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Thread: Columbine Killers

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    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    Default Columbine Killers

    The Depressive and the Psychopath
    At last we know why the Columbine killers did it.
    By Dave Cullen
    Posted Tuesday, April 20, 2004, at 11:59 AM ET
    Columbine killersFive years ago today, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered their classmates and teachers at Columbine High School. Most Americans have reached one of two wrong conclusions about why they did it. The first conclusion is that the pair of supposed "Trench Coat Mafia outcasts" were taking revenge against the bullies who had made school miserable for them. The second conclusion is that the massacre was inexplicable: We can never understand what drove them to such horrific violence.

    But the FBI and its team of psychiatrists and psychologists have reached an entirely different conclusion. They believe they know why Harris and Klebold killed, and their explanation is both more reassuring and more troubling than our misguided conclusions. Three months after the massacre, the FBI convened a summit in Leesburg, Va., that included world-renowned mental health experts, including Michigan State University psychiatrist Dr. Frank Ochberg, as well as Supervisory Special Agent Dwayne Fuselier, the FBI's lead Columbine investigator and a clinical psychologist. Fuselier and Ochberg share their conclusions publicly here for the first time.

    The first steps to understanding Columbine, they say, are to forget the popular narrative about the jocks, Goths, and Trenchcoat Mafia—click here to read more about Columbine's myths—and to abandon the core idea that Columbine was simply a school shooting. We can't understand why they did it until we understand what they were doing.



    School shooters tend to act impulsively and attack the targets of their rage: students and faculty. But Harris and Klebold planned for a year and dreamed much bigger. The school served as means to a grander end, to terrorize the entire nation by attacking a symbol of American life. Their slaughter was aimed at students and teachers, but it was not motivated by resentment of them in particular. Students and teachers were just convenient quarry, what Timothy McVeigh described as "collateral damage."

    The killers, in fact, laughed at petty school shooters. They bragged about dwarfing the carnage of the Oklahoma City bombing and originally scheduled their bloody performance for its anniversary. Klebold boasted on video about inflicting "the most deaths in U.S. history." Columbine was intended not primarily as a shooting at all, but as a bombing on a massive scale. If they hadn't been so bad at wiring the timers, the propane bombs they set in the cafeteria would have wiped out 600 people. After those bombs went off, they planned to gun down fleeing survivors. An explosive third act would follow, when their cars, packed with still more bombs, would rip through still more crowds, presumably of survivors, rescue workers, and reporters. The climax would be captured on live television. It wasn't just "fame" they were after—Agent Fuselier bristles at that trivializing term—they were gunning for devastating infamy on the historical scale of an Attila the Hun. Their vision was to create a nightmare so devastating and apocalyptic that the entire world would shudder at their power.

    Harris and Klebold would have been dismayed that Columbine was dubbed the "worst school shooting in American history." They set their sights on eclipsing the world's greatest mass murderers, but the media never saw past the choice of venue. The school setting drove analysis in precisely the wrong direction.

    Fuselier and Ochberg say that if you want to understand "the killers," quit asking what drove them. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were radically different individuals, with vastly different motives and opposite mental conditions. Klebold is easier to comprehend, a more familiar type. He was hotheaded, but depressive and suicidal. He blamed himself for his problems.

    Harris is the challenge. He was sweet-faced and well-spoken. Adults, and even some other kids, described him as "nice." But Harris was cold, calculating, and homicidal. "Klebold was hurting inside while Harris wanted to hurt people," Fuselier says. Harris was not merely a troubled kid, the psychiatrists say, he was a psychopath.

    In popular usage, almost any crazy killer is a "psychopath." But in psychiatry, it's a very specific mental condition that rarely involves killing, or even psychosis. "Psychopaths are not disoriented or out of touch with reality, nor do they experience the delusions, hallucinations, or intense subjective distress that characterize most other mental disorders," writes Dr. Robert Hare, in Without Conscience, the seminal book on the condition. (Hare is also one of the psychologists consulted by the FBI about Columbine and by Slate for this story*.) "Unlike psychotic individuals, psychopaths are rational and aware of what they are doing and why. Their behavior is the result of choice, freely exercised." Diagnosing Harris as a psychopath represents neither a legal defense, nor a moral excuse. But it illuminates a great deal about the thought process that drove him to mass murder.

    Diagnosing him as a psychopath was not a simple matter. Harris opened his private journal with the sentence, "I hate the f---ing world." And when the media studied Harris, they focused on his hatred—hatred that supposedly led him to revenge. It's easy to get lost in the hate, which screamed out relentlessly from Harris' Web site:

    "YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? Cuuuuuuuuhntryyyyyyyyyy music!!! . . .

    "YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? People who say that wrestling is real!! . . .

