fives prefer that neither side intrude on the other. Some fives expect this to be intuitively understood and that others not need fives and the fives will take care of their own needs. Fives may like to be there in a way that family or friends want, but often find the demands too much. Fives just can’t deliver the relatability that people usually want from them. They often don't engage well in the give and take of relationships as a result of the fives' withholding.

    Fives are indifferent. Fives can often be experienced by others as insensitive to relationships whereas the five simply doesn't gain much satisfaction from them due to the fives' inner absorption. Most often, fives will tell you just what they think and won't agree to agree. Fives may not be aware, or 'pressingly' aware of the importance they have to the people the five doesn't take much interest in, but fives have the observational abilities to become mentally aware of the importance they have to others. However, it wouldn't change much. Fives will still tend to fall back on their lack of interest in spite of their awareness.

    Fives are asocial. They tend to lack the ability, desire or intent to relate and are often absorbed in nonsocial outlets. Hence, social detachment is a defining aspect of the five style. The five's social detachment is not due to any need or interpersonal sensitivity. It's simply a result of their natural place of comfort in the mind. Due to their self-sufficiency the intellect of this style isn't distorted in the service of needing to prove their intelligence. They always have credible sources to back up their assertions with. Characteristic for them, more simply, is to never say anything dumb, unintelligent, imprecise. Nevertheless when life throws curveballs at them the energy they suddenly have at their fingertips also spills into a more expressive, prosocial manner. For the moment they step into the action so as to see the resolution through before retreating back into the dark wilderness of their mind.

    Fives are conceptualizers. Fives are often passively resistant, vague or day-dreamy when it comes to real life decisions, and seem to prefer spending time inside of their cerebral landscape. The fives' cerebral landscape is like a world of their own. Hence fives can have a certain obliviousness towards reality and a tendency to get lost in thought. They often have a life history of observing and collecting information that has little to no practical value.

    Fives are distant. It's not important for fives that they be seen. Distance gives fives the capacity to observe their surroundings without the interference of feeling. Fives find more pleasure in their mind. To maintain this distance, fives stay detached and have an interest in avoiding intimacy with others. As a result, fives are outside the action and removed from others. The fives' preference for distance can also lead to the five experiencing a gulf between self and body. Fives are prone to a disembodied state.

    Fives are apathetic. Emotions rarely run intense. Fives tend not to express any sort of strong emotion or anxiety, either positive or negative. An apathy shows up in the physiological stunting of coordination and vitality. As a result, fives can get clumsy, dry, boring, monotonous, stoic and unmoved by stuff that often ruffles others' feathers or has a big impact on the world outside the fives' mind. Likewise, Fives are hard to influence, are unaroused by rejection, and lack an ability to adapt or adjust with their surroundings. Fives may simply develop a formal and impersonal style of engagement with others, and they grow increasingly imperceptive when it comes to observing the world around them.

    Unhealthy fives are schizoid. For all the knowledge they have gathered, they nevertheless wind up impoverished in feeling due to the tendency towards withholding and inability to relate. They have little experience or feeling to draw from. They also wind up impoverished in thought and have a difficulty making nuanced distinctions. They become "senile," seclusive, and unresponsive to others as well as unaffected by emotional stimulus. They only skim the surface of reality and very often miss important 'components' and tend to blur the lines of perception between different categories. This "dulled perception" can be characterized as a manifestation of nihilism. Fives are the true loners of the enneagram and the least healthiest fives often wind up living a shut-in existence on the fringes of society.

    Healthier fives are better able to bridge the gap between themselves and others. They have an easier time giving time to the people they care about and receiving love from others. They also use their perceptive minds to make meaningful personal or intellectual contributions. Fives also just have a very sincere quality with little capacity for manipulation. They often act how they feel. When they act happy, they feel happy. When they act angry, they feel angry. If they don’t think they should be feeling a certain way, they can come down hard on themselves. But nevertheless they will feel it, and act it.

    5w6s are comprehensive. They want to acquire all the knowledge they can so that they can arrive at a more comprehensive theory about the world. They often delight in 'big ideas' and inventing concepts/interpretations that keep reality aligned with their mental landscape. 5w6s become passively unmoved by the parts of reality that don't conform to their ideas and theories. 5w6s start to treat the people in their lives like 'bulletin boards' for them to pin their ideas on. They get more pushy when it comes to their data collection. They cut off from their regular interactions with others in order to keep their collection in full swing. They are most often triggered by people who could get in the way of their ability to collect data. They start to interact with people as if reality conformed to the fives' ideas and the five was just there to enlighten others.

    5w4s are antagonistic. They often know a lot more about stuff than most others and become strongly identified with their mind. They begin to act in a more condescending and dismissive way towards people who they disagree with, feel are just parroting ideas, committing logical fallacies, appealing to emotion, or not really putting much thought into their words. They get intellectually provocative and delight in demolishing conventionally held ideas even if they don't actually believe in their position. On the other hand, if the five feels that somebody is being abusive towards their environment, they won't hesitate to make that person look stupid. They have a “compulsion to disagree often” even before the five knows if they actually agree with their own opinion or not. Instead the five will hold their position or get the other person to talk more about their position while the five finds a fault in it.


    Fives are detached. Twos are emotionally expressive.

    Threes like to be admired by others. Fives are okay with not even being seen. Threes collect data ultimately to accomplish something big. Fives collect data to more confidently prepare themselves for life. Threes cut more corners when it comes to collecting data. Fives get stuck in the collection phase.

    Fours are more comfortable with their own emotions than fives.

    Five autonomy is based in detachment. Six autonomy is based in distrust.

    Fives can’t sustain an on the go pattern like a Seven can and are more precise in what they say than Sevens.

    Both fives and eights are cunning. However, the cunning of fives utilizes better foresight than eights have and tries to exert power more through remote control. This difference boils down to the fact that fives are vulnerable to intimidation. Eights are not.

    Fives are more certain. Nines doubtful.

    Fives are dispassionate. Ones are passionate and use logic more to justify their convictions. Logical Ones turn logic into an ideal that they try to be perfect at, to be perfectly logical represents the idealism of type one more than it does the fixation of five. Furthermore, fives often collect information that has no real practical value in the outside world. Ones are more practical and achievement oriented in that regard, and conscientious about being productive.

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    Type Six

    Sixes are self-protective. Self-protection is the six's logical choice in a world that they believe is a dangerous place. The core distortion of the Six is that they will be mistreated in some way (i.e. harmed, controlled, subjugated, conned...).

    Sixes are distrustful. It's a dangerous world out there for them, or so they believe, and as a result they don't like the idea of having to depend on anybody else. Sixes are especially distrustful of people that have power over them, those in positions of authority.

