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Thread: Superego relations & feeling nauseous

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    Default Superego relations & feeling nauseous

    Has anyone else here noticed that getting close to a superego of an opposite sex makes you wanna just literally vomit, and leaves you feeling sick? (or maybe its just the coffee we both drank, hmmm)

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    hmmmmm... I can't say "no" for now... hmmm.

    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


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    Well, I was in love with one ESFP girl (it destroyed me ). I also HAD a few of ESFP friends. They always acted selfish and thought about themselves. When in company with them, they led our crowd, used me sometimes for transportation (driving a car), and so on. I was also disgusted at some of their birthday parties.
    Well, I got rid of them.

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    haha, they are all dead now? :-) jk

  5. #5
    Smilingeyes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Superegos & nuasia

    Quote Originally Posted by Slava (at home)
    Has anyone else here noticed that getting close to a superego of an opposite sex makes you wanna just literally vomit, and leaves you feeling sick? (or maybe its just the coffee we both drank, hmmm)
    I had the exact same feeling in a super-ego-relationship. After the second date I went immediately to the shower and wrote her a letter roughly explaining that I was expecting her head to start spinning around and start target vomiting pea soup.

    Then again not all of my super-ego girls made me think the same way. It was probably associated with rejecting the feeling of affection I had for her.
    First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.

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    check this out.

    sorry for any misspellings I may fix it later if it's wrong I have no mouse for the moment lol.

    Also I have never felt queasy around ISFJs.

  7. #7
    Waddlesworth's Avatar
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    I dated a super-ego a year ago, it was when i was first getting into socionics. I remember going, "well, maybe I can try and be more introverted it will make me more INTp" silly, i know, but i was new to it all.

    Our second date she basically ignored me and dragged me to this fourth of july party with a bunch of strangers that gave me a bad attitude. I was like "that's it, im done with this girl!" and then, the third date she jumped my bones, like some sort of retarded animal. I was trapped, how could i resist?

    but really, on that second date I remember looking at her in the moonlight and thinking "this girl looks retarded". like, the moonlight emphasized it or something. I wonder if super-ego types naturally look sort of retarded(or some functional equivalent) to one another. Most ESFp types i meet have a similar stupid look to them, at least to me.

    But the relationship was destructive, it really screwed me up because we never cared about one another were saying. I tried so hard to appreciate her, but I just couldn't. And she would try to be all sophistocated and stuff, like she read all of these classic novels and stuff, but when we'd talk about it she didnt have any idea what she was even talking about.

    She made me massage her back, her legs, her butt. It was just ridiculous. And in the end, when i expected some lovin'... welp, no, she didnt feel like it. But if i rejected her when she wanted anything, well then i was an ass. They really do think the world should please them, those ESFp types.

    But it went on 4 months, i don't even remember any of it. I suppose pure inhibition makes you forget alot. Not that we ever really did anything, anyway. Just sat there and listened to her read her crappy, shallow poetry.

    It definitely makes you feel very drained. I mean, super-ego's exist in the same direct flowing conscious ring of information, so you do have much in common in alot of ways. Just makes you miserable because But you just can't ever put anything together, as a team.

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    I guess it really depends on how intelligent the ESFp is. I have met a couple of ESFp’s that were actually pretty intelligent considering that they were ESFp’s. But I guess you’re right, they do have that stupid look, plus have a hard time considering others point of view.

    Waddles, it does not sound like you had a good experience with this ESFp, do you think most of them are like this?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
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    My brother dated an ESFp around the same time as I. It was strange how similar their behaviors and looks were. The one he was dating was a big pot addict and leach(he was an ISTj). He basically gave her a car, spent a hundred bucks a week on drugs alone for her, and she never held a job for more than a couple of days. He sunk into debt for her yet she would insult him in some of the worst ways imaginable, accuse him of cheating, and then run off and spend the day hanging out with some strange guy(my ESFp ex did this as well.).

    But their relationship, like my ESFp ENTp relationship, started out very sexual. Like three times a day for two weeks... then, hello lazy bones.

    I think they tire of people easily, always looking for more fun and new experiences.

    But the one I dated wasn't addicted to drugs and to this day is pursuing a higher education. She can appear quite knowledgible at first, but after a while you start to realize how she is just a jumbled stockpile of useless and inncacurate information. She liked to write poems as well. They were very descriptive, alot of adjectives, but also lame. At least in my opinion.

    They like to set very high aims for themselves and often cling to a person that they feel can teach them in some way or another. In alot of instances they wont shut up about these people. They let out alot of convoluted quotes from them and try to sound smart. They always add with this knowledge an intuitive twist, trying to wow people, but it just comes out sounding stupid. If you question them on it they immediately assume the defensive "Oh, well aren't you just so smart!"

    I have seen this many times, they are easily impressed, even by superficiality. They go "wow, how do you know so much!?" I even had a professor that behaved this way(English departments seem to be stocked up on ESFp types). He would always talk about this girl that was transferring to Yale. He would print out her papers and hand them out to the whole class, it was ridiculous, they were just crappy papers. "She's going to YALE!!! wow!"

    But so long as the relationship is distant I don't mind ESFp's so much. I mean, they're interesting and often have a good sense of humor. Its just they don't attach to people, its always about them and what they want, their needs. I called up my ESFp ex a month ago just to chat(well, I'm ENTp, so we all know why I really called her). She literally spent 45 minutes just talking about herself. they never tire of it. so irritating.

    So, do I think they're all pretty much the same? well, we've all got our differences, but they're all just flat out annoying after a while, to me anyway. If you're thinking of starting a relationship with one I don't advise it.

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