Bear with my Ti-PoLR trying to explain this...

I've noticed what seems to be an interesting trend: A lot of the members on this site who have stable types that are generally agreed upon belong to the holographic-panoramic or vortical-synergetic cognitive style, with holographics being somewhat more stable. This makes sense with how the cognitive styles are supposed to manifest, with holographics having a very holistic and stable perception of reality, and voritcals are characterized by inertia so they are also relatively stable. Dialectical-algorithmic is least stable with it's dualistic nature, but tends to have people flip between two types (like Gilly between EIE and ILE or people commonly going between SEI and ILE or between ILI and LII). Causal-deterministics seem to be all over the place until they gather enough information and eventually settle into a reasonably stable type.