    "YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? People who use the same word over and over again! . . . Read a f---in book or two, increase your vo-cab-u-lary f*ck*ng idiots."

    "YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? STUPID PEOPLE!!! Why must so many people be so stupid!!? . . . YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? When people mispronounce words! and they dont even know it to, like acrosT, or eXspreso, pacific (specific), or 2 pAck. learn to speak correctly you morons.


    It rages on for page after page and is repeated in his journal and in the videos he and Klebold made. But Fuselier recognized a far more revealing emotion bursting through, both fueling and overshadowing the hate. What the boy was really expressing was contempt.

    He is disgusted with the morons around him. These are not the rantings of an angry young man, picked on by jocks until he's not going to take it anymore. These are the rantings of someone with a messianic-grade superiority complex, out to punish the entire human race for its appalling inferiority. It may look like hate, but "It's more about demeaning other people," says Hare.

    A second confirmation of the diagnosis was Harris' perpetual deceitfulness. "I lie a lot," Eric wrote to his journal. "Almost constantly, and to everybody, just to keep my own ass out of the water. Let's see, what are some of the big lies I told? Yeah I stopped smoking. For doing it, not for getting caught. No I haven't been making more bombs. No I wouldn't do that. And countless other ones."

    Harris claimed to lie to protect himself, but that appears to be something of a lie as well. He lied for pleasure, Fuselier says. "Duping delight"—psychologist Paul Ekman's term—represents a key characteristic of the psychopathic profile.

    Harris married his deceitfulness with a total lack of remorse or empathy—another distinctive quality of the psychopath. Fuselier was finally convinced of his diagnosis when he read Harris' response to being punished after being caught breaking into a van. Klebold and Harris had avoided prosecution for the robbery by participating in a "diversion program" that involved counseling and community service. Both killers feigned regret to obtain an early release, but Harris had relished the opportunity to perform. He wrote an ingratiating letter to his victim offering empathy, rather than just apologies. Fuselier remembers that it was packed with statements like Jeez, I understand now how you feel and I understand what this did to you.

    "But he wrote that strictly for effect," Fuselier said. "That was complete manipulation. At almost the exact same time, he wrote down his real feelings in his journal: 'Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free? How come, if I'm free, I can't deprive a stupid f---ing dumbshit from his possessions if he leaves them sitting in the front seat of his f---ing van out in plain sight and in the middle of f---ing nowhere on a Frif---ingday night. NATURAL SELECTION. F---er should be shot.' "

    Harris' pattern of grandiosity, glibness, contempt, lack of empathy, and superiority read like the bullet points on Hare's Psychopathy Checklist and convinced Fuselier and the other leading psychiatrists close to the case that Harris was a psychopath.

    It begins to explain Harris' unbelievably callous behavior: his ability to shoot his classmates, then stop to taunt them while they writhed in pain, then finish them off. Because psychopaths are guided by such a different thought process than non-psychopathic humans, we tend to find their behavior inexplicable. But they're actually much easier to predict than the rest of us once you understand them. Psychopaths follow much stricter behavior patterns than the rest of us because they are unfettered by conscience, living solely for their own aggrandizement. (The difference is so striking that Fuselier trains hostage negotiators to identify psychopaths during a standoff, and immediately reverse tactics if they think they're facing one. It's like flipping a switch between two alternate brain-mechanisms.)

    None of his victims means anything to the psychopath. He recognizes other people only as means to obtain what he desires. Not only does he feel no guilt for destroying their lives, he doesn't grasp what they feel. The truly hard-core psychopath doesn't quite comprehend emotions like love or hate or fear, because he has never experienced them directly.

    "Because of their inability to appreciate the feelings of others, some psychopaths are capable of behavior that normal people find not only horrific but baffling," Hare writes. "For example, they can torture and mutilate their victims with about the same sense of concern that we feel when we carve a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner."

    The diagnosis transformed their understanding of the partnership. Despite earlier reports about Harris and Klebold being equal partners, the psychiatrists now believe firmly that Harris was the mastermind and driving force. The partnership did enable Harris to stray from typical psychopathic behavior in one way. He restrained himself. Usually psychopathic killers crave the stimulation of violence. That is why they are often serial killers—murdering regularly to feed their addiction. But Harris managed to stay (mostly) out of trouble for the year that he and Klebold planned the attack. Ochberg theorizes that the two killers complemented each other. Cool, calculating Harris calmed down Klebold when he got hot-tempered. At the same time, Klebold's fits of rage served as the stimulation Harris needed.

    The psychiatrists can't help speculating what might have happened if Columbine had never happened. Klebold, they agree, would never have pulled off Columbine without Harris. He might have gotten caught for some petty crime, gotten help in the process, and conceivably could have gone on to live a normal life.

