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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #561
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    There are a lot of incorrect things in this response
    Well, that's good. Otherwise your life would resemble mine at some points.

    What do you think your dream meant?

  2. #562
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, that's good. Otherwise your life would resemble mine at some points.

    What do you think your dream meant?
    The girl sitting on my food meant that she was disrespecting me because I was not supposed to be in their city, but, like the other locals, she didn't want to bring it to a full conflict. So other people started looking at me and I freaked out thinking the jig was up. I said what I think it means. It's a synthesis of different experiences. There wasn't a whole lot of explicit meaning to it. If I wanted to construe it in a Jungian fashion, I would say the trappedness, otheredness, the two guides, the shallow pool, and the girl were the most potent symbols, but I think they were just a bunch of archetypes ive come across over my life put together in a dream. The dream definitely fixed me in a certain direction, aligned me a certain way for my day.

  3. #563
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    I am just going to ask this question. Who here can lucid dream? If you can, how "real" does it feel when ya do? What are the limits of your control of the dream? I'm rather curious...

  4. #564
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    I had a dream last night. I was staying at my parents' big, empty house, thinking that the yard and trees needed some work. I was the only one there, since they moved to a nursing home. I was tending my ex-wife's orange tomcat (her actual cat is black) while she was on a trip, but the trip was over and it was time to give the cat back. She and my son drove up and picked up the cat to take it to their new home. As they were getting ready to leave, I told my ex that life with her had been pretty good, even though she was 15% crazy. Well, maybe 20%. She looked at me with resigned amusement, as she always did in our marriage. I now know that to be sympathetic Supervision. And then they drove off.
    I think she's going to be about as happy in her new life as she always was.

    One of the reasons I married her was because my life had been chaotic at the time, and she seemed so adult (SLI Caregiver) and so stable. Plus, she had good taste in clothes and furnishings and she took care of her health and everyday maintenance, which I did not.
    What I didn't realize at the time was that Supervision can lock a person into a certain kind of position. A very limiting position. A position where there is no growth, forever.

    After she moved out, my business started growing by leaps and bounds. Strange, how that happened.

  5. #565
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    I had a dream last night I was involved in a jewelry heist with my oldest daughter. We stole a ruby ring from a museum, but I’d returned it out of guilt. Given the opportunity to steal it again, I noticed someone had already taken it. And it was my daughter. The details are fuzzy, but I remember the gist (correctly maybe). It was like The Thomas Crown Affair or Entrapment...I’m pretty sure I was thinking about the move entrapment the other day and this is why I dreamt this. But it’s pretty weird that a fleeting thought built the basis for one of my dreams.
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    Something about my situation is changing. Normally, when I oversleep, my subconscious starts introducing unpleasant elements into my dreams which cause me to wake up right away. Normally, this works, but recently, it has not. My rational brain seems to be overriding the lizard brain.

    I normally sleep 5.9 hours every night, and then just wake up, but on the weekends, especially if I skipped sleep on Thursday to put more work into a report, I can sleep for 8 or even 9 hours. This happened last night.

    My subconscious seems to hate this. In my dream, I found myself in the middle of a multi-flight trip to a third world destination whose name I hadn’t bothered to learn because it was on the ticket.
    Halfway through the flight, I was delayed by the local customs and missed my connection. Didn’t wake up.
    Then I learned that the middle leg of the next available flight had been cancelled and they didn’t know if there was space available on an alternate flight. Didn’t wake up.
    I had to sleep in a side corridor in the airport because there were no hotels. Didn’t wake up.
    When I woke up (in the dream), my luggage and wallet and watch had been stolen, including the tickets for the remaining flights, and I was left with just a few small bills of US currency in my pocket. Didn’t wake up.
    Some local approached me with a bag and said it contained some toiletries and there was a flight out leaving right away, not to my destination, but to a place that could get me to my destination. I looked inside the bag as we hurried along and saw what looked like a bomb. Lol.
    I seemed to pause, mentally, halfway between the dream and wakefulness, thought about the trajectory of recent events, and woke up for real.

