And here I am thinking I'm definitely INFP.
Oh well...I'm going to label myself INFX then...I think...maybe, when I have more time, I'll read more...

I am not a neat freak but I don't like dirty messy either. Right now, I'm like in between but I think when I get my own place, I'm going to care about it more.

I like to think of myself as a P but I think I have a bit of J in me. When I see my friend's messy room, I'm just like UGHHH. My friend is structured but her room is messy...she thinks about the future a lot but she also lives in the present.

This is all confusing and blurry.

I don't want to be completely INFP (I complained about this earlier) but yet I don't want to be completely INFJ (I'm not weird! ) so...I'm gonna be both. Logical solution? Emotional solution? Ugh. Who knows.

I'm not sure how I feel about ESTPs either.