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Thread: Random and spazy, or elegant and dreamy IEIs/INFps

  1. #1


    Text is so not very at all.

  2. #2


    It's overly rational. It lacks interpersonalization in it's true form. It is true, however, that some writing styles are possibly but it simply takes too much effort.

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    Default Re: Question relating to INFp’s.

    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall
    Personally I act very different in real life as opposed to the way I am on this forum. People see me as more quiet, reserved, dreamy and artistic, while I tend to be a little more absent minded around here.
    lol, same. I think people here see me as more of a pretentious nerd than irl. In real life, I'm a really goofy and sort of pretend to be stoned.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Herzy
    That's where smilies come in. :wink:
    We need more I need a far superior arsenel of ammo to annoy you all with

  5. #5


    Yep. Well, always remember the song by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. "Relax...when ya wanna !" lol.

  6. #6


    Im spazzy 24/7

    But when I'm around my (Patick's) friends, I kind of act like reserved and dreamy and what not...because I'm normally sort of uncomfortable. Lately its been a group including an INTp, ESTj, can't type her yet but she dates the ESTj and doesn't seem to want to listen to me very often. Kind of cold towards me.

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    I would explain our lack of extraverted feeling using MBTI as opposed to Socionics. MBTI states that INFPs' dominant function is INTROVERTED FEELING, with extraverted feeling occupying the shadow fifth function. Though socionics and MBTI are different in this regard, I lean toward MBTI in terms of the correctness of the function ordering. Producing extraverted feeling has never been easy for me, even as an ethical subtype INFP (though I can do it well in many situations). I've always considered introverted feeling to be my most potent and alive function, with extraverted intuition right there beside it.
    Another explanation, which is again related to MBTI, is that our POLR (according to MBTI) is Extraverted Thinking. Perhaps our seemingly detached and logical style of expression is our attempt to compensate for a naturally weak thinking function. I know I've always tried to improve my analytical skills because doing so would enable me to see the world more clearly and absorb the knowledge and wisdom that I crave.
    If someone has an explanation of this phenomena using the socionics' method of function ordering, please share! Many thanks .

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    No, not at all. I've taken the socionics test many times and have come out INFP. The socionics description of INFP also corresponds very well to me, ESPECIALLY the one on this website. My intertype relations correspond to INFP (ESTJs and I are like oil and fire), my personality is very INFP (I can be spacey and GOOFY and elegant and dreamy all at once ), and, well, I'm just an INFP. INFJ would mean that I would have a judging function and that I'd be organized in some way, and I sure as hell ain't. But yeah, the whole socionics/MBTI thing is a bit confusing. I think I'll just leave it as it is.

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    Default Re: Question relating to INFp’s.

    IEI subtype

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    I also COMPLETELY agree with starfall about the writing bit - writing takes sooo much energy out of me, perhaps because I want to create something eloquent and perfect each time I write, so instead I just go for the bare minimum.

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    The deciding factor in my being INFP is intertype relations. I recently ended a 1-year relationship with an ENFP, which, although it ended peacefully, was an incredibly stressful and unsatisfying ordeal. I felt like I had to put on an act every time I visited him, and our visits and talks were few and far between. We had absolutely nothing to say to one another, and I felt like I had to strain to bond with him and find what he found interesting. It was very sad, because we both found each other to be awesome people, but we were similar and different in the wrong ways and completely drained one another. ENFJs, on the other hand, totally stimulate and amaze me.
    But back to your question...
    Yes, I do know some ESTPs, and I like them very much. When I first started reading about socionics and discovered that they were supposedly my dual, I cringed, because they strayed from my ideal of the romantic, sensitive yet strong prince who would take me away to his castle in the clouds. I thought them a bit rough, and way out of my league. But my closest friend's father is ESTP, and I've never laughed around anyone the way I do around him (he loves to watch people get impaled on the SPEED channel - lol ). One of my favorite uncles is ESTP, and a guy who flirts regularly with me at school (and everyone else) is ESTP. It's a goofy relationship; I don't know how to describe it. Basically, he emits energy and I respond to it, which is relaxing for me because I'm not one to initiate things. I'm also quite infatuated with a logical subtype ESTP at the moment, who is wayyyy out of my league. He did something funny the other day though - when he found out that I broke up with my boyfriend, he added me to his friends' list on the social networking site we belong to. Silly ESTP.
    Oops, I wrote a lot there. If we ever run into each other, you can hold me to task for it. Toodles .

