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Thread: Ryan's Type

  1. #81
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    @Beautiful sky

    I'm lost. What did I do now? I lose a brain cell every time we chat.
    Never mind then
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    Oh wait. True. That wasn't you. I do remember someone suggested SLI for me in my typing thread.

    I honestly wouldn't mind being one. It's the type most similar to LII in terms of values and mannerism. I've fantasised about being SLI back when I got into MBTI. It would be funny if I ended up being one.

    Se-polr is evident to me though. In my last period of training as an Air Traffic Controller, I've had two things I needed to work on, that I didn't excel in naturally:

    1. Not assertive enough with pilots/colleagues/other sectors, etc. This is more of a personality trait that I've always had. I'm very amicable in person. I have always been this way. Even my instructor told me "I know you are a nice guy, but people will push you around if you let them. You need to protect your license. Sometimes you have to say no." That guy was LII as well. I could tell. I remember getting chastised for telling one pilot "Report when ready for turn." Unless he is the only one flying and he is not going to be in conflict with anyone, we are not supposed to give them options to do what they want. In my initial period of training I used to say yes to every pilot request. I was too accommodating. I made things harder for myself unnecessarily because someone wanted to do a certain speed when in reality the assigned speed I gave him would make things easier for me and it wouldn't make any difference to him. Now I make every decision for them, and they have to tell me if they are unable to comply. It's a weird concept to me, but that is how it works.
    2. Slow reaction to conflict in unusual situations. Note the bold, I think that is what people misunderstand about having a weak function. The function doesn't cease to exit just because it's weak. It's just unable to adapt as fast as a strong function. I'm able to deal with it in the context of work after extensive training only. As for for my vibe on the internet, I don't know how long have you been on forums, but I've been posting on forums since I was 12, I'm 30 now. I met all kinds of people and I generally know how to carry myself. It's one of the few forms of sites that I feel really comfortable with. I'm not on any social network. But I still have like 5 active accounts on different forums. Probably would be more if some of them were still running.

    I've done research on the subject and apparently ISTJs (MBTI) are over-represented in ATC. It's not all that is needed but I'm pretty sure having a strong Se makes being an Air Traffic Controller much easier to some degree. The world Controller is there for a reason.
    I transported the convo here so as to not keep derailing remiges' thread; I just found this thread btw, and after reading through it, gotta say, I think there's a legit argument for SLI.

    FWIW, here's what Gulenko has to say about Se as it pertains to SLIs (who would be Se ignoring)>

    "She is critical of violence and coercion. She will not press anyone, but she herself will not submit to attempts of being dictated to. She does not like competition, and has no ambitions or lofty career aspirations. SLI will not fight for power or try to claim a higher price. By observing the tempo of speech, manners, and appearance of a person, she determines their strengths and effectiveness in handling a matter. She can immediately distinguish bragging from real opportunities. She knows what amount of force and where to apply it to achieve a desired goal; however, she fails to effectively influence the painful points of another. She shows violence rarely and always under the pressure of external circumstances."

    This is what wikisocion has to say about the ignoring function >

    "A person limits the expression of this element in public (in favor of the base function), but sometimes uses it extensively in private, and can call upon it when necessary. For example, an SEI usually defaults to his base function Si and shies from activities that are highly physical or cause conflict, but if inevitable confrontation arises, he is able to use his Se and become fiercely coercive and quarrelsome for short periods of time. [I think I remember reading somewhere that you used to play soccer and were good at it--that would entail having fairly strong, competent Se, which makes more sense for an SLI than it does LII]

    The extreme avoidance of this function can make it appear weak at times. However, when engaged it does not cause the same kind of psychological stress as a weak function, instead creating a kind of boredom or malaise."

    At first I thought you might be a Creative sub type within Gulenko's DCNH system, but after reading the comment I quoted and a few others on this thread, I thought Harmonizing might be more accurate. And that wouldn't be an unreasonable error because the Creative and Harmonizing sub types are duals and exist along an axis > C [accentuated Ne, Fe, Se] & H [accentuated Ni, Fi, Si], and under certain circumstances, can look like each other. Moreover, it's not uncommon for there to be a sub type shift, and especially when it's to the dual subtype, which means you might subsequently have more advanced usage of all the IEs confined to those sub types. Anyway, do you relate to the following at all?

    Broad [irrespective of Sociotype] Harmonizing Sub type description >

    Quite lively and recognizable by his main type's description, however, in comparison with the classic type description he is "suspiciously" nice. It seems that the negative traits of a sociotype have no relation to the harmonizing subtype.

    Soft and delicate; although these qualities are somewhat limited by the capabilities of the type. That is, an ethical type of Harmonizing subtype is usually a very ethical person. He always wants to do something so that everyone is well. Even a logical type, but with logical type for some reason it turns out to be "he wanted to do best, but it turned out as always".
    In contrast to the Normalizing-Dominant dyad, Harmonizing and Creative is a complementary pair with a "delicate structure of the soul". Especially, of course, the Harmonizing subtype: sensitive, worrying, touchy, altruistic, self-sacrificing.

    Like the Dominant subtype, the Harmonizing subtype functions as a connector, that is, he establishes the necessary links to the environment. But where Dominant does so crudely and directly, Harmonizing does so by careful manipulation (he is capable of manipulation that provides multiple moves, for the purpose of making another person become well).

    The Harmonizing subtype monitors social desirability and conforms to it. ("A gentleman is that man who calls a cat a cat, even having stepped on it in darkness…") This especially applies to relational and gender stereotypes. Moreover, if the Harmonizing subtype has armed himself with a gender stereotype, he doesn't simply behave in accordance with it, but moves it closer to an ideal. This is the Ideal Man ("I'm going to earn money for my beloved!") or an Ideal Woman.

    The Harmonizing subtype doesn't really want to do something "for himself". Now, if it was for a close person, then – anything they wish. Always ready to help, to go for agreements and compromises, often thereby inconveniencing himself. Often he lives with a sensation of discomfort and stress, and consciously goes for this. If something is coming together on its own - this isn't sufficiently valuable to him. But if he does something for someone else, that's he didn't wish to do - this will be a significant Good Deed. Therefore Harmonizers are often doing something with their painful function. When people talk about PoLR as a "secondary creative function", this is about Harmonizing subtype.

    The Harmonizing subtype cannot stand it when anyone argues or scolds, or disharmonizes their environment somehow. Here again he tries to help, to fix the situation, since it makes him feel badly.

    He is well aware of how he must behave so that others won't feel badly. Evaluates those around him from the point of view of the ethicalness of their behavior, strives to educate them. Worries and feels himself bad if he has committed some unethical act.

    The Harmonizing subtype finds it difficult to insult people "directly", to fault and accuse a person even if he/she has deserved it. He either tries to express his displeasure and resentment delicately, or he keeps silent and sulks. Even when it is already evident that he thinks poorly of someone, it is put across something like this: "I think poorly of you, but for the sake of our good relationship, I won't say anything about it". As a result, a "delicate hint" coming from harmonizing can be much more offensive than a direct "attack". For example: "Thank you for the lack of birthday congratulations. It was very nice, ladies and gentlemen." The Dominant subtype would have said: "It's my birthday! Quickly, everybody congratulate me!" And no problem…

    Harmonizing Sub type

    Craftsman - Crafty
    Prototype: Independent Artisan

    Harmonizing SLI is mild and unobtrusive in conversation. Restrained in her display of emotions, she does not tolerate rudeness and is disgusted by bad taste and vulgarity [fwiw, this is where you were critical of me in one of our initial interactions lol]. She is gentle towards others' feelings, so shortcomings are only spoken of at an appropriate time and in an inoffensive form. If people violate her inner comfort or limit her independence, she may flare up in anger, though subsequently regrets this tremendously.

    Being quite unsure of herself, she is inclined to doubt her abilities and capabilities, though outwardly this is hard to notice. However, insecurity disappears when she is involved in projects. She is sensitive about having her abilities judged but waits for praise from customers that require the expert evaluation of her mastery.

    Harmonizing SLI is vulnerable to boredom. Monotony and routine can drive her into a depressive state. She needs to experience joy through various exciting and dynamic events. In order to disperse melancholy, she travels or sometimes takes nature walks. She rapidly assimilates new information, selecting what she needs, although gradually finds herself once again plunged into a melancholic state.

