Does anyone know much about the distinction between eneryg-based and information-based relationships, as discussed here?:

If you're not familiar with it, the idea is that certain relationships (information based) involve "More interchange of conscious, verbalizable information than subconscious impact" whereas others (energy based) involve "More subconscious impact than exchange of verbalizable information."

There seems to be an interesting paradox here: Super-ego and conflicting relationships are considered information-based, whereas activity and dual relationships are considered energy-based.

Does that mean that the more conflicting kinds of relationships (super-ego, conflicting) are easier to form, because people are communicating consciously, in straightforward fashion, where as the more long-term positive relationships (dual, activity) are harder to form and require more initial effort and making more of a "leap" so to speak to even meet the other person, because they involve more subconscious communication?

That would be odd....but I'm just wondering if it's true.