Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I just had a dream wherein I was sipping from a glass of ice water and a little baby cat jumped in and sat, submerged under the ice, just looking around.

I took the cat in a glass over to the kitchen sink to pour it and the ice out, because it was showing no signs of climbing out by itself.

What in the world could this mean?

I wonder if the kitten represents ESIs? But why ice water? Because I can’t seem to warm them up, and they seem perfectly comfortable staying cold but under water?

Huh. IDK.

The other part of this is that I saw the cat as being in need of rescue. If the cat represents ESIs, that’s bad.

I didn’t actually think that the cat needed to be rescued, but it wasn’t climbing out on its own, and I really didn’t want a dead cat in my glass.
Ice water is uncomfortable, ever taken a cold shower? Yet, a cat, a creature who hates water jumped in it of its own will like it was nothing. Maybe it means you've put yourself in an uncomfortable situation and you unconsciously dread the idea of dying in it.
Well, that got dark, feel free to ignore if it means nothing to you.
What color was the cat tho?