    I should mention that my subconscious is not very inventive. All of those things I experienced in the dream have actually happened to me at some point or another. Except the bomb in the bag, and even that has been implied.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-24-2020 at 08:14 PM.

  7. #567
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    I started to spontaneously lucid dream as a teenager, typically to level 3 according to that psychology today definition. I could fly, control time and things like that. There wasn't that much human interaction so can't really say if level 4 was possible. Probably, but human interaction wasn't on the very top of my list when lucid dreaming, except for meeting school crushes.

    The tendency to lucid dream has reduced a lot as the dreams themselves have become less intense with age, but it still happens sometimes, between levels 1-3. If level 1 happens (realizing it is a dream), then there is a higher likelihood of escalating it to bending the dreamworld to my will. But it's pretty fragile, trying too hard (especially trying for level 4) can just end it and wake me up and often then it's impossible to enter the dream again, the remaining dreams for the night being bland and unimpressive even if lucid.

  8. #568
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    In the past several years I started to have parts of dreams I’d have come flooding into consciousness at random points throughout the day. I do have where I know I’m dreaming in a dream and sometimes I try to wake up from it, but I think I’ve only had a lucid dream where I could control things once. As mentioned before I dream every night, usually several in a night and my dreams are very vivid. Sometimes there is a lot of symbolism and sometimes there are fantasy elements. It would be cool if we could record our dreams and turn them into movies.

    One of my more meaningful dreams was after the passing of my sister. In the dream she was pulling me up into space. She had let me know that there was an afterlife and that it was sublime. As I was floating through space and she was pulling me forward, I had an incredibly amazing feeling surging through my body. I could feel it. She told me this was how it felt in the afterlife. She asked me if I was ready to go into the afterlife, which is where she was pulling me. I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t ready because I needed to stay in this life because I would be needed in the future for her son, my nephew.

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    I had another dream that was quite simple, without any crazy imagery, similar to the one above, but more meaningful to me. I was alone, in a short, flowy, white dress. I was in Italy, the Italian countryside. I was walking past a villa that had the shape of a cross cut out in the top of the villa. There was shade, the were leaves on the ground. It was still and quiet. I was walking parallel to the villa and I came to a cliff where I stopped and saw sparse trees in the distance. That was it lol. It was very simple, but it somehow felt spiritual to me. I’m not religious and I do find it hard to be a true believer of any sort, but I do feel fairly spiritually inclined. I often find spirituality in nature.

  10. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    My LII father can, I've no idea where he heard the concept from though. He explained it to my SEI sister (I'll call her Cookie from now on since she likes Cookie Dough Bites) and I when we were very little, and presented it as a coping mechanism against nightmares we were having. I lost much of the "ability" in my teen years, but Cookie can still lucid dream and would do so nearly nightly before she got sick and began medical treatments.

    Sounds silly but evidently there are "levels" of lucid dreaming, and it is a spectrum on each level.

    Cookie is most likely a Level 4 lucid dreamer, which is the "highest level", since she says she can do anything in her dreams. She's immediately aware that she's dreaming, she knows what's in "the dream land" and what's IRL, and she immediately has control of her actions in her dreams. She flies in her dreams, terraforms the environment, changes the weather, liquefies people if she wants, changes the actions and thoughts of others without persuading or communicating to them... things like that. Her imagination seems to be the limit on what she can do. She's super casual about it too without being hoity toity, if I ask her about it she'll say something along the lines of "You can't do that? Dad taught it to us when we were kids." haha.

    I was never on that level of mastery. I could fully control my actions, interact with everything in the environment, and was beginning to terraform and shit (pretty gardens ftw), but I don't ever recall changing the thoughts or actions of others. Maybe a few times by accident. Current day, when I do dream, I do still have the awareness that I'm dreaming and I still react to my dream environments with limited control. But I have a lot of trouble doing so and don't have the mastery that Cookie does, where it was like a RPG where I could do fuckall.