    Sixes are prepared. Since they are fundamentally distrustful, they have to keep vigilant. They are on the lookout for surprise attacks or deceptions. They maintain a fixed level of preparedness most of the time. They are on guard, ready to meet any real or imagined threat with a counterattack or pre-emptive strike.

    Sixes are fearful. As sixes want to keep vigilant, fear heightens their antennae for threats and influences their conscious mind to stay on the lookout for dangers. At the same time, fear can vastly distort the way that sixes perceive people and events, even if the six does not have direct experience of the fear itself.

    Sixes are autonomous. They want to live their life with no strings attached to anybody. They like playing a lone hand. They self-protect by cutting ties and dread having to depend on others. They rely on sarcasm and hostility to keep people at a distance.

    Sixes are adverserial. They develop limits/norms and "lines" in the sand that others either cross or don't cross. They develop an inner alarm bell that lets them know when one of these lines has been crossed as well as warn them as to future catastrophes. Once somebody crosses it, the six will work tirelessly to bring that person down.

    Sixes are defensive. The six may forestall buying a car in favor of riding the bus every day to work because they think that car salesmen are bound to cheat them. If the six is being asked a question, the six can think that the question is intended to trap them into an undesirable spot, so in defense, the six may phobically lie or counterphobically state a bold opinion.

    Sixes are projecting. Others/groups become screens by which the six projects their feelings of being mistreated or harmed onto at the hands of, not ironically, the same person/entity/government the six themselves feel mistreated or harmed by. To this end sixes can be tireless crusaders on behalf of the little guy or at the other extreme, social/political demagogues.

    Unhealthy sixes are paranoid. Suspicion turns deadly. They have begun to isolate themselves through distance, as a means of preparing to fend off any attack and dealing with their suspicions. Isolation, in turn, has only reinforced their suspicions. They get secretive and obsessive about their anonymity and fanatical about their privacy. They brood in isolation over dark thoughts and build up invalid constructions of reality. They often split reality into us versus them dichotomies. They distort the world through a highly subjective lens of "hidden meanings." They insist on connections between unconnected facts. They frequently misread cues from others in order to reinforce the belief that they are indeed being persecuted and depicted in an unfair light.

    Healthy sixes are trusting and courageous. They overcome their issues with trust in order to form meaningful relationships. They find the courage to engage life and act in the face of their anxiety.

    6w5s are authoritarian. They alleviate their distrust of authority by trying to acquire the power to make one's self an authority and occupy positions of command. This is an attempt by the 6w5 to overcome their fear of being harmed and subjugated by becoming the dominator.

    6w5s are systems-oriented. They are drawn to traditional power structures and hierarchies. They engage in more "grid thinking" but turn a distrustful eye onto the systems that they are a part of. The belief in a system that's out to mistreat them can easily push them into conspiracy-mindedness and seeing cover-ups everywhere. They build straw man arguments and seize upon flimsy facts to justify their conspiracies.

    6w5s are sadistic. When deeply paranoid, authoritarian aggression becomes the 6w5's favored form of self-protection, sadism being an obvious manifestation of the sixes' drive to defend against mistreatment.

    6w7s are ingratiating. Introjection gives them an ability to key into the needs and values of others in order to adjust their thinking to resemble that of the person who they want to ingratiate with.

    6w7s are impetuous. They work on very fractional information. Once they identify the perceived danger, there is no time to waste, no time for investigation. They don't like details. As a result, their contraphobic strikes and phobic flirtations are more impulsive and less thought out.

    6w7s are self-defeating. Their rashness often causes them to act quick to disarm perceived threats. They often do so at the expense of undermining themselves, or, in the extreme, provoking others into behaving in the way that the six had anticipated they would.

    6w7s are volatile. When deeply paranoid, lashing out becomes the 6w7's favored form of self-protection.


    Six vigilance scans for danger. Two vigilance scans for rejection.

    Accusation by a Six is driven by the projection of guilt onto another. Accusation by a Three is purely goal-oriented. Furthermore, sixes don't get self-aggrandizing when they believe others are persecuting them. Threes do, seeing their persecution by others as proof of their greatness.

    Five autonomy is based in detachment. Six autonomy is based in distrust.

    Sixes are adversarial. Sevens are subversive.

    Six aggression is defensive. Eight aggression is offensive. Eights are out of touch with vulnerability. Sixes use anger to cover up their vulnerability when they are counterphobic. For sixes, dominance is a means of self-protection. For eights, dominance is an end in itself. For Sixes, dominance is a means of having the power to defend themselves against others either preemptively or in response to an attack.

    Sixes seek safety. Nines seek support.

    One vigilantism is driven by idealism. Six vigilantism is driven by self-protection.

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    Type 7

    Sevens are subversive. The core distortion of the seven is that "God" is against them, and vice-versa, that they are against "God." God can be understood here as anything that seeks to inhibit one's nature. Thus doing whatever one wants ("freedom") becomes the basis for the seven's self-esteem.

    Sevens are rebellious. One who stands against God can be nothing but. They march to their own beat and have an opinion on everything assuming that what feels right to their body must be right. They intend to shape their environment in a way that suits their desires. They live the life they want to live regardless of whether it is right or wrong. They are more naturally in rebellion from/against the establishment and have an easy time persuading others to act and think in a way different.

    Sevens are hedonistic. Rebellion manifests through the striving of immediate gratification of one's impulses. They always want to cheat the present moment for more pleasure. They habitually put their wants ahead of their needs believing they can always make up for it later on.

    Sevens are thrill-seekers. Closely associated to hedonism is thrill-seeking or risk-taking. Sevens typically don't do or say anything that would detract from thrills. They aren't as concerned with foresight since there is more risk in letting the chips fall where they may. They prefer to live in a way that doesn't look past the next bend in the road. They also don't look behind them to see what damage they may have caused as that would also minimize the risk of what tomorrow may hold.

    Sevens are exuberant. Activity expresses their freedom of movement. They stay on the move in search of greener pastures so as to stay on the run from deeper pain. They impatiently seek to realize their dreams rather than sit around dreaming about it. At all costs, they don't want to be immobilized. Their exuberance is a defense against a deeper depression.

    Sevens are gluttonous. Gluttony expresses their freedom of choice. They like to have a large variety to pick from and would rather try all the choices than just get confined to one. The 7's gluttony is like a "roving eye" as if to bely their insatiable desire to consume everything in sight with no restriction on how the seven will take it. This can also manifest as increased spending. They want to stimulate a continuous high as if they were riding a rollercoaster through life. They want to fill themselves with more of life and a wide variety of experiences.