    A connoisseur of sensations and aesthetics, she seeks pleasure in all its varieties. She needs convenience, complete rest, and quality products. She appreciates uniqueness and originality and dislikes conventional clothing. In her private place, everything is convenient, yet she does not like to encroach on the interests of others.

    Physically quite sensitive, she can't handle heat, stuffiness, the sight of blood, or suffering. She is badly affected by violence. Unlikely to work as a surgeon or sit on an assembly line, she is suitable for work driven by customer orders, individually preparing everything necessary for her workplace.

    Harmonizing SLI suffers from mood swings, and this physically affects her working capacity. She dislikes efforts beyond her means and longs for a comfortable life free from intrusions. She is able to distance herself from conflict, showing prudence and diplomacy. She is quite appreciative of mutual compassion and friendliness between people.

    This subtype is attracted to friendly, open, but unobtrusive people. She needs them since they help her to experience the joys of life and to overcome her natural laziness and apathy. She dislikes being the center of attention and won't show her feelings in front of strangers. She is reluctant to talk about her personal life, preferring to be understood without words.

    She applies the minimum effort to achieve maximum results. You will never see her overexert herself, as she is the most energy-efficient type. Preferring to work alone, she gets results and works till things are complete and in a polished form. Her motivation is impossible to decode by words, gestures or acts, rather only through end results of labor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    It may not look much to you from the point of view of thousands of people with accessibilities who fought to have the stigma of “unable” removed from them
    Holy shit. I just realized you believed me when I said I'm disabled. I was being sarcastic.

    @Alonzo, I'm going to read that in a minute.

  4. #84
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    SLI based on reading this thread. Some of the stuff sounds a lot like one of my best friends who is certainly SLI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    I transported the convo here so as to not keep derailing remiges' thread; I just found this thread btw, and after reading through it, gotta say, I think there's a legit argument for SLI.
    Alright, I'll humor you.

    FWIW, here's what Gulenko has to say about Se as it pertains to SLIs (who would be Se ignoring)>

    "She is critical of violence and coercion. She will not press anyone, but she herself will not submit to attempts of being dictated to. She does not like competition, and has no ambitions or lofty career aspirations. SLI will not fight for power or try to claim a higher price. By observing the tempo of speech, manners, and appearance of a person, she determines their strengths and effectiveness in handling a matter. She can immediately distinguish bragging from real opportunities. She knows what amount of force and where to apply it to achieve a desired goal; however, she fails to effectively influence the painful points of another. She shows violence rarely and always under the pressure of external circumstances."
    I'm very competitive and have high ambitions. I've been told that is weird even for a LII, though I haven't seen it mentioned in the descriptions. The rest seems true for the most part.

    This is what wikisocion has to say about the ignoring function >

    "A person limits the expression of this element in public (in favor of the base function), but sometimes uses it extensively in private, and can call upon it when necessary. For example, an SEI usually defaults to his base function Si and shies from activities that are highly physical or cause conflict, but if inevitable confrontation arises, he is able to use his Se and become fiercely coercive and quarrelsome for short periods of time. [I think I remember reading somewhere that you used to play soccer and were good at it--that would entail having fairly strong, competent Se, which makes more sense for an SLI than it does LII]

    The extreme avoidance of this function can make it appear weak at times. However, when engaged it does not cause the same kind of psychological stress as a weak function, instead creating a kind of boredom or malaise."
    I did play soccer. But I didn't become a pro. I'd rate my ball control average, and overall fitness very low for a pro. My redeeming qualities were tactical knowledge and passing accuracy.

    At first I thought you might be a Creative sub type within Gulenko's DCNH system, but after reading the comment I quoted and a few others on this thread, I thought Harmonizing might be more accurate. And that wouldn't be an unreasonable error because the Creative and Harmonizing sub types are duals and exist along an axis > C [accentuated Ne, Fe, Se] & H [accentuated Ni, Fi, Si], and under certain circumstances, can look like each other. Moreover, it's not uncommon for there to be a sub type shift, and especially when it's to the dual subtype, which means you might subsequently have more advanced usage of all the IEs confined to those sub types. Anyway, do you relate to the following at all?

    Broad [irrespective of Sociotype] Harmonizing Sub type description >

    Quite lively and recognizable by his main type's description, however, in comparison with the classic type description he is "suspiciously" nice. It seems that the negative traits of a sociotype have no relation to the harmonizing subtype.

    Soft and delicate; although these qualities are somewhat limited by the capabilities of the type. That is, an ethical type of Harmonizing subtype is usually a very ethical person. He always wants to do something so that everyone is well. Even a logical type, but with logical type for some reason it turns out to be "he wanted to do best, but it turned out as always".
    In contrast to the Normalizing-Dominant dyad, Harmonizing and Creative is a complementary pair with a "delicate structure of the soul". Especially, of course, the Harmonizing subtype: sensitive, worrying, touchy, altruistic, self-sacrificing.

    Like the Dominant subtype, the Harmonizing subtype functions as a connector, that is, he establishes the necessary links to the environment. But where Dominant does so crudely and directly, Harmonizing does so by careful manipulation (he is capable of manipulation that provides multiple moves, for the purpose of making another person become well).

    The Harmonizing subtype monitors social desirability and conforms to it. ("A gentleman is that man who calls a cat a cat, even having stepped on it in darkness…") This especially applies to relational and gender stereotypes. Moreover, if the Harmonizing subtype has armed himself with a gender stereotype, he doesn't simply behave in accordance with it, but moves it closer to an ideal. This is the Ideal Man ("I'm going to earn money for my beloved!") or an Ideal Woman.

    The Harmonizing subtype doesn't really want to do something "for himself". Now, if it was for a close person, then – anything they wish. Always ready to help, to go for agreements and compromises, often thereby inconveniencing himself. Often he lives with a sensation of discomfort and stress, and consciously goes for this. If something is coming together on its own - this isn't sufficiently valuable to him. But if he does something for someone else, that's he didn't wish to do - this will be a significant Good Deed. Therefore Harmonizers are often doing something with their painful function. When people talk about PoLR as a "secondary creative function", this is about Harmonizing subtype.

    The Harmonizing subtype cannot stand it when anyone argues or scolds, or disharmonizes their environment somehow. Here again he tries to help, to fix the situation, since it makes him feel badly.

    He is well aware of how he must behave so that others won't feel badly. Evaluates those around him from the point of view of the ethicalness of their behavior, strives to educate them. Worries and feels himself bad if he has committed some unethical act.

    The Harmonizing subtype finds it difficult to insult people "directly", to fault and accuse a person even if he/she has deserved it. He either tries to express his displeasure and resentment delicately, or he keeps silent and sulks. Even when it is already evident that he thinks poorly of someone, it is put across something like this: "I think poorly of you, but for the sake of our good relationship, I won't say anything about it". As a result, a "delicate hint" coming from harmonizing can be much more offensive than a direct "attack". For example: "Thank you for the lack of birthday congratulations. It was very nice, ladies and gentlemen." The Dominant subtype would have said: "It's my birthday! Quickly, everybody congratulate me!" And no problem…

    Harmonizing Sub type

    Craftsman - Crafty
    Prototype: Independent Artisan

    Harmonizing SLI is mild and unobtrusive in conversation. Restrained in her display of emotions, she does not tolerate rudeness and is disgusted by bad taste and vulgarity [fwiw, this is where you were critical of me in one of our initial interactions lol]. She is gentle towards others' feelings, so shortcomings are only spoken of at an appropriate time and in an inoffensive form. If people violate her inner comfort or limit her independence, she may flare up in anger, though subsequently regrets this tremendously.

    Being quite unsure of herself, she is inclined to doubt her abilities and capabilities, though outwardly this is hard to notice. However, insecurity disappears when she is involved in projects. She is sensitive about having her abilities judged but waits for praise from customers that require the expert evaluation of her mastery.

    Harmonizing SLI is vulnerable to boredom. Monotony and routine can drive her into a depressive state. She needs to experience joy through various exciting and dynamic events. In order to disperse melancholy, she travels or sometimes takes nature walks. She rapidly assimilates new information, selecting what she needs, although gradually finds herself once again plunged into a melancholic state.