    As for my dreams feeling real, the first step of lucid dreaming is becoming aware that you are in a dream, so I can't say anything feels truly real. I would have fun in my dreams most of the time, and I still have fun dreaming, but I still knew they were dreams you know? And a big part of dreams for me is disassociating myself from them after I wake up anyways, no matter how much I enjoy whatever they can offer me (fun, symbolism, introspection, etc).
    That "total" mastery-tier seems to have drawbacks if I take the experiences of an LII I know who also has that level of maxed out oneiromancy. See, if you happen to trigger REM sleep you get more hours out of the day as it were. That is, dream sleep counts for more than dreamless sleep. It does for me after all. I'm way more rested after a night of dreams than not.

    I can "guide" my lucid dreams, but not fully control them and, given his account, I'm quite glad about that. He can go full Time Manipulation in his dreams, and that's not exactly a good thing given his accounts. It basically means he's almost fully conscious during a dream sequence. Thus, he ain't getting that "bonus" to his resting time if ya know what I mean.

  11. #571
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    And true, I relate. I do prefer sleep with dreams, even if the sleep is riddled with nightmares, since I tend to feel more rested than a "dreamless" sleep.
    It's because most dreams happen in REM sleep phase and we remember dreams better if we have them just before waking up. So usually a memory of a dream is a sign of waking up during REM phase. it's a well know fact that waking up in this phase makes you feel more rested. There are sleep time calculators on the Internet that help to get this effect but it's not very precise because for every person this time may differ a bit. Maybe comparing how long you slept in dream vs dreamless nights can be used to determine how long sleep is best for you, as an alternative to more advanced and expensive sleep analysis (there is such thing that you can go to a place when you sleep with measuring devices connected to your head and get helpful information, I heard about this somewhere but don't know details).

  12. #572
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    I've been avoiding talking about or writing about this dream I had a few nights ago. Simply because I wasn't sure how others would react to me or how they could possibly interpret it without conjuring feelings of my own insecurity, of fearing that I am more detached from reality than I realized. Regardless, I'll write about it, because it's been mulling and swimming in my conscious and I know writing it down would finally set it free the way it deserves. Some nights ago, I had this dream of being in this forest. It's night time. Or maybe it's within a realm where the sky is black because nothing really exists beyond it. I don't feel the wind. Maybe that means something. I see trees and one in particular stands out, because a woman is tied to it. She wasn't wearing any clothing, and her hair was down. Her skin, her eyes, her hair, are all a pale white tone. She was the only thing that glowed in my dream. She looks up ahead and I see in time, a man drawing a bow and arrow. He shoots the arrows repeatedly at her, and I don't know how or why, but they must've been some heavy duty arrows of some sort, because they would quite literally blow her limbs out from her body. He kept doing this and I could only stand back and watch helplessly, as her arms, legs, torso, breasts, all of it, continue to blow into bits from the impact of his arrows.

    I think I've dreamed of Eve. Every blow I've witnessed was my heart being torn from my body, too.

    In the next scene, when all that was left was her face on the tree, it seemed that the hunter left the scene, pleased at what he's done. Her face was carried into a river by a small girl, and that woman looked up at her as she moves her lips to say something to her. But I don't hear anything. Nothing at all. And again, all I could do, was stand by and watch helplessly. I couldn't even draw this scene because I felt sick and anxious, relaying these scenes again and again in my mind, so I gave up.

    It's funny, but when I saw my mother getting talked down to by my father the morning after that dream, all I could do was cry in my room.