    Sevens are unrestrained. Lack of restraint expresses their freedom to act out. Some sevens deny themselves the ability to say 'no' and begin to buy whatever suits their eye only to let it collect dust after they bring it home. They may max out their credit cards without any real idea of how they will pay for it. They may look for 'easy scores' and shortcuts, so that they don't have to get tied down into a niche. They may have infantile reactions or talk excessively. They often overestimate their physical body's ability to handle greater quantities of consumption and start to go overboard. They routinely act out. They blurt out all their most private feelings. They express their thoughts forcefully. They use directness to shock others. They vent their urges out at their audience without constraint.

    Unhealthy Sevens are chaotic. They are violently impulsive towards any restriction and have no regard for consequences. Rather than run the 'gauntlet,' they aim to destroy it and bring about a sense of disorder that will ensure their freedom.

    Healthier sevens are committed. They develop a more continuous sense of past and present instead of just shedding off the past at every turn without second thought. They bring enjoyment and delight into the lives of others. They are more moderate and sober in their appetites.

    7w6s are mercurial. Their quick fluctuations in mental state can cause pain and hurt to the same people the 7w6 reveres. They have every intention of being a certain way or keeping a certain promise, but are unable to sustain those intentions as their gluttonous appetites crowd out their intentions with new thought and actions.

    7w6s are versatile. They like to be where the action is and channel their minds towards excitement with a rapid and continuous style of thinking. They tend to be sponges when it comes to picking up and synthesizing information and very often they have a jack of all trades quality that gives them enough resources to land on their feet. In the darkest moments of people's lives sevens can often be the breath of fresh air or humor that makes the time pass by less painfully.

    7w6s are wishful. They believe in their "bag of gold." The "bag of gold" is the promise that their fortunes will fall out of the sky one day and let them backtrack to make up for time lost. They unconsciously project this promise onto all of their interactions, from friends, to work, to life in general.

    7w8s are greedy. They see life more in zero sum terms and focus the most on the big picture believing that all the smaller elements will naturally fall into place. They trivialize and mess with people more and often have a solid instinct for utilizing others in new and sometimes ingenuous ways. They use faster strikes to throw competitors' advantages off balance and keep things more in flux.

    7w8s are exploitative. They only get involved with groups or situations simply for the opportunity to exploit something for their own benefit. A "hit and run" approach manifests in all areas of their life. 7w8s have been known to relocate to different parts of the country, opening scam businesses and using their general knowledge to attract investors. Once they hit their mark, they will just pack up and hit the road, or find a new alias. If they have access to a large sum of money, the temptation may be too difficult for them to resist skipping town with it, regardless of who the money belongs to.

    7w8s are silver-tongued. They often act like they are authorities on almost any topic, sometimes seeming vague, deceptive or untruthful in their silver-tongued ability. They don't ask questions because that would be an admission of ignorance and they find advice demeaning. They act like an "expert" on subjects they only have a vague knowledge on.

    7w8s are conning. They develop a strong pride in being able to take what they want by duping others and can no longer resist temptations. Perhaps what is less known about sevens is that the duping of others can occur in the realm of ideas. They can take a certain pride in getting somebody like a peacemaker to go along with a completely ridiculous idea. They are machiavellian 'tacticians' with a focus on the easy score. They refuse to live conventional lives or work conventional jobs. They can easily turn to crime with the rationalization that resorting to illegal activity is the quickest way to live according to their rightful lifestyle. Or another 7 might rationalize that they had no say in creating the laws, therefore they have no obligation to obey it.


    Seven hedonism is unrestrained. Two hedonism is well-mannered.

    Sevens rebel against the times. Threes present themselves as a paragon for the times.

    Recklessness for a four is an end. Recklessness for a seven is a means for seeking thrills.

    Fives can’t sustain an on the go pattern like a Seven can and are more precise in what they say than Sevens.

    Sixes are adversarial. Sevens are subversive.

    Sevens focus on options. Eights focus on leverage. Furthermore, dominance is an end in itself for Eights. For Sevens, dominance is a means of having the power to subvert and rebel, to undo society, so to speak.

    Rebelling is a way of life for Sevens. Nines vacillate between conformity and rebellion.

    Sevens are comfortable with chaos. Ones are comfortable with order.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 03-20-2019 at 03:56 PM.

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    Type Eight

    Eights are power-oriented. In the eight's might makes right view of the world, power is the one course open for them.

    Eights are independent. Since the eight is power-oriented, they rely on themselves to make things happen in life. They are pro-active and like feeling masterful.

    Eights are ambitious. Because they like feeling masterful, it's not enough for the eight to just exercise power, but rather, to exercise power masterfully.

    Eights are willful. Needless to say that since the eight is engaged in wielding the power they have, taking the power that others have and holding onto the power that others want to take from them, this is a naturally assertive and dominant character, one who is not vulnerable to intimidation and doesn't back down. They are the least squeamish type and have the stomach for anything.

    Eights are aggressive. Since eights are fundamentally independent, being assertive is not a good to an eight unless it is for their own benefit. Therefore, the assertiveness of type eight runs on an aggressive mind. Distinct from just outwardly aggressive behavior, the eight's aggressive mind is the key instrumentality in their exercise of power.

    Eights are animalistic. In order to keep the aggressive mind free from any principle or legal/ethical constraint, the eight's psyche employs the psychological mechanism known as denial. Denial keeps the eight out of touch with vulnerability and the experience of being human. Weakness is like a pit of despair that eights are wired to avoid falling into. They don't have to make a conscious effort at not falling into it.

    Eights are action-oriented. Having sloughed off so many human needs, they are heavily focused on the prosecution of their own ends. They are not introspective. They are self-disciplined and tough enough that they don't even have a need to seek out external validation for their toughness.

    Eights are cunning. Since they are not constrained by truth or principle, they can cultivate an impression of good intentions in order to camouflage the excesses of their power orientation. They pull strings so as to masterfully exercise power even over the consequences of exercising power.

    Eights are controlling. When eights seek to control the environment its not because they fear being harmed or fear being controlled, but because controlling others gives them the leverage to wield a greater degree of power. Through power comes control and through control more power is wielded.

    Eights are dominating. Now with the control they have, the possibilities for wielding power in an even more masterful way become realistic. The lust to realize these possibilities sets into motion the total objectification of the people they have control over.

    Eights are punitive. Because the eight has objectified the people they have control over, they will use force and other ruthless means to maintain dominance and ensure compliance to their will. Since the eight is out of touch with vulnerability, they do not experience remorse or guilt for their use of force.

    Unhealthy eights are dictatorial. Having established rule through fear, they are willfully cruel and self-serving in their use of power, acting with total impunity not out of any interpersonal sensitivity or spite but just because they have the might to do so.

