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Thread: ILE-IEE Kindred/Comparative relations (ENTp & ENFp)

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    Default ILE-IEE Kindred/Comparative relations (ENTp & ENFp)

    How do ENTps feel about ENFps? What would the worst and best things be?

    Also, are ENTps organized when it comes to keeping things clean, but bad about over-scheduling their time?

    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    I'm actually not bad when it comes to scheduling my time; the problem is the follow-through.

    And I'm very messy. My life is one big disorganization.
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  3. #3


    Messy, disorganized, and late all the time. Fuck it all.

  4. #4
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    I had an ENTp boss. Very energetic, and very good at starting new stuff, but bad at follow-through and details. Very messy because he couldn't throw anything away. Bit of a workaholic: as if being too busy was somehow a mark of honour.

    Where we clashed:

    The emo stuff (is probably what he'd say). ENFps need a bit more positive emotional feedback than the ENTp is likely to give, esp. when one or both are under pressure. I thought he was rude, he thought I was hyper-sensitive. (Mind you, he could be very touchy himself, but somehow that was an entirely different story and nothing to do with hyper-sensitivity.)

    Might be different for E(N)Fps. I'm an EN(F)p. Won't that make a huge difference in how well you get along with ENTps?

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    I always like enfp's and am very attracted to them as friends. But then there starts to be some kind of strain and we start to disagree and become offended by each other. It is as schroedinger's cat says - the enfp gets offended by a lack of sensitivity; for myself, I get offended by what I see as emotional manipulation, in the past anyway.

    I'm starting to see that enfp's really don't mean any harm and if they are manipulating, they try to emotionally manipulate for good purposes at least. But I do often feel somewhat betrayed by them because they're everybody's best friend not just mine.

    I wonder if enfp's would see entp "insensitivity" any differently? Entp's really don't mean any harm; we're just not focused on feelings and relationships - we're usually thinking about some wild scheme lol.

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    Everyone is different, some people I find likeable, others I cannot stand. Of two ENFp's I know well I am on good terms with both of them. But these two people are also very different.

    One is very creative and enthusiastic and the other one is more "image" conscious- he is constantly trying reinforce an image. The more creative one is either homosexual or bisexual whereas the other one seems to try to be a bit of a ladies man.

    Now the less creative ladies man does not impress me and says few things which interest me. His musical tastes are thoroughly unimpressive and I have trouble being around with him for a prolonged period of time.

    The more creative ENFp and I could really talk and were inspired by what the other had to say. It was almost like we would teach one another different creative methods of expression and we had many ideas.

    So I came to a conclusion from this that in comparative relations subtle forms of supervision can form. In the first case I feel I supervise over the ENFp, in the second case I almost felt the opposite, although I believe that our opinions of one another were mutual- that is, we were equally impressed by one another's abilities.

    I like ENFp's if they are very creative and insightful, especially about emotional matters. I could listen to an ENFp talk about emotions and ethical things all day. If they are more simple and insecure, always trying to front an image, i am not impressed and do not feel comfortable around them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Waddlesworth
    Everyone is different, some people I find likeable, others I cannot stand. Of two ENFp's I know well I am on good terms with both of them. But these two people are also very different.

    One is very creative and enthusiastic and the other one is more "image" conscious- he is constantly trying reinforce an image. The more creative one is either homosexual or bisexual whereas the other one seems to try to be a bit of a ladies man.

    Now the less creative ladies man does not impress me and says few things which interest me. His musical tastes are thoroughly unimpressive and I have trouble being around with him for a prolonged period of time.

    The more creative ENFp and I could really talk and were inspired by what the other had to say. It was almost like we would teach one another different creative methods of expression and we had many ideas.

    So I came to a conclusion from this that in comparative relations subtle forms of supervision can form. In the first case I feel I supervise over the ENFp, in the second case I almost felt the opposite, although I believe that our opinions of one another were mutual- that is, we were equally impressed by one another's abilities.