  13. #573
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    Quote Originally Posted by noor View Post
    I've been avoiding talking about or writing about this dream I had a few nights ago. Simply because I wasn't sure how others would react to me or how they could possibly interpret it without conjuring feelings of my own insecurity, of fearing that I am more detached from reality than I realized. Regardless, I'll write about it, because it's been mulling and swimming in my conscious and I know writing it down would finally set it free the way it deserves. Some nights ago, I had this dream of being in this forest. It's night time. Or maybe it's within a realm where the sky is black because nothing really exists beyond it. I don't feel the wind. Maybe that means something. I see trees and one in particular stands out, because a woman is tied to it. She wasn't wearing any clothing, and her hair was down. Her skin, her eyes, her hair, are all a pale white tone. She was the only thing that glowed in my dream. She looks up ahead and I see in time, a man drawing a bow and arrow. He shoots the arrows repeatedly at her, and I don't know how or why, but they must've been some heavy duty arrows of some sort, because they would quite literally blow her limbs out from her body. He kept doing this and I could only stand back and watch helplessly, as her arms, legs, torso, breasts, all of it, continue to blow into bits from the impact of his arrows.

    I think I've dreamed of Eve. Every blow I've witnessed was my heart being torn from my body, too.

    In the next scene, when all that was left was her face on the tree, it seemed that the hunter left the scene, pleased at what he's done. Her face was carried into a river by a small girl, and that woman looked up at her as she moves her lips to say something to her. But I don't hear anything. Nothing at all. And again, all I could do, was stand by and watch helplessly. I couldn't even draw this scene because I felt sick and anxious, relaying these scenes again and again in my mind, so I gave up.

    It's funny, but when I saw my mother getting talked down to by my father the morning after that dream, all I could do was cry in my room.
    This dream is like a painting by Max Ernst or Leonora Carrington.

  14. #574
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Something about my situation is changing. Normally, when I oversleep, my subconscious starts introducing unpleasant elements into my dreams which cause me to wake up right away. Normally, this works, but recently, it has not. My rational brain seems to be overriding the lizard brain.

    I normally sleep 5.9 hours every night, and then just wake up, but on the weekends, especially if I skipped sleep on Thursday to put more work into a report, I can sleep for 8 or even 9 hours. This happened last night.

    My subconscious seems to hate this. In my dream, I found myself in the middle of a multi-flight trip to a third world destination whose name I hadn’t bothered to learn because it was on the ticket.
    Halfway through the flight, I was delayed by the local customs and missed my connection. Didn’t wake up.
    Then I learned that the middle leg of the next available flight had been cancelled and they didn’t know if there was space available on an alternate flight. Didn’t wake up.
    I had to sleep in a side corridor in the airport because there were no hotels. Didn’t wake up.
    When I woke up (in the dream), my luggage and wallet and watch had been stolen, including the tickets for the remaining flights, and I was left with just a few small bills of US currency in my pocket. Didn’t wake up.
    Some local approached me with a bag and said it contained some toiletries and there was a flight out leaving right away, not to my destination, but to a place that could get me to my destination. I looked inside the bag as we hurried along and saw what looked like a bomb. Lol.
    I seemed to pause, mentally, halfway between the dream and wakefulness, thought about the trajectory of recent events, and woke up for real.

    I should mention that my subconscious is not very inventive. All of those things I experienced in the dream have actually happened to me at some point or another. Except the bomb in the bag, and even that has been implied.
    Interesting. Generally when you get terrorised by your unconscious in your dreams or otherwise it implies you have emotional problems or problems that hurt you deeply

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    I had a dream that I was guessing the enneagram types of action figures.
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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    I had a dream that I was guessing the enneagram types of action figures.
    I have dreams where I try to type anime characters. But I also do this IRL.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
    Enneagram: 9w8 5w6 2w1
    AP: VELF 4231
    PY: FEVL

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    I dreamed that I was in a cabin in the woods with an ESI that I know. We had just met and were vacationing. She climbed into bed and I was undressing to follow her, but I wasn’t planning to have sex with her; just to sleep.

    I tried looking up online what this might mean and couldn’t find any explanations which made sense. Instead, I think it addresses two things in regards to my life.