    8w7s are adventurous and subversive. The impatience of the 7 wing combines with the 8's power-orientation to make for an individual who is always on the move in the conquest of more territory. They exercise power through more subversive means.

    8w9s are consolidating and traditional. The inertness of the 9 wing combines with the 8's power-orientation to make for an individual who is heavily involved in the consolidation of their own territory. They exercise power through more traditional means.


    Both eights and twos are energetic and assertive. However, the assertiveness of type two does not run on an aggressive mind. Eights are aggressive-minded. The two energy and assertiveness works more in the service of volunteering and sacrificing themselves to others.

    Some threes can be dominating and therefore easy to confuse with eights. But for threes, dominance is a means of showing off and courting admiration. For 8s, dominance is an end in itself. In conflict, Threes lose ground because they get tied up trying to defend their past accomplishments, before they go back on the attack. An eight will stay more on the offensive without having to step out of the action to self-promote. Eights don't have that super competitive itch to brag and trash talk that threes do. Contrast Donald Trump and Muhammad Ali who are both 3w2s with Saddam Hussein or Frank Sinatra who were 8s.

    Eights are action-oriented. Fours are introspective.

    Both fives and eights are cunning. However, the fives' cunning utilizes better foresight and tries to exert power more through remote control, from a distance. This difference boils down to the fact that fives are vulnerable to intimidation. Eights are not.

    Six aggression is defensive. Eight aggression is offensive. Eights are out of touch with vulnerability. Sixes use anger to cover up their vulnerability when they are counterphobic. For Eights, dominance is an end in itself. For Sixes, dominance is a means of having the power to defend themselves against others either pre-emptively or in response to an attack.

    Sevens focus on options. Eights focus on leverage. Furthermore, dominance is an end in itself for Eights. For sevens, dominance is a means of having the power to subvert and rebel, to undo society, so to speak.

    Eights are independent-minded. Nines seek mental reassurances.

    Ones are often domineering. For that reason they may be confused with eights. But for Ones, dominance is a means of "righting" perceived wrongs. For eights, dominance is an end in itself, not a means to some other goal. Contrast Adolph ****** who was a 1 with Joe Stalin who was an 8. Many Ones are dictators. Being a dictator or even a mass-murdering dictator does not make the person an 8.

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    Type Nine

    Nines are self-doubting. In the absence of hard proof, they have difficulty thinking/knowing and assume the position of skeptic. They are habitually uncertain about things they have every reason to be certain about. They want to find something they can trust in and look for proofs that will help them to stabilize their shaky sense of existence. They seek out substitutes for their inner-guidance that they can reference internally for counsel, direction and advice. They have no trust in their ability to independently know and quickly need reassurances, but just as they have those reassurances quickly lose it.

    Nines are vacillating. Nines are the point on the enneagram that have no built-in distortion about the world. As a result nines have difficult feeling that they know or can grasp the expectations of others and respond to the world with ambivalence, vacillation and doubt. As a result, nines seek out external systems that will ground them with a sense of what to expect from the world and the people in it. Beliefs, rules, codes, customs, become very important to to Nines and they look to outer authorities and leaders for guidance and invest a great deal of importance in those beliefs.

    Nines are fatalistic. They become fixated on finding a magical/powerful figure that can take on responsibility for key areas of their life. The powerful figure works as a buffer to take control of things that nines feel they are at the mercy of. Essentially, the magical figure is somebody that will one day show up to make the nine's life complete and give them the motivation to actually take action and exert their will. Until that time, nines are content to remain complacent.

    Nines are inert. They are unable to see life from a "I can do it" point of view as everything just seems hopeless. They justify their lack of action as simply being too much trouble to do or annoying. They can take action for the benefit of others but not for their own. They say no to things outside of their comfort zone and report not feeling good enough. They indulge in magical thinking believing that the great things in life they desire will just happen one day. They put off important decisions to attend to their responsibilities to others and never feel like doing much of anything. They simply become stuck in routines and habits, "sleepwalking" through events.

    Nines are dependent. In order to bring a magical figure into their lives, they instinctively avoid their own autonomy. In response to the fear of losing the support of others nines suppress their own willfulness in order to go with the flow, to stay merged with the agenda of others and to suppress their own 'inner voice’; to avoid conflict and to remain in a state of inaction. The end result is that they are out of touch with inner guidance and look for others to provide them with mental reassurance. They forget themselves. They go on autopilot. They fall asleep, so to speak. A process of deterioration in their ability to think abstractly occurs. They find it easier to just adopt group sentiments or sentiments by others.

    Healthy nines are in touch with inner clarity, awake to their own autonomy. As a result, they become better able to take action and come into contact with their inner guidance. The less they look for a magical figure outside of themselves, the more complete and whole they start to experience themselves as. Autonomy emerges. By re-owning their power they gain a sense of control over the direction of their life and a sense of freedom from the agenda of others. They become more self-reliant and perhaps give off, at a subconscious level, the most naturally endearing quality of all the types.

    9w8s are earthy. They are typically an apolitical type, identifying strongly with nature. They have a slyer sense of humour blended in street smarts. They shun bringing attention to themselves and like to run their operations more underground. They are a more down to earth nine still insightful who have an ability to build up the egos of others. They are often very intuitive. They put emphasis on not sticking out and getting more in touch with nature. Their internal experience diffuses more into universals even as they poeticize the crude. Doubts they have about their sponsors or experts can always be projected onto scapegoats. They tend towards being terse. They can be difficult to understand but not because they say too much, rather that they say too little. Their thinking favors repetition and memorization. They focus a lot of attention to energy and body language.

    9w8s are stubborn. They are more about holding the line. They stick more fervently to their own principles even when its at odds with the times, very often giving them a more old-school quality. They dip threats in olive oil and size people up by whether the person can stay within the forms of that occasion without breaking. They stabilize and gain advantage over competitors by setting up "walls" that push competition out and erode the possibilities.

    9w8s are reliable. They jump through hoops for people and take hits for the team. They know what to do without having to take direction. They are quick to volunteer themselves for tasks and don't have a problem helping others to further their agenda. They often function as "middlemen" in the distribution of new ideas. They have a compulsion to remind people of stuff and to constantly try and check in with people to make sure things are all right. They are strongly attuned to people's appetites.

    9w8s are protective. They are shaken by the horrors of the world and are often the first to advance onto the front-lines willing to sacrifice themselves or whatever power they have at their disposal in order to make a difference. When tragic things happen they sometimes lament over "what a sick world it is." They put more responsibility on themselves to help make it better. They do things for the benefit of others even more than they do for themselves. They will seek out interdependent relationships between equals who will join them in doing the same. They will come up with or adapt ideas that can be used to deter denigration, insensitivity and other abuses of power. They are big on human rights. Some devote their lives to humanitarian causes finding assurances for their passive/aggressive ambivalence by fighting for justice on behalf of the weak believing it their duty.

