@ disco Joe

I agree. I really don't pay attention in things I'm not interested in. In highschool I pretty much ignored math(i regret it now). I lived in a very lax atmosphere at home and didn't really have anyone to "push" me to do my work, so i didn't. I spent alot of time doing what I wanted to do. The best way to learn is definitely, for me, and Im sure for most ENTp's, exploring. Te stuff like math is only interesting to me if I can find a fun thing to do with it, it's just a means to my fun ends.


I don't want to send off the egalitarian impression that I think that all of the retarded people are equal to us and are somehow special or some sort of hoopla like that. In my opinion a family that has a retarded child should have the option of "putting the child down". It is very costly emotionally and financially for people to raise a person with such problems, especially when they can choose to try again. Many cultures naturally practice infanticide, even the noble Hellenic people of way back when. It is a natural way of ensuring a productive and self sufficient gene pool. So, Kristiina, I whole heartedly agree with.

But mutations can be a good thing as well so long as natural forces keep them honed towards an evolutionary direction. In the world today that seems unlikely, but lets face it, the world as we know it will soon come crashing down, and those mutations mixed throughout, which have accumulated through being ignored, may prove useful in the next era.