    I like ENFp's if they are very creative and insightful, especially about emotional matters. I could listen to an ENFp talk about emotions and ethical things all day. If they are more simple and insecure, always trying to front an image, i am not impressed and do not feel comfortable around them.
    Exactly we are all individuals, despite our personality type.
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    +Crazy Ne ideas that could never be arrived at by an ENTp because you have to bypass logic to arrive at them eg Douglas Adams.
    +Drama and excitement
    +They go along with my crazy schemes

    -When they get after you point out that their crazy ideas lack logic.
    -How "They're everybody's best friend not just mine"

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    Quote Originally Posted by porntips
    -How "They're everybody's best friend not just mine"
    I know what you mean. I hate that feeling.

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    Yeah, I can see the difference in terms of being emotional (as an ENFp I'm way more emotional and unlogical about it). But usually once I get past my outburst of emotion, I really can step back and look at the situation logically (and the ENTp is good for helping me see that). But I think it bothers the ENTp that I could get upset at any moment. Of course, I could get happy at any given moment too...but we'll see how it goes. It's definitely NOT boring between an ENTp and ENFp, that's for sure!
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    Also, I don't get the thing about ENFps betraying ENTps by being "everybody's best friend" not just theirs. Aren't ENTps really social too? Seems like they have a lot of friends too. Or could it be that ENTps have more surface-level relationships than ENFps? Because both of us seem really social.
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    Nomatter what type you are, when ENFp is dealing with you, you become the center of their universe.

    However ENTp, with its need to be loved, starts believing that the ENFp *really does* think they're the center of the universe. Then, when ENTp sees ENFp treating everyone else in exactly the same manner, the false sense of importance is destroyed.

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    However ENTp, with its need to be loved, starts believing that the ENFp *really does* think they're the center of the universe. Then, when ENTp sees ENFp treating everyone else in exactly the same manner, the false sense of importance is destroyed.
    I think I would agree more with Blaze's description here. I'm attracted to the ENFps positivity, energy and even their ideas but when I get closer I find we just don't connect on a deeper level.

    I won't say I've never manipulated people or a situation but when it comes to people I care about or am trying to protect, it crosses the line into unhealthy behavior for me.

    I am not shy in my compliments but ones given because they are expected or required feel completely insincere and it feels like the person is trying to control me. I resist any forms of this type of control and will start resenting someone pretty quick if they try it on me.

    If someone needs more positive feedback from me its much more affective to explain to me why and what needs they have which aren't being fulfilled by my behavior. I will then do my best to address it. If they go "fishing" a lot though, I see it as them being overly needy and manipulative.

    PS: I'm a slob

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waddlesworth
    Quote Originally Posted by porntips
    -How "They're everybody's best friend not just mine"
    I know what you mean. I hate that feeling.
    My guess: Hidden agenda stuff: to be loved. Narcissist traits, wanting to be the center of the universe. Get therapy!
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    Default ENTp and ENFp kindred relationship

    Really both of us are sort of ENxPs, though she definitely is more F than me, and I am more T than F for sure.

    Thru circumstance, for some reason we have never dated, usually something to do with being in different states, countries or one of the other has been in a relationship or whatever.

    From my point of view she is one of the only people on the planet who I feel emotionally available to, and at the same time she is extremely intelligent.

    I can't seem to find any ideas or commentary at all about ENTP/ENFP relationships except on discussing NT/NF relationships.

    Is this something I should make happen? or better to be best friends?

  16. #16
    meatburger's Avatar
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    Hey dude,

    All relationship can be fine if you work on them. That being said, if you are indeed ENTp and she is ENFp, to be honest its not a very good relation.

    Its called comparative, you can read a little about it on this very website.

    Remember though, you might even have her mistyped, maybe you or she is something different.

    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    If you are really an ENTp and she's really an ENFp, I'd stay far away from that! I'm an ENFp and went out w/ an ENTp guy for six months and it was awful! He hurt my feelings constantly w/o realizing it and couldn't change. He was annoyed that everything hurt my feelings (when he didn't intend it). He started to seem calculating and cold and reminded me of the evil Mr. Burns on The Simpsons. I probably annoyed him too with all my concern for making people happy and he probably thought I was some kinda hippy. When I'd let cars in on the highway it annoyed him, since he liked to just cut people off. Unless you want soap opera drama, I'd find an ISFp or someone more compatible.
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  18. #18
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Yeah don't make your decisions about relationships on Socionics because there is one major flaw to Socionics - it is very very easy to mistype ourselves and others. If you have mistyped either yourself or the other person (or both of you), you could very well discount a really good relationship. There are plenty of people here who know a lot about Socionics and have studied it for ages and still find they have mistyped themselves or someone else so it certainly could happen.