    9w1s are critical. They have a stronger sense of self-condemnation. They are more impotent in their anger than 8 wingers. They compartmentalize their anger so as to responsibly do their part. They often don't take well to ideas or assertions that disrupt their sense for the objective reality.

    9w1s are conformist. They are highly deferential to authority. They look to the authorities to provide them shelter on a whole array of things from what to think to what to wear. They seek out causes, missions, ideologies, organizations etc they can wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to. They like to be part of something bigger than themselves. They show their loyalty by doing what they believe people expect of them and by suppressing any doubts they may have in order to maintain a loyal and partisan stance. They become guardians of the beliefs that they depend on for grounding and build up a pride and mutual admiration for those ideas and people associated with it. They overcommit themselves to the extent their personal lives takes a back seat so that they can diligently do their part to extend the legacy of others.

    9w1s are normative. Their perceptions of the environment are organized around reflexively defending a status quo. They are easily triggered by people whose opinions are subversive to ideas that conflict with the status quo, and often respond to such subversions as if they were attacks upon themselves. They take it upon themselves to try to ostracize and take on those whose opinions lack a sense of decency and conflict with sentiments and thought-terminating cliches the 9w1 has internalized. Their sense of decency is based upon their own emotive connections to how their fellow 'victims-in-arms' (past or present, living or dead) would feel about it , and for the 9w1 censorship based around that standard of decency supercedes free speech.

    Twos are assertive in their other-seeking. Nines are fatalistic in their other-seeking.

    Nines are modest. Threes are egotistical.

    Fours are pathologically self-referential. Nines can't sustain self-reference for too long.

    Fives are more certain. Nines doubtful.

    Sixes are reactive. Nines grounded.

    Rebelling is a way of life for Sevens. Nines vacillate between conformity and rebellion.

    Eights are independent-minded. Nines seek mental reassurances.

    Nines see more points of view than Ones do. Ones are more fanatical.

    Type One

    Ones resist reality by taking strong moral stances. They see reality as messy and corrupt so they invest all their energy in the ideal. They are idealists who strive to be consistent with their principles and to do the right thing. They seek to transcend their humanly concerns, interests and emotions by realizing a higher purpose in life through hard work, integrity, and achievement. They are doers with a sense of mission and single-mindedness that leaves little room for play. When they fall short of the ideal, they criticize themselves.

    Ones are sincere people. They say what they mean and mean what they say. The same standards that ones may try to impose on others they also impose on themselves and they also feel resentment towards others for not holding themselves to a higher ideal. They expect every person, including themselves, to abide by the rules, so long as the rules are just, and to take responsibility for their choices. Ones assume that reason, order and justice exist in the world, so that, inevitably, what is right will always prevail and what is wrong will always be punished. They can give others a difficult time about not covering their own bases and will point out others’ shortcomings when they feel that this unspoken agreement is violated. The majority of lectures or advice that Ones give to others will all revolve around this implicit expectation of rationality, choices, and responsibility.

    Ones are very focused on order. Order stimulates their sense that things are moving closer to the way that things should be. Order is something that Ones believe others, along with themselves, ought to subordinate themselves to, as well. When others don’t, that only fuels the One’s sense of anger. The way it should be in the One’s mind of course is not always the reality but they have a strong sense of how things ought to be in contrast to how things are and direct their attention to areas where people or things have fallen short of how things should be. The one’s cognitive style habitually makes judgments by comparison between how reality falls short of an ideal conception of reality.

    Ones are perfectionists in the most global sense of the word. They want perfection in all areas of their life and can be demanding taskmasters in the pursuit of such, as they perceive all the many 'wrecks.' They have high standards for both themselves and others and let themselves down when they feel partially responsible for something that falls short of their own standards.

    Ones are very literal-minded. They often reject intuition and unconscious associations as nonsense and believe that making decisions on faith or hunch is absolutely the wrong way to go about doing it. The right way, for a One, is to gather facts and accumulate data prior to making a decision, believing that the more data you have on hand to make a decision, the more perfect that decision will be, sometimes arriving them at conclusions that seem to narrow and wooden in scope or pushing them into ‘data paralysis’.

    Ones are doers. They place their self-esteem and sense of worth on action. They are motivated by guilt to actively do things, but, more importantly, to do those things right. ‘Perfect action’ is the basis of their self-esteem. But by trying to do everything perfect they inevitably fall short of their ideal and do things imperfect. That result only causes them more guilt. Needless to say, they are often strong-willed and one of the types that gets a lot of things done. The willfulness is essentially a form of ‘abstinence’ from their instinctual drives in the name of a more rational and structured approach towards action. Such “abstinence” manifests as both a physical and psychological discipline in their approach towards life that can produce a more rigid and colorless gestalt.

    When they do fall short, Ones will not only berate themselves for it but also they expect criticism from others about their imperfections. As Ones often sense that others are judging them for their own imperfections, they direct their own judgment inward at themselves to preempt a sense of condemnation by others. Thus, ones form a pattern of having to detach from their anger in order to justify, to themselves, on rational grounds, their actions, in the anticipation that others may judge and condemn them for it.

    The passion of Ones is wrath. Wrath has to do with the world falling short of the one's ideal and letting the self or world know about it in a choleric and critical fashion. When Ones are governed by this passion, everything in the world, no matter how small, falls short of the ideal, thus becoming an object of the Ones’ resentment and in need of correction, sometimes punishment. They are obsessed with righting wrongs. What’s often missed about wrath is that the anger can be directed not just at other people’s actions, but also at other people’s thinking and use of reason. However the wrath manifests, its nature is corrective. This anger can also be intensely directed at groups. Even though One’s have been trying to stay detached and rise above the ‘ugliness’ with civility, there is a cruel and violent urge that has been festering underneath, that the one has felt a need to control and keep buried, sublimating into their various activities, directing inwardly at themselves, while imploding privately. This urge can come to the surface as an intense and self-righteous anger to purge the environment of its corruptive elements.

    In its purest form, wrath is an anger towards all the imperfections of the world that they would love to destroy. When a One is in the grip of wrath, they have decided to direct all their inner criticism outwards at something or someone or some group in the environment to dominate, blame and punish for the world’s imperfect state. They turn into extreme misanthropes, wrapped in sadistic urges. If the one has power and charisma, they may seek to use their charisma to purge anything that doesn’t align with what they believe is an accurate representation of perfection.

