Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
Some shit I wrote up a long time ago
Your method seems quite thorough. I'm not a fan of VI personally but I accept someone skilled in it could get quite accurate. That aside its maybe a little on the analytical side for typing on the fly. Is there a method you use when observing behavior?

Quote Originally Posted by Aleksei View Post
Quadra values and IM placement analysis, temperament, DCNH subtype. I pointedly ignore type commonality as a criterion (*looks at Cat King*), as it is ripe ground for fallacious typings; given that the immense variability inherent to human personality (as well as lesser influences, such as the unconscious pull of the id block) means not all people of the same type are gonna act the same.
You consider DCNH subtype in your initial typing?

Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
Woof, I think the empirical approach of "That person just did something that every other person of that type does!" is the least headache-inducing typing method for dumbass SFs like us
Filatova's photos and the socionics.us gallery are both good, though the former has far less mistyped people.
It's not a bad starting point providing you don't place too much weight on it, in typing I find everything needs to fit into place. Just tonight I finally had that nice confirmation moment on my friends type (ESI), I typed him that weeks ago but I was only sure tonight because of his ignoring function of all things. Basically one of the things I've noticed about him and he noticed about himself is that he doesn't like socialising (Fe style) yet he does it effortlessly when he has to.

I think the type quirks will be a bigger benefit to me when I know more people of each type in order to pick up their quirks . So far I just know SEI's are overly fond of bath robes...and sleep.