    I think Socionics is probably better to try to explain what is going on than to direct us on what to do because of that one flaw. If you find that the relationship does indeed follow the general flow of a comparative relationship, then that might indicate that you and this other person are typed correctly.

    Also, I'm getting the feeling you might be using MBTI typing? If so, then that wouldn't necessarily indicate what Socionics type you and this other person are so keep that in mind.
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    I'm going to agree with everyone who has said not to use socionics to decide whether or not you should get involved with someone. There's no reason to further complicate something that's already complicated in an attempt to simplify it through this sort of analysis. Stop thinking about the possibility of a relationship and make it happen if you think you two would be good for each other. It sounds like you've known her for a long time. This type of thing is never easy to sort out, but you already know on some level if you are or are not compatible with each other. Focus on sorting out what you already know rather than trying to assign relationship values based on some typology theory.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Perhaps things are different for romantic relations, but in general, in my experience at least, comparitive relations aren't as bad as they're made out to be in the description. There's always the possibility that I've mistyped, since I never have been 100% certain about how to recognise INFps, but based on what I know, at least two of my closest friends are INFps. Again though, I'm not 100% certain about their types, so there's the chance of me mis-typing them.
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    I can't seem to grasp the MBTI/Socionics etc relationship matrix... it is all too geometric to really have any sound basis, I would probably further state that the geometric predicted couples aren't actually accurate, at all.

    Supposedly my DUAL is an ISFP, and in reality there are a few (but not many) personalities that I think I would find less appealing. ( no offense to ISFPs ) Or really S types at all.

    Really I can't see myself involved with non-intuitives, if I look back at my past childhood relationships which thankfully are still intact, I find that those who i really wouldn't be friends unless we had grown up together tend to fall into the other category, and more than not it results in outright (though civil) confrontation, and not in a constructive way.

    What I think (though I maintain my right to be wrong an infinite number of times) is that I need somebody to soften up my "feeling"/ethical side but on the same time I can safely have opposition/reinforcement.

  22. #22
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    Okay oakey, I start by saying screw Socionics when it comes to dumping people or whatever. (As is fairly unanimous.)

    Quote Originally Posted by oakey
    Really I can't see myself involved with non-intuitives, if I look back at my past childhood relationships which thankfully are still intact, I find that those who i really wouldn't be friends unless we had grown up together tend to fall into the other category, and more than not it results in outright (though civil) confrontation, and not in a constructive way.
    The "intuitive" and "non-intuitive" split in Socionics is different than in MBTI (and a lot more balanced, I might add). Are you sure you're identifying it correctly? Have you known any people that match up to the ISFp descriptions?
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    Also, I'm getting the feeling you might be using MBTI typing? If so, then that wouldn't necessarily indicate what Socionics type you and this other person are so keep that in mind.
    I am about as convinced as I can possibly be (that is everything points towards my ENTP/ILEness, but that there is a possibility of otherness, esp. when there is no sound basis to say there is ONLY 16 types, just that 16 was a convenient number of subcategories)

    I am definitely more Intuitive than Logical, and more logical than Ethical... Anyway you test me I get the same consistent answer, ILE or ENTP maybe ENtP or ENtp?

    So if I were to gauge myself in order of type likeliness... ILE, IEE, LIE in this order of descending influence.

    As to HER, I can say definitively she is an Intuitive Ethical Extrovert, though I imagine she could possibly type as an EIE, or ILE, again probably in that order.

    As the Jewels....
    I know I can't handle a panderer... but that doesn't really strike me as an ENFP characteristic, if anything I'd say it was the opposite.