    A connoisseur of sensations and aesthetics, she seeks pleasure in all its varieties. She needs convenience, complete rest, and quality products. She appreciates uniqueness and originality and dislikes conventional clothing. In her private place, everything is convenient, yet she does not like to encroach on the interests of others.

    Physically quite sensitive, she can't handle heat, stuffiness, the sight of blood, or suffering. She is badly affected by violence. Unlikely to work as a surgeon or sit on an assembly line, she is suitable for work driven by customer orders, individually preparing everything necessary for her workplace.

    Harmonizing SLI suffers from mood swings, and this physically affects her working capacity. She dislikes efforts beyond her means and longs for a comfortable life free from intrusions. She is able to distance herself from conflict, showing prudence and diplomacy. She is quite appreciative of mutual compassion and friendliness between people.

    This subtype is attracted to friendly, open, but unobtrusive people. She needs them since they help her to experience the joys of life and to overcome her natural laziness and apathy. She dislikes being the center of attention and won't show her feelings in front of strangers. She is reluctant to talk about her personal life, preferring to be understood without words.

    She applies the minimum effort to achieve maximum results. You will never see her overexert herself, as she is the most energy-efficient type. Preferring to work alone, she gets results and works till things are complete and in a polished form. Her motivation is impossible to decode by words, gestures or acts, rather only through end results of labor.
    I haven't looked at DCNH in detail. It seemed rather pointless. I'd prefer to get well acquainted with Model A before I introduce something else to the equation.

    The description feels off. I value Si, but not enough for it to be the centre of my being. I don't seek comfort that much. I'm not a nature person nor do I travel much. I'm also not nearly as moody.

    I'm used to conflict. Usually I ignore it. You are all adults and I can't be bothered to get involved most of the time. It's petty. The only reason I spoke up that time because I like you and you were very rude. I just told myself: "I'm going to be honest with him and if he continues this behaviour regardless of what I say then I'm going to write him off." Most unreasonable people wouldn't even be on my radar. They would have already been on ignore. I dislike macho posturing so much you are lucky you even got my attention. In all honesty, I don't approve of everything the people I choose to get close do but as long as I understand where they are coming from I'm able to live with it.

    It's funny because I'm friends with a lot of SLEs. Their brand of aggressiveness doesn't bother me as much, maybe because they invest no energy in it. They will put you in your place but there is no hostility or passion.

    SLEs don't write long paragraphs, they will just call you a dumb ass.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @COOL_AND_MANLY, for whatever reason I haven’t seen many of your posts, so I’m not sure I have a well-formed impression of you. For what it’s worth you don’t strike me as LII; this kind of thing is difficult to tell from writing, but you seem to have a more direct style of communication and ‘presence’ where LIIs are more impersonal, abstract, and long-winded. To some extent this description is true of most intuitive types, so I’d tally points for being a sensor. I also guess that most LIIs wouldn’t confuse themselves with SLEs. ILEs might, but generally they seem more ‘playful’, and something else makes me think ILE to be unlikely. I also get the impression you’re Fe-valuing, which others have mentioned a few times — that restricts possible choices to Alpha and Beta.

    If we further restrict our choices to sensing types, we have Beta STs and Alpha SFs. LSI seems the most likely to me because of their similarities with both LIIs and SLEs, and because your post about not wanting to be a bouncer/work in a high-Se environment makes SLE seem unlikely. “But FP,” you may say, “Isn’t Se an LSI’s creative function? Wouldn’t an LSI feel comfortable in that environment?” To which I’d reply “I dunno man, but in my anecdotal experience LSIs don’t usually seem willing to do such work or be too mean for very long; maybe it’s because of they’re Fe-seeking.”

    The other option is of course Alpha SFs. I don’t actually think Sol’s guess was as terrible as it sounds, but, regardless, I’d also rule out SEI. For one, SEIs are more wrapped up in their thoughts, and this usually produces a definite impression in writing which you don’t give. For another, I think SEIs are probably the most unlikely, after Se-vulnerable types, to identify with Se-types. ESE might be an option. To be honest I’m not sure how ESEs tend to communicate through writing, but I wouldn’t guess you’re an extraverted type.
    Coming back to this post. Honestly, I feel like I've grown a lot in the past few years. Personality theories helped a lot to understand myself but I'm not bothered with which type I am anymore. I'm very comfortable with myself and able to use the tools available to me to be a better person. That is all I care about at this point. I relate to the core of a LII a lot, but I don't feel strongly one way or another about being something else. I say this because even though I see myself as LII very clearly, it's obvious to me that not all people see me that way. I'm pretty sure if I gave my family members the descriptions and asked them to choose what fits me the most I would get typed as SLE/LSI/LSE/LIE/ILI/LII/EII and the list goes on.

    I understand why. I didn't have a typical childhood. Nor a typical adulthood either. I'm still trying to find a way to exist while being true myself. It feels odd when people say that I have a strong Se for a LII, and I have to explain: "I had to develop it." I have purposely changed the way I go about doing things that seemed to put me at a disadvantage. I don't make these decisions lightly but they don't feel part of me either. A lot of these behaviours of mine were born out of desperation and insecurity. Is this still me? I don't know. I wouldn't change anything about myself If I didn't have to, I'm the product of my environment. I'm consciously aware of my part in the equation as well.

    I know this sounds a bit depressing so I'm sorry if it feels that way but I'm in a very good place. I would take the current me over any theoretical type. Even LII. I hope that makes sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    The description feels off. I value Si, but not enough for it to be the centre of my being. I don't seek comfort that much. I'm not a nature person nor do I travel much. I'm also not nearly as moody.

    I'm used to conflict. Usually I ignore it. You are all adults and I can't be bothered to get involved most of the time. It's petty. The only reason I spoke up that time because I like you and you were very rude. I just told myself: "I'm going to be honest with him and if he continues this behaviour regardless of what I say then I'm going to write him off." Most unreasonable people wouldn't even be on my radar. They would have already been on ignore. I dislike macho posturing so much you are lucky you even got my attention. In all honesty, I don't approve of everything the people I choose to get close do but as long as I understand where they are coming from I'm able to live with it.

    It's funny because I'm friends with a lot of SLEs. Their brand of aggressiveness doesn't bother me as much, maybe because they invest no energy in it. They will put you in your place but there is no hostility or passion.

    SLEs don't write long paragraphs, they will just call you a dumb ass.
    One of the reasons why Si leads "ignore" conflict and "invest no energy in it" and don't readily showcase "hostility" is because it disrupts their internal harmony/homeostasis, which said another way, they don't want to fuck up their inner sense of comfort/peace. As my supervisor, it would make sense for you to find some of my behavior abhorrent because I am Si PoLR and do the fucking MOST because I tend not to pay attention to my internal harmony, which is why when I'm angry, I pound the keyboard with my fingers, my breath shortens, I get flushed, my head begins to buzz, I may sweat, my body turns into a fool and I don't care in the moment about the degree to which I explode--an aspect of Si involves self control. Moreover, my Se is weak and wonky, which means I can step too hardly on the gas; my temper is like a messy volcano that spills everywhere. Even I can find myself to be unseemly and garish and regret that I can't control it as well as I wish I could.

    SLEs are far superior at meting out/dosing their Se because it is a 4D function for them IN ADDITION to having 3D Si that can operate as a modulator/mitigator of how much energy/force/pressure they utilize because it's easier for them to access their own sense of inner tranquility/balance and regulate that accordingly depending on the environment/situation; I have no such control and modulation. I have rarely, if ever, seen my SLE friends have a temper tantrum or melt down--I admire them for their sense of composure, poise, and balance, all the while being able to adequately influence and pressure others. By the way, we can't forget to factor IR into our typing. It's far more likely for an SLI to have a bunch of SLE friends than it is for an LII (seeing as SLEs would be your supervisors).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    One of the reasons why Si leads "ignore" conflict and "invest no energy in it" and don't readily showcase "hostility" is because it disrupts their internal harmony/homeostasis, which said another way, they don't want to fuck up their inner sense of comfort/peace. As my supervisor, it would make sense for you to find some of my behavior abhorrent because I am Si PoLR and do the fucking MOST because I tend not to pay attention to my internal harmony, which is why when I'm angry, I pound the keyboard with my fingers, my breath shortens, I get flushed, my head begins to buzz, I may sweat, my body turns into a fool and I don't care in the moment about the degree to which I explode--an aspect of Si involves self control. Moreover, my Se is weak and wonky, which means I can step too hardly on the gas; my temper is like a messy volcano that spills everywhere. Even I can find myself to be unseemly and garish and regret that I can't control it as well as I wish I could.