    But this only replaces one imperfection with another imperfection. No matter how much Ones’ destroy they will never bring about their ideal state or, in the extreme case of low health, an ideal race of people, as it is only a matter of time before the imperfections become apparent. And this in turn causes the One to sink into a more severe and dramatic depression, possibly even into suicide.

    Healthy Ones are wise and discerning, though. They loosen up and get more comfortable with imperfection. They can enjoy what they do and not impose such high standards on themselves or others. They derive a sense of worth independently of what they do and realize they are virtuous or right in their imperfections, just as they are. They also learn to forgive others for their imperfections and, in doing so, they let go of their anger.

    1w9s are independent thinkers. They are not influenced by preexisting dogmas or what others have to say and can even be heretics in the realm of thought or action. They have a tendency to preach and teach in colder fashion. They will not and do not want to subordinate themselves to anything on earth and they tend to think on a larger scale in the form of universal truths. They want to acquire a higher virtue in their life that they believe can only be achieved through a purer form of reasoning.

    1w9s are cold fish. They like to feel out of reach from the imperfections of the world. Regal, in a sense. They want their actions to flow in harmony with their conclusions. It’s as if they were trying to cocoon their lives inside of a higher form that will eventually transform them into an ideal. They take unflinchingly cold, categorical positions with family members and are often frugal.

    1w9s are human pressure-cookers. They most prefer to do tasks alone so they won't have to deal with imperfections from others often demanding more of themselves to pick up the slack. Much closer in fit to a classic type A personality and more prone to be exemplary in areas where they apply themselves. They are stoic about success and treat relationships as getting in the way of principle.

    1w2s are practical. They have more common sense. They are direct and honest when it comes to getting things done.

    1w2s are volunteeristic. They often feel like they don’t have any inherent freedom and are trapped by emotional obligations, rules and expectations that plays into this stronger streak of volunteerism.

    1w2s are family oriented. They are quicker to sacrifice their own personal ambitions to take care of family out of their strong sense of obligation and have more difficulty holding hard lines with people.

    1w2s are empathetic. They ground their idealism in empathetic connections. They will try and relate with people but are more demanding of them, tailoring their lectures more to other people’s positive/negative self-images, rather than trying to keep everything in the realm of logic. They aren’t as heady or philosophical about what they do. They are less constricted by reason and more intuitive and expressive, but still tend towards being colorless.


    Ones are more focused on principle. Twos focus more on people.

    Threes stand by their goals through thick and thin. Ones stand by their convictions through thick and thin.

    Fours focus more on their own emotions. Ones focus more on their convictions.

    Fives are dispassionate. Ones are passionate.

    One vigilantism is driven by a contempt for human corruption, that which falls short of the ideal. Six vigilantism is a defensive response to mistreatment and/or the anticipation of being mistreated in the future.

    Sevens find beauty in chaos. Ones find beauty in order.

    Ones are often domineering. For that reason they may be confused with eights. But for ones, dominance is a means of "righting" perceived wrongs. For eights, dominance is an end in itself, not a means to some other goal. Contrast Adolph ****** who was a 1 with Joe Stalin who was an 8. Many Ones are dictators. Being a dictator or even a mass-murdering dictator does not make the person an 8.

    Nines are more relaxed than Ones and don’t assert their opinions as easily as Ones do. Nines also tend to see more points of view than Ones do.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 02-13-2018 at 02:33 AM.

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    Thanks! You're the man.

    EDIT- Are you going to add the 1 description as well?

    For the Enneagram 8 post, there are some mistypings w/ the celebrities: Trump 8w7, Addi 6w5.
    Last edited by Chae; 02-27-2017 at 07:11 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Type Eight
    Sevens focus on options. Eights focus on leverage. Furthermore, dominance is an end in itself for Eights. For sevens, dominance is a means of having the power to subvert and rebel, to undo society, so to speak.
    Your use of the word "leverage" is very interesting to me. I am 8w7, and I often approach problems with an eye to finding exactly where I should apply leverage to accomplish whatever it is I want to accomplish.

    I have described this to myself with the sentence "What is the best point to apply leverage to reach the goal with the minimum amount of effort while achieving the most effective results?" This requires that I have a very good grasp of the real (not the "claimed") problem and various alternate strategies to ensure that if one solution-chain is cut off, there are other ways to reach the target.

    There is a remarkable moment in the film "Queimada!" ( which illustrates this idea of leverage.
    William Walker is a secret agent of England, sent by England to the island of Queimada, a Portuguese sugar colony in the Carribean in the mid-19th century for the purpose of fomenting a revolution among the plantation owners and African slaves, so that the island's sugar (the 19th century's oil) can be diverted to England.
    The problem he faces is how to mobilize a slave population to armed uprising against a brutally oppressive colonial power. Walker's genius is to enlist a smart, dissatisfied slave to rob a bank, ostensibly to get enough gold to buy a passage back to Africa. From that point on, everything else follows.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-27-2017 at 06:47 PM.

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    Ah...why is there no 4

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    I'm not a huge fan of their 6 description. It focuses on distrust in a very external sense, whereas the 6 problem is more like a vague feeling that there was a tutorial level to life and you somehow skipped it, and so you're watching what everyone else is doing to try to figure out the rules. It also seems very biased towards a counterphobic 6 (which is kind of unusual, most 6 descriptions work the other way around!).

    They develop limits/norms and "lines" in the sand that others either cross or don't cross. They develop an inner alarm bell that lets them know when one of these lines has been crossed as well as warn them as to future catastrophes. Once somebody crosses it, the six will work tirelessly to bring that person down.
    more like

    6: "they crossed a line that is the LAST straw I will never trust anything they say in my fucking life"

    *5 seconds later*

    6: "you know that's a hasty judgement, I should give them a chance"

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    I gather the author didn't have a particularly positive experience with 7w8s ?
    Greedy, exploitative and conning - how's that supposed to be a description?
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I gather the author didn't have a particularly positive experience with 7w8s ?
    Greedy, exploitative and conning - how's that supposed to be a description?
    Lol. @FDG, perhaps you were looking for a flattering description? You should ask your customers if they think you are "greedy, exploitative, and cunning". You might be surprised.
    I also liked the fact that "Seven hedonism is unrestrained." I mean, if you're going for it, why not go all the way? Your GF must have a very interesting time. Frankly, I'm kind of jealous.

    The descriptions of eights are not that flattering, either. "Aggressive, animalistic, cunning, dominating, punitive." Sounds like a pet wolverine that would be safer to be around if you shot it.