    Their view of Harris is more reassuring, in a certain way. Harris was not a wayward boy who could have been rescued. Harris, they believe, was irretrievable. He was a brilliant killer without a conscience, searching for the most diabolical scheme imaginable. If he had lived to adulthood and developed his murderous skills for many more years, there is no telling what he could have done. His death at Columbine may have stopped him from doing something even worse.

    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  2. #2
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Go Red Sox.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  3. #3
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    btw, ENTp and ISTp.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  4. #4
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    omg they're all ESFps with ISFp mothers!!!

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  5. #5
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    omg they're all ESFps with ISFp mothers!!!
    I am sure that each of them has at least one ISFP parent.

    My types for them are:

    ISTP fot the mastermind guy
    ISFJ for the other guy
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  6. #6
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    My guess is:
    Harris - EIE
    Klebold - SLE

  7. #7
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick
    My guess is:
    Harris - EIE
    Klebold - SLE
    Actually, I can see this. Good call.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  8. #8

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    this is a very interesting article from a psychological standpoint. i wish they had explained the nature of the psychopath more thoroughly.

    as for typing i agree, harris definitely seems like an ENFj. the other guy is not described in enough detail to make any real conclusions.

  9. #9
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    Excuse my ignorance, i will admit i dont know much about how they executed the attacks etc.

    I find it hard to stomach that they call him a "brilliant killer". Was it really that hard what he did? I recon i could come up with a far better plan to kill heaps more people but i suppose the difference is im not a psychopath

    Might read a bit more about it now
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Creepy. They look so innocent like fallen angels. Why do people look so innocent? Gah.

    I am sure that each of them has at least one ISFP parent.
    Why do you say that?

  11. #11
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Yeah, why on earth do you say that? My father-in-law is an ISFp and a dear man.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  12. #12
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    Be afraid of me, my father was ISFp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by dreamer
    Creepy. They look so innocent like fallen angels. Why do people look so innocent? Gah.
    It used to common belief that beady eyes = criminal. Im not kidding =p

    Anyone can be one.

    Oh wait... I mean Expat= ISFp father = evil penis! omg

  14. #14
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    I definitely agree that Harris is an ENTp

    Just reading the stuff he wrote.. it's very similar to how ENTp friend of mine writes and gets all "excitable".. gah, I can't explain it and you guys would just think it's dumb.

    But I'm almost positive he's an ENTp.
    Not sure about the other guy cause there wasn't enough info on him, but I'm thinking since they supposedly 'complemented' each other.. than he should be ISTp or ISFp

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  15. #15
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    I was thinking ENTp for Harris as well. He reminds me of a guy I dated.

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    I'm curious where all you people are seeing in Harris. I can easily substantiate based on this article.

  17. #17
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    You only think he's ENTp because he's a psychopath, and you've been conditioned to believe that ENTp is the traditional "FUCK THE WORLD," psychotic, evil genius type. Admit it and get over it.

    My original guesses (ISTp for Harris and ENTp for Klebold) were really just that: complete guesses (I hadn't read the articles). I can see Fe in Harris, and he definitely looks ENFj to me. His rantings are also similar in nature and style to an INFp friend of mine. As for Klebold, ESTp doesn't sound too far off, but I don't think there's enough on him here to type; my guess was based merely on the fact that he shares a look with an ENTp friend of mine.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  18. #18
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    No actaully. I said that only because he reminds me of a guy I was with who I believe is ENTp.

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    Right, and he probably reminds you of that guy because of the rantings that are so stereotypically ENTp ("Fuck the world," "You're all stupid," etc.)...and perhaps VI.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  20. #20
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    Guys guys:

    These tow individuals were VERY SICK PEOPLE, they are not a normal representation of whatever type they are. They were sick. Regardless of the metaphors or stereotypes we might use, ENTPs are NOT psycopaths.
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
    Guys guys:

    These tow individuals were VERY SICK PEOPLE, they are not a normal representation of whatever type they are. They were sick. Regardless of the metaphors or stereotypes we might use, ENTPs are NOT psycopaths.
    No shit, I'm just saying that Harris projected an image that is very often (and unrightfully) attributed to the stereotypical ENTp.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
    Guys guys:

    These tow individuals were VERY SICK PEOPLE, they are not a normal representation of whatever type they are. They were sick. Regardless of the metaphors or stereotypes we might use, ENTPs are NOT psycopaths.
    ...I realize this.

    The only time ENTps are ever really psychopaths is when they have an ISFp parent. Sometimes ESFps look like psychopaths, but in reality they're just sluts with BPD... right?

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    I'm actually not familiar with this ENTP stereotype. I don't think it comes from socionics.

