hmmm, I understand that sharing values is advantageous but why do you say minimal attraction hugo?

That description is pretty good cone, as you can see:

I do think comfort is important in a relationship, I dislike any kind of hassle myself and so I think it essential to have material goods which help in this respect, like your own car for example, it just saves so much hassle having to get busses and taxis etc. As for my partner, I like to help give them the material things they need for the same reason so they are in general happier in life with less problems to deal with. This applies to all material things which provide comfort and help prevent annoying inconvienences. I am not too concerened with luxury myself as such, but I do tend to buy the most expensive things I can afford, as they tend to last longer and be better in quality and so again help to prevent problems. I think my partner (and most people) also usually appreciates luxury so I will aim for luxury to make them happy.
I am vey practical and yes, I do definately shy away from unprofitable ventures, I just can't see the point in putting in loads of effort for very little or no return. I am baffled for example that voluntary work exists, why would anyone do that! Its crazy!
I find expressing love and effection very very hard, even with my family, it always seems so embarrassing and I feel so stupid doing it, so I nearly always don't bother, I usually try showing it in other ways by giving people gifts etc instead of directly telling them.
A friend of mine is ENTp and very inventive, I have often talked to him for hours about some of the stuff he comes up with as I do genuinely admire the things he dreams up, however far fetched they are. Originality helps break the boredom that sets in from seeing the same old things over and over again, and helps you see things in new ways you had not considered before.

I hope the above makes sense.