Third function:

The Insecure functions are characterized as process oriented, having limited knowledge of the particular aspect and normally speak in dialogues when talking about the aspect. Envy, timidity, doubt, flexibility and compromisation are key words to describe the attitude the person has towards the aspect of the third function.

[3V] Third Willpower: Nonconformist tendencies and actively (Though not necessarily directly) questions authority, preventing hasty or rushed decisions that have not been properly thought through. Strong knowledge of what they do not want. Flexible in their goals and desires, and are able to change these. Attentive to power dynamics and status, yet refuse to take responsibility for their own situation, viewing themselves as passive victims of their circumstances. Despite having a certain awareness of their goals, they lack the will to implement them. This makes them very quick to give up and they will quickly change course if the opposition is met. Has a hard time refusing authority, but will often not act in agreement with what they may previously said yes to, making them seem unpredictable.
[3E] Third Emotion: Questions emotional displays as well as their appropriateness in given situations. Encourages grounded, level-headed decision making and actively avoids emotional extremes or dramatic escalations. Remaining sceptical pathos and emotional manipulation. Often actively hides or suppresses their emotional states and are worried about others reactions to them. Because of this emotional suppression, they are prone to being trapped in negative emotional states, without actively knowing how to process them. They are afraid of strong emotional expression as they associate that with a loss of control, and can demand such to be kept to a minimum in their environment. The high emotional self-control also causes problems in personal relationships, as they will have trouble “letting go”.
[3L] Third Logic: Ability to remain sceptical of most conclusions and question what is otherwise established as facts as well as the status quo of accepted knowledge. Seeing methods of value beyond commonly accepted reason that may fit the real world better. Using them to reach conclusions that illustrate mistakes in the reasoning of others or the commonly accepted. Due to doubts about their own intellectual capabilities, they are afraid to present or discuss their ideas, often living in paranoia of criticism. Are likely to refuse what they are told based on their own opinions about the matter despite all the evidence or reason seemingly pointing against their point of view. Not attentive to the logic of others and may twist or misrepresent arguments or ideas they’ve heard through their own language rather than how they were initially presented.
[3F] Third Physics: Avoids burdening others with their needs and desires and likewise avoids spending money or energy unnecessarily on meaningless endeavours. Looks for constant improvement of their physical state while being very attentive to flaws or lacking within the material/physical realm. Can often be a vain perfectionist who is constantly unsatisfied with their own looks and conditions. Can often overlook problems in their own physical conditions due to the wish to not impose this area unto others. May have specific tastes or preferences such as wishing for wealth, but they are unable to put any work into actually fulfilling their desires themselves, making it seem like they need to be pampered. Very prone to jealousy and may feel a sense of ownership over their partner.