    SLEs are far superior at meting out/dosing their Se because it is a 4D function for them IN ADDITION to having 3D Si that can operate as a modulator/mitigator of how much energy/force/pressure they utilize; I have no such control and modulation. I have rarely, if ever, seen my SLE friends have a temper tantrum or melt down--I admire them for their sense of composure, poise, and balance, all the while being able to adequately influence and pressure others. By the way, we can't forget to factor IR into our typing. It's far more likely for an SLI to have a bunch of SLE friends than it is for an LII (seeing as SLEs would be your supervisors).
    Lol, I'm most impressed with your rationalisation despite me telling you I don't see myself as SLI/LSI. Don't take this in a bad way. I admire your persistence. It's just nothing I didn't consider before. LIIs have 2D Si, and I don't consider 2D functions weak for the most part. I still have yet to be convinced of my strong Se. But I can't really dispute that my online behaviour at least may suggest that, so I don't fault anyone for making that connection.

    Also, logically speaking even if I was SLI, it's not going to change anything about the way I do things IRL. I'm not invested in finding if I'm truly LII or SLI right now. That seems a bit cynical.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    Lol, I'm most impressed with your rationalisation despite me telling you I don't see myself as SLI/LSI. Don't take this in a bad way. I admire your persistence. It's just nothing I didn't consider before. LIIs have 2D Si, and I don't consider 2D functions weak for the most part. I still have yet to be convinced of my strong Se. But I can't really dispute that my online behaviour at least may suggest that, so I don't fault anyone for making that connection.

    Also, logically speaking even if I was SLI, it's not going to change anything about the way I do things IRL. I'm not invested in finding if I'm truly LII or SLI right now. That seems a bit cynical.
    lol All I know is that I feel like I was just supervised in a very nice way. My Ni takeaway from that was "I'm in a good place (read: internally balanced), ain't shit's gonna change (read: my sense of continuity will not be disturbed), and calm all of your hyperactive, self-indulgent Te lead bullshit down." lol Nah, but seriously, my apologies for drudging this shit up. I said I wasn't trying to battle type you and I meant it--I was just trying to offer a potentially helpful observation. But I'm glad that you're at peace. IMO, at best, personality theory should be a conduit for self-awareness/self-acceptance/self-growth and if you're in a good place, that's all that really matters.

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    Fee fie fo fum, I smell a Gamma's bum.

    I'm guessing LIE because he tries to act cool and edgy and comes off as obnoxious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Fee fie fo fum, I smell a Gamma's bum.

    I'm guessing LIE because he tries to act cool and edgy and comes off as obnoxious.
    Lol, excuse me. You do realize I chose this username as a joke, right? I have explained it multiple times. It's there on page 2. I don't think I'm cool or manly.

    It wouldn't be the first time my avatar or username makes people feel uncomfortable. I don't think we have ever interacted so that is pretty uncalled for but whatever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Fee fie fo fum, I smell a Gamma's bum.

    I'm guessing LIE because he tries to act cool and edgy and comes off as obnoxious.

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    I do like having slightly provocative avatars or usernames btw. Especially if it's contrary to who I actually am. I enjoy the misplaced negative attention.

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    #1 How would you describe the inside of your head, your experience of consciousness moment-to-moment? Interpret however you want.

    #2 What part of Socionics theory are you most skeptical about? Why?

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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    #1 How would you describe the inside of your head, your experience of consciousness moment-to-moment? Interpret however you want.
    I have a well developed internal monologue. I treat it like a personal AI.

    I observe, read and absorb information. When I have a complete thought I plan and conceptualize, and then put it in action. I go back and forth between all these steps until I'm happy with the results.

    (This was intially a three paragraphs long post. I just disregarded most of it because it was irrelevant and confusing.)

    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    #2 What part of Socionics theory are you most skeptical about? Why?

    It's poorly researched and is more susceptible to bias.

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    FWIW I'm Se dom and nothing you've said about yourself in this thread or posts elsewhere on the forum is really all that different from me, aside from the AI inner monologue. I supervise LIIs and its awkward as fuck. I think I accidentally made one blow up his account last week calling out a few of his mistypings of Betas. I haven't gotten that supervisee vibe from your posts, among other things. My 2 cents would be ST club or Gamma. But I see you are set on LII, so there isn't much point in getting into it. Might want to have a mod close the thread if you've moved on and are no longer interested in people questioning your type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    FWIW I'm Se dom and nothing you've said about yourself in this thread or posts elsewhere on the forum is really all that different from me, aside from the AI inner monologue. I supervise LIIs and its awkward as fuck. I think I accidentally made one blow up his account last week calling out a few of his mistypings of Betas. I haven't gotten that supervisee vibe from your posts, among other things. My 2 cents would be ST club or Gamma. But I see you are set on LII, so there isn't much point in getting into it. Might want to have a mod close the thread if you've moved on and are no longer interested in people questioning your type.
    Lol, I know who you are talking about. I avoided getting into arguments with him. But it was bound to happen, he was too set in his ways. I hope he comes back humbled and willing to accept other points of view.

    Nah, I’m going to keep it open. I’m always interested in more input. People can question my type whenever they feel like. As long as I’m still posting on this forum this thread will stay open.

    I will keep your suggestions in mind.

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    LII Ne
    The kind that has a 3 fix according to Fauvre's system.

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    Yes but the fact that you play your name off as a joke is a cool thing to do.

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    Instead of lurking Im trying to actively contribute in type threads now. So, I think LXI-Ti works for you. @FreelancePoliceman said you are more direct than LIIs. I agree your reasoning is more direct and simplistic than what LIIs are *supposed to* do and I did notice you come off like onfireee who types LSI. FP also says you come off as having more presence and I would say that makes sense but you also come off pretty mellow in ways and I'm not sure if that's the Fe seeking or being LII or whatever. Then you also have this thing of almost abstractly "moralising" about things but that could just be some strong Ti.

    You said you don't relate to LSI because:
    Same reason why I don't relate to SLI. I know LSIs and I'm not like them, although they are one of the most admirable types. They are typically much more involved in society than LIIs/SLEs. Not the type to refuse an invitation or do things alone. Much more mindfull of authorities. They are part of the system and a pretty easy going bunch. Male LSIs are generally better with women as well. The typical intoverted casanova.
    So you see yourself as too aloof or awkward to be LSI? Or what were you thinking of here?

    PS: Another LSI typed you as LII-Ne above, I would say no way in hell you are a Ne subtype. Your Ne just isn't visible like that. You will just never be as abstract and general as an LII-Ne, lol
    Last edited by grumpyvic81; 04-20-2020 at 02:19 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post

    Instead of lurking Im trying to actively contribute in type threads now. So, I think LXI-Ti works for you. @FreelancePoliceman said you are more direct than LIIs. I agree your reasoning is more direct and simplistic than what LIIs do and I did notice you come off like onfireee who types LSI. FP also says you come off as having more presence and I would say that makes sense but you also come off pretty mellow in ways and I'm not sure if that's the Fe seeking or being LII or whatever. Then you also have this thing of almost abstractly "moralising" about things but that could just be some strong Ti.
    I don't know onfireee. We have never met or interacted as far as I know. I will check them out.

    How was I "moralising"? I do have a high sense of justice. I try to hide it but often I can't help but speak up for the wronged. I'm not only speaking of my behaviour on this forum.

    Thank you for indulging me.

    You said you don't relate to LSI because:

    So you see yourself as too aloof or awkward to be LSI? Or what were you thinking of here?
    I don't know, dude. It's been years.