    I know I definitely need a girl who i can see as being my potential equal at the minimum, and has more of the "power team" feel than a dominant/submissive role. It coems down to the fact that I am impossible to dominate, and I don't like to dominate others, and if I am forced to do so i will hold them in contempt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by oakey
    I can't seem to grasp the MBTI/Socionics etc relationship matrix... it is all too geometric to really have any sound basis, I would probably further state that the geometric predicted couples aren't actually accurate, at all.
    Not a very strong argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by oakey
    Supposedly my DUAL is an ISFP, and in reality there are a few (but not many) personalities that I think I would find less appealing. ( no offense to ISFPs ) Or really S types at all.

    Really I can't see myself involved with non-intuitives, if I look back at my past childhood relationships which thankfully are still intact, I find that those who i really wouldn't be friends unless we had grown up together tend to fall into the other category, and more than not it results in outright (though civil) confrontation, and not in a constructive way.
    How sure you are that you are intuitive yourself? So far you seem kinda sensory to me. Would you fall more into introverted or extroverted intuition category?

    Quote Originally Posted by oakey
    What I think (though I maintain my right to be wrong an infinite number of times) is that I need somebody to soften up my "feeling"/ethical side but on the same time I can safely have opposition/reinforcement.
    By talking about "feeling"/ethical do you refer to introverted or extroverted feeling? ISFp/INFp would perhaps be the best to reinforce the extroverted feeling side where ESFp/ENFp would be best to reinforce the introverted feeling side.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elro
    Have you known any people that match up to the ISFp descriptions?
    Too many?

    and ISFP in any descriptor is too subordinate/compromising a persona for me to mesh with (unless I am drastically misunderstanding all the available literature).

    Maybe I have been "attracted" to ISFPs (more likely just a pretty face), but many of the girls I have dated are exactly that type, and I can't seem to kick them to the curb at a faster rate.


    IMO ISFPs are weather-cocks.... sure they always blow the direction the wind is blowing even if it changes every 5 minutes (in this respect they can keep up w/ my ENTP fickleness), but they don't seem to have any ability to fight against the breeze.

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Not a very strong argument.
    Meh, not the direction of the discussion I wish to take at the moment, but....

    The basic point of my argument is that Socionis, MBTI, Kiersty, whomever/whatever is not based on some sort of quantum mathematics where something IS or IS not.. there is no electron/positron opposite/attraction relationship, there are 16 groups of people because it was a statistically feasible way of chopping up people in a fashion that had enough variation in traits that groups could be formed and have a functional meaning while at the same time it wasn't minced up to such a degree that there was so many types that it became statistically irrelevant do to difficulty mistyping (16 is borderline on this already).

    With that said, I have seen ZERO persuasive arguments concerning the comparative/dual or whatever thingamgig model working in a rational geometric fashion.

    IE.... if I plot out all of the typologies it is not apparent that just because the other 15 types have a dual, that a 16th type shouldn't have 2, or none! or that the "dual" of one of the types isn't the dual of another type, and that maybe one type is universally a dual or an anathema to the rest.

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    How sure you are that you are intuitive yourself? So far you seem kinda sensory to me. Would you fall more into introverted or extroverted intuition category?
    Extremely unlikely.... none of the sensory categories are similar, with the closest exception being an ESTP or ISTP, and either of those would be a ridiculous stretch to describe myself, ie not at all.

    Extroverted or Introverted intuition???
    As much as it would be fun to debate this... after rereading all the intuitive introverts, its really laughable... (not that I am laughing at them, more that it would be laughable for me to be any of them... I guess I could be delusional.. but not likely.

    I'll stick to my previous estimations while reserving the possibility of err... but, I appreciate the joust though now I am ever more resolute of my initial predilection.

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    By talking about "feeling"/ethical do you refer to introverted or extroverted feeling? ISFp/INFp would perhaps be the best to reinforce the extroverted feeling side where ESFp/ENFp would be best to reinforce the introverted feeling side.

    Not me.

    More like me.

    And when I say that I am searching to reinforce the latter, the former doesn't particularly appeal to me (though again I refuse to make a value judgment on this as well, I could be subconsciously delusional) I do think I have both characteristics, but in a definitely unequal degree.

