Thank you for the replies,I am as stuck as I was though. I'd just like to explain the situation in more detail. I will probably majoy in accounting/audit or finance instruments, I can get through the Uni without any problems, each class is pathetically easy and well....boring. I have one of the best average grades in the Uni, I don't pay any tuition and I will probably be able to get a decent job when I graduate...but I have no idea if actually want all of that.

Try to change the path? Possibilities

- Army - our country doesn't have one
- Police, firemen etc - the salary os so awful that one can't even buy food
- Engineering, I don't know the first thing about physics because our school always lacked a teacher.

So yeah, no idea why I am writing this *shrugs*

I am actually so sick of this routine that I would like to just send everybody to hell and hike on foot through some countries nearby...