    These descriptions are really pretty great. I think they contain elements of truth, while not always capturing the most positive side of each type. They also seem to have elements of forumites mixed in for entertainment, and so might have some "contamination" by being descriptions of small sample sizes.
    My favorite enneagrammer, Helen Palmer, evidently conducted multiple classes where people's types were first agreed-upon by a group of experienced typers, and then the characteristics of each person were recorded and the ones which varied too much from the mean of that type were rejected from the type description. This seems to me to be a great way to put enneagram characteristics on a quantitative basis.

    All in all, even though these descriptions do not always "make nice" with each type, this is a remarkable piece of work.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-28-2017 at 01:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol. @FDG, perhaps you were looking for a flattering description? You should ask your customers if they think you are "greedy, exploitative, and cunning". You might be surprised.
    Actually I was curious, I asked. Limited sample, but they said: pushy, money-motivated, sometimes confrontational, positive-minded, ready to bend over backwards, straightforward, innovative, direct, fast. Seems like a more balanced description?

    All in all, even though these descriptions do not always "make nice" with each type, this is a remarkable piece of work.
    Some descs are OK, I think 9, 6, 2, 5, may be balanced descriptions. Other descriptions simply lack the positive aspect of a given type.

    And actually I do also think that the 8 description is completely unbalanced, seems to describe one particular SEE-Se unhealthy E8w7.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Actually I was curious, I asked. Limited sample, but they said: pushy, money-motivated, sometimes confrontational, positive-minded, ready to bend over backwards, straightforward, innovative, direct, fast. Seems like a more balanced description?

    Some descs are OK, I think 9, 6, 2, 5, may be balanced descriptions. Other descriptions simply lack the positive aspect of a given type.

    And actually I do also think that the 8 description is completely unbalanced, seems to describe one particular SEE-Se unhealthy E8w7.
    What balls! Also, you must have good rapport with your customers, that they would be so honest with you. Congrats.

    Yes, I do think that your customers have given you a more balanced description.

    And I agree that the 8 description is of a fairly unhealthy person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Type Nine

    Nines are self-doubting. In the absence of hard proof, they have difficulty thinking/knowing and assume the position of skeptic. They are habitually uncertain about things they have every reason to be certain about. They want to find something they can trust in and look for proofs that will help them to stabilize their shaky sense of existence. They seek out substitutes for their inner-guidance that they can reference internally for counsel, direction and advice. They have no trust in their ability to independently know and quickly need reassurances, but just as they have those reassurances quickly lose it.

    Nines are vacillating. Nines are the point on the enneagram that have no built-in distortion about the world. As a result nines have difficult feeling that they know or can grasp the expectations of others and respond to the world with ambivalence, vacillation and doubt. As a result, nines seek out external systems that will ground them with a sense of what to expect from the world and the people in it. Beliefs, rules, codes, customs, become very important to to Nines and they look to outer authorities and leaders for guidance and invest a great deal of importance in those beliefs.

    Nines are fatalistic. They become fixated on finding a magical/powerful figure that can take on responsibility for key areas of their life. The powerful figure works as a buffer to take control of things that nines feel they are at the mercy of.
    Looking at the other descriptions and I think I found out where the phobic 6 writeup went . This is all 6 stuff right here except that 6s are typically more proactive by nature.

    Compare this

    Nines are self-doubting. In the absence of hard proof, they have difficulty thinking/knowing and assume the position of skeptic. They are habitually uncertain about things they have every reason to be certain about. They want to find something they can trust in and look for proofs that will help them to stabilize their shaky sense of existence. They seek out substitutes for their inner-guidance that they can reference internally for counsel, direction and advice. They have no trust in their ability to independently know and quickly need reassurances, but just as they have those reassurances quickly lose it.

    with gold standard 6 description (Naranjo)

    He doubts himself and he doubts his doubt; he is suspicious of others, and yet he is afraid that he may be mistaken. The result of this double perspective is, of course, chronic uncertainty in regard to choosing a course of action, and the consequent anxiety, need of support and guidance, and so on.

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    I don't think I'm sadistic, or that the 6w5 descriptions particularly fit me. The general six description fits me pretty well though.
    Last edited by Attis; 03-01-2017 at 03:16 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Attis View Post
    I don't think I'm sadistic, or that the 6w5 descriptions particularly fit me. The general six description fits me pretty well though.
    I didn't relate to that either. I liked the description a lot but identified more with w7.

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    Where's the type 4 description?

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    The Type 6 description is quite good. (Apart from the 6w5 descriptions perhaps.)

    However, the Type 9 description contains too many Type 6 themes, especially the first point about 9s being self-doubting etc. is 6ish as hell.

    I suppose the reason for that is the fact that most 9s have a strong secondary 6 fix, so the traits of that overlap with 9-ish motivations and their moving point to 6.

    Also, I find that the 9w8 vs 9w1 descriptions contain contradictory elements. 9w8 is both more earthy and quite intuitive? Just no. I'd agree that 9w8s are more 'earthy' and more 'grounded'. In my experience, most 9w8 individuals are Sensors (esp SLI), and Intuitive 9s are all 9w1 usually (esp EII). The 8 wing adds 'gusto' whereas 1 adds an attachment to higher ideals. 9w8 are more in touch with their bodies and physicality, 9w1 less so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaebette View Post
    Where's the type 4 description?

    Type Four
    (n/a due to author's withholding)

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Nope. Not there

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaebette View Post
    Nope. Not there
    That's why I quoted what the author said (maybe you didn't see it). It seems the author decided to withhold the type 4 description for some reason. Perhaps it is too revealing and he/she is a 4.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    The Type 6 description is quite good. (Apart from the 6w5 descriptions perhaps.)

    However, the Type 9 description contains too many Type 6 themes, especially the first point about 9s being self-doubting etc. is 6ish as hell.

    I suppose the reason for that is the fact that most 9s have a strong secondary 6 fix, so the traits of that overlap with 9-ish motivations and their moving point to 6.

    Also, I find that the 9w8 vs 9w1 descriptions contain contradictory elements. 9w8 is both more earthy and quite intuitive? Just no. I'd agree that 9w8s are more 'earthy' and more 'grounded'. In my experience, most 9w8 individuals are Sensors (esp SLI), and Intuitive 9s are all 9w1 usually (esp EII). The 8 wing adds 'gusto' whereas 1 adds an attachment to higher ideals. 9w8 are more in touch with their bodies and physicality, 9w1 less so.
    "I suppose the reason for that is the fact that most 9s have a strong secondary 6 fix, so the traits of that overlap with 9-ish motivations and their moving point to 6." Whilst this is a good suggestion, I highly disagree, it has nothing to do with it being a 6 fix, ALL 9s are self doubting, 9 is part of the believing/doubting dichotomy and is a naturally doubting type.