    As towards my preference, I usually have a preference towards the socionics definition over MBTI, though the descriptions are fun to read (even though they read more like horoscopes)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Sounds to me like you want someone to tell you to just go for it. So, just go for it, find out how it turns out once you get there. Things will go how they'll go, and there's no way to know ahead of time. Have fun.
    well, more i was looking for people who may or may not have had actual relationships or could comment on the relationship theory. If you have read my previous statements you would realize my doubt of the validity for the geometric fatalist diagram of relationships ( a fairly common view among ENTPers ).

    I wouldn't do something because people said to do something... I might be prone to do the opposite for the same of experimentation!

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    How sure you are that you are intuitive yourself? So far you seem kinda sensory to me. Would you fall more into introverted or extroverted intuition category?
    As a further exploration I decided to review myself on purely a functional basis...

    And I come up with definitively NE-Ti-Fi-Se (in that likely order) whichever that might be....

    After checking wikipedia's socionics reference, that appears to be consistent w/ ENTP, ENTJ, ENFP, and the outside possibility of an INFJ


    So in analysis, myself... most likely ENTP, possibly ENTJ/ENFP but much less likely. INFJ... is definitively not me, but you'll have to trust me on that one.

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    Yeah go for it dude who knows for sure. You're not an ENFp, i can just tell from the way you write.

    All i know is i have met a few ENTp's in my time. I know two close ones that i have spent a great deal of time with. We used to get on quite well but as we grew older we have moved in different directions. Remember that ENTp is Ne+Ti (Fi is actually an ENTp's weakness). ENFp's can get mad at ENTp's for being too brutal where ENTp's get shitty with ENFps for being to emotional etc.

    I often see the truth of Socionics in my relationships with my friends. The friends i feel most comfortable with generally are in my quadra. I think the relations between friends are a good example because there is none of that attraction and sex and romantic crap getting involved
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    i agree with what meatburger is saying. although i generally like. what's not to like? they are very outgoing and people oriented and fun to be around.

    the truth of socionics does reveal itself in this comparative relation, though. i have worked with enfp's and it is very difficult for us to cooperate with plans. it's like we see and notice the same things, but want to take completely different actions, based on quadra values, I think. and really can't help one another very effectively, either. each person's creative function is the other's polr and the other person just starts to vibe you after an initial period of camaraderie. it can even get a little bit vicious.

    i don't want to make too many generalizations, but to me, enfp's are great as friends/acquaintences. they know how to have fun and are interesting to talk to. anything deeper than that, like a family or work relationship, is pretty difficult. just my opinion, though.


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  33. #33
    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    Socionics is pretty accurate, but most importantly, well structured. MBTI is only accurate when it comes about explaining how things work. But if you want to understand why it is so, socionics seems to be the only way.

    So far, my comparative relationship with my sister (me ENFp, she ENTp) is as socionics says. We love each other very much, but we cannot stay close for long. She's quite blunt at times and I comdemn her for it. I unnerve her with my way of thinking, probably because she think's I'm illogical.

    Also, it is a common idea among MBTI intuitives to think that other intuitives are the best thing for them (it's exactly what my INTJ girl friend thinks). However, after you learn about socionics, and more importantly, you unteract with your duals, you'll notice that common interests it's not the only important thing on a relationship. Support and implicit understanding is probably the most solid base for any loving affair.

    That said, there is nothing wrong to pursuit other intuitives. But belive me, it's relaxing and reassuring to be with your dual.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Socionics is pretty accurate, but most importantly, well structured. MBTI is only accurate when it comes about explaining how things work. But if you want to understand why it is so, socionics seems to be the only way.
    say what?