    I probably dismissed it because I have known plenty of self-typed ISTJs (MBTI) on the internet, and I can't relate to them. Even now the LSIs on the forum seem alien to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    PS: Another LSI typed you as LII-Ne above, I would say no way in hell you are a Ne subtype. Your Ne just isn't visible like that. You will just never be as abstract and general as an LII-Ne, lol
    Fair enough.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    I don't know onfireee. We have never met or interacted as far as I know. I will check them out.
    I don't know them either, Ive just lurked enough I hope the observation helps though

    (I add my observations regardless of sociotype even, I think its best to be able to verbalise without socionics too whenever possible)

    How was I "moralising"? I do have a high sense of justice. I try to hide it but often I can't help but speak up for the wronged. I'm not only speaking of my behaviour on this forum.

    Thank you for indulging me.
    Ah np. And yeah, it's like you have this principled approach and hinting at it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I don't know them either, Ive just lurked enough I hope the observation helps though

    (I add my observations regardless of sociotype even, I think its best to be able to verbalise without socionics too whenever possible)
    I agree. I appreciate the comment.

    You must have lurked for years. I haven't seen your type me thread but I'm going assume you are LII?

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Ah np. And yeah, it's like you have this principled approach and hinting at it.
    Examples? In any case, I'm glad I make that sort of impression.

    Quote Originally Posted by somnambulat0ry View Post
    there are posts here that are several years old but what remains unchanged from my perspective is that you are irreverent and light hearted - or at least aim to be this way, for positive effect. merry but not bolstering (via Ti)your POV the way a LII would, so what about IEI or SEI?
    Thank you. I have no idea how I'm coming off more like an ethical on the net.

    If I'm going to take this theory seriously and apply it in my life in a practical manner, to make use of it (which I already do), then I'm definitely not an F type. I don't need help with practical subjects nor with my studies or how to acquire knowledge. I have been called a genius and people readily notice my high aptitude. I have never had issues at school, college or work. I'm quite accomplished. I'm dedicated, professional and always on time. I have several investments, and I frequently advise family and friends on practical subjects if they need help. I also know how to get that information if I'm lacking any. I'm responsible with money.

    On the other hand. I don't treasure relationships as much as I probably should. I'm a loner and very independent. I have never been good with courting women nor do I even attempt to. I'm socially awkward, I would never admit my romantic feelings for someone if they never brought up the subject. The few relationships I have been in, the girl has always initiated. I would rather die than subject myself to that kind of spectacle. I do reject a lot of advances, when I think the relationship is inappropriate, especially with colleagues. But I also never try to make things easier, even when there is potential. I take zero risks romantically. They will have to literally drag me every step of the way. Hints will never work for me because I would still doubt their interest or sincerity.

    I used to look a like a nerd for the most part of my teenage years. I wasn't popular nor did I receive much interest. When I dropped my glasses and took care of my looks in college I had better results. But it made me even more disgusted with what I perceive to be shallow interest. I know my feelings do not make sense, because people in general do respond better to anything visually appealing, and that is normal. But I was never like that.

    People who are close to me think that I can't find a girl, so sometimes they will try to set me up with someone, but it's always been someone I would rate below average appearance wise or quite desperate. Again, this is dumb. But it makes me feel like I've never made any progress, or people perceive me to be desperate too. I'm not actually looking for a relationship right now so it kind of bothers me.

    So now I'm conflicted. I'm not really sure where I stand in terms of looks. But I also want to have a relationship with someone that people think they are above my league, because I'm competitive like that. I know it's dumb. I have a huge fucking ego, which is fine with me because I can back it up usually, but not in this field.. I'm not a 10/10 nor was I ever a charmer. Yet I feel like I can only settle for a princess these days. What the fuck am I even doing? I usually do not care about social status but in certain times I find myself unwilling to accept mediocrity. I don't want anything less than true love or someone I find very appealing. I feel like I've worked so hard on myself that I do not want to settle for anyone. But.. I'm also very judgemental when it comes to personality. In reality it is what I care most about when I think of compatibility.

    As you can see, my idea about love and relationships are quite childish. I know they are unrealistic. That is my weakness. Thus I don't think I'm an ethical.

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    I thought SLI or LII, but your latest comment matches well my view of LSI-Ti, sounds a lot like one of my best friends who definitely is that type. The effect of subtype can be pronounced, especially regarding attitude towards the creative function.
    Also, I think I saw your VI pic here once and remember thinking you looked more like a S type. I know I said SLI before in this thread, I don't know you well enough to tell between quasi-identicals but introvert ST seems to be a theme.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I thought SLI or LII, but your latest comment matches well my view of LSI-Ti, sounds a lot like one of my best friends who definitely is that type. The effect of subtype can be pronounced, especially regarding attitude towards the creative function.
    Also, I think I saw your VI pic here once and remember thinking you looked more like a S type. I know I said SLI before in this thread, I don't know you well enough to tell between quasi-identicals but introvert ST seems to be a theme.
    Lol, I mean I said this years before I posted my pictures. I know what people expect. I'm not delusional. I knew I wouldn't VI as LII. There is no revelation here. It doesn't prove anything to me, other than that people usually have shallow assessments. I hope I'm not being rude, but when you offer me no further insight other than what I can see for myself, then I'm not really impressed. I can take other pictures to look like an LII but it would serve no purpose to me. I also hate being deceptive.

    Honestly people will need to dig deeper than that to convince me of being a certain type. I can make a case for LSI/SLI better than you did, and I still remain unconvinced, although I'm still open to the idea.

    I'm sorry if I'm coming off strong but I feel like I have to be honest about this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by somnambulat0ry View Post
    there are posts here that are several years old but what remains unchanged from my perspective is that you are irreverent and light hearted - or at least aim to be this way, for positive effect. merry but not bolstering (via Ti)your POV the way a LII would, so what about IEI or SEI?
    I do the light hearted thing too and Im no Fe ego

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    Yeah, I realize my post wasn't providing much in terms of deeper analysis, just gut feelings and a data point for statistics. I don't see blunt honesty as offensive or rude so no worries there. LII usually tend to be less forceful unless it is something they feel very strongly about (which seems to be the case here however).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Yeah, I realize my post wasn't providing much in terms of deeper analysis, just gut feelings and a data point for statistics. I don't see blunt honesty as offensive or rude so no worries there. LII usually tend to be less forceful unless it is something they feel very strongly about (which seems to be the case here however).
    For the record, I appreciate your comments. I'm going to present my case for why I think I could be LSI/SLI later.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    I agree. I appreciate the comment.

    You must have lurked for years. I haven't seen your type me thread but I'm going assume you are LII?

    Examples? In any case, I'm glad I make that sort of impression.

    Thank you. I have no idea how I'm coming off more like an ethical on the net.

    If I'm going to take this theory seriously and apply it in my life in a practical manner, to make use of it (which I already do), then I'm definitely not an F type. I don't need help with practical subjects nor with my studies or how to acquire knowledge. I have been called a genius and people readily notice my high aptitude. I have never had issues at school, college or work. I'm quite accomplished. I'm dedicated, professional and always on time. I have several investments, and I frequently advise family and friends on practical subjects if they need help. I also know how to get that information if I'm lacking any. I'm responsible with money.

    On the other hand. I don't treasure relationships as much as I probably should. I'm a loner and very independent. I have never been good with courting women nor do I even attempt to. I'm socially awkward, I would never admit my romantic feelings for someone if they never brought up the subject. The few relationships I have been in, the girl has always initiated. I would rather die than subject myself to that kind of spectacle. I do reject a lot of advances, when I think the relationship is inappropriate, especially with colleagues. But I also never try to make things easier, even when there is potential. I take zero risks romantically. They will have to literally drag me every step of the way. Hints will never work for me because I would still doubt their interest or sincerity.

    I used to look a like a nerd for the most part of my teenage years. I wasn't popular nor did I receive much interest. When I dropped my glasses and took care of my looks in college I had better results. But it made me even more disgusted with what I perceive to be shallow interest. I know my feelings do not make sense, because people in general do respond better to anything visually appealing, and that is normal. But I was never like that.

    People who are close to me think that I can't find a girl, so sometimes they will try to set me up with someone, but it's always been someone I would rate below average appearance wise or quite desperate. Again, this is dumb. But it makes me feel like I've never made any progress, or people perceive me to be desperate too. I'm not actually looking for a relationship right now so it kind of bothers me.