    "especially the first point about 9s being self-doubting etc. is 6ish as hell." 6s aren't the only type who self doubt, so do 4s and 9s , all 3 are part of the doubting triad. It's absolutely not 6ish as hell imo.
    9s really do struggle with self doubt , it differs from 4 and 6 though in that 9s aren't emotionally reactive and tend to naturally trust.

    It's actually a common theme for 9s to self doubt. Every 9 i've met has self doubt even more than a 6 tbh(I'm not sure what the main reason could be but I've really seen this in my experience). You could say that doubt is different from a 6's motivation and a 9's motivation definitely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LeaderLightChange View Post
    "I suppose the reason for that is the fact that most 9s have a strong secondary 6 fix, so the traits of that overlap with 9-ish motivations and their moving point to 6." Whilst this is a good suggestion, I highly disagree, it has nothing to do with it being a 6 fix, ALL 9s are self doubting, 9 is part of the believing/doubting dichotomy and is a naturally doubting type.

    "especially the first point about 9s being self-doubting etc. is 6ish as hell." 6s aren't the only type who self doubt, so do 4s and 9s , all 3 are part of the doubting triad. It's absolutely not 6ish as hell imo.
    9s really do struggle with self doubt , it differs from 4 and 6 though in that 9s aren't emotionally reactive and tend to naturally trust.

    It's actually a common theme for 9s to self doubt. Every 9 i've met has self doubt even more than a 6 tbh(I'm not sure what the main reason could be but I've really seen this in my experience). You could say that doubt is different from a 6's motivation and a 9's motivation definitely.

    Doubting triad?

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Doubting triad?
    You're right it's not a triad
    It's a doubting type though definitely, 4,6 and 9 are all doubting types for different reasons, different motivations

    469 is the triple doubter, the 3 types that doubt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LeaderLightChange View Post
    You're right it's not a triad
    It's a doubting type though definitely, 4,6 and 9 are all doubting types for different reasons, different motivations

    469 is the triple doubter, the 3 types that doubt.
    I see. What does each of them doubt?

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    Quote Originally Posted by LeaderLightChange View Post
    You're right it's not a triad
    It's a doubting type though definitely, 4,6 and 9 are all doubting types for different reasons, different motivations

    469 is the triple doubter, the 3 types that doubt.
    Using Tritype itself contains elements of doubt related to core type. It is mostly useful for narrowing down types. My reasoning for that is here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    My enneagram journey has taken a new direction. Many years ago I started with the core type and focused on understanding mine. Later I looked into trifix theory which lead me to tritype which, imo, is more about marketing another's (Ichazo) ideas in a watered down form of enneagram that is more appealing to the masses. It is like a quick fix for those looking for a label more than understanding. I have a copy of their book. Not saying the Fauvre's are doing anything wrong by watering things down since it is just another tool to narrow down options from 9 to 3 within the system. There is so much variation within each core type that I no longer feel it neccessary for me to explore. If you see me giving a trytype from now on it is safe to assume I am considering 3 types for the person.


    I guess what I am saying is I have come full circle. There is nothing in the "tritype" of 458/9 that cannot be explained by core type, wing, integration/disintegration and instinct stacking. Both "The Scholar" and "The Contemplative" descriptions can work since they are short and kind of generic. I am not a "core" 5, 8 or 9. 8 is certainly more fitting than 9 over a lifetime. I checked out type 6 since a lot of people who think they have an 8 fix are 6s but none of 6 fits me at my core or even surface.

    What I see now is that 4w5 sx/sp covers all the tritype stuff. I have spent weeks reading the books of all the enneagram teachers I feel are important to understanding the whole system. There is still much more to read. It can be overwhelming as I need time to process in between.

    There isn't a lot to any of the descriptions on official "tritype". It just dilutes everything, imo, and is useful mostly to gain clarity on one's enneagram type when undecided between types. I was not undecided since I had already put a lot of work into this before. I was mostly interested in seeing how the idea of tritype was actually any different for me. When my sisters visited I got to explore this further. My EII sister is a 9w1 sp/sx but she got 946 or 964 (don't have it handy) on her tritype quiz. Although the description is rather fitting it just didn't matter since I was able to see how the core, wing, integration/disintegration and instincts explained her more fully than a tritype.

    I am not saying tritype is worthless. Like I said, it can be used to narrow down when undecided between types. I feel I have a deeper understanding having investigated it and seeing how it all fit. I suppose some of you had already figured this out but had no desire to interfere with another's exploration of the self. I don't want to interfere either as I find enneagram a valuable tool when used as intended. Now for the synch in this, I remember you saying something similar to what I have concluded? It triggered something (an insight) in me awhile back. Regardless if you actually posted something, or I am imagining it now, it seems fitting I reveal all this in response to you.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I see. What does each of them doubt?
    Great question
    As Kill4Me pointed out before about my knowledge, it's very poor so I don't know if I can answer

    I'd say all have some element of self doubt, 9s either believe or doubt(but their doubt isn't manifested in people but more around themselves), 6s doubts "others" and themselves, the key word is others. They won't fully attempt something or contact someone for example unless they are fully sure that it's trustworthy. 4's naturally self doubt, it's this sense of What Am I?

    :/ That was a horrible, horrible explanation lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Using Tritype itself contains elements of doubt related to core type. It is mostly useful for narrowing down types. My reasoning for that is here.
    Hmm, I never really looked at tritype like that but we all have different perspectives(which is a good thing), what I highly disagree with though is that "is useful mostly to gain clarity on one's enneagram type when undecided between types"

    I disagree with this because from what I know, most people i've talked to about tritype only really got into it after and most of them were fairly certain of their core, ofc you had the rare few who used it for clarity but I think you can make a lot out of the descriptions and blind spots and motivations shown by the tritype.
    Who knows? Tritype might be hot trash, tritype might be great. The beauty of theory is that anything is possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LeaderLightChange View Post
    Hmm, I never really looked at tritype like that but we all have different perspectives(which is a good thing), what I highly disagree with though is that "is useful mostly to gain clarity on one's enneagram type when undecided between types"

    I disagree with this because from what I know, most people i've talked to about tritype only really got into it after and most of them were fairly certain of their core, ofc you had the rare few who used it for clarity but I think you can make a lot out of the descriptions and blind spots and motivations shown by the tritype.
    Who knows? Tritype might be hot trash, tritype might be great. The beauty of theory is that anything is possible.
    I already knew my type before I found tritype. My wording there could have been clearer. I gave it a shot (which can be seen in many old posts) and decided I didn't need it after all. If it is useful for others then it is useful for them. I just never hear anyone go into the core theory and discuss their integration/disintegration when speaking of their tritype. In a way it changes it from enneagram into something else which is fine. I just can't pretend it is still enneagram.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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