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    Quote Originally Posted by diamond8
    i agree with what meatburger is saying. although i generally like. what's not to like? they are very outgoing and people oriented and fun to be around.

    the truth of socionics does reveal itself in this comparative relation, though. i have worked with enfp's and it is very difficult for us to cooperate with plans. it's like we see and notice the same things, but want to take completely different actions, based on quadra values, I think. and really can't help one another very effectively, either. each person's creative function is the other's polr and the other person just starts to vibe you after an initial period of camaraderie. it can even get a little bit vicious.

    i don't want to make too many generalizations, but to me, enfp's are great as friends/acquaintences. they know how to have fun and are interesting to talk to. anything deeper than that, like a family or work relationship, is pretty difficult. just my opinion, though.
    Well its interesting... I had her retype herself and she tested ENtp this time around. Both her and I Are sort of ENxp-ish.

    So I guess it is more identity/comparative relationship.

    I'[ve already decided to move forward, but now I have other problems... her timing and my timing always are out of sync... its a tragedy or comedy of circumstance.
    / ILE - E(NT)p? 7w8 so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by porntips View Post
    -How "They're everybody's best friend not just mine"
    ILE - Ti.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ephemeros View Post
    typical IEE (ENFP) advice useless for an ILE (ENTP):

    let's say the ILE has created a cool software but it is not finished (as many other things are not finished). he becomes nervous and think about how to solve the problems, to find time and to get inspiration. the IEE says they should go on a trip and relax, this should help.
    so, the problem of the IEE is that she cannot understand the focus of the ILE is to code to finish that damn program, not to get rid of the tormenting thoughts. the ILE will be tormented anywhere in this universe because that software is not finished. on the opposite side, when the IEEs are nervous they simply want to relax because they don't have material purposes on the first place (in my theory, IEEs have the last (completion) line as yin on both of the ego functions; in classic Socionics both their ego functions are internal ).

    i will think about an ILE typical useless advise for IEEs and post.
    Interesting. that's not been my experience. I actually am incredibly stressed out when I have a deadline looming and won't do anything else until it's done. Actually, my ENTp ex used to get really mad when I wouldn't go on random trips w/ him when I had a lot of work/was trying to save money etc. Also, my ISFp friend is always telling me to just do something fun when I'm stressed and worried how I will get everything done. So I don't agree that ENFps are all about not completing work and just having fun.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Interesting. that's not been my experience. I actually am incredibly stressed out when I have a deadline looming and won't do anything else until it's done. Actually, my ENTp ex used to get really mad when I wouldn't go on random trips w/ him when I had a lot of work/was trying to save money etc. Also, my ISFp friend is always telling me to just do something fun when I'm stressed and worried how I will get everything done. So I don't agree that ENFps are all about not completing work and just having fun.
    My brother is ENFP and this is much more the way our relationship goes. He definitely has a stronger "work ethic" about getting things done. I might stress more, but I also slack more.
    ILE - Ti.

  39. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat View Post
    I had an ENTp boss. Very energetic, and very good at starting new stuff, but bad at follow-through and details. Very messy because he couldn't throw anything away. Bit of a workaholic: as if being too busy was somehow a mark of honour.

    Where we clashed:

    The emo stuff (is probably what he'd say). ENFps need a bit more positive emotional feedback than the ENTp is likely to give, esp. when one or both are under pressure. I thought he was rude, he thought I was hyper-sensitive. (Mind you, he could be very touchy himself, but somehow that was an entirely different story and nothing to do with hyper-sensitivity.)

    Might be different for E(N)Fps. I'm an EN(F)p. Won't that make a huge difference in how well you get along with ENTps?
    Yes. An E(N)Fp is so similar to ENTp that they get along well, all other things being favorable to good relations. In the E(N)Fp/ENTp best friends that I'm thinking of, their differences seem miniscule, and their personalities compliment each other well. Also, neither one takes offense at what other people might see as callousness; they register the "offense" (lack of sensitivity, usually on the ENTp's part, for example), but it doesn't phase them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Yes. An E(N)Fp is so similar to ENTp that they get along well, all other things being favorable to good relations. In the E(N)Fp/ENTp best friends that I'm thinking of, their differences seem miniscule, and their personalities compliment each other well. Also, neither one takes offense at what other people might see as callousness; they register the "offense" (lack of sensitivity, usually on the ENTp's part, for example), but it doesn't phase them.
    I think this is true...which probably makes me an Fi subtype.

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