Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
^ Trump made himself. Or perhaps Television made him, since he is really playing the role of President on TV. What is bad is that many people are happy with him, because he's both a racist and he's playing a racist on TV. Plus, he's not an intellectually curious person, so his approach to every problem is personal (how does this affect me?) rather than effective (how does this affect you and what can we do to improve things?).
His supporters all grew up with TV unreality and their own actions don't have any consequences in their own lives, so they like it when they see someone bringing chaos to the establishment. They think that they have no stake in the status quo so they want to burn it down, and Trump is doing that. They want to turn the entire US into the Bahamas after a hurricane, and somehow they think that they will be watching it all on TV from the safety and comfort of their living room, smoking cigars and saying "Hey, call for some Dominos, because I'm hungry. Add two Pepsies to that."

When I was raising my son, I didn't hit him. When his behavior needed to be corrected, his mother and I used Consequences, where the kid is allowed to experience the consequences of his actions, which is kind of hard for an adult to do because the results are not immediate, although they are long-lasting and impressive to the kid.

I wish, I wish, that every person who thinks that Trump is good for the country could be forced to live with him and experience the consequences of his behavior directly. Without the rest of us having to do that, too.
This is one of the few intelligent commentaries I read on the nature of the Trump phenomenon. Kudos!