    One, when my ex and I first started seeing each other, we decided to spend two weeks together in a cabin on a beach. Ostensibly, it was a vacation. In reality, it was a test run to see if we could live together. It turned out, we could.

    Two, I think my dream is telling me that sex is not the primary consideration in relationships. I’ve noticed that I’m immediately sexually attracted to LSI’s and not to ESI’s, but ESI’s are easy to be around and make me feel happy when they are simply there.

    Now I’m interpreting my own dreams, and I wonder if that is wise?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    This is true, yeah. I've had sleep studies done as a kid and I've always had trouble entering the REM cycle. Since I was a child, I've been told that I sleep with my eyes partially open which may effect the REM sleep phase.

    Comparing the dreamless nights to the nights that have dreams to determine how long I should sleep is very valuable advice, thank you!
    My mother sometimes slept with her eyes partly open. My father, who was in two wars and frequently worked late, would come home and find her like this and it scared the shit out of him when he first saw it.

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    Some smiley blonde gave me a baby to hold in my hands, .. tbh that's all really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    This dream is like a painting by Max Ernst or Leonora Carrington.
    What do you suppose my dream means?

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    Last night I dreamed that all the mechanical devices around me stopped working. My sister's car, my iPhone, everything just started to fail. On the other hand, I could run far and effortlessly in this dream, as I did in high school, which is something that I haven't been able to do since years of running wrecked my knees and ankles.
    I've never had a dream like this before, where literally every mechanical device around me failed to work but I myself was extremely healthy.

    This dream is probably a reflection of the corona virus situation. I'm not traveling all the time for work and as a result, I'm less stressed and getting more exercise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy View Post
    I was thinking lucid dreaming on extreme levels would mess up good quality dream interpretation, if that's what you're saying. I could even see how superstitions may come into play.

    And true, I relate. I do prefer sleep with dreams, even if the sleep is riddled with nightmares, since I tend to feel more rested than a "dreamless" sleep.

    I wonder what it is with LIIs and lucid dreaming haha.
    They might, given how that final level of lucid dreaming would essentially make you a "god" within the dream. Though, like I said, I know a man who has attained that state and regrets it for it only compounds his insomnia. He wishes he could dream as I do. I guide, perhaps even significantly influence, but I can never claim to fully control the experience...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    They might, given how that final level of lucid dreaming would essentially make you a "god" within the dream. Though, like I said, I know a man who has attained that state and regrets it for it only compounds his insomnia. He wishes he could dream as I do. I guide, perhaps even significantly influence, but I can never claim to fully control the experience...
    I miss the phase of dreams where I would die and then become omnipotent for 20 seconds before waking. Such better days.

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    i once dreamt i found myself at the very center of all existence, like i was physically in the spiritual plane of the world, it was very colorful but also very painful and intense because i felt like i could feel all the spiritual and psychological pain of the universe at once. i then found a passageway to exploring the pain of my breakup with my ex, and it was a bottomless pit i just kept falling into face forward.

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    i can't really remember the dream, but last night i remember it ended with my standing/sitting on the edge of a highway. there were sort of, curved paths. the sky was a sepia tone, kind of golden, and there were matching leaves on the ground strewn about indicating it was autumn. i went to sit on some cobblestone/stone of some sort wall. i looked to the sky and saw a gigantic, sheer white moon (i've seen the gigantic moon before, though red). I was able to pull it toward me, or was trying to. I think I was on some app chatting with people also. That's all I remember.

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    I just had a weird realization. I was thinking of how some of my favorite dreams were kind of simple with beautiful, sometimes landscapes and peacefulness (as opposed to some crazier ones I have). Then I realized that the ones I was thinking of (there are a few) is always me, by myself, on some sort of path I eventually come to a vast wide open space, near a cliff or a large body of water, etc. and then it ends. I wonder how that is interpreted.