    Psychopathy and other "sicknesses" follow patterns based on type. In psychopaths the leading function seems to be totally blown out of proportion to the point where it knows no restraints and is seen as being such an important end that it justifies any means. Also, in many cases there seems to be a traumatized weak function that the entire world must pay for.

    Also, type influences, for example, whether the psychopath performs carnage with a symbolic bent or for a concrete purpose (or out of rage). This article shows that the boys (actually, Harris) saw their mission as being symbolic -- striking fear into the nation and attacking a symbol. It seems likely that his partner was more concerned with the actual physical execution and venting his rage. [/code]

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick
    I'm actually not familiar with this ENTP stereotype. I don't think it comes from socionics.
    It's most likely an MBTI invention. Or perhaps of this forum. Or maybe I'm crazy
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  25. #25

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    Eric Harris was an ILE-Ti. Dylan Klebold had Fe in his ego block; probably EIE-Ni or SEI, maybe but probably not IEI-Ni. Certainly not ESE.

    At first I thought SLE was possible for Harris, but when I watched videos of him, I saw the ILE-Ti gentleness and difference in charm from an SLE and his calmness (SLE-Se aren't that calm), he's nowhere near as direct nor actually looking like he's actively trying to charm someone (he looked different from Ted Bundy, who looked like a Se-ego in photos, Harris doesn't have that look really, Harris always looks way nerdier and he was a classic nerd), the way he walks and plays around and how quiet he is are a lot more like ILE-Ti than SLE; he wasn't super well coordinated and he was quite terse and the way he philosophized seemed ILE-Ti (especially his thoughts on originality, so he seemed Ne-valuing and his sounding out words in every fragment and his orientation to other details and needing words pronounced correctly and using and knowing what the word "pronounce" even met sounded like more something an ILE-Ti or LSI-Se would be more prone to than an SLE, although Bundy did pay attention to many details, but I doubt that any SLE-Se could articulate/express them as well as Eric Harris did).

    He also seemed like he was Si-dual seeking (drinking drinks left behind by students who left the cafeteria) and that he got super annoyed by bad sensations. He was actually pretty precocious, for example all the things he could do with the computer, and being self taught, and the doom levels he created for the doing, the process suggest ILE-Ti rather than SLE-Se. His intolerance of stupidity, unintelligent people, and existential intelligence scream unhealthy ILE-Ti much more than SLE (an SLE would be just as likely to want to kill smart people as part of a competition). He also seemed more Democratic than Aristocratic (he seemed to dislike Aristocratic behavior), especially when he was younger (he was photographed with a black kid). SLE-Ti wasn't a possibility (they're heavily into organization, leadership, goals, sports, learning a trade, and/or partying to the exclusion of everything else at that age, Harris was never really into leadership for the sake of it, nor sports, nor learning a trade) and they're more pragmatic and not as good at selecting things as Harris was (Harris's weaponry seemed more like it was selected by someone who was an ILE-Ti rather than SLE-Ti; SLE-Ti usually aren't quite that good with resource management and at calculating what they need nor would they be as effective with it). And SLE-Ti really don't feel comfortable murdering people and aren't as original nor have as "clean-cut" of decision making. I'm not sure if it's actually true that he shattered Brooks Brown's windshield and the music he liked were really the only things I know of that would suggest SLE-Ti. SLE-Ti seldom, if ever, have as good of a vocabulary nor place such a high value on a broad vocabulary and precise usage of language (at least not to the degree Harris did). SLE-Ti are seldom, if ever, as concise he was in the video I saw of him.

    He was relying heavily on his role function when he carried out the killings. Also, his mother behaved and looked like an ILE-Ti (a much healthier one of course) and I think his older brother went into an engineering career. The fact that she wasn't really willing to cooperate or say much also suggests she was ILE-Ti. My guess is that his father was an LSI-Se or ESI-Se.

    Nevertheless, I've always found Eric Harris pretty fascinating and someone I always wanted to meet (and Dylan Klebold to a lesser degree) and a remarkable person really. I'd actually like to meet his parents and ask them an S-load of questions.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 09-06-2021 at 05:15 AM.

  26. #26
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    All those famous people and they still missed the psychiatric drugs.
    Last edited by Aramas; 02-13-2020 at 10:06 PM.

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    I really do wonder about Dylan Klebold's type. EIE is still the strongest possibility in my mind, he felt really strong emotions and he was quite thin-skinned. But SLI can be quite aggressive. If John Hinckley wasn't an EIE-Ni, then I'd have an easy time ruling out EIE. But John Hinckley was an EIE so I can't rule out EIE for Dylan Klebold.

  28. #28
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    I find something disturbing about mentally masturbating to the types of killers. It feels unhealthy. The media has glorified these types of people for ratings, typing them is just buying into that.

    But I'm sure y'all psychos don't really care.
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