    - infp ethical subtype (and dork in the extreme)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by uninspired
    If someone has an explanation of this phenomena using the socionics' method of function ordering, please share! Many thanks .
    umm.... i think you're socionics INFp from reading your posts and (i'm too lazy to give you the links sorry) i just think that you're misinterpreting what the socionics functions mean as they mean completely different things than MBTI functions. On MBTI i actually believed I was INTP at first... which I know seems strange, but when i was learning about MBTI i was on message boards and i found that i related more to the INTPs than to the INFPs... but something was off. Umm, since we're using different systems here mind if i add in the enneagram? have you explored it? I noticed MBTI INFPs that were not type 4s (lots were 9s) were likely to translate into socionics INFJs/even ENFJs. Those that were type 4s, on the other hand, were socionics INFps.

    you said you love analyzing things i believe, that's totally in tune with the INFp hidden agenda in that you want to understand but feel like you never have enough information to be completely and utterly confident and so you ask questions/seek information with the hope that one day you will understand but you never have enough to be completely satisfied and that's why you're here asking us to give you more information that will help you understand things better, that's totally socionics INFp

    oh and relating to the topic, i haven't posted much here but i have in the past elsewhere, i've noticed i'm not inclined to add those smiley faces to my posts and as a result people have interpreted my posts as being more serious than they really are. I sometimes tend to creatively mock other people on forums that post stupid things, however, it's never with malicious sincerity/ in real life these things are easier to interpret. I'm simply prone to use sardonic irony in order to make things more entertaining for me and the worthwhile people involved

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    I, like you, usually test 4w5 on the Enneagram, though I occasionally test 5 and 6. I never tested 9 - it wasn't even in my top three. I tend to stay away from the enneagram though. I find it a bit too generalized - the tremendous variation in socionics types that can be found in only one or two enneagram types illustrates this. I like socionics better - it's more theoretically developed and closer to Jung's original psychology. Anywho, the hidden agenda thing could be true for me. I tend to get information from all different sources and try to memorize it to the best of my ability, then derive insight and opinion from it, but the opinion part doesn't come naturally because I tend to see things from many different sides. I tend to list information as opposed to giving opinions.
    But to follow up on one of your earlier statements, in what ways are socionics functions different from MBTI functions? I always thought that introverted feeling in socionics was the same as it was in MBTI, but just arranged in a different order (for whatever reason, I don't know). Thanks for your insights .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzy

    Your duality radar should be beeping massively right now. The whole "they're out of my league" thing often happens with duals before they get to know each other. What makes you think he's out of your league? Is he really really really good-looking or something?
    i totally get this same feeling from an ESTp woman i've recently met. She's just like all over the place and so socially connected that she's constantly doing things and i feel hard-pressed to get her attention, and yet she's the one that initiated contact with me and whenever i've seen her at a bar she's chosen to dance/chill with me instead of other people. I think that's what uninspired was referring to in saying he's "out of her league." of course it's easy for you to say "go for it" but you have to remember that we're INFps. The supposed beauty of dual relationships is that you rely on your strengths... now I think it's safe to say that the "initiation of contact and relations" strength is an ESTp one, we're not good at that shit - so all we can really do is dress nice and offer compliments in hopes of acquiring ESTp attention.... but even then we don't want to seem desperate..... hence the hesitation and the 'us asking you to tell us what to do'

    (like really if all ESTps knew about socionics our lives would be so much easier but i find i'm even hesitant to try to explain it to them cause they might think it's boring and that i'm a geek so HOW can i do this while simultaneously seeming attractive/sexy/interesting???? TELL ME!...... please?)

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by uninspired
    I'm also quite infatuated with a logical subtype ESTP at the moment, who is wayyyy out of my league. He did something funny the other day though - when he found out that I broke up with my boyfriend, he added me to his friends' list on the social networking site we belong to. Silly ESTP.
    Why do you think he's out of your league? If he's anything like me, this is one of the clearest signals of interests! Like, you probably will think it's stupid, but in order to do something like this I require a looooot of courage if I like the girl. Therefore, he undoubtfully has hots for you
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzy
    The supposed beauty of dual relationships is that you rely on your strengths... now I think it's safe to say that the "initiation of contact and relations" strength is an ESTp one, we're not good at that shit - so all we can really do is dress nice and offer compliments in hopes of acquiring ESTp attention.... but even then we don't want to seem desperate..... hence the hesitation and the 'us asking you to tell us what to do'
    I'm not sure...IME if it's intutive sensory it's like you say, but with ethical logical it's goes more like this: ESTp tells friend of ethical INFp that he has hots for ethical INFp, and then ethical INFp starts contact