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    I dreamt I was reading a book, only remember this sentence be cause I woke up on it: either you are wrong or your thoughts are wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeris View Post
    I dreamt I was reading a book, only remember this sentence be cause I woke up on it: either you are wrong or your thoughts are wrong.
    I like that, I wonder what the answer is o.O

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    I like that, I wonder what the answer is o.O
    I've been reading spiritual stuff recently, stuff that says how you think about what happens is what is painful, or cause pain. If we judge a situation as bad, it can cause us distress, frustration, and all the negative emotions, and we long for what we think would be better so we live for the future, not here and now... and the better we think about can be disappointing once it's reality.
    If we judge a situation as good, any hint of change can make us feel threatened, we want to cling to what we prefer and this causes us stress. By trying to retain which we have, we live in the past. That's why our thoughts are wrong because they keep us from the present if we attach to much importance to them, if we identify with them.
    Of course, it's impossible not to have no such thoughts, it's about seeing them as "wrong" or just not giving them the whole spotlight since they aren't the whole story.
    I've recently watched a movie on Nelson Mandela's life, in it he gets asked if he wants to take revenge on the white population for the oppressing he and black people have suffered, he said yes, but that he will not act on this because what he wants more than revenge is peace. He recognized the anger, hatred, and the wish for revenge in himself but he did not let it take all the place in his mind, he kept love and compassion in his thoughts, both toawrds others and himself, which lead him to do great things, that's how his thoughts were wrong, and therefore he was not. It's the easiest thing one can do, but also the most difficult.

    It's also why I like putting hearts everywhere, to remind myself the stuff I think wrong is not the whole picture.
    This got a little long, ah.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeris View Post
    I've been reading spiritual stuff recently, stuff that says how you think about what happens is what is painful, or cause pain. If we judge a situation as bad, it can cause us distress, frustration, and all the negative emotions, and we long for what we think would be better so we live for the future, not here and now... and the better we think about can be disappointing once it's reality.
    If we judge a situation as good, any hint of change can make us feel threatened, we want to cling to what we prefer and this causes us stress. By trying to retain which we have, we live in the past. That's why our thoughts are wrong because they keep us from the present if we attach to much importance to them, if we identify with them.
    Of course, it's impossible not to have no such thoughts, it's about seeing them as "wrong" or just not giving them the whole spotlight since they aren't the whole story.
    I've recently watched a movie on Nelson Mandela's life, in it he gets asked if he wants to take revenge on the white population for the oppressing he and black people have suffered, he said yes, but that he will not act on this because what he wants more than revenge is peace. He recognized the anger, hatred, and the wish for revenge in himself but he did not let it take all the place in his mind, he kept love and compassion in his thoughts, both toawrds others and himself, which lead him to do great things, that's how his thoughts were wrong, and therefore he was not. It's the easiest thing one can do, but also the most difficult.

    It's also why I like putting hearts everywhere, to remind myself the stuff I think wrong is not the whole picture.
    This got a little long, ah.
    It was great. I appreciate the thorough response and can I say I agree with the majority of it.

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    Last night I dreamed that I found a dual and I couldn't get within ten feet of her. Very weird dream.

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    I dreamed I drew porn and showed it to my dad, and he liked it.

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    ^ That’s fairly disturbing.

    Never show someone else your porn unless you want to try it out with them. No good will come of it.

  34. #594
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    I dreamt I found some guns in a camping forest, and they were made of a special hard wood instead of metal, with a smoothly refined surface and a medium-light brown color. And the bullets could be metal ones, or they could be anything that fitted into the chamber, like crayons. I preferred the crayons because those were less destructive, but they did tend to jam, especially if they weren't exactly the right length. The main item was a handgun, and then a sort of extension casing, which turned the handgun into a rifle with a scope.

    At one point I tried to shoot a rampaging racoon that was breaking things and threatening people, but all I had were crayon bullets (I had used the metal ones for target practice, not realizing I'd need them) and they were either ineffective or got all squished in the rifle, which was really unhelpful. I remember thinking I don't like hurting things, but felt I had no choice. (IRL, I hate violence; I probably would have suggested trapping the creature.)

