
6. Philosophy types

The problem of incentives is closely related to the existential motifs - a deeper and more abstract category, which I as a representative of intuitive thinking would like to address in the conclusion of the article. Each has its own existence sociotype - are philosophically generalized idea of ​​what motivates people and the world. This view stems from how the type addressed the issue of primacy of the material and ideal.
Those sotsiotipy, whose motivation is primarily material nature, I will provisionally be called materialists. This category will include all types of touch. Opposite his group types, deep motivation which is predominantly an ideal character, will call idealists. It is, accordingly, all types of intuition.

As we know from philosophy, in idealism are two trends - an objective idealism, recognizing in one form or another the idea of ​​God - the external material in excess of authority, control the world and the subjective idealism, believing that the world generates the beginning - this is our idea of ​​it.

According to Jung, an objective-oriented types - this is extroverted and subjectively oriented - introverts. Therefore the objective idealism - the philosophy of intuitive extroverts, and subjective idealism - the intuitive introverts.

Attention! We should not forget that we are talking about tipalnyh motivations, not about specific people - representatives of various sociotypes that can follow any philosophy.
Similarly we proceed with the "materialists" - sensory types: select, in accordance with the sign of extroversion, the objective of the materialists, which will touch extroverts, and in accordance with the sign of introversion, subjective materialists, which will touch introverts. Let us not confuse this with a few free treatment schools of thought: I'm doing this for the sole purpose - to bring the system into our existing observing behavior at the level of motivation 16.

And now the philosophy of each type.
1. Objective idealists.

- Nastivnik (ET, EIE): the world is ruled god, destiny, providence. This is the most mystical or religious minded sociotype, often being in the form of-date, sincerely believes in his messianism, in that he is a preacher of the divine, cosmic or other supernatural forces.

- Inventor (IL, ILE): universe ruled by the world's mind. This sociotype more than any other faith in the knowability of the most complex phenomena in a reasonable unit of the objective world, it is explainable in terms of precise laws of logic ("God does not play dice" - Einstein).

- Psychologist (IR, IEA) world is ruled by a sense which is stronger than man, is the altruistic type of person who can help people, not even asking for thanks. This explains its strong tendency to empathy.

- Entrepreneur (PT, LIE): Creator of all - wildlife. This sociotype animates nature, thus becoming a dualist, that is, it is equally recognized the ideal and the real beginning, which are connected to a natural disaster.
2. Subjective idealists.

- Analyst (LI, LII): the world is ruled idea («Cogito ergo sum» - Descartes). If people understand what the system is controlled by the laws of society, it is possible to arrange true. The most constructive sociotype who believes that any phenomenon is defined universal primary elements (archetypes eidoses, a priori categories) and relationships between them.

- Critic (TP, OR): the world is governed case. Objective laws there is little, everything is relative and is determined by probability. Most inclined to agnosticism type of intelligence ("I only know that I know nothing" - Socrates). Knowledge is possible only with the full clarity and inner peace that is achieved through meditation.

- Lyric (TE, IEI): the world is ruled mood state. The most volatile type of mentality, severely dependent on their internal attitude. Because of this, it is relatively easy to convince on any issue, to be quite persistent. But he just as easily and refuses to imposed beliefs.

- Mediator (RI, EII): the world is ruled kindness. The most compassionate type of person, even if his feelings and not translated into deeds. Ideal notions of right and justice if they are all guided in their daily lives, will lead to the humane society. However, they should go from the soul of man himself, rather than be imposed from outside.
3. Objective materialists.

- Marshall (FL, SLE): the world is ruled strength, power. The most resolute of all sociotypes. In the fight comes only when the preponderance of forces will provide yourself, or find an unsecure location of the enemy. The objective reality given us in sensation - that's why you can trust, and the rest - an illusion.

- Politics (FR, SEE): the world is ruled glory, fame, and communications. The most cautious of all sociotypes, since all studies on mistakes. Progressing to the touch, trusting only his own feelings. Words, concepts, and ideas - is just a tool to influence people.

- Enthusiast (ES, ESE): the world is ruled rush burning desire. The most emotional type of person who can influence the mood of others. It can be credited to the idealists, because he is well capable of doing only what he likes. However, his usual dependence on the energy status of others - quite material.

- Administrator (PS, FEL): the world is governed labor deal. The most materialistic thinking type of mentality, based in their arguments only on facts and proven patterns. Depends entirely on the labor process, subjecting him your plans. Rejects any far-fetched theories and schemes, if they are not presented as a mature technology.
4. Subjective materialists.

- The Inspector (LF, LSI): the world is governed order and discipline. The most depends on the organization of a specific space sociotype entirely subordinate institutions of the. Any major alternative is rejected as a departure from the waste structure for it is tantamount to losing a foothold, uncontrollable chaos.

- The Guardian (RF, ESI): the world is governed morality, moral duty. This type of mentality, more than any other, depends on its internal moral attitudes. A person may behave toward others as they deserve. The existing system of relations and moral values ​​protected against any attacks from outside. Even objectively broke passion can be brought under control at will.

- Broker (SE, SEI): the world is ruled fun. This only makes good sociotype pleasant and interesting for a job. Pretty conformal behavior, it easily adapts to the other, believing that people are willing to go forward, if only to create an atmosphere of comfort and offer something that they do not have to live in his pleasure.

- Master (SP, SLI): the world is ruled good. In accordance with the philosophy he had nothing to do for themselves will not be useless and others will never offer. The principle of least action, in which lives the physical world - it is his principle. As the most technologically-minded type, he believes that the main argument - that appeal to common sense man.