Quote Originally Posted by wym123
Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
What Dimitri says about ILI's should probably also apply to ILE's.
Oh I see, you're saying that the idea of ILI being more explicit regarding methods than LII has mostly to do with T being the 2nd function instead of the dominant? But I thought the idea of having to do with methodology was part of it; after all, he started out by saying "introverted logic is responsible for systematization, while extraverted logic for methodology. "

So while it's important to recognize that the context was in comparing ILE with LII, it seemed that it was hinging on the idea of being focused on methodology.

Anyhow, I was just saying that what was written in this thread about leaving the reader to figure out the connections seemed contradictory to what Dmitri was saying, that's all. As I mentioned later on, there are ways one can explain away the apparent contradiction.
Did anyone realize that Rocky was asking for the impossible because the document is quite lengthy and even if I did figure it out, how can I be certain that I got the exact definition that Rocky implied? Part of what I wanted to know is whether actually argue like that because it appears that is incapable of conducting real debates and that only is capable.
Don't listen to that shit. I always ask for clarifications about defintions when I see that debates aren't getting anywhere, mostly because the source of disagreement is usually to be found in a lack of agreement on the premises (if both parties are using sound logic, it's actually the only possible source of disagreement).