    So now I'm conflicted. I'm not really sure where I stand in terms of looks. But I also want to have a relationship with someone that people think they are above my league, because I'm competitive like that. I know it's dumb. I have a huge fucking ego, which is fine with me because I can back it up usually, but not in this field.. I'm not a 10/10 nor was I ever a charmer. Yet I feel like I can only settle for a princess these days. What the fuck am I even doing? I usually do not care about social status but in certain times I find myself unwilling to accept mediocrity. I don't want anything less than true love or someone I find very appealing. I feel like I've worked so hard on myself that I do not want to settle for anyone. But.. I'm also very judgemental when it comes to personality. In reality it is what I care most about when I think of compatibility.

    As you can see, my idea about love and relationships are quite childish. I know they are unrealistic. That is my weakness. Thus I don't think I'm an ethical.
    Well, your approach to romance sounds a lot like every SLI that I've ever known. More SLI than the approach of LII's, who seem to be either willing to wait for cookies forever (males) or are ice-cold barracudas (females).

    I asked my SLI father why he married my mother, and he said "She made me do it."
    I asked my SLI ex why she agreed to marry me, and she said she was "Crazy" about me. In retrospect, it would have been better if she had been normal about me. But I think she was lonely and was afraid of a life alone.
    I asked my SLI son what he'd do if an attractive female approached him and asked him out. My son didn't even look up from texting on his phone to answer. He said "Dad, I'd tell her to get lost."

    If you are SLI, I wish you the best of luck.

    Incidentally, your avatar is Delta.

    I have an IEE-Fi bookkeeper, and while she is maybe 20 years older than my son, she is fascinated by him. Like, she is nice to him when they meet and is entirely professional, but she seems to want to know more. A lot more.....
    My SLI-Te son, on the other hand, gets this look on his face when she's around like someone is pointing a bow and arrow at him. He is alert, hyper, and looks like he wants to run. And at the first chance he gets while still being polite, he's out the door and down the street.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-20-2020 at 02:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    I agree. I appreciate the comment.

    You must have lurked for years. I haven't seen your type me thread but I'm going assume you are LII?
    Np. My type thread is pretty recent if you want to take a look. (Not mandatory ofc)

    Tho' no, LII has never been an option. Regardless of type, if you mean you feel/see something in common with us, I'm interested if you can add input on that (in my type thread if you think it's too off topic here but again not forcing you lol, this is just me being plain interested in trying to see more on how others see me).

    Examples? In any case, I'm glad I make that sort of impression.
    E.g. post 11, post 42 in this thread. I can understand the LII option based on being so principled like there, I personally can't tell you from this much if it's just Ti or Ti+Ne but I don't see Ne in other posts of yours. None of that flexible approach to considering ideas or talking about anything abstract other than the "moralising". Again I said it could just be LXI-Ti too from this much data.

    If I'm going to take this theory seriously and apply it in my life in a practical manner, to make use of it (which I already do), then I'm definitely not an F type. I don't need help with practical subjects nor with my studies or how to acquire knowledge. I have been called a genius and people readily notice my high aptitude. I have never had issues at school, college or work. I'm quite accomplished. I'm dedicated, professional and always on time. I have several investments, and I frequently advise family and friends on practical subjects if they need help. I also know how to get that information if I'm lacking any. I'm responsible with money.

    On the other hand. I don't treasure relationships as much as I probably should. I'm a loner and very independent. I have never been good with courting women nor do I even attempt to. I'm socially awkward, I would never admit my romantic feelings for someone if they never brought up the subject. The few relationships I have been in, the girl has always initiated. I would rather die than subject myself to that kind of spectacle. I do reject a lot of advances, when I think the relationship is inappropriate, especially with colleagues. But I also never try to make things easier, even when there is potential. I take zero risks romantically. They will have to literally drag me every step of the way. Hints will never work for me because I would still doubt their interest or sincerity.

    I used to look a like a nerd for the most part of my teenage years. I wasn't popular nor did I receive much interest. When I dropped my glasses and took care of my looks in college I had better results. But it made me even more disgusted with what I perceive to be shallow interest. I know my feelings do not make sense, because people in general do respond better to anything visually appealing, and that is normal. But I was never like that.

    People who are close to me think that I can't find a girl, so sometimes they will try to set me up with someone, but it's always been someone I would rate below average appearance wise or quite desperate. Again, this is dumb. But it makes me feel like I've never made any progress, or people perceive me to be desperate too. I'm not actually looking for a relationship right now so it kind of bothers me.

    So now I'm conflicted. I'm not really sure where I stand in terms of looks. But I also want to have a relationship with someone that people think they are above my league, because I'm competitive like that. I know it's dumb. I have a huge fucking ego, which is fine with me because I can back it up usually, but not in this field.. I'm not a 10/10 nor was I ever a charmer. Yet I feel like I can only settle for a princess these days. What the fuck am I even doing? I usually do not care about social status but in certain times I find myself unwilling to accept mediocrity. I don't want anything less than true love or someone I find very appealing. I feel like I've worked so hard on myself that I do not want to settle for anyone. But.. I'm also very judgemental when it comes to personality. In reality it is what I care most about when I think of compatibility.

    As you can see, my idea about love and relationships are quite childish. I know they are unrealistic. That is my weakness. Thus I don't think I'm an ethical.
    If you don't mind me commenting on this bit...

    Tbh. A few selftyped ISTJs at PerC would be 100% on the same page with you. It's uncanny how similar your sentiments are here to theirs lol, is why I mention this. They keep talking about how they cannot risk stuff with potential relationships if there's ambiguity and call it their inferior Ne. And are like very cautious withdrawn overall with this stuff and is hard for them to get into a relationship. One of them posted at length about how they have an issue with initiating but also about how they were gonna have to force themselves to learn to do it. These are all guys yeah.

    "I do reject a lot of advances, when I think the relationship is inappropriate, especially with colleagues." Makes me think of ISTJ very much and LSI too. Strong focus on social orientations.

    The judgmentality also sounds ISTJ stereotypically but ofc all judging types say this some, lol and it fits LxI-Ti too alright

    Your willingness to talk about lack of confidence, insecurities, whatever, it is stereotypically "low Se" but that sounds like bullshit to me because I've seen even SLE do that on this site lol. Bc anonimity and whatever.

    I don't know if the lack of confidence in evaluating your looks is weak Sensing or if you just did not spend time on it before (Se creative learns this stuff fast enough tho).

    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    Lol, I mean I said this years before I posted my pictures. I know what people expect. I'm not delusional. I knew I wouldn't VI as LII. There is no revelation here. It doesn't prove anything to me, other than that people usually have shallow assessments. I hope I'm not being rude, but when you offer me no further insight other than what I can see for myself, then I'm not really impressed. I can take other pictures to look like an LII but it would serve no purpose to me. I also hate being deceptive.

    Honestly people will need to dig deeper than that to convince me of being a certain type. I can make a case for LSI/SLI better than you did, and I still remain unconvinced, although I'm still open to the idea.

    I'm sorry if I'm coming off strong but I feel like I have to be honest about this.
    You sound annoyed here so it sounds like emotional investment from your part here. Sorry don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend : p

    If you don't mind one more question. Do you value the intelligence stuff in LII? Because you had a post somewhere above where you said that you are in a good place so you don't even mind taking that over being an LII or something. And you also said you've been called a genius before. You deff came off proud about your intelligence and skills.

    But that thing being called a genius, it makes me think of an LSI-Ti character loool who really valued that highly for themselves whenever they were called that - yes they were a smart person ofc but yeah. That LSI-Ti is really cold and stuff but it's obvious she's present more than an LII-Ti even tho' LII-Ti is not totally out of it either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Np. My type thread is pretty recent if you want to take a look. (Not mandatory ofc)

    Tho' no, LII has never been an option. Regardless of type, if you mean you feel/see something in common with us, I'm interested if you can add input on that (in my type thread if you think it's too off topic here but again not forcing you lol, this is just me being plain interested in trying to see more on how others see me).
    I probably will, because you asked so nicely.

    Your previous post came across to me as someone identifying as LII but not seeing it in me. It's why I asked. I do like you tho, you feel refreshing and unique, and I like that.