    Later, the campground maintenance person wanted to see the weapons because he was curious, and I sensed he was suspicious of me plus he had a nefarious feel. He took the handgun and then wouldn't give it back when I asked. I eventually wrested it away from him, and then told him something along the lines of if he tried to take or even touch these again I'd hurt him / he'd physically regret it. I don't remember the exact phrasing. But I do remember feeling ferociously firm and determined. He backed down.

    When I woke up, I told my husband about it, and he said, "Good job!" I feel less sure about it because most of that entire dream was out of character for me.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    My father passed away in March.

    Last night, I dreamed that he gave me his gun collection. He started this transfer by pointing a loaded gun at my head. I said, “Jesus, dad!”, because he might have been joking but he was old and his coordination was not so good. He smiled and the gun fell apart in his hand from disuse.

    In reality, he didn’t have a gun collection, just the 45 he carried in the Army (he retired a Colonel). He may have had more guns; he hinted at that, but I never saw them.

    In the dream, the guns covered the bed. I thought, “Now what am I going to do with this junk?”

  36. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    My father passed away in March.

    Last night, I dreamed that he gave me his gun collection. He started this transfer by pointing a loaded gun at my head. I said, “Jesus, dad!”, because he might have been joking but he was old and his coordination was not so good. He smiled and the gun fell apart in his hand from disuse.

    In reality, he didn’t have a gun collection, just the 45 he carried in the Army (he retired a Colonel). He may have had more guns; he hinted at that, but I never saw them.

    In the dream, the guns covered the bed. I thought, “Now what am I going to do with this junk?”

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    Dreamt about enneagram. I was an E4, my sister was an E7 and for some reason it created conflict. There was way more to the dream, but yeah...

  38. #598
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
    I've been having dreams that are incredibly violent in nature as of late. The depictions of violence are incredibly graphic. Some would call them "sci-fi", I think. This level of violence is not directed at people I know, and the urge to save my loved ones and to survive is overflowing throughout all the dreams. When I look back, the dreams do not disturb me, though, and the violence doesn't bother me in my dreams since I'm so focused on getting people to safety.

    There are clear symbols, red on white, machinery, animal patterns. A lot of things look like they're bright, sterile, and clinical but at the same time, aspects of the same rooms and parts of the dream look like they're dark, dirty, rusty, and gory.

    Dunno. Dreams are dreams and I don't remember them fully.
    Perhaps you're worried about the future? Sounds like there might be some people in your life ur already or wanting to help.

    Red means passion, violence, perhaps anger.... White means purity and peace ... Maybe u feel like your peace is being disturbed in some way.

    Usually when u have violent dreams, there may be something u feel like is out of ur control, or there's something buried deep inside like some kind of anger about something...

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    How about this one? I was in my apartment complex, and i got the urge to run outside and down the concrete steps. Just outside the gates of the apartments, a giant and i mean a GIANT was coming for no good. It was thanos and best belief I was scarlet witch. I felt the red electricity come from my toes to my finger tips and shot all i could! But even with the people of the apartments, some gifted like me, tried to help but it wasn’t enough with that burst we just threw towards him. After that I hauled ASS and went for an escape eventually diving into a darkened lake without hesistation. Hoping he couldn’t sense me. That was the ending shocking me awake, it felt like getting shot at and the pursuer missing, or holding of the breath behind a closet door as the footstep passes. The end was with the dive and sense of i hope he wasn’t close enough to see my clear tracks...

  40. #600
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    My reoccurring dream themes:

    .someone seeking to murder me with their bare hands. in the end i always manage to fend them off with something random like laundry detergent
    .(uno reverse) just "knowing" i have to murder someone, and it's always done either with my bare hands or a dagger, and i HATE that i have to do it
    .being chased
    .talking to people but along the course of the dream it's like i slowly start becoming invisible and no one notices me anymore

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