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    "He remained a glowing point inside me; his name a sharp stab that I inflicted on myself as often as I could."

  5. #1085

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  6. #1086

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    ...How is this Sx/Sp at all? The bomb burning the ground is not exactly the most important element, to say the least...
    and to say the most?
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jereme View Post
    The ones ive posted? In sp/sx I sometimes post girl with an outerwordly creature, representing solidarity because of SP first (cant truly merge/make a being of you two, with another creature), and usually something evil to represent lack of social. In sx/sp I post two humans because you can only truly merge with another human, because SX is most important.
    Okay, can you demonstrate it here? Post two pictures that you think fits the two types.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  9. #1089
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    What is humanity, and what is the world? I am a creature, and I create and destroy worlds with my footsteps.

  10. #1090
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    What is humanity, and what is the world? I am a creature, and I create and destroy worlds with my footsteps.
    Thats 8

  11. #1091
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    Okay, can you demonstrate it here? Post two pictures that you think fits the two types.
    Huh? Just go to the other thread and look. I just explained it.

  12. #1092
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jereme View Post
    Huh? Just go to the other thread and look. I just explained it.
    I know. I'm just mocking how enneagram tends to turn into very superficial artistic and literary analysis. It's like some gross TVTropes formula: person and creature = Sp/Sx. Everything needs a clear, clean-cut, and obvious category based on just simple things like that, and there's no room for ambiguity, subversion, inversion, or subtle differences in meaning due to context or intent. All the work from there is drilling the motif "person and creature = Sp/Sx" into people's heads through repetition, and calling anyone who doesn't understand stupid because "IT'S BEEN REPEATED SO MUCH, YOU HAVE TO BE STUPID NOT TO UNDERSTAND". What if the person represents all of humanity and the creature represents a person's alienation from general humanity as part of their own nature? So/Sp. What if the person represents civilization and the creature represents animalistic impulses to seek gratification? Sx/So. But instead, everything must fit straight into a formula, and context is nothing. That's not how communication works on any level. GODISNOWHERE.

    The quote I made shows the same principle. The speaker this is totally not over-poetic nonsense from my actual worldview is a creature because they feel like they can't identify with wider humanity, and the worlds (world is from a Proto-Germanic word meaning "age of man") they create and destroy by walking are the worlds within them defined by their subjective perception, which changes through their experience ("A man cannot step in the same river twice..."). But these worlds are also alien to them, since they are not a person, but a creature.

  13. #1093
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    I know. I'm just mocking how enneagram tends to turn into very superficial artistic and literary analysis. It's like some gross TVTropes formula: person and creature = Sp/Sx. Everything needs a clear, clean-cut, and obvious category based on just simple things like that, and there's no room for ambiguity, subversion, inversion, or subtle differences in meaning due to context or intent. All the work from there is drilling the motif "person and creature = Sp/Sx" into people's heads through repetition, and calling anyone who doesn't understand stupid because "IT'S BEEN REPEATED SO MUCH, YOU HAVE TO BE STUPID NOT TO UNDERSTAND". What if the person represents all of humanity and the creature represents a person's alienation from general humanity as part of their own nature? So/Sp. What if the person represents civilization and the creature represents animalistic impulses to seek gratification? Sx/So. But instead, everything must fit straight into a formula, and context is nothing. That's not how communication works on any level. GODISNOWHERE.

    The quote I made shows the same principle. The speaker this is totally not over-poetic nonsense from my actual worldview is a creature because they feel like they can't identify with wider humanity, and the worlds (world is from a Proto-Germanic word meaning "age of man") they create and destroy by walking are the worlds within them defined by their subjective perception, which changes through their experience ("A man cannot step in the same river twice..."). But these worlds are also alien to them, since they are not a person, but a creature.
    I like symbolism and its a symbolism I came up with that I think is interesting and makes sense in my head. Some people dont use symbolism with enneagram, some do.