    E.g. post 11, post 42 in this thread. I can understand the LII option based on being so principled like there, I personally can't tell you from this much if it's just Ti or Ti+Ne but I don't see Ne in other posts of yours. None of that flexible approach to considering ideas or talking about anything abstract other than the "moralising". Again I said it could just be LXI-Ti too from this much data.
    I still don't get what you mean exactly, but you are probably getting bored of it already so I will drop it.

    If you don't mind me commenting on this bit...

    Tbh. A few selftyped ISTJs at PerC would be 100% on the same page with you. It's uncanny how similar your sentiments are here to theirs lol, is why I mention this. They keep talking about how they cannot risk stuff with potential relationships if there's ambiguity and call it their inferior Ne. And are like very cautious withdrawn overall with this stuff and is hard for them to get into a relationship. One of them posted at length about how they have an issue with initiating but also about how they were gonna have to force themselves to learn to do it. These are all guys yeah.
    I'm not going to dispute this. It all sounds very reasonable and I have made the same observations.

    "I do reject a lot of advances, when I think the relationship is inappropriate, especially with colleagues." Makes me think of ISTJ very much and LSI too. Strong focus on social orientations.

    The judgmentality also sounds ISTJ stereotypically but ofc all judging types say this some, lol and it fits LxI-Ti too alright
    I agree. Nothing much to add here.

    Your willingness to talk about lack of confidence, insecurities, whatever, it is stereotypically "low Se" but that sounds like bullshit to me because I've seen even SLE do that on this site lol. Bc anonimity and whatever.

    I don't know if the lack of confidence in evaluating your looks is weak Sensing or if you just did not spend time on it before (Se creative learns this stuff fast enough tho).
    I don't know what to think of it either. It may seem huge to others, but if I'm being too open it's because I no longer have these insecurities in large, or have detached myself from it.

    You sound annoyed here so it sounds like emotional investment from your part here. Sorry don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend : p

    If you don't mind one more question. Do you value the intelligence stuff in LII? Because you had a post somewhere above where you said that you are in a good place so you don't even mind taking that over being an LII or something. And you also said you've been called a genius before. You deff came off proud about your intelligence and skills.

    But that thing being called a genius, it makes me think of an LSI-Ti character loool who really valued that highly for themselves whenever they were called that - yes they were a smart person ofc but yeah. That LSI-Ti is really cold and stuff but it's obvious she's present more than an LII-Ti even tho' LII-Ti is not totally out of it either.
    I would never claim that I'm a genius tho. I have hated being called that for the longest time. I always thought it's a limiting label. My thought process goes like this "Yes, I know I'm smart but what else.." I'm definitely proud of it, but I don't advertise it unless it's necessary. Same thing goes for my skills. I don't need others admiration, but I'm going to prove that I know what I'm talking about if I need to. I do not admire being brainy for its own sake. My favourite characters are not like that. They have to be extremely independent, driven and naturally talented. The most obvious examples are Uchiha Sasuke and Kirigaya Kazuto (or Kirito). It's one of the reason why I think LSI/SLI actually makes sense for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    I probably will, because you asked so nicely.

    Your previous post came across to me as someone identifying as LII but not seeing it in me. It's why I asked. I do like you tho, you feel refreshing and unique, and I like that.
    ah lol, thanks; I'll be curious about your thoughts.

    I still don't get what you mean exactly, but you are probably getting bored of it already so I will drop it.
    Just kind of going by ideals. It's hard to verbalise it more than that. And ideals could be either Ni or Ne anyway besides logical principles/rules, so it on its own is not going to be some magic factor to decide type, lol.

    I don't know what to think of it either. It may seem huge to others, but if I'm being too open it's because I no longer have these insecurities in large, or have detached myself from it.
    Thats what the SLE said too. I personally would also not talk about issues openly unless they are already resolved, yeah.

    I would never claim that I'm a genius tho. I have hated being called that for the longest time. I always thought it's a limiting label. My thought process goes like this "Yes, I know I'm smart but what else.." I'm definitely proud of it, but I don't advertise it unless it's necessary. Same thing goes for my skills. I don't need others admiration, but I'm going to prove that I know what I'm talking about if I need to. I do not admire being brainy for its own sake. My favourite characters are not like that. They have to be extremely independent, driven and naturally talented. The most obvious examples are Uchiha Sasuke and Kirigaya Kazuto (or Kirito). It's one of the reason why I think LSI/SLI actually makes sense for me.
    Interesting actually, I relate in that I feel put on the spot when Im told "you are so logical" or similar things, lul. I don't know why, tho'.

    About the characters you mention, I looked them up, Uchiha Sasuke seems like stereotypical LSI, lol. The other one is some Ti too, a really calm LSI-Ti maybe, I could see that. I would otherwise not be able to say if LII or just a really mellow LSI, but since there's that calmness I can see LSI-Ti.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    ah lol, thanks; I'll be curious about your thoughts.
    LSI seems correct. I would have never guessed you are a girl.

    I would say the biggest differences between me and most LSIs are:

    1. I don't get lost in ideologies or theories. It seems to me that LSIs are more likely to admire strong and extreme ideologies. I can argue for days without revealing my position, that is if I even had one. I'm also deeply philosophical, but it's not something I value. I do it to protect and strengthen my own arguments. In reality, I think philosophy is a big waste of time. But I will literally argue just to prove something is bullshit. Ni demonstrative?
    2. To add to my last point. I'm extremely insightful and I trust my own intuition. I also trust my visions and predictions, but they are very rarely verbalised.
    3. I have never been called aggressive or too controlling because I'm actually not. I've been told the opposite. I'm also never impulsive.
    4. However, I'm rather stubborn once I've made my mind. If I have to be confrontational, it's usually all or nothing for me. Especially if I lost my temper, which happens once in a blue moon.
    5. If push comes to shove. I will literally betray every ideal I have to come on top. My ideals will not be used against me to control me.
    6. I do not care about being another cog in the system. I can operate outside of it just fine. I choose to comply with what society deems appropriate because I do not wish to confuse others. But I can be an enigma and still function just as good.
    7. I don't go to the gym nor do I care about my physical strength.

    I know this sounds edgy but yeah.. intellectually, I don't feel lost. I'm quite arrogant actually.

    Just kind of going by ideals. It's hard to verbalise it more than that. And ideals could be either Ni or Ne anyway besides logical principles/rules, so it on its own is not going to be some magic factor to decide type, lol.
    Got it.

    Interesting actually, I relate in that I feel put on the spot when Im told "you are so logical" or similar things, lul. I don't know why, tho'.

    About the characters you mention, I looked them up, Uchiha Sasuke seems like stereotypical LSI, lol. The other one is some Ti too, a really calm LSI-Ti maybe, I could see that. I would otherwise not be able to say if LII or just a really mellow LSI, but since there's that calmness I can see LSI-Ti.
    Yeah, I think their types are correct.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    I would say the biggest differences between me and most LSIs are:

    1. I don't get lost in ideologies or theories. It seems to me that LSIs are more likely to admire strong and extreme ideologies. I can argue for days without revealing my position, that is if I even had one. I'm also deeply philosophical, but it's not something I value. I do it to protect and strengthen my own arguments. In reality, I think philosophy is a big waste of time. But I will literally argue just to prove something is bullshit. Ni demonstrative?
    2. To add to my last point. I'm extremely insightful and I trust my own intuition. I also trust my visions and predictions, but they are very rarely verbalised.
    3. I have never been called aggressive or too controlling because I'm actually not. I've been told the opposite. I'm also never impulsive.
    4. However, I'm rather stubborn once I've made my mind. If I have to be confrontational, it's usually all or nothing for me. Especially if I lost my temper, which happens once in a blue moon.
    5. If push comes to shove. I will literally betray every ideal I have to come on top. My ideals will not be used against me to control me.
    6. I do not care about being another cog in the system. I can operate outside of it just fine. I choose to comply with what society deems appropriate because I do not wish to confuse others. But I can be an enigma and still function just as good.
    7. I don't go to the gym nor do I care about my physical strength.
    1. LSI-Ti has pretty strong Ni, actually on the same level as their Se. I'm not all that super interested in philosophy either, I used to ridicule it and other humanities for a long time, but receiving philosophy from EIE makes it interesting for me. And I don't blindly follow any external ideologies.
    2. Rarely verbalized for me either, but I realize my predictions are more hit and miss than always correct. LSI-Ti stronger Ni might give more confidence in the function.
    3. Matches the LSI-Ti friend I have, he's never impulsive (I am), I could claim this to be due to Se and Ni being relatively that much stronger/weaker due to subtypes
    4. Ti lead, I think SLI would actually be more laid back and just wouldn't care about someone being wrong
    5. Valued Se
    6. I don't want to be just a cog either, I think that's a strawman of LSI. Operating outside the system or in your own system? Not sure about this, both LSI and SLI are often viewed as enigmas by others, but I can identify with not wanting to confuse others (would a SLI care?)
    7. Matches my LSI-Ti friend, I've tried to motivate him to lift with me but he's very reluctant and seemingly "doesn't want to enter into the competetion". He does do a lot of cardio though.