    ike really if all ESTps knew about socionics our lives would be so much easier but i find i'm even hesitant to try to explain it to them cause they might think it's boring and that i'm a geek so HOW can i do this while simultaneously seeming attractive/sexy/interesting???? TELL ME!...... please?)
    Tell them that you won't have sex with them if they don't take a glance at it
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by uninspired
    But to follow up on one of your earlier statements, in what ways are socionics functions different from MBTI functions? I always thought that introverted feeling in socionics was the same as it was in MBTI, but just arranged in a different order (for whatever reason, I don't know). Thanks for your insights .
    ummmm............ NO! Fi in MBTI from what i remember can basically just be interpreted as the ability to empathize and lost in personal emotions... in Socionics Fi is associated with having a strong system of ethics that you are willing to defend by any means... totally INFj... let's face the facts, our ethical systems are dependent on the situations and we're not going to start a serious argument, refusing to compromise, for the sake of some ethical system (i.e. vegetarianism/equality) To us most things seem relative and so when someone gives us their view on things, if it seems well founded we will actually listen and attempt to interpret it from their viewpoint so that we can integrate it into our own system. we will positively influence the persons emotions while they talk to us so that we can get more information and their trust (indirectly of course) - this ability is known in socionics as Fe and it's why certain types (i.e. i found this with ENFps) tend to maybe consider us more emotionally manipulative (in a negative manner) than we actually are. umm im in a hurry now cuz i'm going out tonight but if i remember i'll post a link to something that explains this for me for you later.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG

    I'm not sure...IME if it's intutive sensory it's like you say, but with ethical logical it's goes more like this: ESTp tells friend of ethical INFp that he has hots for ethical INFp, and then ethical INFp starts contact
    Actually it's more like this:

    ENTp to INFp friend: You know Bertha (ESTp)?
    INFp: Yeah.
    ENFj: She's really into you.
    INFp: Nuh-uh. Really? GET OUT. Really? Can't be. You're so shitting me.
    ENTp: Yuh-huh.
    INFp: Nuh-uh.
    ENTp: Yuh-huh.
    ... etc.

    (three hours later)

    INFp: Nuh-uh! Bertha? The one who's had the penis of half the football team down her throat? That Bertha??
    ENTp: I swear to God she's into you!
    INFp: That's so weird.

    (next day)

    INFp (notices Bertha looking at him): Hi. *smiles*

    The rest is history.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

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    Don't make fun! I plan to name my daughter and/or ENFp son that.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG

    I'm not sure...IME if it's intutive sensory it's like you say, but with ethical logical it's goes more like this: ESTp tells friend of ethical INFp that he has hots for ethical INFp, and then ethical INFp starts contact
    Actually it's more like this:

    ENTp to INFp friend: You know Bertha (ESTp)?
    INFp: Yeah.
    ENFj: She's really into you.
    INFp: Nuh-uh. Really? GET OUT. Really? Can't be. You're so shitting me.
    ENTp: Yuh-huh.
    INFp: Nuh-uh.
    ENTp: Yuh-huh.
    ... etc.

    (three hours later)

    INFp: Nuh-uh! Bertha? The one who's had the penis of half the football team down her throat? That Bertha??
    ENTp: I swear to God she's into you!
    INFp: That's so weird.

    (next day)

    INFp (notices Bertha looking at him): Hi. *smiles*

    The rest is history.
    ahhahaah, this the other side of the story
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    Default !

    To misutii: thank you for explaining the difference between Socionics and MBTI functions. There weren't any available (by available I mean something that a space monkey like me could find) descriptions of the role functions, so I just assumed that socionics and MBTI were akin to rival siblings, or something like that. Thanks for giving me a better understanding of things.
    To Herzy and FDG: THANK YOU for your humor and insight into the psyche of the ESTP - your words of encouragement have made the butterflies in my stomach go into hyperdrive at the very thought that something could happen between this ESTP and I. Unless, of course, he meets someone really hot and forgets about me. That would suck .
    One more thing... I have a funny story about a possible ESTP I met at a bar this evening. He was a bit, well, tipsy, but he still maintained his charismatic, cavalier attitude and persistence in meeting people. Basically he walked up to me and my friends, put his arms around all of us, and began to talk to us without having been introduced. When I told him about some problems I was having with a friend, his response was "just f*ck it, f*ck it all. The next time you see him, be like 'peace bro'", and with that he put his two fingers in his mouth, blew on them, and made a peace sign. He then told us how he had his male unit pierced twice. I asked him if he did it under anaesthesia, and he responded, "hell no, I was sober!" LOL. He then asked me if I'd like to see it - I told him that I'd use my imagination. My friends were somewhat taken aback by him, but I thought he was hilarious.

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    I am spacey and dreamy. I also believe this helps my writing. Some of my best friends live inside my head and are as real to me as people I see everyday. I can visualize their mannerisms, their voices...turn them around in my head and see every stray hair. I can call on these friends when I have a block and imagine what they would do or say. Yet, I can never remember where I put the car keys or my hair brush. I have three pairs of glasses because I can never remember where I set a pair down. If my hubby finds a pair he puts them up so that when I ask if anyone has seen my glasses he can always direct me to a pair.

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    I'm def spacey and dreamy. I'm only spazzy with people I'm very very very comfortable with. If I'm not comfortable, I'd be reserved and thinking before saying anything and keeping my emotions and goofiness in. With this person I'm comfortable with, I'd be like DO YA LOVE ME ten times a day but with someone else, I'd be like tight.

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