  14. #1094
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    The ones ive posted? In sp/sx I sometimes post girl with an outerwordly creature, representing solidarity because of SP first (cant truly merge/make a being of you two, with another creature), and usually something evil to represent lack of social. In sx/sp I post two humans because you can only truly merge with another human, because SX is most important.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jereme View Post
    Huh? Just go to the other thread and look. I just explained it.
    You don't make a distinction between a social type's view/take/rendition of Sp/Sx or Sx/Sp and the latter two's expression of their perception of the world, their core feelings. Culture is kept alive by copying and obviously the cultural tropes of the outcasts, rebel loners are being carried on by social subtypes. Additionally, the social types have good reasons to fake themselves as not being social types. (conf. dynamic btw. excessive So-first use and Sx-blind spot neglect)

    "SP/SX" PORN:


    Is there sex without physical contact? wtf
    some nouveau riche trying to cope with their cultural transition. Social.
    Social take on an Sp/Sx 6w5 theme. Sugarcoated Franz Kafka.

    Some hangoverish pop-culture doll. Srsly?
    -- this pinup art was made to sell in the '70s. Compare with the robot nudes. They came out by the dozens, all with the same kind of themes, depicting good guys and baddies respectively.. pop culture stuff, social
    well, maybe this has sthing to it, on the symbolic level... still, it could be another social rendition of the bad guy monster. Some ISFP took it a bit far...
    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    An Sp/Sx guy having a date with and hitting on his boss, an So/Sp woman.
    He's doing it because he is attracted to her, but also because she's the key for him to make big money.
    He uses his Sx skill to seduce the person in a higher position from him (to attain greater financial security or even wealth) – literally and figuratively Enneagram-flow wise.
    I think the actor did a terrific job in the movie. It's pure social criticism and his character I also believe gives the impression of a deranged Sp/Sx "energy."
    "SX/SP" PORN:

    Wuut? Another armcandy. C'mon. I know you meant to focus on the subtle flirtatiousness, the devious, conniving smile but that can easily be a Social type, an So/Sx acting. The photographs looks pretty much set up.

    Saint whore. Mother of God. Yea, I know, you meant to see the Sp/Sxs in their earlier role as recluse withches but the gaudyness of this pic makes it So/Sx. You know, cross, authority, Father, father issues. Saint Whore.
    Did you see her smile around 2:18? When she says "Yea, that could be a kind of a downer." Just a millisecond. So/Sx 4, tertiary. Fishing for attention. Her loneliness seems to do with E5 issues. But not So blind spot.

    As is said, the panties are awesome. Seems to be an original idea. Although, can be anything.

    Again, So/Sx. Sx/Sp sexuality doesn't really care about social religious trends out there. We only break the norms for our sakes. We don't display our acts for anyone. Showiness involves the social.

    And yet another of those genuine internet memes all those creative social people of the internet perpetuate and copycat as a genre of its own. No. Man. No. Print screen and textover. Sex sells: an age-old marketing strategy of the social subtypes' monetary exchange system called "capitalism." When sex becomes a commodity and starts to promise more than real (i.e. sthing "magical"), then it leads to "commodity fetishism" which is a prerequisite of consumerism. We're all consumers but the social subtypes dream about errecting their Sx blind spot with some romantic adventures so they make these chessy romantic shows that stereotype Sx first. Even the kiss is stereotypical, wtf.
    You might check out this old movie, with a possible Sx/Sp 7: Drop Dead Fred. (it's stylized, softened up but the director managed to get the message in, Sx/Sp-sided). It's not necessarily supposed to be soo out there, all over the place, into your face. Since Sx first can really be a problem, as much as neglecting the tertiary "blind-spot" instinct, we (or at least me) usually try to learn by mistakes and hold it back. It's written that a move toward health for Sx/Sp is to fall back on their secondary Sp.

    Conclusion: only deal with symbolism when you are an abstract thinker. Or abstract feeler, rather, NF-type. If you're not, then be more empirical and try to search for Sx/Sps, Sp/Sxs in your area. They'll be happy to kidnap you, abduct you into the closest forest and.... <fill out the rest>. DD
    Last edited by Neokortex; 06-03-2017 at 05:03 PM.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  15. #1095
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    @Neokortex aka @Wyrd And youre supposed to be not a head type? You live in your head and your head only. And youre the furthest from an "abstract thinker" one can get. You cant for the hell of it feel something rather than having to intellectualize it and put it on paper so its clear.

    First of all, in certain cases I have only seen a picture as sx, and there is no sx thread so i just put it in either sx/sp or sx/so.