    Ti subtype makes Fe the weakest function of LSI, whereas it's Ne for Se subtype. I think that could make LSI-Ti seemingly more SLI-like in social behavior (stronger Ne, weaker Fe).

    Also, sensors are not stupid meatheads. Being intelligent does not equate being intuitive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    LSI-Ti has pretty strong Ni, actually on the same level as their Se
    This sounds like bullshit to me and doesn't make sense. (Model A)

    I haven't actually bothered with sub-types so I can't really dispute it. These are good observations however, for whenever I feel like going further into it.

    Also, sensors are not stupid meatheads. Being intelligent does not equate being intuitive.
    Well yeah, that is obvious. I'm saying they way feel inferior, to me. I'm not speaking of stereotypes, I'm talking about the LSIs I meet on this forum, for example.

    I was going to explain more in depth but I don't feel like dropping names, it's seems uncalled for. You are offended already.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    This sounds like bullshit to me and doesn't make sense. (Model A)

    I haven't actually bothered with sub-types so I can't really dispute it. These are good observations however, for whenever I feel like going further into it.
    Inert/Contact subtype theory. I get it, you don't want to immediately believe anything outside your own framework of understanding. Look it up yourself some time if you feel like it.
    I don't like the DCNH subtype system myself but Inert/Contact makes sense to me personally.

    Well yeah, that is obvious. I'm saying they way feel inferior, to me. I'm not speaking of stereotypes, I'm talking about the LSIs I meet on this forum, for example.

    I was going to explain more in depth but I don't feel like dropping names, it's seems uncalled for. You are offended already.
    I don't see LSI being offended if you think they are stupid, criticism on intelligence is just laughed off. Feel free to call it. Some mayhem would be a fun way to see who's roleplaying.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Inert/Contact subtype theory. I get it, you don't want to immediately believe anything outside your own framework of understanding. Look it up yourself some time if you feel like it.
    I don't like the DCNH subtype system myself but Inert/Contact makes sense to me personally.
    I just did actually. Admittedly, it's a rather shallow assessment, but it matches my experience with it years ago. It seems useless.

    I mean this is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I can confidently reject theories that seem unrealistic to me. Not every theory deserves recognition.

    I don't see LSI being offended if you think they are stupid, criticism on intelligence is just laughed off. Feel free to call it. Some mayhem would be a fun way to see who's roleplaying.
    Lol, you are free to offer yourself. Don't speak for others. It's not going to be fun though, so I'm not sure if there is any point to it.

    Do you really think shitting on people's world views is fun? I'm quite tolerant so that is not something I willingly engage in. I'm also not sure if you will provide enough material for me to remain objective.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    LSI seems correct. I would have never guessed you are a girl.
    Thanks for the input.

    I would say the biggest differences between me and most LSIs are:

    1. I don't get lost in ideologies or theories. It seems to me that LSIs are more likely to admire strong and extreme ideologies. I can argue for days without revealing my position, that is if I even had one. I'm also deeply philosophical, but it's not something I value. I do it to protect and strengthen my own arguments. In reality, I think philosophy is a big waste of time. But I will literally argue just to prove something is bullshit. Ni demonstrative?
    2. To add to my last point. I'm extremely insightful and I trust my own intuition. I also trust my visions and predictions, but they are very rarely verbalised.
    3. I have never been called aggressive or too controlling because I'm actually not. I've been told the opposite. I'm also never impulsive.
    4. However, I'm rather stubborn once I've made my mind. If I have to be confrontational, it's usually all or nothing for me. Especially if I lost my temper, which happens once in a blue moon.
    5. If push comes to shove. I will literally betray every ideal I have to come on top. My ideals will not be used against me to control me.
    6. I do not care about being another cog in the system. I can operate outside of it just fine. I choose to comply with what society deems appropriate because I do not wish to confuse others. But I can be an enigma and still function just as good.
    7. I don't go to the gym nor do I care about my physical strength.

    I know this sounds edgy but yeah.. intellectually, I don't feel lost. I'm quite arrogant actually.
    I was gonna write more here but after seeing the shit you wrote to the other poster here, I deleted most of it, I lost respect for you and lost all interest in engaging you.

    Regardless of type. I just respond bc I was addressed but after this please just don't write to me bc there's no way I'm wasting more of my time on you.

    So just quickly.

    1. Stereotypically it's the LIIs who actually engage and get lost in much philosophy, lol... Ss are more conservative re: extreme positions. I argue too all the time, and I'm bad at remembering to express my full position, that's just Ti stuff, but if you mean you like to take on different positions and perspectives to argue then that's Ne.

    2. I feel that way too when I get too deep in my mind and too Ni but then I come back to reality, lol. But yeah maybe you forget to come back to reality from it ..... yeah thats an insult

    5. Is literally the opposite of Se PoLR - Se PoLR is unable to betray their ideals. I mean that's kinda admirable that some people are THAT principled or try to be anyway, but the rest of people have a tiny bit of sense of actual reality. But if you didn't mean real life stuff by "coming out on top" but just idea stuff then yeah that's different.

    6. I also operate outside the system, this isn't type related even

    7. So you are just one of the many people who don't do sports. One more NTR

    .... But you know what. It would be REALLY ironic if it somehow turned out you are an LSI, just some arrogant lost one (yeh that shit sounds like you are really lost even if you say you are not), and then you are not all that intelligent after all as LIIs supposedly are.

    But I'm done engaging about your type. * the end * I'll respond to the shit below then I'm done overall for good too.

    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    Well yeah, that is obvious. I'm saying they way feel inferior, to me. I'm not speaking of stereotypes, I'm talking about the LSIs I meet on this forum, for example.

    I was going to explain more in depth but I don't feel like dropping names, it's seems uncalled for. You are offended already.
    What the hell are you talking about?

    Okay you didn't address me originally but you typed me LSI just now too. That after you first expressed like for me, meanwhile other LSIs on here were just trying to give their inputs too here (one of them even agreed with your self-typing). Are you trying to insult everyone randomly on here just bc we don't agree with everything you say or something? You seem to be really strongly projecting, like I think it's you who got offended here LOL

    Frankly your crazy typism there is already uncalled-for even without bringing up names.

    Who the fuck do you think you are? Did you do anything really great in this life other than earning a little money and doing some little investments to have this level of hubris?

    You are just making yourself sound completely ridiculous with that, and actually btw maybe LIIs are arrogant yeah but I've never seen one this openly arrogant as this, lol... Sorta but not THIS openly and like completely ungratefully .... If you are irritated by retypes then how about you use that intellect that you supposedly have you genius, lol, and then properly argue about it like you said you have the stamina to do for days. Without emotional bullshit like this projecting your offenses to others completely randomly out of the blue.

    Like you are totally lost in some other reality or something, where you believe three letters like this, it's like psychotic really.

    All in all - Actually intelligent people do not need to talk about it. Unlike you.

    PS. Instead of facing your own emotions. Just beware seriously, you get really emotionally biased so easily so that fucks up your intellectual capability, if you don't learn to recognise it when you actually lose your head - without even noticing but it's obvious to everyone else - and completely get your reasoning fucked up with it distorting the perception of reality.

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    Lol, do these interactions prove that I'm not LSI now? This is my Ne unleashed.

    I don't know why you are mad.

    @Northstar, bro. I called this and you still want me to be even more savage? I don't know what else to say.

    I'm going to read that in a second, @grumpyvic81. Sorry in advance.

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