    Sp/sx: Its the ultimate sensualist stacking hence those gifs. Anyone should get this abstractly and intuitively (sp (touch, food etc) sx (sex), but im not surprised if you wont.
    Sx/so: typical sex icons in history (and so pinup), Marilyn Monroe etc
    Sx/sp: Angelina Jolie IS sx/sp. How is the girl thats having a cross directed at her so/sx? Religion represents soc. It was created to steer the population in the direction the leaders thought was needed in society. "Health". Sex is seen as something bad in religions and they cover up women because they have sexual power. So sx first + soc last will be the religions nightmare.
    You need to learn how to spot how someone is socially dumb aka soc last. The most efficient way is to develop your intuition, which im not sure if its something someone can do or its just there. But anyway. I type through very abstract manners and I rely so much on my intuition.. I could never do your factual based typing where you go through endless information and try to create it into an outcome only to end up failing miserably... intuition is much more effective and reliable.

    And also you keep confusing soc for sx and sx for 8 which confuses everyone here and you spread misinformation from your scattered brain. Sx has nothing to do with 8. Sx is the 8s enemy. Sx opens up and sets itself on fire for another. This is 8s fear. Sp is close to 8 if anything. Preserving the self and not letting anything in to affect it.

    Im blocking you because of reasons stated above and that you feel like a child that refuses to understand anything no matter how many times you explain something to them. Waste of my time.
    Last edited by maniac; 06-03-2017 at 05:19 PM.

  16. #1096
    I sacrificed a goat to Zeus and I liked it
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jereme View Post
    @Neokortex aka @Wyrd And youre supposed to be not a head type? You live in your head and your head only. And youre the furthest from an "abstract thinker" one can get. You cant for the hell of it feel something rather than having to intellectualize it and put it on paper so its clear.

    First of all, in certain cases I have only seen a picture as sx, and there is no sx thread so i just put it in either sx/sp or sx/so.

    Sp/sx: Its the ultimate sensualist stacking hence those gifs. Anyone should get this abstractly and intuitively (sp (touch, food etc) sx (sex), but im not surprised if you wont.
    Sx/so: typical sex icons in history (and so pinup), Marilyn Monroe etc
    Sx/sp: Angelina Jolie IS sx/sp. How is the girl thats having a cross directed at her so/sx? Religion represents soc. It was created to steer the population in the direction the leaders thought was needed in society. "Health". Sex is seen as something bad in religions and they cover up women because they have sexual power. So sx first + soc last will be the religions nightmare.
    You need to learn how to spot how someone is socially dumb aka soc last. The most efficient way is to develop your intuition, which im not sure if its something someone can do or its just there. But anyway. I type through very abstract manners and I rely so much on my intuition.. I could never do your factual based typing where you go through endless information and try to create it into an outcome only to end up failing miserably... intuition is much more effective and reliable.

    And also you keep confusing soc for sx and sx for 8 which confuses everyone here and you spread misinformation from your scattered brain. Sx has nothing to do with 8. Sx is the 8s enemy. Sx opens up and sets itself on fire for another. This is 8s fear. Sp is close to 8 if anything. Preserving the self and not letting anything in to affect it.

    Im blocking you because of reasons stated above and that you feel like a child that refuses to understand anything no matter how many times you explain something to them. Waste of my time.
    Step 1: Conflate me and someone else who thinks very differently from me to make a strawman
    Step 2: Block someone or another after attacking said strawman
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4: Profit

    Ghösten är slutligen trasig.

  17. #1097
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jereme View Post
    @Neokortex aka @Wyrd And youre supposed to be not a head type? You live in your head and your head only. And youre the furthest from an "abstract thinker" one can get. You cant for the hell of it feel something rather than having to intellectualize it and put it on paper so its clear.

    First of all, in certain cases I have only seen a picture as sx, and there is no sx thread so i just put it in either sx/sp or sx/so.

    Sp/sx: Its the ultimate sensualist stacking hence those gifs. Anyone should get this abstractly and intuitively (sp (touch, food etc) sx (sex), but im not surprised if you wont.
    Sx/so: typical sex icons in history (and so pinup), Marilyn Monroe etc
    Sx/sp: Angelina Jolie IS sx/sp. How is the girl thats having a cross directed at her so/sx? Religion represents soc. It was created to steer the population in the direction the leaders thought was needed in society. "Health". Sex is seen as something bad in religions and they cover up women because they have sexual power. So sx first + soc last will be the religions nightmare.
    You need to learn how to spot how someone is socially dumb aka soc last. The most efficient way is to develop your intuition, which im not sure if its something someone can do or its just there. But anyway. I type through very abstract manners and I rely so much on my intuition.. I could never do your factual based typing where you go through endless information and try to create it into an outcome only to end up failing miserably... intuition is much more effective and reliable.

    And also you keep confusing soc for sx and sx for 8 which confuses everyone here and you spread misinformation from your scattered brain. Sx has nothing to do with 8. Sx is the 8s enemy. Sx opens up and sets itself on fire for another. This is 8s fear. Sp is close to 8 if anything. Preserving the self and not letting anything in to affect it.

    Im blocking you because of reasons stated above and that you feel like a child that refuses to understand anything no matter how many times you explain something to them. Waste of my time.
    You know what, we can make this simple and easy. You don't need to prove anything to me... but it would be a great test to see if your intuition succeeds in practice if you brought in an Sx/Sp person. I'd certainly have a chat with him/her on Skype. You could also be that person. I haven't flirted in a while... xDDD
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  18. #1098
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    The song itself is pretty Sx/Sp.
    With Ni/Se valuing.

    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  19. #1099
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    This song is such a perfect sx song!
    I love the metaphor of religion in conveying sx in the way of submitting to and worshipping a one and only holy power, getting on your knees for them and only them <3 And uniting with the holy power is sex and its HOLY. The act of idealizing the shit out of them. And objectifying them into this holy power.. This song is the perfect example of it.

  20. #1100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jereme View Post

    This song is such a perfect sx song!
    I love the metaphor of religion in conveying sx in the way of submitting to and worshipping a one and only holy power, getting on your knees for them and only them <3 And uniting with the holy power is sex and its HOLY. The act of idealizing the shit out of them. And objectifying them into this holy power.. This song is the perfect example of it.

    I also like the double entendre: "When you call my name, it's like a little prayer. I'm down on my knees; I wanna take you there. In the midnight hour, I can feel your power."
    "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

  21. #1101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jereme View Post

    This song is such a perfect sx song!
    I love the metaphor of religion in conveying sx in the way of submitting to and worshipping a one and only holy power, getting on your knees for them and only them <3 And uniting with the holy power is sex and its HOLY. The act of idealizing the shit out of them. And objectifying them into this holy power.. This song is the perfect example of it.
    I agree with this all but the song is sx/so over sx/sp.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daddy Lessons View Post
    I agree with this all but the song is sx/so over sx/sp.
    Whats soc with it? Its just pure sx.

    Edit: maybe you mean the controversy with the music video? She wanted to break social boundaries with the biracial couple etc so in that it is soc, yes. But I was talking about the song not the video But its an amazing music video.
    Last edited by maniac; 06-10-2017 at 09:52 AM.

  23. #1103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jereme View Post
    Whats soc with it? Its just pure sx.

    Edit: maybe you mean the controversy with the music video? She wanted to break social boundaries with the biracial couple etc so in that it is soc, yes. But I was talking about the song not the video But its an amazing music video.
    Yes, the impact of it and focus on making an impact.
    I agree the sx is strong, though. Song never gets old for me.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    I know. I'm just mocking how enneagram tends to turn into very superficial artistic and literary analysis. It's like some gross TVTropes formula: person and creature = Sp/Sx. Everything needs a clear, clean-cut, and obvious category based on just simple things like that, and there's no room for ambiguity, subversion, inversion, or subtle differences in meaning due to context or intent. All the work from there is drilling the motif "person and creature = Sp/Sx" into people's heads through repetition, and calling anyone who doesn't understand stupid because "IT'S BEEN REPEATED SO MUCH, YOU HAVE TO BE STUPID NOT TO UNDERSTAND". What if the person represents all of humanity and the creature represents a person's alienation from general humanity as part of their own nature? So/Sp. What if the person represents civilization and the creature represents animalistic impulses to seek gratification? Sx/So. But instead, everything must fit straight into a formula, and context is nothing. That's not how communication works on any level. GODISNOWHERE.

    The quote I made shows the same principle. The speaker this is totally not over-poetic nonsense from my actual worldview is a creature because they feel like they can't identify with wider humanity, and the worlds (world is from a Proto-Germanic word meaning "age of man") they create and destroy by walking are the worlds within them defined by their subjective perception, which changes through their experience ("A man cannot step in the same river twice..."). But these worlds are also alien to them, since they are not a person, but a creature.
    This is actually a really underrated post that demonstrates the core problem with enneagram and the enneagram community.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    This is actually a really underrated post that demonstrates the core problem with enneagram and the enneagram community.
    Now I just have to wait for my picture of the rape of Ganymede to get moved to Sp/Sx for showing a person and an animal about to have sex, and also Prometheus to get moved to So/Sp for not being very sexy, even though I literally just took those from the opposition in Goethe's poems and Schubert's songs and the rest of the symbolism is obvious from there. I've done the same kind of thing a lot though.

    It's cool to have a community focused on shared literature and symbolism, but TVTropes for "spiritual" people is is like the Devil's child or something even if my posts are the equivalent of saying "the blue curtain represents the author's depression..." just out of the blue with no evidence for that. (Although things like the monster metaphor as some sort of 4-ish Sturm und Drang thing tend to work really well in actual contexts.)

  26. #1106
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    sx/sp or darksider so/sx (beta)

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    Jon Crosby (Vast)

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    aside from the cliché 28 Days Later score, pretty much sums it up. Best parts are when the music stops.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post

    aside from the cliché 28 Days Later score, pretty much sums it up. Best parts are when the music stops.
    Considering the idea this is a post apocalyptic game, based on a book series, it does not vibe sx/sp at all. It is pure survivalism, as are most things of a post apocalyptic nature, like zombie movies/series. Doesn't mean an sx/sp person wouldn't enjoy playing. Someone doing the same in modern times, purely for sport, irl, might be sx first but so could an sx last. If you would like to use my response, to you, as a reason to type me self-pres, or was it social, 5 again, go ahead.

    Like its predecessors, Metro Exodus is based on the series of novels from Russian author Dmitry Glukhovsky, in which the last survivors of a nuclear war survive underground in subway networks. In this trailer, that requires some handy work with a knife and crossbow, before your protagonist escapes on a steam engine. We don’t know a lot about the game yet, but the trailer is cinematic and bleakly gorgeous.

    Seems more like self-preserve, and social, instincts are in play behind the whole concept but like I said it doesn't mean sx firsts won't enjoy playing too.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Considering the idea this is a post apocalyptic game, based on a book series, it does not vibe sx/sp at all. It is pure survivalism, as are most things of a post apocalyptic nature, like zombie movies/series. Doesn't mean an sx/sp person wouldn't enjoy playing. Someone doing the same in modern times, purely for sport, irl, might be sx first but so could an sx last. If you would like to use my response, to you, as a reason to type me self-pres, or was it social, 5 again, go ahead.
    Seems more like self-preserve, and social, instincts are in play behind the whole concept but like I said it doesn't mean sx firsts won't enjoy playing too.
    Depends wherefrom you look at it. I think the trailer gave some of those more solitary survival vibes, although now I'm checking the walkthrough of the first of the series and darn it does have a lot of AI dialogue. So yeah, the actual game may have a lot of clichés. Although, this trailer I think stands out from the rest that there's no talk, no cutscenes, it's just raw survival. So the presentation of a cliché theme I think has the Sx/Sp angle. It's rather that we can't really take this genre innocent now since we're full with this stuff already.
    Last edited by Neokortex; 06-18-2017 at 11:27 AM.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  31. #1111
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    some sx/sp-y humor towards the end of this video

  32. #1112
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    terrible music but it's likely sx/sp

  33. #1113
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    ESE sx/sp?

  34. #1114
    * I’m special * flames's Avatar
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    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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  37. #1117
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    Quote Originally Posted by cookie123 View Post

    It doesn't hurt me
    Do you wanna feel how it feels?
    Do you wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me?
    Do you wanna hear about the deal that I'm making?
    It's you and me

    And if I only could
    I'd make a deal with God
    And I'd get him to swap our places
    Be running up that road
    Be running up that hill
    Be running up that building
    See if I only could, oh

    You don't wanna hurt me
    But see how deep the bullet lies
    Unaware I'm tearing you asunder
    Oh, there is thunder in our hearts

    Is there so much hate for the ones we love?
    Well tell me, we both matter, don't we?
    It's you and me
    It's you and me won't be unhappy

    That's my fav song but Placebo version:

  38. #1118
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    Akala - "seducer" sx/sp

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    She's the Sx/Sp (E9, probably).

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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by cookie123 View Post
    tom odell is sp/so, imo. (the song too)

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